Chapter 206-208
Chapter 206-208
“God, I should have done this forever ago.” I started the slow and tedious process of converting the Moon into a habitable place to live. After I did this with the moon, I’d also do it with Mars. Even as a ninth-circle mage, I could only terraform the area I could see. Right now I was spending the next eleven hours just pumping Ozone into the atmosphere.
Doing anything before that would be pointless because the ultraviolet rays would render living on the moon impossible. It was impractical for humanity to do this; creating an ozone layer on the known planetary bodies that could support human life would be a gigantic waste of resources… Unless you could magically create resources, that is.
Over the next few hours, people on Earth who could see the Moon would notice clouds forming from around the position I was flooding them from and slowly spreading out as I was also producing almost as much water to make the atmosphere. Just producing the ozone layer and filling the planet with water would start the life cycle of the Moon but I also wanted to fill it with pockets of growth as well.
The moon was slowly growing cloudy as a lake was turning into an ocean and the atmosphere was being built. It was a long and tedious process but I finally finished with the ozone layer and filled it with enough water for now. The water was all pooling towards the part of the moon closest to Earth. Even with the atmosphere, the air was thin, and I could tell it was slowly bleeding off into space. I should have probably looked up whether it was possible or not first.
It would still take decades to shed off its habitability, though, but in a few years, it would be equivalent to the thin air at the top of a mountain. I could increase the local gravity to lock in the ozone, but at that point, it would be too much work. Every few years, I could just come back and toss out more ozone and water. Terraforming the planet further, I cover any area not underwater in grass before creating fruit trees.
The temperature was low, but after a few more days of the light getting trapped in the atmosphere, it’ll pick up beyond freezing temperatures. I finish up on the Moon and head to do the same on Mars. This time, I took Raven and Hestia with me as it would take too long to do it by myself. Both were 9th-circle mages and could do this as well. Raven was looking forward to it as it would help make up for some of the damage her father had done.
Before we finished I tunneled to the center of the planet and reactivated the planet's core. The magnetic field would help keep everything inside so it could function like a second Earth instead of having the same problems as the Moon. Once again, the biggest problem was the temperature, and bringing animals here right now would only end in their deaths.
I filled the air with fire as I magically increased the temperature above freezing before filling the planet with millions of chickens and tens of thousands of cows. They all might die but I’d rather it be farm animals than people that did as I tweaked the environment until they could survive. Making a paradise for farm animals to collect meat that is above the quality of wagyu was the future goal, but also making humanity a multi-planet space-fairing race was another.
3rd Person Point of View
Millions of people noticed the Moon slowly changing as it was happening. No one knew what it was exactly as the news started to cover the changes. Every single government went on red alert as the stock market crashed, assuming it was another alien invasion or something similar.
The Inhumans who made their home on the moon shit their pants at the sudden rapid changes to the environment. The shields that kept the environment from affecting them suddenly required far less power as the ground under their feet grew dirt upon it. Thankfully, the crater they lived in was shielded from outside interference or they’d have had to flee as their home became a lake.
The Martians who lived inside the planet were suddenly flooded with millions of pings of changes happening on the surface level. They panicked as no one knew what was happening, and most thought it was another attack from the white Martians or a different alien race invading them. The collective mind they were all attached to was willing to sacrifice some of the few so the collective could plan where to fight or submit to their new neighbors.
Clark Kent stopped eating a late-night bowl of cereal mid-bite as he noticed the changes happening to the Moon. He was possibly the only person who knew why it was happening as he zoomed in with his telescopic vision to see one of the newest members of the Justice League flooding the atmosphere with ozone and water.
Several of the contingencies that Batman had on the moon began to send him alerts to the changes happening around them. Many of the supplies left in the worst-case scenario for humanity are suddenly covered by a layer of fresh dirt, grass, or water. Batman spit-taked coffee as he panicked. He thought the moon had been struck by a continent-sized meteor for all the readings he was getting.
The readings of many alien species were getting from this particular solar system just didn’t make sense to them. There were mages out in space, but a ninth-circle mage was a closely guarded resource. For them to get a reading of three different magical signatures all coming from a solar system that none of the big planetary alliances had ever dealt with. Many plans were being devised to send probes to see what exactly was happening in that particular sector of the universe.
The old sleeping giant consciousness of Mars was awoken from a deep, deep sleep. The small bit of divinity it had left was enough to restart the process of growing new life on the planet. Mars felt weak and tired, but with every moment, it felt more and more conscious about what was happening on its surface. It had no idea where the millions of creatures came from, but the life force they were generating was slowly being converted into divinity for the planet to use.
The person who was working the phone line on the Watchtower had found out what exactly was happening around ten hours in and was answering many, many phone calls from different leaders around the globe. It didn’t help that it was Booster Gold and that he might have been making the leaders more fearful of what was happening than calming them down.
Chapter 207
Solomon Grundy’s Point of View
Most of my mental acuity has returned now that I am not starving. I did have a verbal tick, and speaking was harder than it had been before. It seemed that most people did not understand my simple way of speaking. It was nice to finally just… Exist without feeling pain or hunger, I wasn’t sure which was worse. The pain became bearable but the hunger was endless, the thin magic in the atmosphere of the planet not nearly enough for me to function.
