Level Up in Earth Evolution

Chapter 25: Blood Wolf Hunt - 1

'Let's see, I have 700 Attribute points and 386 Skill points. I would need 340 SP to upgrade my 'Shadow Step' to level 10.'

'But it's important; if not for the goddess edition skill, that has stronger and better effects than normal. I would have to take the damage to save Alice. As for Attribute points, I should add more to intelligence as I need much more mana than normal especially for learning skills,' Li Wei thought.

"Okay, let's do this," he decided.


SP: 46↓340- | AP: 0 ↓ 700-

MP: 5435/5435 ↑2500+

Shadow Step: Level 10 (0/110000)

Strength: 383 (35+) ↑100+ | Agility: 385 (10-) ↑100+

Intelligence: 1087 ↑500+


'Now it's good. I can learn the skills without much problem, but the SP needed to upgrade goddess edition skills are too much. To get the 100 SP, I have to spend 1 million coins. It means I have almost spent 18 million coins on just skills, not to mention the amount will only increase.'

'Is this how it feels to be rich and poor at the same time?' he murmured with a sigh.

'But the goddess edition skills are a must because they are powerful and a little different than the normal ones, not to mention they're helpful in a crisis,' he thought and changed his attention to Elva, who was ready to learn the skill.

She stood in the field, taking out the skill book from her item box.

"Learn," she murmured, and the skill book became a white light, merging with her. She then took out her new bow, taking a stance to fire the arrow.

Li Wei didn't hesitate and silently activated the Eternal Learning skill.

'It's a good thing it doesn't have any levels, or I would have to go through hell just to upgrade it,' he thought with relief and focused on Elva, who was learning the skill.

Alice was also looking at her, but then she saw Li Wei staring at Elva without blinking his eyes and felt stunned.

'Don't tell me he likes her, but shouldn't he be a little restrained? What if he scares her?' she thought and looked at Li Xin, who didn't care because she knew what he was doing, unlike her, who was imagining weird things.

"Elva is cute, and her ears are so soft, if you touch them hehe," Alice muttered with creepy smile.

Elva, who was preparing for the skill, suddenly felt a chill down her back.

'What's this creepy feeling? Damn it, it must be Alice,' she cursed in her mind and refocused on the skill.

To learn the skill, one needed to understand how to use it after receiving the instructions, but the process depended on themselves.

Some people might have talent in archery and could learn the skills more quickly, while those who didn't might have to grind for a day or two to learn it.

"Elemental Fusion Arrow," Elva chanted softly, and with a swish, an arrow made of water and wind began to form. It was still unstable, but Elva tried hard to focus more.

When the arrow was completely formed, she released the string.


With a sound, the arrow pierced through the air at a fast speed. Splash, with another sound, it hit a rock, creating a scar on it.

[Ding, Congratulations! You have learned the Advanced skill Elemental Arrow (10% mastery).]

"Hmm, it looks a little hard; no wonder the advanced skills are stronger," he murmured after receiving the information from the skill.

Even though it's just a level 0 skill, it can deal damage comparable to a level 2 basic skill.

"And it only took 100 MP to learn," he said to himself, looking at his MP.

Elva, who had also learned the skill, nodded, satisfied with her results.

"Alice, it's your turn now," she said. They were taking turns to learn the skills, as the process required focus, so as not to distract each other and risk failure or it will get harder to learn.

Alice nodded and stepped into the open area, standing there with her dagger and skill book.

Li Wei, without hesitation, activated the Eternal Learning skill again.

Alice, too, noticed his gaze and became tense.

'Wait, is he interested in me too? No, no, what am I thinking? He must be interested in the skills. Yes, it must be,' she reassured herself inwardly, denying the notion urgently, though she couldn't completely dispel the thought of him being interested in her and Elva.

She shook her head to calm herself down.

Elva looked at her with a puzzled expression, but she didn't react much to Li Wei's stare, thinking he was interested in the skills unlike her who imagined weird things.

Alice closed her eyes and gripped the dagger tightly in her hands.

"Learn," she murmured, and the skill book in her other hand transformed into light, merging with her.

She didn't hesitate any longer and focused on the skill.

"Fatal Mirage," she murmured, and suddenly, another Alice appeared beside her holding the dagger, but she was a little transparent and unstable like it would disappear at any second.

[Ding, Congratulations! You have learned the Advanced skill Fatal Mirage (8% mastery).]

Alice finally felt a sigh of relief after learning the skill successfully.

"Sister Li, it's your turn," she said with a smile, looking at Li Xin.

Li Xin nodded and took out her new staff along with the skill book.

"Learn," she said learning the skill, then focused in front, with her staff aimed ahead.

"Magic Storm," she chanted, and with a whoosh, mana began to gather in a vortex, growing bigger and bigger with noise. However, it was still weak, only affecting the air around them.

[Ding, Congratulations! You have learned the Advanced skill Magic Storm (15% mastery).]

"Huh," Li Wei let out a surprised sound.

"Looks like XinXin has a talent to become a mage," he thought. The higher the talent, the faster they mastered the skills, and Li Xin had the highest mastery.

