Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 215-217

Chapter 215-217

Batman’s Point of View

I had been following a lead on a possible villain who was making mind-controlling pastries. All the clues pointed towards the CEO of the company that was selling them. Gretchen Goode seemed too clean, though; she appeared out of thin air, and there was no footprint of her life until she became the CEO of Grandma’s Goodies.

The other company, Goode World Studios, was painting a dark picture of the future as well, with fear-mongering content as they tried to divide the country even further. There was no hypnotic effect on the news channel, but it didn’t take a genius to see that she was trying to stir up strife for the world with her channel's content. 

At least until her new product, the Goode Goggles, could be used to find metahumans for some sort of nefarious plan, while following several leads, one stood out beyond the rest. She had contact with Big Barda a single time and they had never seen each other since then, often one leaving a location before the other entered shortly after.

I walked up to the culdesac Big Barda had moved to on Earth and knocked. She answered the door in a robe with her hair tied up in a towel. Seeing me in broad daylight still wearing my costume, her eyebrow raised, and I asked if I could come in to avoid the people looking out their doors or stopping in the middle of the road to take pictures. Sitting down at the table, she handed me a cup of coffee, and just before I began to ask questions, someone else barged into the room.

“Hey, you made coffee without bringing me a cu-. Oh, hey Batman.” I recognized the man as one of our newest members but he was different than before. Big Barda was a seven-foot-tall woman and the man had increased her size to be an entire head taller than her. As he walked up and gave her a kiss, I couldn’t help but notice one of her legs quirk up at the intimate contact. This might have been one of the only people who could make Big Barda feel girly.


Third-Person Point of View

Vixen was tied with chains and completely naked in the air. The heavy tension of the chains pulled her so she was almost horizontal in an X-shape with everything exposed. She squirmed and writhed to get free, but without her totem necklace, she was only slightly stronger than a normal human. Her eyes were covered with a blindfold as she had a ballgag making her screams so muffled they didn’t exit the room she was trapped in.

She had already been waiting for an entire hour, and only the sound of someone entering the room as she heard their shoes clicking on the ground made her double her attempt to escape. Hands began to play with and grope her roughly. They would pull away only for her to be struck with a whip or have candle wax dripped on her. For a moment she felt her body shift as if the entire room had flipped upside down and she felt a hard paddle spank her bare ass. She couldn’t help but scream out in a mix of pain and pleasure,e but with her mouth filled with the ballgag, only Vixen and the person in the room could hear it.

The person took their time, slowly making her feel pleasure before taking it away with pain. She would feel a hand softly rub her breasts before having her nipples pulled. A hand would rub at her lower entrance only for the paddle to come down on her ass again. From just touch she had cum and that was clearly what the person was waiting for as they finally penetrated her.

Vixen felt her entire body jostle, only the chains holding her in place the reason she wasn’t being fucked off his dick. The man wasted no time, moving slowly as if he already knew how experienced Vixen was sexually, getting right to the good part. She lost track of how many orgasms she had as the restraints kept moving her. She went from the X-shape to one with both her legs in the air at a ninety-degree angle to one with her body upright to the next with her back arched as the person fucked her relentlessly.

Just as she felt herself become completely drained of energy, the person pulled the ballgag out of her mouth and whispered a question in her ear. “Is this as good as you thought it would be?” Vixen had to catch her breath as she breathed in deep as she was still coming down from the last climax. She answered. “M-more. I w-want more.” The ball was placed back in her mouth as he answered. “As you wish.” 

Vixen felt a needle pierce her skin as she felt herself heat up slightly one second, then the next, she began shuddering from one of the most violent orgasms she ever had. The moment she caught her breath, she felt herself orgasm again as she almost blacked out from the pleasure. 


Wonder Girl, Donna Troy, Yara Flor, and Nubia were all called back to Themescara to ‘meet’ a potential ally that they could rely on in the future. That person was me. The four walked in together while I sat across from Hippolyta as we waited for them. They looked confused at first; they had never seen their surrogate mother in a room with a man without her glaring daggers at him.