I loved my new life as the bodyguard of this mansion and after scaring off a few kids from trying to jump the gate to swim, I only got odd looks from our neighbors as I mowed the grass. It wasn’t something I needed to do as there were now a dozen staff members to take care of the mansion, but it was nice to get out of the house every once in a while.
I was now getting paid along with the mana crystals I needed to not starve, which was nice. I understood the thought behind money but didn’t have a use for it. How much was a million dollars a year anyway? I followed the advice of my master, I’m not sure if that’s what we were, to donate most of it to fund orphanages.
That was where I was headed right now. My hefty donation allowed a closing orphanage to remain open and they wanted to give me a celebration for keeping it open. It wasn’t just me, but also Harley and Ivy were both coming along with Stephanie, and Cassandra was going to show up at some point. Right now, I was waiting in the back of the giant truck, ready to visit the children there since midnight, and since I didn’t sleep just sat patiently waiting.
I had caught up on all the episodes of The Bachelor, which was on the gigantic TV in the mansion 24/7. They told me I could change it to show something else, but after crushing eleven remotes, I would need to ask one of the maids or butlers to change it for me, and I’d rather just wait. I was excited, very rarely did I do anything but show up when the boss or one of the pretty girlfriends of the boss needed my help.
Harley and Ivy finally came out of the house and noticed I was patiently waiting in the bed of the truck already. Harley spoke. “Hey, big guy. You didn’t need to wait out here. We’re all excited for your celebration and we wouldn’t miss it.” I gave them both a big smile. “Solomon just too excited to see the children.” Ivy asked. “You could have watched TV if you were feeling antsy, Solomon. You didn’t need to wait patiently out here.”
I huffed disgruntledly. “The Bachelor episodes were of Clayton. Couldn’t watch without getting upset.” Harley spoke, sounding empathetic. “Yeah, I get that, but you could have asked one of the butlers to change the channel for you. National Geographic is running a penguin marathon.” I let out another grunt. “Solomon didn’t want to bother anyone.”
Both girls chimed in with an ‘aww’ as we got loaded up into the truck and made our way towards the orphanage. We made our way to the orphanage after they stopped at a McDonald’s to buy a hundred cheeseburgers in case the kids were hungry, and Harley ate six on the truck ride there. Speaking with a mouthful of meat as we both stare at her. “What? I’m pregnant and didn’t eat any breakfast.”
We ignored her as she asked again. “What!? Do I got mustard on my face?” She wiped her mouth with her dirty hands, smearing the ketchup and mustard more than cleaning it. Poison Ivy spoke in a sultry tone. “Yeah, that’s a good look, babe. Spread them condiments all over your face.” Ivy leans over to lick her face clean as I wonder why she isn’t paying attention to the road.
We rear-end the guy in front of us, obviously, who comes barreling out of his vehicle, his face flushed red from anger before he notices me and stops dead in his tracks. Harley gets out of the passenger seat and throws a handful of hundreds in the man's direction before getting back in. He sat there, completely stunned, as Poison Ivy drove past, almost hitting him.
We made it there, and Harley shouted. “Fuck! We should have got some chicken sandwiches and fries for the vegan kids.” Poison Ivy quipped. “They’re orphans I don’t think they're going to be that picky with the food we brought.” I decided to speak. “Grundy just wants them to be happy.” They looked at each other before asking. “Should we go get more food?”
“We’re already here. Might as well just go in with the burgers.” We headed inside, and dozens of kids ran around screaming. At least until they look at the three people who just entered the orphanage. Slowly, with every new kid seeing them, they would go silent, and any kid that was playing with them would get curious and come and look at what made them stop running.
The few that had water guns or other toys dropped them as they looked on in slack-jawed silence at the famous people who came in. The sudden quiet environment alerted the orphanage matron as she came to look. Instead of staring in silence, she has a look of surprise and excitement as she speaks. “If it isn’t our benefactor. It’s nice to meet the famous hero trio.”
My boss had done a good job at whitewashing Harley and Ivy’s past and painting me in a more heroic light. I went from a feared, misunderstood villain to an almost universally beloved hero, even though I didn’t do much. The children looked at us in awe, not fear, even though my gigantic body would scare most that wasn’t normally the case.
As if the children waited for the woman to finish speaking, all of them screamed in excitement and ran over to us. The boys began crawling over me like a jungle gym while the girls crowded around their favorite of the two heroines who showed up. We ate food and there was a vegetarian and two vegan kids in the group. Harley remembered she could just portal and teleport back to McDonald’s to make a few batches of fries for them.
Most of the day was spent playing with the kids while Harley and Ivy kept alternating who went and got more food from different places. Over the course of eight hours, we managed to tire out the entire orphanage. It was only that rowdy because they wouldn’t have to be moved to other, more crowded orphanages because of my donation.