He looked at them with a nod. "Let's go; we should do our quest now," he said.

Fully mastering the skill could take hours and even a day, it wasn't worth it for him. Completing the quest would provide the money to improve their skills, which was more important than low-level advanced skills at the moment.

Elva and Alice both nodded, followed by Li Xin, and they headed toward the quest location with him.


Inside the forest, a wolf lay on the ground, whining in pain.


The wolf was slightly larger than the normal ones, with deep crimson fur, and its eyes were closed in agony.

Two people with hooded black robes stood nearby, watching the blood wolf's suffering.

Beside them were also some blood wolf corpses, their features somewhat sinister, and black acidic blood flowed from their mouths.

Mark looked at the wolf with a dissatisfied expression.

"What a pain in the ass. They asked us to do experiments on low-level monsters. Why can't they use high-level ones? And at the base, I think there are also low-level monsters. Why don't they use them?" he said, clearly irritated.

Seeing his irritation, Zek replied, "Because the experiment is still in a trial stage and is only working on low-level monsters like this. But the death rate is too high, making them hesitate to use it on the monsters inside the base that will be used for something," he explained, shaking his head.

He continued, "Anyway, we are just normal members of the cult. What we have to do is follow the orders of the higher-ups and be grateful to our God of Destruction," he said with a determined voice.

Mark nodded in agreement. "Of course, I am grateful. This world has become a mess, and only the God of Destruction can set it back on track. I will be a pillar of support, just like the higher-ups," he said with resolve.

*Whooo,* suddenly, the blood wolf let out a howl, capturing their attention.

"I hope it doesn't fail after all this was the last fruit we gave him," Zek said, watching the wolf.


The blood wolf screamed again in pain. Its blood-red fur began to darken, and it increased in size.


Suddenly, a black, evil aura surrounded the blood wolf.

Mark nodded as he observed. "Looks like it's a success, and the level has increased. But it's a pity it will die at the hands of the Light Faction soon," he commented.

Zek agreed, "Yes, it's a success, and before it dies, it will definitely kill a few low levels before the Light Faction notices. This is also a warning for them not to go against us. Let's go; our work is done here." With that, they both disappeared without a trace.


The wolf let out a loud howl after the black aura receded.


It growled, looking at the bodies of the other wolves around it. Without hesitation, it started to devour them like a hungry beast that hadn't eaten for decades.

Li Wei and his party arrived a short distance from the quest location, where they discovered a small pack of blood wolves on the hunt for food.

"Get ready; we should attack them first. There are about fifty blood wolves," he informed his party, scanning them with Analyze Eye.

**Analyze Panel/Start**

Name: Blood Wolf | Type: Normal

Rank: E | Level: 15

HP: 3600/3600 | MP: 380/380

Strength: 91 | Agility: 90

Intelligence: 76 | Endurance: 88

Spirit: 75 | Luck: 56

Skills: Bleeding Bite-9, Bloodied Pounce-7, Bloodthirst-8, Bloody Claws-9.

**Analyze Panel/End**



➡️♂️♦️Li Wei


**Character Panel Li Wei/Start**🔜🔵🔵🔵

**Special Dark Panel Created by Cute Little Goddess of Death**


❗Every Level UP: 100SP, 100AP, 1000 coins and 5+ Spirit.


*Intro*: 📝

Name: Li Wei | Age: 17 | Race: Human

Class: Jack-of-all-Trades (E)

Level: 18 | Title: Monster Killer

SP: 46↓340- | AP: 0 ↓ 700-

Coins: 117000 (117k)



HP: 6000/6000

MP: 5435/5435 ↑2500+

XP: 11800/19000



Strength: 383 (35+) ↑100+ | Agility: 384 (10-) ↑100+

Intelligence: 1087 ↑500+ | Endurance: 256 (35+)

Spirit: 90 | Luck: 8




•••????: Eternal Learning skill Max


•••Goddess of Death Edition Skills (3):-

Analyze Eye: Level 10 (0/110000)

Shadow Step: Level 10 (0/110000)

Fake Status: Level 5 (0/60000)


•••Special Class skills (3):-

@Level 10: Shadow Clone, Summoning, Swordsmanship.


•••Extra skills (1):- Language Mastery Max.


•••Advance Skills (3):-🆕

@Level 0: Magic Storm (15%mastery), Fatal Mirage (8%mastery), Elemental Arrow (10%mastery)


•••Common Basic Skills (25):-

@Level 10: Slash, Fireball, Frost Nova, Arcane Sheild, Footwork, Charge, Divine Protection,


@Level 5: Heal, Cure Poison, Guard, Stealth, Item box, Calm Emotion, Spiritual Communication, Grappling, Evasion, Lockpicking, Trap Detection, Dagger Proficiency, Shield and Sword Proficiency, Exorcism, Divine Leadership, Divine Smite.


@Level 1: Glow Magic.





1. Normal Attire Set | Level: 25

Endurance: 15+ | Agility: 1-


2. Leather Armour | Level: 25

Endurance: 20+ | Agility: 3-


3. Sword | Level: 30

Strength: 35+ | Agility: 6-





1. Kill the ??????????????????? Gods

- Difficulty: ???

