Chapter 118
Despite Espy’s disposition having mellowed out considerably after her Evolution, Nina was still a little worried that her Espeon might react poorly to the examination. A concern that turned out to be unfounded as the experienced hands of the veteran Professor ended up being much more proficient than the overly eager researchers of Bill’s lab.
Espy was entirely untroubled, and in fact, seemed to be completely at ease with Professor Oak’s gentle handling.
The Professor gasped. “Remarkable… In all my years, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Espeon with such lithe tails before. What an exemplary showcase of human-Pokemon bonding!”
Nina explained that Espy was extremely Gifted to begin with, according to Sabrina. But that did little to diminish the elderly Professor’s fascination.
He also took a lot of interest in Nairy as well as he gently stroked the Dragonair with a wistful look on his face. “Such incredible physique and inordinately clear orbs. I had seen the video, but there are some details that can only be discerned through personal observation.”
“Wait, what video? I know I uploaded scans of Nairy, but I don’t remember taking any video.”
“Oh, did you not know? Your battle with Miss Blackthorn was uploaded onto the Pokenet. Your Dragonair’s hauntingly beautiful Dragon song was a subject of much heated discussion among Dragon Type research circles. I have to ask, Nina, what did it feel like in that pivotal moment? Were you aware that Nairy would evolve even before the Light of Evolution took hold?”
Nina suppressed a groan and tried to ignore the fact that she was publicised again without her permission, but such was the era of cameras and the Pokenet. “I did feel something back then,” the girl answered. “There was a moment where it felt like Nairy and I had become one. I could feel his resolve like it was my own. And we had known that Nairy would evolve soon. In fact, he was way overdue at that point since he had to wait for me to catch up.”
She explained that she was just about to forfeit the match when a rush of emotion came through to her, prompting Nina to rethink her decision and double down on her faith in her partner instead.
“Did you feel it as well, Nairy?” Nina asked. “That feeling like someone had tied a thick piece of rope between the two of us.”
“Dra~ Nairy nair!” Nairy nodded his head and wiggled his body around like he was trying to illustrate the abstract feeling he had at the time. Nina giggled and pulled her silly Dragon in for boops and kisses.
Professor Oak hummed in fascination. “I’ve always had the theory that Friendship Values affect not only Friendship Evolution, but also the quality of regular evolution as well. Something very difficult to prove due to the lack of any reliable means of measurement. But with this, I’ll be able to add one more into my sample population.”
“Hear that, Nairy? You’re a sample.”
“Nair?” The girl laughed at her Dragonair’s confusion.
Professor Oak chuckled along as well before saying, “Have you considered my previous offer, Nina? I think one of the regional starters would do quite well in your hands.”
Nina tilted her head in consideration. She had thought about it extensively. And with the new school year approaching, she would have her carry limit in the school expanded by one as well.
But ultimately, the girl ended up shaking her head in denial. “For now, I’d like to try catching my own Pokemon,” she said. “I might circle back to you on that offer. It’s just that, right now I don’t think I can give one of the regional starters the attention that they deserve.”
The three starter species thrive from human affection. And while Nairy and Espy were fairly independent by this point, Brucey was still being a bit of a handful. So she’d like something a little less demanding for the moment.
“Honestly, I don’t really know. I kind of want to get a Ghost Type, but given Brucey’s behavioral issues, getting another prankster in the team might be a bit too much for me to handle.”
“Oh? Why a Ghost Type?”
Nina hummed. “Well, having a Pokemon in my shadow just seems practical.” Ghost Pokemon were great to have as shadow guards, that is, literal bodyguards that resided in Nina’s shadow and would be the first to respond to any threats against her.
“Not to mention they’ll be handy to have when I’m out exploring a ruin or some cave as scouts, since they thrive in darkness and can phase through walls.” The girl continued. “Once Nairy and Brucey evolve, food expenditure will go up considerably as well — Ghost Types don’t require much in terms of physical sustenance. Also, I’m just curious… I suppose?”
“Ah yes,” Professor Oak nodded. “I do recall you were asking questions about Mimikyu the last time we met.”
