In DC/Young Justice with the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix and a Chat Group

Chapter 20: Dissatisfaction

The training session at Mount Justice had been particularly intense today. Black Canary had pushed the team through a series of increasingly complex combat scenarios, focusing on adaptability and teamwork under pressure.

By the end, even Superboy looked winded, though he'd sooner admit to enjoying Superman's company than acknowledge any physical fatigue.

I had performed adequately - maintaining the careful balance of showing enough skill to be valuable without revealing the full extent of my capabilities.

The Ultimatrix had remained inactive throughout; today's exercises had been specifically designed to test our abilities without powers or technology.

"Good work, everyone," Black Canary concluded, her tone professional but approving. "Your coordination has improved significantly since our first sessions."

The team dispersed to various parts of the mountain base - Kid Flash predictably heading straight for the kitchen, Robin to the computer terminals,

Aqualad and Superboy toward the showers, and M'gann floating toward her quarters to prepare dinner for those staying at the mountain.

I lingered behind, reviewing the session's recordings on a data pad. My fighting style needed refinement - not in technique, which was adequate, but in consistency.

I had allowed muscle memory to take over during certain sequences, displaying reflexes and precision that seemed incongruous with my supposed background.

"Your combat instincts are impressive," Black Canary observed, approaching from behind. "Especially for someone with limited formal training."

I turned, offering a modest smile. "I'm a quick study."

"So it seems." Her expression remained neutral, but her eyes were evaluative. "Though there's something interesting about your technique. Sometimes you move like someone with years of experience, other times like a talented beginner. It's... inconsistent."

Damn it. She noticed. Expected but no less annoying for this was precisely the issue I'd noted myself.

The muscle memory from this body - essentially Ben's but with Albedo's coloration - contains combat training from Max Tennyson, one of the best Plumbers in the universe.

Those instincts occasionally break through despite my attempts to maintain a consistent skill level.

"I've studied various martial arts videos and practiced extensively," I explained, trying to sound casual. "Some movements are more ingrained than others."

She nodded, though I could tell she wasn't entirely satisfied with my explanation. "Consider adding more structure to your training regimen. Raw talent only goes so far without proper foundation."

"I appreciate the advice," I replied, genuinely meaning it. Despite my circumstances, I respected her expertise.

After she departed, I completed my review of the recordings, making mental notes for future sessions.

A month and a half had passed since my arrival at Wayne Manor.

A freaking month and a half of careful navigation between multiple roles - ward of Bruce Wayne, student at Gotham Academy, researcher at GSI, and now trainee with the Young Justice team.

Each role required a different persona, a different set of behaviors and expectations. The constant performance was exhausting, though not without its strategic value.

Batman had maintained his vigilant oversight, though the intensity had diminished somewhat as I demonstrated consistent behavior.

The Justice League's initial wariness had evolved into cautious acceptance, particularly after several successful training missions with the team. I was being integrated into their system, precisely as I had anticipated.

Yet the constraints chafed more with each passing day. I'm not used to having my movements monitored, my words analyzed, my actions restricted. It's driving me fucking crazy.

"Samael," M'gann's cheerful voice interrupted my thoughts. "I'm making dinner for everyone staying tonight. Will you be joining us?"

"Thank you, but I need to return to Gotham," I replied. "Alfred is expecting me back for dinner."

Her disappointment was evident, though she quickly masked it with a smile. "Another time, then. Tell Alfred I'm still hoping to get his cookie recipe someday!"

I nodded, gathering my belongings. M'gann's genuine warmth made her difficult to dislike, despite the danger her telepathic abilities posed to my secrets.

I had developed increasingly sophisticated mental barriers during our training sessions, learning to project surface thoughts that aligned with my cover story while keeping deeper knowledge secured.

The zeta tube announced my departure with mechanical precision: "Recognized: Samael Morningstar, B07."

The familiar disorientation of molecular transportation faded as I materialized in the Batcave. Unlike my first visit, I now had regular access, though certain areas remained restricted. Batman's trust extended only so far.

"You're back early," Alfred observed from his position at the computer console, where he was updating the cave's security protocols. "I wasn't expecting you for another hour."

"Training concluded ahead of schedule," I explained, ascending the stairs toward the manor proper.

"And how was today's session?" he inquired, his tone conversational yet attentive.

I had no illusions about the purpose of these seemingly casual questions - Alfred served as Batman's eyes and ears when the Dark Knight himself was absent.

"Productive. Black Canary focused on hand-to-hand combat scenarios without powers or equipment."

"A valuable skill set, particularly when technological advantages fail," Alfred noted. "Master Bruce has always emphasized the importance of self-reliance in such situations."

