Chapter 195 Mother Righteous
Chapter 195 Mother Righteous
I liked Mother Righteous. In the comics, she was a deep and complex villain who I think got the bad end of the deal plot-wise. She behaved very similar to the fey of dungeons and dragons. It was magic but old, hard-to-understand magic. She used storyteller magic and bound people with their thanks to act for her. She made Mystique kill Destiny with her powers and while it was poetic that Mystique killed her, she really shouldn’t have been given the chance to.
So as I walked in on two of them tied up and gagged it was a very encouraging sight. They both turned to glare at me as I spoke. “You two little kitty cats can’t do anything to me. Let’s make this easier on both of us… Well, three of us and just get along?”
I walked over and removed the soaked cloth gag from their mouths. Both yelled over the top of each other, which was odd. “Damn, you bastard! I’ll kill you!” “You damned bastard! I’ve been bound for days.” I thought one was just a puppet of the other but with the close proximity, I couldn’t tell which was the real one and which was the puppet.
I scoffed at her. “Like you didn’t love every second of being bound. That’s your kink sweetheart, not mine. You should be thanking me for tying you up. This entire room stinks of your arousal and you want me to go further but I won’t. You’ll have to beg me for me to fuck you.” She was another weirdo with lots of kinks I disagreed with. While I had seen pretty much everything I still couldn’t understand people with the snuggle struggle kink.
It was more closely tied to power for her. She pretended to be weak and kind, and once someone took advantage of her, she would take advantage of them. She flipped who had the power, and the easiest way for her to do that was to be assaulted. So as I left her in this negative situation for days she was fantasizing about what she was going to make me do when she gained the upper hand.
I undid their bindings while making them float as I redid them so they were facing each other with their hands bound behind the other's back and stripped them naked while dropping them onto a summoned bed. The perfect red pussies practically soak the bed the moment they’re dropped onto it. I still didn’t understand how both had coherent thoughts but there was enough difference I thought they might be twins or something in this universe. Perhaps a clone with a memory implant. There wasn’t any magic or biological difference between the two.
I wondered if they were linked together as I slapped one on her ass drawing out a moan of pleasure. I slapped the other drawing a yelp from both of them, so the pleasure was only transferred to the original then? It would make sense to have a tactile connection with your astral projection to make it more realistic. Or perhaps the clone could feel everything that happened to the original as a warning system for her. That got me a devious idea.
Pulling out two syringes of the USS, I told her what I was going to do. “This is a drug I’ve made that gives normal humans superhuman abilities… There is a side effect though. Unimaginable waves of pleasure that make most people's brains shut off… I wonder what would happen.” I jabbed the first one into the astral projection/clone and both began to thrash, cumming so hard they squirted all over the bed.
I was normally balls deep in a woman when I injected them so I hadn’t really got to see the violent seizing of their bodies altering from a distance. The twin villains slapping their bodies against each other, trying to get anything in them to quell the aching in their cores. This method almost looked painful but I hadn’t heard any complaints so far. This might be the first time it caused someone's mind to break though.
The bottom Mother manages to wrap her legs around the top one as she digs her knees into the bed to rub their pussies together both attempting to relieve the overwhelming pleasure coming from inside them. Their walls wish to clench around anything but are unable to do so making them even more flustered. Three waves of intense pleasure, their bodies slowly growing accustomed to it until it finally ended leaving them wanting more.
If the horniest they had ever been in their entire life up to that point was a two on the scale they were now both at a ten. An almost lightheaded feeling as their bodies prickled from their unfucked vaginas. Giving the USS to female prisoners and leaving them tied up so they couldn’t do anything to themselves might be a pretty decent method of torture.
Both caught their breath, the orgasms so strong that their entire bodies clenched up to the point of breathlessness. For minutes they just heaved for breath trying to come down from their cumming. The moment they had recovered enough both began to sling insults at me. I let them for about twenty seconds before I slap the one that made both feel it across the ass as I spoke. “You start begging for it and say thank you when I start fucking you or I’ll walk out this door right now.”
The thought of them coming out on top had never left their mind. That was until I took sex off the table. Over time I had no doubt they could figure out how to feel less horny with their new injection. They didn’t know that though. Full control over the body took time and with their level of horniness, it was an almost self-fulfilling prophecy. They were horny so their body wanted them horny so they were horny.
One of them continued to curse up a storm while the other was silent. “Fuck you, you fucking bastard. The moment I get out of here I’ll cut your dick off. I’ll feed your balls to one of your wives and then bash her head in with a shovel and toss her body into a river! You think this is enough to get me to submit-.” “............Please.” The foul-mouthed one looked betrayed by the other as I pulled out my cock and gave them both a good look at it before I began fucking the smart one.
Immediately she orgasmed on my dick as the foul-mouthed Mother Righteous cried out in frustration. “N-no fair… Me… Me too… Please.” I grew another dick and began fucking both of them but quickly pulled out. Both looked confused until I explained. “You two going to say thankyou to me?” Both knew what I was doing at this point. I was turning their own magic against them. Not only would each time they thanked me count towards a debt they’d owe me, but it could actively thwart their own magic.
I knew my mutant power, demigod body, and divinity could all but nullify their magic even if I kept thanking them over and over again but it was better to not take the risk in my opinion. One went right back to swearing like a sailor while I waited for the other to give in first again. The same song and dance happened where she thanked me first and I began fucking her until the more spicy Mother Righteous also gave in.
Fucking both of them as I gained more control over what I could do to them, I linked their minds together so that the connection went both ways and pulled out another syringe before smirking. “Only one of you had the injection. The other one also needs it.” I let what I said sink in as their eyes widen, I jab the needle in. They both wanted to be mothers, like actual mothers not just the namesake. @@novelbin@@
I’d wait until there was no chance of their magic ever working on me again before I put babies in them. With how much they were thanking me right now it shouldn’t take too long. Fucking them both to unconsciousness after, the entire time they thanked me over and over again I knew they were hooked on me like a drug.
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