No, they were shocked as she gave me almost loving glances as they started to talk about the future… Which led to all six of us in a giant bed as I had formed five copies of myself to please the five women. Wonder Girl had her hands tied above her head, she had the same bondage kink as Wonder Woman, except it wasn’t as extreme.

Donna Troy was sucking off her man as she couldn’t believe how good it tasted. Load after load filled her belly with enough delicious cream to make her belly extend out. She loved giving blowjobs and frosting so giving a blowjob that tasted like frosting made her keep going like the energizer bunny. Yara Flor was on all fours as she was taken from behind. She had already orgasmed more than all the other people in the room put together.

Nubia was pressed down with her legs on either side of my head. I pumped into her with a fervor I didn’t have for the other women. She liked it hard and rough, and I planned to not disappoint the ebony goddess by going soft and slow. With only Hippolyta left, she was riding on top of me, our hands intertwined as I sometimes bounced up into her while she rode me. All five of my bodies couldn’t help but have gigantic smiles on their faces as all came in synchronicity.

Chapter 216

I don’t know how it happens, but when there’s a large number of similar heroines, they often end up sleeping with me all at the same time. The members of the Hand, Serpent Society, Insekt Skwad, several different mutant teams, and now the Spider women. Gwen Stacy, Jessica Drew, Cindy Moon, Mary Jane, Mattie Franklin, Julia Carpenter, Anya Corazon, and May Parker. 

They had a get-together, and after Peter, Sophia, Venom, and Madam Web left, they called me over and all ambushed me together. The best way to have sex with me would be to team up with other members of the harem, so you know I’m more likely to show up. That was the biggest problem: I was only one person and had to keep letting more and more people down as I grew my harem.

It left little room for building actual connections with them, but this body was still only eighteen years old. I had the rest of my very long life to settle down after fucking my way through all the females of Marvel and DC. The impromptu orgy also served another purpose of buffing the remaining spider women to the same power as Gwen.

I hadn’t bothered injecting any with the USS besides her and the normal humans, as the spider DNA, once fully enhanced, was more of a multiplier than an additive effect as they grew in strength tremendously. Gwen could hurt me as she grew more feral, if I didn’t have magical fuck powers and could have sex for an indefinite period of time this would be a colossal mistake as I’d end up fucked to death.

Mary Jane, Aunt May, and Anya didn’t have the spider DNA, but they worked so closely with the group that they included themselves in this effort. I also watched as Aunt May had a strap-on and was mercilessly pummeling Mary Jane’s pussy into oblivion while I took care of the other girls. I think it was more cathartic for Aunt May to punish her for constantly hurting Peter than anything else. They were both enjoying it, at least.

I already fucked two into unconsciousness after the injections and only had Mattie, and Julia left. As I stabbed into Mattie with the needle I couldn’t help but grin as she began bucking up onto my dick as her body began to change even more.


Third-Person Point of View

Power Girl got an odd call from her younger half. The mental connection she shared with Supergirl had been cut off at one point as she had begun to improve rapidly to the point she could defeat Power Girl now. It left her curious, and so did this call out of the blue. As she arrived at the area, she didn’t notice that her X-ray power didn’t work to see inside as she walked in. She also didn’t notice that her powers had begun to weaken.

That was the biggest problem with Kryptonians. If they weren’t actively using their powers, they wouldn’t realize they didn’t work until they tried to use them. If they were weakened down to a quarter of their normal strength, they wouldn’t know until they attempted to use their full strength. That’s why the diluted kryptonite light rays only slowly weakened her powers down to a normal human instead of weaker because she would notice far more easily.

As Power Girl walked in, she was so shocked that she just stood in the doorway. Her eyes couldn’t believe what she was seeing as she saw her younger self being bounced on the biggest cock she had ever seen. The noises Supergirl made were noises she didn’t know she could make as the man finally bucked up into her and came drawing another squealing orgasm out of Kara.