“Yup! I don’t think I’m ready to handle a Category Black Pokemon just yet. But I wouldn’t mind getting a Mimikyu in the future. For now, I’m thinking a Gastly will do just fine.”
Professor Oak chuckled. “One would think that you would prioritize acquiring a Water Pokemon first, given your affiliations with the Cerulean Gym. Though I suppose your journey is your own after all.”
Nina smiled sheepishly. “Don’t tell any of the girls this, but truth be told, I can get my fill of handling Water Pokemon in the Gym as it is. I’m not feeling much urgency to fill my team with one. I’ll still get one though, they won’t let me hear the end of it otherwise, but maybe something more unique than what’s common in the Gym.”
At some point in her new life, Nina had decided that she would embrace the generalist life and get to know as many different varieties of Pokemon as possible. That was not to say that she wouldn’t welcome a Water Pokemon, she had some favorites after all.
“Besides, I’ve often been told that Nairy might as well be part Water Type with how much time he spends in the water.” In particular, Lilian liked to tease Nina with this fact. One that she could hardly deny.
“I see,” said Professor Oak, alongside a sagely nod. “Well if you’re looking for Ghost Types, Lavender Town is the most obvious destination. Though you probably already know that.”
Nina nodded. “Because of the Pokemon Tower…”
“Indeed, though the Ghosts in the Tower are not for capture,” said the elderly Professor. “Some still do, but it is largely frowned upon as poaching. After all, you never know who these Ghost Pokemon were in their past life — they could have been someone’s family or dearest companion. Ethics aside, it is highly inappropriate and many feuds have been started as a result.”
“Yet in spite of all that, you still recommend Lavender Town for Ghost Pokemon?” Nina was not aware of this aspect of the Pokemon world. It all made sense, but she did not want to risk incurring the ire of the locals.
Professor Oak chuckled and waved at the girl’s worries. “No need to fret, young Nina. There’s still lots of Ghost Types out in the vicinity of the town. In particular…” The old man leaned in to whisper in a conspiratorial manner. “You may consider making a visit to the Lavender Mansion.”
“Lavender Mansion?” Nina did not recall there ever being such a place in the games or the anime.
Professor Oak chuckled. “I assume you know who the late Agatha was?”
Nina nodded. “Former Elite Four member, Ghost Type Master, and former head of the Kantonian Intelligence Bureau. Or better known to her enemies as the Witch of Kanto, Baba Yaga, Nurarihyon, Megitsune, Amanojaku and so on.”
Agatha was one scary lady back when she was alive, to the point where the Johtons had taken to using her as a boogeyman of sorts to scare misbehaving children.
Professor Oak seemed amused by the hushed reverence which Nina used to describe his deceased friend and laughed at all of the various nicknames that the woman had accumulated in her life.
“Agatha was a deadly woman, yes. But I mostly knew her as that grumpy old hag who always liked to pull on my ears for no reason.” The man let out a nostalgic smile, probably thinking about all the memories he shared with the legendary Pokemon Master.
“Anyways, the reason why I brought her up is because the Lavender Mansion was her family home. Not a lot of people know this, but Agatha’s family was probably the oldest and most storied clan in all of Johto-Kanto. Older than the Kogas even.”
Nina tilted her head in confusion. “You say ‘was’, does that mean they no longer exist?”
Professor Oak nodded. “Indeed, Agatha was the last of her line. She made the conscious decision to terminate the lineage for good, even going as far as forsaking her family name. Hence why I shall not speak it out of respect for an old friend.”
The Professor explained that the decision had to do with a ‘curse’ that had plagued the clan since time immemorial. One that ensured any direct scion of Agatha’s clan would meet an early grave. Hence why the clan was very obsessive about procreation to ensure that their bloodline would never fade.
“No one knows if it was a genetic disorder or if there was something mystic at play.” Professor Oak continued. “But it was without a doubt that once Agatha had exiled the majority of her clan and eliminated the rest, she remained the longest living member of her family to date.”
Agatha had lived til the ripe old age of 107, an incredible accomplishment even by normal standards. What was most impressive was how active and sprightly she was even in those later years. At least, according to Professor Oak. The woman had lived a hermit's life towards the end, so not a lot of people were privy to her condition.
