Is it Wrong to Copy Abilities in Apocalypse?

Chapter 2: CHAPTER 1 – The beginning.

(MC's POV)



My eyes snapped open as I sat up straight-


What the…

Why am I wrapped in bandages?

Why does my body have this tearing pain?


A muffled groan escaped my lips as I tried to move my stiff shoulders.

I looked around the room.


I was a bit surprised but relieved when I saw my pistol and knife placed on the wooden makeshift table next to the bed I was resting on.

'Where am I, anyway?'

I can't remember anything about what happened…

Wasn't I out on my final mission-


A splitting pain assaulted my head and the next instant, every single detail about what had happened flooded my head.

'I see…'

I sat back on the bed.

'So, I did survive….'

But what happened at the end?

I tried to focus more on what happened and how I got here.

The last thing I remember before my vision blurred is a woman miraculously appearing right in front of me.

She was saying something, and she seemed to know me….

'But what was she saying….?'

I couldn't make out 80% of her words, it was hard for me to even tell what was happening, my vision was getting blurred and my breathing was getting ragged.

I was in no condition to listening anything.

'Let's try to focus on the words that I heard….'


(Third POV)

(As the MC was about to fall unconscious because of blood loss.)

A guy with red hair which was covered with blood, making it a shade darker, was sitting with his back resting against the tree trunk.

His situation was anything but good, and the fact that the light within his golden eyes was diminishing didn't help in this situation.

But just as that guy thought that he was about to die, alone in the wilderness, a portal appeared right in front of him.

The portal was bright, making it hard for his already blurry vision to discern anything.

"Ara, you sure look pitiful right now.…"

But then he heard a voice, and he saw a silhouette of a woman.

The guy couldn't tell how she looked, it was impossible right now.

His vision was already blurry, causing him to not see things clearly, and to add to it, there was that shining portal, making him unable to see anything.

All he could see was the curves of the woman, but that didn't interest him, as other than the curves, he could also perceive her piercing golden eyes, looking right at him with playfulness inside of them.

"I would so much want to record this moment for you to watch it in the future, but I don't have much time, you see…."

The lady spoke again.

Her voice was melodious, so much so that the voice alone would be enough for a guy to fall for her.

But unfortunately, the guy wasn't able to make anything out of her words.

The only thing he could hear till now was "Pitiful", other than that, everything was gibberish.

"Alrighty, let's get this over with quickly, the longer I stay, the longer there are chances that my presence will be detected."

The lady spoke again as she bent forward.

"You truly are in a pitiful condition, so much so that I want to heal you right now, but that would make things annoying…."

The lady spoke with a tilt of her head, her voice sounded like she was pondering about it.

But after a second, she just shrugged.

"Oh well, you will survive anyway, so I guess I don't need to worry about you."

The guy tried to focus on her words, he didn't know who she was or what she was saying, but he felt that she meant no harm, his assassin senses were telling him that.

Not like he could do anything if she truly wanted to do something, his body was in no condition to do anything, even a 10-year-old could swat him like a fly right now.

"Here, let me give you the thing I'm supposed to, real quick!"

The lady bent forward and placed her index finger over his right fist, and then she muttered something.


Her words were glitched, one couldn't make out what she said even if they wanted to, but just as she finished speaking her finger brightened.

The guy whose eyes were now almost closed saw her finger shining.


And he instinctively tried to retract his hand, only making his body's condition worse.

"I'm not here to harm you silly, I'm helping you, so calm down."

The lady who saw that lightly slapped his hand that he tried to retract and the guy lost control of his body.

His eyes were now closed, his vision was blank.

He could see nothing but darkness.

"There, done."

The lady smiled, or at least that is what seemed like since her words were dripping with joy.

"Now that it's done, I guess I should go back."

The lady stood up straight, but then she froze.

"Ah! How could I forget?!"

She then hurriedly twirled around, looking at the guy again.

Before she bent forward and touched the place where that guy's heart was supposed to be.

The guy's body jerked at the sudden contact, but he couldn't move, so that was all.

The guy could still hear everything, and although it was hard to discern anything, he could still hear; he had not gone completely deaf.

"Here's a gift from me."

The lady purred as her finger shone again before the sheen vanished in an instant.

"Now, I'll be going back, be sure to survive.

And be sure to form a contract with me this time."

The lady spoke as she gave the guy one last look before she turned back toward the portal and entered it.


The portal that appeared without a sound vanished with a swoosh just as the lady passed through it.


But just as the portal vanished, a pair of blue eyes peeked out of the bush nearby.

Those eyes were full of curiosity, staring through the bushes.

But then those pair of eyes widened as they saw the bloody scene.


A scream—a very loud and frightened scream—was heard, and that was the last thing that the guy with red hair and golden eyes heard before his senses finally gave out.


(MC's POV)

'Pitiful, detected, annoying, quick, survive, and gift…'

These are the only things I could make out of her words.

And what was that sheen in her finger?

Who was she?

What did she want?


A click sound was heard, causing me to jump out of bed and snap my head toward the gate.

I already had my gun in my hand.

'Who is it?'

I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend, so it's better to be cautious.

I was ready to attack whoever it was.

My heart was beating like a drum, as if warning me about my body's condition.

But I already know that. I could feel the wounds in my body opening up again just by the sudden movement in my body.

However, what I saw coming out of the gate was a girl with two curious blue eyes and a jar of water in her hand, only to pause when she saw me.


Looking at her eyes widening, I had a feeling of déjà vu; it felt like I'd experienced this before, and...


There it was—a scream just like the one I heard before I passed out.

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