Chapter 201- Fallen Angel and Phoenix
Chapter 201- Fallen Angel and Phoenix
[Fiametta POV]
I woke up hearing the slamming of a door. I wanted to go investigate, but a silky feeling of something wrapping around my thigh stopped me. Turning my head I saw the sleeping face of my beloved Mostima. I couldn’t help but smile as I moved a hand and placed it on her cheek, gently rubbing my thumb over it. I then tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear, giving me an even better look at her face.
“It’s still hard to believe we can be like this.”
The serenity of her sleeping expression is such a gap from her usual stoic one. I was so lost in my thoughts that I failed to notice she had woken up and was staring back at me.
“I agree, Fia. Ignoring the gap in time, it’s almost like we have gone from never knowing if we’d live to see the next day to snuggling without a care in the world.”
Before I could reply, Tima moved, sitting up and straddling my lap. Looking down at me she smiled and leaned forward, kissing my while gently nibbling on my lower lip. I tried to move, but she interlocked our fingers and pinned me down. She only stopped the kiss when we were both out of breath.
“If only we could stay like this forever.” (Mostima)
I sized this chance and flipped us over, reversing our positions.
“It might not be forever, but I can definitely keep you hear all day.” (Fia)
She smiled at me and we were about to resume our passionate kiss, but the sound of our stomachs growling in unison put a stop to it. We looked at one another and couldn’t help but start laughing. We untangled our hands and Mostima unraveled her tail from my thigh. We got out of bed and dressed ourselves, enjoying the view the entire time.
“I think we have some eggs, you feel like anything with them?” (Fia)
“Eggs…” (Mostima)
A deep blush started to cover her face, standing out against her dark blue hair.
“What are you thinking about over there.” (Fia)
It took a second, but I managed to put it together.
“Pervert. Not my eggs…” (Fia)
“…” (Mostima)
“…” (Fia)
“Do you actually lay eggs?” (Mostima)
“I did until I became immortal. Though I’m quite happy about that. It wasn’t comfortable. And now I’m putting a stop to this conversation for good.” (Fia)
“Ehehe.” (Mostima)
“Am I going to have to smack the perversion out of you?” (Fia)
“No, not that you would anyway. And for the record, I wasn’t imagining what you’re thinking.” (Mostima)
“And what was I thinking?” (Fia)
“You thought I was getting turned in by the thought of you laying eggs.” (Mostima)
“Gnn.” (Fia)
“Also, for the record, my thoughts were of how cute your blushing face is right now. It’s almost as red as your feathers.” (Mostima)
“…Am I the pervert here?” (Fia)
“No.” (Mostima)
“And now you can read my mind!?” (Fia)
“You said that out loud.” (Mostima)
“…” (Fia)
I could feel my face and the air around me heating up more. Before I could do anything about this extreme embarrassment, Tima wrapped her arms around me.
“And besides, I love you, even this unquestionably adorable side of you.” (Mostima)
“Only crazy people would love a weird bird like me.” (Fia)
“Good thing I’m insane then.” (Mostima)
We both started laughing while the hug got tighter. We only let go once I had calmed down enough to not scorch footprints in the carpet.
“Calmed down enough?” (Mostima)
“Yeah.” (Fia)
“Fia, you know none of us that love you think you’re weird, right? Where did that even come from?” (Mostima)
“I don’t know. It’s just…negative thoughts that always appear when I get too happy.” (Fia)
“Then I need to make you so happy you can’t even conceive any negative thoughts. And I do plan on doing that.” (Mostima)
I hugged her again when both our stomachs growled again.
“Guess we should go eat. Times a wasting and I wanna do something fun with you today.” (Fia)
“Let’s go then.” (Mostima)
Leaving the room we walked down the hall and stairs, passing a dejected Geri and Freki who were huddled by a door.
“Red.” (Geri)
“What did we do?” (Freki)
I looked over at Mostima and she shrugged her shoulders. The two spirits didn’t even seem to notice we were standing next to them.
“Did something happen to Red?” (Fia)
They jumped and turned to us.
“We don’t know.” (Geri)
“We woke up and Red looked at us. Her face turned really, really red, then she ran and locked herself in this room.” (Freki)
“Ah.” (Mostima)
“What did we do Mostima!?” (Geri)
“Tell us!” (Freki)
“Red probably just had a good dream and is embarrassed.” (Mostima)
“How do you figure that?” (Fia)
“Well, wouldn’t you have a dream like that if you fell asleep wrapped in your lovers’ arms, with your lover in your mind, and overflowing with feelings for them? Especially if said lover looked beautiful and barely wears any clothes on a normal day?” (Mostima)
“…I see. Your reasoning is sound.” (Fia)
“What do we do?” (Geri)
“You just have to wait. She’ll probably calm down soon, so just wait for her. Don’t do anything rash like busting in there through, she’ll definitely be upset if you do.” (Mostima)
The two nodded and sat down next to the door again. I smiled at Tima, and we continued in to our destination. I cooked a small but decent breakfast for us.
“So, what are your plans for the day? We can’t just spend it all inside. Keeno has gotten more done than we have.” (Fia)
“Well, why don’t you show me around Solheim? I’ve never been here in person before.” (Mostima)
“Sure.” (Fia)
Finishing our food, we put the dishes away and left the house. I showed Tima around the city. My favorite places, secret spots Keeno and I found a long time ago, fun shops, nice sights. We had a blast. Though, in the middle of our date, I decided the thing I wanted to show Tima the most. We made our way out of the city just before dark. We walked through the forest, past some suspicious burnt piles that felt vaguely of Keeno, and up a hill. Atop that hill was a large tree.
“Oooh perfect. We made it just in time.” (Fia)
I grabbed Tima’s hand and run-pulled her up the hill. I sat her down on a flat rock and sat next to her.
“This time of year, the suns set really early. They also cause some fun lights in the sky.” (Fia)
Just I I finished speaking, the suns completely set and the sky lit up with the moons and stars as well as beautiful blue, red, yellow, and purple lights.
“…” (Mostima)
I laid my head on her shoulder.
“…S…Nevermind.” (Mostima)
She laid her head on mine, and we enjoyed the aurora for as long as it lasted.
Chaos Realm:
Luna: Payto?
Don’t worry about it.
Order: That’s only going to add worry.
I know, but it’s nothing that we can do anything about.
Order: True.
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