In a daze, she moved towards the bed. The man only gave her a smile as he stood up and walked over to her. Touching her in a way she didn’t know she needed, he guided her to the bed while slowly kissing her. She had no idea what was going on, but at this point, she was so horney it didn’t matter to her.


Jessica Jones's Point of View

I just finished eating an entire pizza by myself as I finished a Netflix show. I had quit my detective work the past few months but had burned through all my savings. As much of a pity party I had as I almost ended up a mind-controlled puppet of the man again, it didn’t happen. I wasn’t toyed with or made completely suicidal like the first time, but it still hit me mentally that it could have happened if I hadn’t been saved.

As brutal as his death was, Killgrave deserved much worse. Even still, there was a small, very small part of me that yearned for him to control me. That was what made me suicidal the first time. A domestic abuse victim could go back to their abuser, and it made me extremely depressed and sent me into a downward spiral as I got in a bad headspace at what happened.

I had mostly gotten back to normal, you could only wallow in your own self-pity for so long before you got sick of it. I wiped the pizza crumbs off my shirt as I picked up my phone. It didn’t have many contacts in it that weren’t businesses. I was wavering between two people as I scrolled past Luke Cage and stopped on Danny Storm. My hand was still in the process of deciding who to call. Did I try to get back together with someone I could have loved if I didn’t have so much baggage… Or did I just say fuck it and call the extremely rich playboy to have my brains fucked out?

Choices, choices. I accidentally click the call button as I reflexively squeeze down hard enough on instinct to try and catch my phone, and I shatter it to pieces in my hand. Shit! I didn’t have the money to pay for a ne-. Mid thought, I was interrupted as Danny Storm suddenly popped into existence in front of me. He looked around, concerned and asked. “Everything okay?”

I had a few questions I wanted to ask, like how did he just straight teleport into my house but the first question was. “Are you busy right now?” We had a quick conversation. We had an instantaneous connection, as he was even more attractive than the first time we met. I didn’t know that I had developed a crush on him when he saved me from the Purple Man.

As he had me folded in half and fucked me relentlessly, it was hard to believe that my night would turn around so fast as I reached my first orgasm. I knew some shenanigans were going on. I hadn’t accidentally broken a phone like that in years, but… As I felt that tight knot of self-inflicted worry in my stomach came unloose every time he poked me with his dick I realized how lucky I was that this happened.

Chapter 217

Two beautiful immortal redheads were fuming behind me as we slowly walked out of the third vampire nest. With a huff, Elsa Bloodstone spoke up. “Can you at least give us some time to kill the vampires? Why are we even here if you can just instantly vaporize them with your light powers?” She was mad I was killed stealing her, and Red Sonja was just pent up from us having to interrupt our three-way because another vampire nest was found.

Both were immortal and very old. Elsa is hundreds of years old, while Red Sonja is over a thousand years old. They started working together as a team when Red Sonja saved her from a vampire ambush, and ever since then, Elsa has done all the managing of their group, which has let Red do what she does best: kill. The second thing she was good at was fucking, and she loved killing and fucking so much she spent her life trying to do those two things. The men she had sex with had to be stronger than her, though. It's a good thing I fit the bill.

“Hey, my goal is to find the most powerful vampires and succubi, and if these vampirelings don’t even survive a little sunlight, then they’re not worth wasting time on.” I got the idea in my head to clear out the monstrous parts of the world when I thought about one of my children being turned into a vampire. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and I wanted to get it from the lips of Dracula himself that vampires would never attack my family.

She spoke again rudely. “Yeah, well I didn’t know that when you found a powerful vampire, you’re ‘method’ of dealing with them would be to have sex with them.” I couldn’t help but chuckle as I thought back to meeting a succubus in a vampire den. “Yeah, Jenny was amazing.” I couldn’t help but tilt my head as I remembered what I had done with her. She was a lower rank succubus but we were following leads from her right now to find the higher-ranking one in the area.

Even as the self-proclaimed god of sex, succubi just hit differently. They were made to be the best at one thing and that was getting human cum by any means necessary into their bodies. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a banging body. I couldn’t believe my luck when she turned into a red-skinned giantess of a woman until I talked her down. The life force she absorbed from my cum almost popped her like a balloon as it was too much at once but as a superior being the energy loss was less than an hour of intense workouts for me.

