Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 200- Progressing in Love

Chapter 200- Progressing in Love

[Pram POV]

I was jolted awake as I felt a weight fall from me. Looking around groggily, I saw I was still in the chair I was sitting in during the afternoon. I guess Freya and I fell asleep here as she was slowly sitting up after falling onto the floor.

“Pram…what time is it?” (Freya)

“I don’t know. It’s either very late, or very early in the morning.” (Pram)

Looking around again, the fire in the fireplace was embers and we were covered in the thick blanket, though it was now on the floor under Freya.  Standing up and shivering, she placed some wood on the embers and with a bit of magic, lit the fire again. The warmth soon spread throughout the room.

“Before we say anything else, Freya, I’m sorry. I didn’t think kissing you earlier would lead to this.” (Pram)

“There’s no need for that.  Kissing you is my favorite thing, though I’m kinda upset it messes up my plan. But I think this is better for me actually.” (Freya)

“Plan?” (Pram)

I got up to stand next to Freya, but when I saw the nervous swish of her tail and the resolute gleam in her eyes, I decided it was best not to move just yet. She walked toward me, the fire making her blue eyes glow with an orange light.  Standing in front of me, she knelt down and took my hands into hers.

“Pram, you know I love you with all my heart and soul, right?” (Freya)

“Yes. And I’m the same.” (Pram)

“I know.  It’s just, you’ve been such a positive light in my life that mere words or physical acts can’t possibly even scratch the depths of my love for you. It’s maddening.  I’m at the point where Keeno’s sleep talking ideas of caging Amaterasu up to keep her to herself sound inspiring.  I can’t fathom a future or time from now into forever where we aren’t together.  But we are missing something that will show others that we belong to each other. A symbol to crystallize our feelings for one another.” (Freya)

Reaching into a pocket, Freya pulled out a small box. Opening it I saw the gleam of two rings in the firelight. I’d already pieced together what was happening in the middle of her speech, but the knowledge of what was happening didn’t, in any way, douse the feelings her words were filled with.

“Pram, will you accept this ring and join me in the journey of Life from today unto eternity?” (Freya)

I felt happy tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn’t need to say anything, those were enough to show my acceptance.  Taking one of the rings, she slipped it onto my finger. I took the other one and did the same for her. I then felt a slight burning sensation where the ring was, and it changed from silver to a vibrant flaming blue-orange. Similar to both Freya’s eyes and her magic. Here remained half silver while the other half became an emerald green mixed with flecks of gold.

I was so lost in admiring the rings that I didn’t notice Freya moving from her spot until her arms were wrapped around my neck. Tears of happiness trickling from her eyes, she brought her lips to mine. Words couldn’t describe the intensity of this kiss. It was so different from usual yet just the same as well. Even knowing this would happen one day never prepared me for just how amazing this would be. I wrapped my arms around Freya locking us together.  We stayed like that until sounds from upstairs could be heard.  We tried to untangle ourselves to be presentable, but by the time we managed that, mum had already walked down stairs and saw us, disheveled hair and clothes in all.

“…” (Mill)

She didn’t say anything, just smiled her usual motherly smile and continued on her way. Freya and I looked at one another and we both blushed. This was the most embarrassing moment of my life. We stood up and helped each other fix our hair to the best of our abilities at the moment and fixed out clothes. We then walked toward the kitchen where mum went. She smiled at us again when we walked in.  I started to stammer my words trying to find an explanation to give her, but she interrupted me.

“Freya, welcome to the family. I’m happy the proposal went well.” (Mill)

“Your advice really helped.” (Freya)

“It was all you, honey. All you needed was that last push. And besides, Pram would have probably done it first if she got the rings. I taught her to take what she wanted like that after all.” (Mill)

“I know Pram would have done it, but I wanted to be the one to propose, so I’m thankful for your push.” (Freya)

Mum smiled again and started to cook breakfast.  Since we were there, we decided to help her out and soon, everyone else had joined us.  Pa seemed to be outwardly miffed at the fact Freya had proposed to me, but I could tell he was inwardly happy.  After breakfast, Ashe and his family left to go get some shopping done and half an hour later Keeno came over.

“…Congrats.” (Keeno)

““Thanks.”” (Pram and Freya)

“Is there anything we can help with, Keeno?” (Pram)

“Not at the moment.  I was just stopping by to let you know those mongrels have been taken care of.  I’m on my way to the Guild to tell them the same.  Oh, Eblana and her sister are here, as well as Red.  Feel free to come over and say hello, though I don’t know how receptive Red will be.” (Keeno)

“Is something wrong with Red?” (Freya)

“Weeeelllll.  Geri and Freki explained Fated Ones to her, and she realized her feelings for them.  They kinda fell asleep hugging each other and when they woke up, Red locked herself in a room.  When I saw her for a brief second, she was blushing so much her face was the same as her name.  Not even Geri and Freki can get in there.” (Keeno)

“I’m guessing she had a good dream.” (Freya)

“That’s what me and Ama think.  She’s just overreacting a bit too much.” (Keeno)

“Well, she’s never really understood what this kind of love is, especially taking into account her circumstances, so it might not be an overreaction.” (Pram)

“That’s also true.  Anyway, feel free to come over at any time.  We’re going to have a party tonight.” (Keeno)

With that, she waved and left.  Freya and I looked to one another and decided we’d go and say hello to everyone and show off the newest step in our relationship.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Cute.

Tamamo: Adorable.

Atmos: Stupendously beautiful.@@novelbin@@

Order: Good for them.  And good on Freya for being the one to make the move.  Her self-confidence is growing.

I see it more like she’s regaining what she had in the beginning.  She’s been overthinking and stressing over too many things that her original self has been suppressed.  Now that she made a move like this, even with a push from her Mother-in-law, she should be able to speak her mind more clearly and take charge more often.

Luna: Payto, kindly shut up.  You’re ruining the moment.

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