I nodded in agreement, though inwardly I found the concept somewhat ironic. Batman, for all his emphasis on self-reliance, maintained an extensive network of allies and resources.

His apparent independence was, in many ways, as carefully constructed as my own cover story.

"Dinner will be served at seven," Alfred informed me. "Master Bruce is attending a Wayne Enterprises board meeting and may be late."

"Thank you, Alfred." I continued upward, emerging through the grandfather clock entrance into Bruce's study.

The manor was quiet, as it often was - too large for its few occupants, filled with echoes of a family long gone.

I made my way to my quarters, closing the door behind me with a sense of relief.

Here, at least, I could partially lower my guard, though I remained aware of the surveillance systems monitoring the manor.

I activated the sound dampening measures I had covertly installed in my room, creating a bubble of privacy that would defeat most conventional listening devices.

Not perfect protection, especially against Batman's technology, but sufficient for my immediate needs.

Sitting at my desk, I opened my research notes from GSI. The work on interdimensional barriers had progressed significantly since my arrival.

Dr. Chen had been impressed with my "theoretical insights," unaware that they were derived from practical knowledge of multiversal travel.

The project now had increased funding and attention from Wayne Enterprises, which was both advantageous and concerning - more resources, but also more scrutiny.

After reviewing the latest data, I turned to a more personal project - my analysis of the Ultimatrix and its connection to my soul.

Using Graymatter's intelligence during private moments, I had begun mapping the device's functionality in greater detail, understanding its limitations and possibilities.

The transformation process itself was fascinating - a quantum reconfiguration that temporarily shifted my biological structure while maintaining my consciousness.

The energy requirements were substantial, drawing directly from my soul rather than conventional power sources.

This unique mechanism explained both the device's independence from external charging and its personalized connection to me.

My research had also revealed something unexpected - the Ultimatrix was evolving.

Subtle changes in its energy signature suggested adaptation to my specific patterns of use, potentially unlocking new capabilities over time.

The implications were significant, though I kept these observations strictly to myself.

As I worked, a familiar frustration began to build. The constraints of my current situation were becoming increasingly intolerable.

Every action scrutinized, every word analyzed, every relationship evaluated for strategic value rather than genuine connection.

The necessity of maintaining multiple personas was wearing on me, creating a constant undercurrent of tension that threatened to surface at inopportune moments.

"Goddamn it," I muttered, pushing away from the desk. This was getting harder with each passing day. I closed my eyes, taking a measured breath.

This frustration was dangerous - not merely unpleasant but potentially catastrophic to my long-term plans.

Uncontrolled emotional reactions led to mistakes, and mistakes under Batman's watchful eye could set me back months or years.

"Control," I murmured to myself. "Patience."

I need to approach this logically. What are the facts?

Fact one: I possess power beyond anything most beings in this universe can comprehend. The Ultimatrix gives me access to transformations that could level cities or reshape continents.

Fact two: Despite this power, I am currently in a position of limited autonomy. Batman's guardianship, while less restrictive than outright imprisonment, still constrains my movements and actions.

Fact three: This constraint is temporary. It will naturally diminish as I demonstrate consistent reliability and cooperation.

Fact four: Premature rebellion would be strategically disastrous. It would confirm their suspicions and potentially lead to more severe restrictions.

Fact five: My long-term objectives require legitimacy and influence that can only be built through careful positioning within existing power structures.

Therefore, the logical response to my current frustration is not to rebel but to channel it into productive efforts that advance my strategic position.

The discomfort I feel now is the price of future freedom.

The heroes of this world operate under a fundamentally flawed paradigm - maintaining a system that perpetuates injustice while making superficial efforts to address its symptoms.

Their oversight of me is based on fear and mistrust, cloaked in the language of protection and guidance.

They see my power as a potential threat rather than a transformative tool.

And they're not entirely wrong. The changes I envision would indeed threaten their carefully maintained status quo.

Yet direct confrontation would be disastrous at this stage. I need their trust, their networks, their legitimacy.

The path to reshaping this world requires working within its systems before transcending them.

Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman - these figures hold not just power but moral authority in the public consciousness.

Opposing them directly would cast me as a villain in the narrative they control.

No, the approach requires subtlety. Integration before transformation.

I need to become so thoroughly embedded in their world that by the time they recognize the true nature of my ambitions, it will be too late to effectively oppose them.

I opened my eyes, the momentary surge of frustration receding as I refocused on the strategic necessities.

This year under Batman's guardianship is merely the first phase - establishing a foundation of apparent trustworthiness and cooperation.