I met Dracula’s daughter, Lilith, and she agreed to help after we had sex but then broke off to get back up and still hadn’t contacted me since then. Which led us to destroy these smaller nests to look for the next person up in the chain of command for the vampires. We came across two forces fighting, I remembered, ‘Oh yeah’ demons were a thing. Satana and Shiklah were fighting each other over the corpses of the vampires they had killed. A Dracula look-alike is dead on the ground.

Satana was a very attractive white-haired supermodel with two giant ram horns poking out from her head. Shiklah was in her monstrous form which was a purple giant snout-nosed creature that had no beauty at all to her. I popped the bubblegum I was chewing as I pulled out a newspaper from my pocket. They go in for a final clash, which would most likely kill one of them before I travelled over at super speed and swatted them both on the head, dropping them out of their demonic forms.

Satana became another redhead as she lost some of her height and horns. Shiklah transformed entirely from a creature to a raven-haired, pink-skinned woman with purple makeup around her eyes. Both looked shocked as they had never had the power knocked out of them before. I telekinetically separated the two when I saw they were both going to keep fighting then kept Elsa from shooting them in the back.

It was like wrangling cats, all the women wanted to do was fight each other. At least until I pulled their attention to something else. One orgy and talk later and I knew the last known location for Dracula. The demons weren’t evil exactly, it was just in their nature to prey on humans. After tweaking their genetic code so they’d get less energy from humans and more energy from consuming male demon/monster blood, I sent them on their way to start killing their own kind. They could also just have sex with me to get a belly full of energy to sustain themselves, which is what I thought they’d end up doing most of the time.

Dracula was out of Elsa and Sonja’s weight class, so I left them to their vampire extermination and met up with Lilith, who brought the Punisher and Blade to fight him. They were going to be pissed when we got there and I just wanted to talk to him. We made our way to the mansion where he was located, and it was clear he had a thing for theatrics.

It looked like a haunted house as hundreds of vampire bats flew down and turned into vampires to fight us. I let them fight with the vampires outside as I rushed inside with Lilith following behind me. Entering the front door we’re greeted with Dracula at the top of a staircase as he begins his preplanned speech. “Ah, daughter, what brings you to my humble abode?”

He held his hand out, waiting for her to respond before I cut in. “Can I speak first? Hi Danny Storm, real big fan of your work. I’d just like to get a promise out of you to not attack my family in the future, and I’ll be on my way.” Both looked at me as their eyebrows began to rise. Lilith couldn’t help but almost scream. “You’re a fan of my father!?”

I looked at her like she was crazy now as I went on. “I mean… Yeah, he was a hostage since he was a child to keep his father from rebelling. His father rebelled anyway, and he survived and became leader after his father's death. Fighting constant wars with smaller forces, he had to use brutal tactics to win, and his people viewed him as a kind ruler. It was his enemies who viewed him as Vlad the Impaler. He only became evil toward humans after they burned your mother at the stake. Killing him would do more harm than good because the vampires wouldn’t be afraid to break the rules he has in place for them.”

Lilith looked at me like I was insane before her father started laughing. “Fine. You have my word that no vampires will ever attack the Storm family. Be on your way then.” I sit against the wall and put my hands behind my head as I close my eyes. “I’ll stick around and make sure you and the good guys don’t kill each other.” Dracula looked more than pleased that he didn’t have to fight a person triggering every one of his danger senses.

I was probably a beacon of death to his senses as just standing in front of me with that attunement. If I had the thought of killing him in my mind, he would have likely run instead of showed up for this song and dance. Blade and Punisher showed up after fighting their way through the vampires. Those vampires were the ones that Dracula would have had to kill anyway. When you see a man who’s been a leader for hundreds of years, everything he does has a point behind it and he used his enemies to kill the vampires who would have become threats in the future. I couldn’t help but smirk as I finally got to watch the four of them fight.


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