Chapter 4-6
Chapter 4-6
4 (2002/07/25)
Im stopping writing here~~~
bya bya~~~ Ill write tomorrow~~~
and this is my first time writing so why are you all so mean
please gib me sum face~~~
and is no one going to publish this~~~
it would be cool if it became a book ;-;
Continuu tomorrow
5 (2002/07/25)
It was than
message to HQ over Ill be shooting the invisible dragon
jets came out and shot missiles at invisible dragon
but since the invisible dragon was invisible and since dey couldnt see it so dey missed
it got hit one or two times but it didnt even tickle the invisible dragon
puhaha goodbye you snot-sized things keke
the invisible dragon did it so the jets got masacred in 0.001 secons
it was really cool
6 (2002/07/25)
There was a 63 story building no there was a building over 100 stories
but then the invisible dragon was bigger than that building
when the invisible dragon hit that building once it fell down the building fell down
and so the invisible dragon got bored so it spoke to the humans
im going to live as a human now so serve me well
the humans all said yea sure and the invisible dragon turned into a human
tada~ next, the story of the invisible dragon turning into a human begins so expect it tada
What do you think?
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