Once that foundation is secure, I can gradually expand my influence, building the connections and resources needed for the next stages.

The heroes' surveillance will inevitably decrease as I demonstrate consistent reliability. Already, Batman's direct monitoring has reduced in intensity.

The Justice League's initial wariness has evolved into cautious acceptance. The Young Justice team increasingly treats me as one of their own.

All proceeding according to plan, despite the personal cost.

I returned to my research, channeling my frustration into productive analysis. The work itself was genuinely engaging, advancing both my cover story and my actual understanding of interdimensional mechanics.

Every insight brought me closer to comprehending how I had arrived in this reality and, potentially, how I might navigate between worlds at will.

A soft chime from my computer alerted me to an incoming message - a notification from GSI about tomorrow's research schedule.

Dr. Chen had adjusted the timeline for our next phase of experiments, accelerating the development of a more stable viewing portal.

The message included technical specifications that aligned remarkably well with certain aspects of my plans.

Coincidence? Perhaps. But in my experience, true coincidences are rare as unicorn shit. The universe has patterns, connections that become visible only when viewed from the right perspective.

My presence in this reality, my connection to the Omniversal Observation System, my placement at GSI working on interdimensional research - these form a pattern too coherent to be random.

Something - or someone - has orchestrated these circumstances. Understanding the purpose behind that orchestration remains one of my primary objectives.

It's why I remained in Gotham in the beginning in the first place. That there were perhaps clues to what brought me here and why.

If only I freaking knew I'd end up in this shitty situation.

I composed a reply to Dr. Chen, confirming my availability for tomorrow's adjusted schedule. Maintaining my position at GSI is crucial, not just for access to research resources but for the credibility it provides.

The scientific community's acceptance of my expertise reinforces my cover story and creates opportunities for broader influence.

As I completed my response, I felt the familiar subtle shift that preceded an Omniversal Observation System connection. The blue rectangle materialized in my room, accompanied by its standard notification:





Emergency session? This was unexpected. The rectangle expanded, but instead of showing all four participants, only Azula appeared, looking slightly disheveled - a stark contrast to her usual immaculate presentation.

"Princess Azula," I acknowledged, immediately alert. "This is unusual."

"Samael," she replied, her tone controlled but with an underlying tension. "It seems our observer has decided we require a private conversation."

A message appeared:





"Strategic alliance?" I repeated, studying her carefully. "An interesting topic for an emergency session."

Azula's eyes narrowed slightly. "Indeed. Though perhaps timely, given recent developments in my world."

"What kind of developments?" I asked, genuinely curious. Based on our previous conversations, I had placed her early in the Avatar timeline, still hunting her brother and uncle.

"I've captured Ba Sing Se," she stated, a hint of pride breaking through her controlled demeanor.

"The Earth Kingdom capital has fallen to the Fire Nation through strategy rather than military force. A significant achievement, though not without... complications."

This was a major event in the Avatar timeline - Azula's coup in Ba Sing Se, which would eventually lead to her breakdown and defeat.

The fact that the System had connected us at this specific moment suggested it recognized the significance of this turning point.

"Congratulations on your victory," I said carefully. "Strategic conquests are often more durable than those won through brute force."

"Precisely," she agreed. "Though maintaining control requires different skills than acquiring it. The Earth Kingdom bureaucracy is vast and resistant to change, despite their leadership's capitulation."

I nodded understanding. "Large systems have institutional momentum that persists even when leadership changes.

The true challenge of transformation isn't removing the old guard but reshaping the underlying structures."

"You understand," she said, looking slightly surprised. "Most see only the visible aspects of power - thrones, crowns, formal titles. Few recognize the invisible networks that actually determine how systems function."

"Those networks are where real change must occur," I agreed. "Otherwise, you're simply replacing figureheads while the underlying dynamics remain unchanged."

A new message appeared:





Azula's eyebrow raised at this assessment. "Our observer seems to have specific ideas about what each of us needs."

"And isn't entirely wrong," I acknowledged. "Though perhaps oversimplified."

She studied me for a moment before speaking. "The Fire Nation's conquest of Ba Sing Se represents an unprecedented opportunity to reshape the world order.

With the Earth Kingdom under our control and the Water Tribes isolated, only the Avatar stands against the inevitable triumph of the Fire Nation."

"And you believe I could assist in this reshaping?" I asked, maintaining a neutral tone despite my awareness of how her story would ultimately unfold.

"Your perspective on systems transformation could prove valuable," she admitted. "You speak of change in a way that suggests practical experience rather than mere theory."

I considered my response carefully.

