Into the Unown (Pokemon Fanfiction OC)

Chapter 107

Author's Note:

For the readers who are bad at context clues; Hattori = Purple Shadow. And the first half of this chapter is from Purple Shadow's perspective.


“Why the fuck is everyone bothering me today!” Hattori lashed out at the other person who sat at his table without permission again, by flinging his bottle. But contrary to his expectations, there was no shattering of glass or indignant curses. Instead, the bottle was set back on to the table with a soft thunk and slid back to him. 

The drunk ronin lifted his head to take in the interloper, but his vision was too blurry and unfocused to make out any features. All he could tell was that it was a man with a head of white hair and wearing a fancy suit.

Hattori opened his mouth to speak, only to feel a wave of bile threatening to spew out from his gut. He covered his mouth on instinct and tightened his throat to prevent the outflow, but the pressure was too much as a wet belch of gas was let out in place of vomit.

All the while, his unwanted guest was just sitting there, staring at him silently. The thought of the asshole’s judgemental gaze was enough to light a fire in Hattori as he forced himself to stand up and reach over to the guy.

The problem was, Hattori’s body was too inebriated to obey him. So instead of standing up, he ended up tripping and almost smashed his face against the table. If not for the timely save of the man in a suit, who suddenly appeared next to Hattori to catch the younger man and set him down gently.

“You…” Hattori’s speech was interrupted by a dull ache in his brain. “You’re the asshole behind those kids just now…” He scoffed. “Finally decided to show your face, huh? Well you got the wrong guy, pal… I ain’t got what you want… So fuck off!”

After a brief silence the mysterious man was finally willing to open his mouth and speak. “You care a great deal about your Pokemon,” he said. “And yet you’re still willing to subject them to such abhorrent treatment. It must ache you a great deal, to see them hurt. Or perhaps that’s the point — a self-inflicted punishment perhaps?”

Hattori scowled and reached out to his bottle for a drink, only to find disappointment in the empty vessel. In a fit of rage he tossed his bottle to the side and called out to the barkeep for a refill, but received no response.

For the first time since the beginning of this interaction, Hattori turned his aching head to check on his surroundings, only to find it completely devoid of human presence. Save for himself and the stranger in front of him.

The younger man rubbed at his eyes, in an attempt to dispel some of the fog obscuring his vision. “Who… are you?” He muttered.

“A man who has been freed from the shackles of duty that once bound him. It is jarring isn’t it? To walk your own path, only to stumble and fall. The chains that bind us also serve to keep us from falling. Without which, only a deep dark pit awaits in the wake of failure.”

Hattori snorted. “What are you, a fortune cookie? I asked you for a name, asshole!”

The man in a suit chuckled. “I’ve discarded my name a long time ago, just like you. I now take on whatever name suits my purpose. All you need to know is that I can give you what your heart desires — a way out of this chain of karma you found yourself in.”

“You know nothing about what I want, old man!” Hattori yelled. And it indeed was an old man sitting in front of him. Now that his vision had cleared somewhat, he could tell that the man was dressed up in an expensive, but ridiculous looking, penguin suit with a head of immaculately combed white hair and the face of a genial old grandpa.

But Hattori wasn’t fooled. That face was a mask; a perfectly crafted, deliberate set of curated expressions and subtle gestures designed to lower the inclinations of ignorant fools. And though Hattori may be a fool, he wasn’t that ignorant yet.

“I know enough. At the very least, I know about the incredible sum of money you owe and to whom you owe it to. That’s the reason why you’re even here isn’t it? Forced into indentured servitude to buy your freedom.”

Hattori scoffed. “Why do you care? I don’t have what you want. You’re wasting your time.”

The old man smiled, his eyes deep and unfathomable like the darkest oceans. “On the contrary, I think you do have what I want. And even if you don’t, it does not matter. I will still help you regain your life. What you do with it afterwards is none of my concern.”

“Hah! So you’re saying you’ll help me pay off my debt even if I choose to jump off a building right after that?!”

The man nodded. “Indeed, but I don’t think you will. Death is a sweet release for our kind, a reward for having lived a life of purpose. It is not claimed, but granted to us. As I am sure you agree, else you wouldn’t be persisting in this banal attempt to poison your body, instead of splitting your stomach long ago.”

For the first time, the elderly man showed a bit of emotion as his face twisted in subtle disgusts at the number of bottles surrounding Hattori. “Your training has ensured that such toxins will do little harm to you. You might numb your mind, but your body will persist.”

Yet in spite of the man’s words, Hattori still dragged himself out of his seat to the nearby table where there was some unfinished alcohol left for him to drink. The man quietly followed suit and relocated to the next table.