Harley and Ivy looked beat and Steph and Cassandra left after only a few hours because they had to get back to their jobs. We sat watching a movie as Harley said. “Will it be like that when we have our kids?” Sitting in silence for about ten seconds, Ivy finally chimed in. “Probably… It will be better because they’ll be our kids… At least I hope so.”
Chapter 208
3rd Person Point of View
The Amazons were shocked when someone washed up on their shores. If it were a man, they’d have killed him. The bulk of the army learned their lesson ever since their princess was stolen from them by a man. Thankfully, a woman with long, soft blonde hair covered her perfect face. Her small, petite body did not fit in with the island's large women.
The Amazon numbers had begun to dwindle over the last thousand years. Just as many male children were born, meaning every single Amazon would need two on average to keep the same numbers as before, and most didn’t hit those numbers. From a hundred thousand at their peak down to twenty thousand and finally diminishing to five thousand after the war against Ares.
They all showed her around the village. None of them had their guard up against her as she looked so… Weak to them. None of them noticed the woman had been secretly pulling off Amazons one by one until more than half of them were already conquered. None of them thought that the lone woman was important enough to tell their queen, Hippolyta, that she was there until it was too late.
It was so incredibly easy to convince the women to sleep with me. What was more shocking was that every single Amazon on the island wanted children. Not just a little; it was an almost desperation, like a curse put upon them to crave it. I didn’t even change my appearance much, I just grew a pair of boobs, shortened my height, and lengthened my hair.
My otherworldly beauty was enough to draw most of them to me unconsciously. It did take some talking to get them to have sex with me, but you’d be surprised what most women will do to convince themselves. The number of Amazons on the island would soon triple. The male babies of the island were traded for weapons and armor, so every single baby in their bellies was female.
I thought about putting two male heirs into Hippolyta. I knew she was a hypocrite and would most likely not send her own children off to become a child of Hephaestus where they’ll grow up to labor at his forge. Enslaving them was an improvement from what they did with the male children before they made that deal. Any male children born before Hephaestus made that deal were just straight murdered.
She would still have to send them away, so I’d rather just give her two more Wonder Woman. The guards who were supposed to be protecting Hippolyta were lured away and fucked to unconsciousness. I casually strolled my way inside her castle as the only people on the entire island who weren’t pregnant yet were in this building. Sitting on the throne in all her glory was Wonder Woman’s mother.
It only took a glance for her to see through my disguise, so I shed it off as a spear was flung in my direction. It was unfortunate how weak they all were compared to me. Even though she was a god, every single Amazon was defeated by Steppenwolf. No, even then, for a god, she was weaker than her daughter, and although Wonder Woman was strong, I had most likely surpassed her myself. That wasn’t including all the tricks and other powers I also had.
I could most likely fight on par with Oden or Zeus- not the weak Oden or Zeus from the movies, but the two badasses they were meant to be in the comics. Two people who could fight on par with cosmic beings like Galactus, Darkseid, Highfather, and Trigon. Most winning or losing fights depend on who is writing them. Darkseid was a monster in most stories… But Santa actively styles on his ass and breaks into his fortress to give him a lump of coal every single Christmas.
She wasn’t dressed in much, not having expected a guest she was only wearing a simple dress with no ornate jewelry or armor. She was wearing clothes designed for comfort and had no need to impress her Amazons or defend herself from a fight she didn’t know she was going to have. Most people didn’t walk around in armor, only the Amazons on duty did, but most were only on duty half the time.
She was being fed grapes by one of her attendants. Her eyebrow raised in surprise at the sight of an unknown woman shifting into a man and easily catching a spear thrown by her. The woman stood in one smooth motion and, with the flick of her wrist, was suddenly garbed for battle. Now my eyebrow raised in surprise. I didn’t know she could equip armor at a moment's notice. Did she have some type of power beyond her normal divinity?
Perhaps a special set made by Hephaestus to come when she willed it to? Who cared? The fight was… Trivially short. She was weaker than I thought she would be. Her daughter easily had ten times her strength in battle. I bent in her chest plate as I snapped another spear over my leg. I don’t think if I let her stab me with her full power, the spear would even penetrate my skin.
Hippolyta was beaten, and with a sudden wave of arousal, I could tell she was preparing herself for me. She knew she was defeated and was attracted to my strength; her old school values only caring for men who were strong enough to take what they wanted. Zeus left her such a mess, being such a shit father it ruined men for her. Her hatred for men could be fixed, though. I would make sure to change these stupid rules, change all of Themyscira if I had to.
I took her right there in front of her attendants, making her body quake in orgasm after orgasm. In most stories about Zeus, none ever talked about his ability to satisfy women. The stories only talked about how many women he slept with, the stories talked about how he took them forcefully in more and more depraved forms, culminating in him having sex with a woman while disguised as a swan.
That wasn’t the god I would be. I wouldn’t take anyone forcefully, no matter how powerful I became. My partners would never leave feeling unfulfilled unless we had to stop in the process for some reason. I would do my best to satisfy their kinks and lusts as I made as many women as I possibly could happy.
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