The System had initiated this connection for a reason, and while I knew Azula's ultimate fate in her original timeline, the multiverse theory suggested infinite variations were possible.

Perhaps in this version, events might unfold differently.

"I do have experience with systemic transformation," I said finally. "Though primarily theoretical rather than applied.

The challenge you face in Ba Sing Se is significant - integrating a conquered territory with a fundamentally different cultural foundation into your empire."

"Exactly," she agreed, leaning forward slightly. "The Earth Kingdom has operated under its own systems for centuries.

Simply imposing Fire Nation protocols would create resistance and inefficiency. What's required is a more... nuanced approach."

"One that maintains the appearance of continuity while fundamentally altering the power dynamics," I suggested.

Her eyes lit with interest. "Yes. Precisely that."

"The key is identifying the essential nodes of influence within the existing system," I continued. "Not just the formal authorities, but the informal networks that actually control information flow and resource allocation.

Once those are mapped, they can be subtly redirected to serve new objectives while maintaining their familiar external forms."

Azula was now watching me with undisguised interest. "You speak as if you've studied such transitions extensively."

"I have," I acknowledged. "Different contexts, but similar principles apply across systems.

The most successful transformations are those where most participants don't realize a fundamental change has occurred until it's already complete."

A new message appeared:





This was unexpected - the System seemed to be suggesting that physical travel between our dimensions might eventually be possible.

The three of them have been particularly believing of it - I myself still had doubts.

The implications though were significant, though the "uncertain" timeline made immediate action impractical.

Azula's expression remained carefully controlled, though I could see the calculations happening behind her eyes. "If transit between our worlds became possible, a formal alliance would have substantial advantages for both parties."

"Potentially," I agreed cautiously. "Though such technology remains theoretical at present."

"Theory often precedes practice," she countered. "Particularly with proper motivation and resources."

She was right, of course.

My work at GSI was already advancing understanding of interdimensional mechanics, and the Ultimatrix itself represented a form of dimensional manipulation, albeit focused on genetic transformation rather than physical transit.

"What would you envision such an alliance entailing?" I asked, curious about her perspective.

"Mutual support in achieving our respective objectives," she replied smoothly. "You seek to transform your world's systems;

I seek to consolidate and expand the Fire Nation's dominion. Our goals need not conflict and might indeed complement each other."

I considered this carefully. Azula was a dangerous potential ally - brilliant but unstable, especially following her conquest of Ba Sing Se.

Her eventual breakdown in the original timeline stemmed partly from paranoia about betrayal.

Yet her strategic acumen and political position offered potential advantages that couldn't be dismissed outright - for her world has particular things I am interested in.

Primarily their spirits.

"Any effective alliance requires clear parameters," I said finally. "Defined objectives, boundaries, and expectations. Without those, misunderstandings become inevitable."

"Naturally," she agreed. "Though such details would depend on the practical realities of interaction between our worlds - a matter that remains theoretical for now."

A message appeared:





"A measured assessment," I observed. "And reasonable given the current limitations."

Azula nodded, though I detected a hint of disappointment in her expression. "For now, perhaps we can continue to exchange insights on our respective situations.

Even without formal alliance, such dialogue has value."

"Agreed," I said. "Your situation in Ba Sing Se presents interesting parallels to certain aspects of my own position.

The challenge of operating within established systems while gradually reshaping them from within."

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "You refer to your placement under the vigilante's guardianship?"

"Among other constraints," I acknowledged. "My current strategy requires working within existing power structures while establishing the foundation for more significant changes."

"A patient approach," she noted. "Though patience has its limits."

"Indeed," I agreed. "But premature action often creates more obstacles than it removes. The key is recognizing the precise moment when transition becomes possible."

She studied me thoughtfully. "You play a long game, Samael Morningstar. I can respect that, even if my own circumstances often demand more immediate action."

A final message appeared:





"It seems our observer has decided we've exchanged enough insights for now," Azula observed.

"Until next time, Princess," I said with a slight nod. "I wish you success in your consolidation of Ba Sing Se."

"And I wish you patience in your current constraints," she replied with a knowing smile.

"Though not too much patience. Some cages are comfortable enough that one forgets they are cages at all."

With that pointed observation, the connection terminated, leaving me alone once more in my room at Wayne Manor.

I sat in silence for several minutes, processing the implications of this unexpected conversation.

The System's initiation of a private connection with Azula, specifically focused on "strategic alliance," suggested developments beyond my current understanding.

The mention of potential dimensional transit was particularly significant, though the uncertain timeline made immediate planning impractical.