“Heh!” Hattori laughed. “I just thought of a great idea. You said I need someone to grant me death? Alright, sure. You want the old man’s secret technique? Fine, I’ll give it to you. That way Koga will come and eliminate both you and me! Don’t blame me if those two kids get wrapped up in this though, they asked for it! If you even care at all that is…”

But the old man was unfazed. “If it is Koga you fear then you need not worry,” he said, before scribbling a number on a piece of paper and shoving it into Hattori’s hand. “You can dial that number when you are ready. In the meantime, consider yourself free of any outstanding obligations. 

“And just in case your addled brain is still unable to comprehend. This is my gift to you — a fresh start. But should you choose to commit further, I can also give you a renewed purpose.”

Hattori crumpled the paper in his hand and took a swig of beer after his unwanted visitor saw himself out. The alcohol tasted especially sour in his mouth, and he couldn’t tell if it was because of the backwash or the bile threatening to escape from his stomach.


“He will come. Despite his miserable state, Purple Shadow is still a man of honor. And all gifts and favors must be returned as his honor demands.”

That was what Alfred had told Nina the next day after her failure to compel the disgraced ronin to teach her his secrets.

It had been a week since then, and there had yet to be any news. During the couple of times that Lilian came to school during that week, Nina had asked about it. But the young Blackthorn just expressed confidence in her servant's capability and urged patience.

“More importantly, we cannot standby and allow such rot to fester in the city!” Lilian exclaimed. The girl had not been able to let go of the sights she saw during their little excursion and had been harping on about it ever since.

Nina sighed. “Just like what Alfred told you that night. This isn’t the sort of problem that you can resolve through force, Lilian.” In fact, Nina wasn’t sure if there was even an easy solution at all.

“This is a social phenomenon that requires time, patience, and a great deal of erudite policy making and governance to address. I’m sure you can probably use your family’s political capital to pressure the City Council into doing something. But in all honesty? They’ll probably just make a token effort to sweep the problem further under the carpet and make it less visible. The core issues are still going to exist.”

“Can’t believe you guys went on an adventure without me…” Justin grumbled, but both Nina and Lilian just ignored the boy.

“If we are lacking in erudition, then we simply need to replace these incompetent buffoons with others more qualified. At the very least, such callous indifference must not be overlooked!”

Nina sighed at the girl’s idealism. “Oh Lilian… But enough about that, have you managed to obtain a Noibat yet?”

Lilian gave an ambivalent smile, “I have managed to identify a small invasive colony near Mount Moon, the local Rangers have put a bounty on them. One which I plan to claim.”

“Why not just have your family get you one from their native region?” Kerry asked.

“Because catching Pokemon is part of my journey and I refuse to rely on my family name to circumvent the process,” replied Lilian. “I am the one who will defeat Lance and take his place! There must be no doubts whatsoever on the legitimacy of my ascension.”

“I’m more surprised that the Rangers have decided to eliminate the Noibats instead of assimilating them,” said Nina. “You would think that the League would jump at the opportunity to introduce another line of Dragons to the region.

In a fairly uncharacteristic moment, Lilian sighed. “That… is a very complicated matter. To put it simply, there is an accord struck between each of the leading Dragon Tamer clans. The migration and relocation of our native Dragon species must only occur under ‘natural’ circumstances.”

Alfred went on to explain that an illegal release situation like the one in Mount Moon did not fall under such a category. As for what constitutes a ‘natural’ relocation, the butler said that the list was too long and convoluted to explain properly. There was apparently an ancient magical scroll or something that binds them.

“Hence why the Blackthorn clan is considered one of the weakest among the Dragon Tamer clans. Because our native Dragon species are fairly limited and ubiquitous across the world.” Lilian added, with a wisp of regret.

“Then are you sure it’s okay for you to catch a Noibat then?” Nina asked. “Sounds kind of contradictory.”

However, Lilian simply dismissed her concern, saying that there were loopholes she could exploit and that it wouldn’t be an issue.

“Can I come?” Justin asked. “I wouldn’t mind a Dragon in my team.” The boy had always been jealous of Nina and her Dragonair.

“I will not allow you to suckle at my teat,” said the girl. “But I can forward you the information that I have obtained and you may find your own way.”

“Have you expanded your carry limit, Jerome?”

In response to Nina’s question, Justin shook his head. “It’s Justin. And no, not yet. But I can just have my Pokemon take turns with Professor Oak. Well, maybe not Carvanha. But the rest of them should be fine being on their own until I can get Noibat settled in.”

“Pardon my interruption, milady,” chimed Alfred at one point during the conversation. “But Purple Shadow has responded to our request.” He said with a smile.

Lilian looked towards Nina with a grin, which the other girl returned in kind.

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