“So you recommend that I head towards Agatha’s family home to catch some Ghost Pokemon?”
“Yes,” affirmed the Professor. “Whatever Ghost Pokemon that linger there are more powerful than the norm. So I would recommend taking precautions and avoid going alone. But if you’re still keen on it, then I’d be willing to share the coordinates of the mansion. It is hidden even from the residents of Lavender Town. In fact, no one really knows if the mansion was named after the town or the town after the mansion, just to give you an idea of how ancient it is.
“Additionally, one of my mentors, Professor Fuji — though he prefers to be called Mr Fuji these days — also resides in Lavender town and has taken it upon himself to maintain the integrity of Agatha’s old home in her stead. That old crone will likely disapprove of such ‘needless meddling’, as she was prone to say, but Mr Fuji was fairly close to her in life and one can’t help being sentimental.”
Nina furrowed her brows in consideration, but ultimately thanked the Professor for his generous intel. “Mr Fuji, now where have I heard that name before?”
“Do not go to the Lavender Mansion,” said Hikari, the moment that Nina picked up her call that night. “For that matter, try to avoid Lavender Town for now if you can.”
“Why… not?” Nina asked, feeling incredibly bewildered at the moment. “How does she even know that I plan to go to the mansion? More Mew shenanigans or did Professor Oak tell her?”
“You are not ready for what dwells within it just yet, my dear.” The woman continued, but without offering much in terms of useful details.
Nina sighed. “Are you seriously gonna be all cryptic like this? Come on, surely you can elaborate further…” She pleaded.
The tinkling of bells accompanied Hikari’s chuckle as she responded with a wry smile. “Fret not, this does not mean you’re barred from visiting that place in perpetuity. But only when you’re ready.” She said, giving the sort of non-answer that Nina absolutely loathed.
“In the meantime, if you are seeking a Ghost Pokemon, I have another avenue to offer. But since you’ll be going to the Safari Zone soon, I doubt it will be necessary for now.”
Nina groaned, feeling an intense urge to reach across the screen and choke the woman out at the moment. “Damn you mystics and your cryptic prophecies…” She whined.
“Isn’t Mew’s Gem supposed to guide me? If that place really is as dangerous as you say, then you wouldn’t even need to make this call. Stuff will just happen to dissuade me from going.” The girl argued, mainly out of spite rather than genuine protest.
Hikari shook her head. “No. If anything, you should be wary to not allow that gem to pull you towards that place.”
Nina narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “I thought you didn’t know what this thing was. How are you such an expert all of a sudden?” Nina was starting to reevaluate the faith that she placed on Hikari. Was it wise to continue trusting the woman like this? Especially if she had blatantly lied to her during their first meeting.
“I understand your skepticism.” Hikari said, with an expression of hurt. That brief flash of vulnerability on the face of such a breathtaking beauty contained the power to start wars and topple nations. “Just know that both myself and the Ancestor have only your best interest at heart.”
Nina was almost captivated by Hikari’s charm. But she ultimately managed to shake herself out of that stupor. She would not allow herself to be bamboozled by whatever mystical shenanigans were at play here.
“Why? Why would she warn me against going to Lavender Mansion?” Given the circumstances, it was likely to do with Mew and the gemstone adorning her collar. “What’s in Lavender Town?” The girl mused as she racked her brain for every ounce of meta-knowledge she could remember.
“Is it because of Mr Fuji?” Nina blurted, after recalling Professor Oak’s words and pinpointing exactly why she found the name to be familiar. Nina recalled that he was the Pokemon Professor who was responsible for the birth of Mewtwo.
Hikari widened her eyes at the girl’s insight. “Nina, you… You’re aware?” She asked, her smile faltering as she did. But Nina simply shook her head in response.
“I have some guesses, but nothing concrete.” The girl replied. “Anyways, I’ll take your words into consideration. Good night,” said Nina, before she unceremoniously disconnected the call. She was feeling quite weary of these mystic shenanigans.
“I just want to live my second life in peace, is that too much to ask?!” She exclaimed, while glaring intensely at the Mew Gem she was wearing.
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