Azula herself presented an interesting potential ally - brilliant, ambitious, and positioned at a critical juncture in her world's power structure, that I could make significant use of were I to travel to her world.

Yet again, her eventual instability in the original timeline couldn't be ignored. Any alliance would require careful management of her paranoid tendencies and impulsive nature.

Her final comment about comfortable cages struck uncomfortably close to my current frustrations.

The constraints of Batman's guardianship, the Justice League's oversight, the careful performance required to maintain my cover - these were indeed becoming almost routine, their limitations internalized as I adapted to working within them.

That adaptation was necessary but dangerous. Becoming too accustomed to these constraints might dull my determination to transcend them.

The strategic patience required for my current phase must not evolve into passive acceptance of limitations that were always meant to be temporary.

I stood and moved to the window, looking out at the expansive grounds of Wayne Manor.

The manicured gardens and ancient trees presented a picture of serene beauty, belying the complex dynamics at play within the mansion itself.

A gilded cage, perhaps, but a cage nonetheless.

"Fuck this," I muttered, running a hand through my white hair.

No. Stop. This emotional reaction isn't helping.

I need to logically analyze why this situation is so frustrating and develop constructive responses rather than just stewing in anger.

The heroes who monitor me operate from a fundamental misunderstanding of power's purpose.

They view my abilities as potentially dangerous tools to be controlled rather than transformative forces to be directed.

Their concern is maintaining the existing order with minor improvements, not reconceiving what order itself might mean.

Their oversight chafes not merely because it limits my freedom but because it represents a profound failure of imagination.

They cannot conceive of the world I envision - one where each being's path to fulfillment is cleared of artificial obstacles, where the rot of corruption and exploitation is excised from the very fabric of society-

Fuck! I'm repeating myself! There is a limit to how many times I can think this for it to still calm me down!

I closed my eyes, centering myself.

Taking a deep breath, and a soft slow release.

Frustration is natural but counterproductive. Each day under these constraints brings me closer to the position I will eventually need - trusted, connected, positioned within the very power structures I intend to transform.

The heroes' oversight will inevitably decrease as I demonstrate consistent reliability. Batman's direct monitoring has already reduced in intensity.

The Justice League's initial wariness has evolved into cautious acceptance. The Young Justice team increasingly treats me as one of their own.

I need to maintain this strategic patience for approximately around ten more months.

One year of demonstrated stability and cooperation will significantly reduce the heroes' active surveillance, creating the operational freedom I'll need for the next phase.

During that time, I'll continue building connections, gathering information, and positioning myself for more significant action.

The presence of Martians in this world - M'gann on the team, her uncle J'onn in the Justice League - requires particular caution regarding my thoughts.

The mental barriers I've developed during training sessions are effective but not infallible.

Maintaining a cooperative mindset isn't merely strategic but necessary to avoid telepathic detection of my true ambitions.

This isn't simple deception but a more complex compartmentalization.

I genuinely value certain aspects of my current position - the intellectual stimulation of my research, the camaraderie of the team during successful missions, even Alfred's dry wit and impeccable cooking.

These positive elements aren't false; they simply exist alongside my deeper purpose.

Hostility will inevitably bleed into action if allowed to fester. Emotion shapes thought, and thought shapes reality.

Maintaining a balanced perspective is essential for both strategic success and telepathic security.

The soft chime of my computer interrupted these reflections - a reminder that dinner would be served in fifteen minutes.

I moved away from the window, deactivating the sound dampening measures and preparing to resume my role as Bruce Wayne's ward.

Tonight, I would discuss my progress at GSI with appropriate enthusiasm. I would inquire about Wayne Enterprises matters with polite interest.

I would maintain the careful performance that had become almost second nature over these past months.

But beneath that performance, the vision remains unchanged - a universe transformed, barriers dissolved, true fulfillment made possible for all beings.

The path might be longer and more complex than initially anticipated, but the destination remains clear.

Patience. Strategic positioning. Incremental progress.

For now, these are the watchwords guiding my actions. The frustrations of constraint are real but temporary - necessary limitations in the early phases of a much grander design.

Ten more months. I could endure that.

I had to.


(Author's note: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Yeah... I may not have shown it much in earlier chapters, but Samael is not satisfied.

He is constantly trying to think positive so that he does not do something stupid.

This chapter as you probably have seen includes quite a bit of repetition of thoughts in different words - which is intentional.

As he's constantly repeating his logic so that he can calm himself down.

Also, the first world I am thinking of having Samael travel to is the Avatar world. I am particularly interested in their spirits, since the Ultimatrix is soul based and can therefore scan them.

So yeah, do tell me how you found it and I hope to see you all later,


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