- Rewards: ???

- Note: You will receive exclusive rewards after killing every god. These rewards are given by your cute little Goddess of Death.


2. Defend Earth from the Monster Invasion!

- Quest Difficulty: ???

- Quest Reward: ???


3. Blood Wolf Hunt (Party Quest)

Objective: Kill all the Blood Wolves and their leader.

Level: 15

Difficulty: E+ | Time Limit: 5 days

Rewards: 400,000 coins | Failure Penalty: 40,000 coins



**Character Panel/End**🔚🔴🔴🔴


➡️♀️♦️Li Xin


**Character Panel Li Xin/Start**🔜🔵🔵🔵


❗Every Level UP: 25SP, 25AP, 250 coins, 10+ intelligence, 10+ strength, 10+ Agility and 5+Spirit.


*Intro*: 📝

Name: Li Xin | Age: 17 | Race: Human

Class: 1. Ninja (E) 2. Swordsman (E) 3. Sorcerer (E)

Level: 11 | Title: Monster Killer

SP: 26 | AP: 25

Coins: 960



HP: 2000/2000

MP: 1540/1390(150+)

XP: 3330/12000



Strength: 127 | Agility: 168 (8-)

Intelligence: 278 (30+) | Endurance: 139 (35+)

Spirit: 55 | Luck: 68




•••Special Class skills (3):-

@Level 9: Swordsmanship.


@Level 1: Shadow Clone, Summoning.


•••Extra skills (2):- Language Mastery Max, Analyze Eye-5.


•••Advance Skills (1):-🆕

@Level 0: Magic Storm (15%mastery)


•••Common Basic Skills (13) -

@Level 10: Frost Nova


@Level 5 : Slash, Guard, Fireball, Stealth, Evasion, Item box


@Level 1: Shadow Step, Silent Strike, Telekinesis, Rapid Incantation,Sword Mastery, Parrying.





1. Normal Attire Set | Level: 25

Endurance: 15+ | Agility: 2-


2. Leather Armour | Level: 25

Endurance: 20+ | Agility: 3-


3. Mage Staff | Level: 20

Intelligence: 30+ | Agility: 2-


4.IntrusionGuard Amulet | Level: 10

Effect: Analyze Eye Guard



**Character Panel/End**🔚🔴🔴🔴




**Character Panel Alice/Start**🔜🔵🔵🔵


❗Every Level UP: 25SP, 25AP, 250 coins, 10+ intelligence, 10+ strength, 10+ Agility and 5+Spirit.


*Intro*: 📝

Name: Alice | Age: 18 | Race: Fairy

Class: 1. Assassin (E) 2. Gladiator (E) 3. Combat Healer (E)

Level: 12 | Title: Monster Killer

SP: 28 | AP: 0

Coins: 45250



HP: 2400/2400

MP: 480/480

XP: 8300/13000



Strength: 93 (30+) | Agility: 101 (8-)

Intelligence: 96 | Endurance: 55 (35+)

Medical Knowledge: 25

Spirit: 60 | Luck: 54




•••Special Class skills (3):-

@Level 8: Assassination Techniques, Mastery of Weapons, Battlefield Resilience.


•••Extra skills (3) :- Language Mastery Max, Analyze Eye-5, Item box-5.


•••Advance Skills (1):-🆕

@Level 0: Fatal Mirage (8%mastery)


•••Common Basic Skills (21) -

@Level 9: Deadly Strikes, Dagger Proficiency, Slash.


@Level 5: Heal, Stealth, Evasion, Guard, Footwork.


@Level 1: Potion Brewing, Comforting Presence, Diagnostic Skill, Lockpicking, Trap Detection, Charge, Grappling, Disguise, Unarmed Combat, Gladiator's Resolve, Healing Spells, Barrier Mastery





1. Normal Attire Set | Level: 25

Endurance: 15+ | Agility: 2-


2. Leather Armour | Level: 25

Endurance: 20+ | Agility: 3-


3. Dagger | Level: 25

Strength: 30+ | Agility: 3-



**Character Panel/End**🔚🔴🔴🔴




**Character Panel Elva/Start**🔜🔵🔵🔵


❗Every Level UP: 25SP, 25AP, 250 coins, 10+ intelligence, 10+ strength, 10+ Agility and 5+Spirit.


*Intro*: 📝

Name: Elva | Age: 17 | Race: Elf

Class: 1. Elemental Archer (E) 2. Elemental Mage (E) 3. Jewel Crafter (E)

Level: 12 | Title: Monster Killer

SP: 25 | AP: 23

Coins: 65250



HP: 2400/2400

MP: 625/475 (175+)

XP: 9600/13000



Strength: 93 | Agility: 90 (8-)

Intelligence: 95 (30+)| Endurance: 83 (35+)

Spirit: 60 | Luck: 57




•••Special Class skills (3):-

@Level 10: Elemental Arrows, Elemental Manipulation.


@Level 1: Jewelcrafter's Legacy.


•••Extra skills (2):- Language Mastery Max, Analyze Eye-10.


•••Advance Skills (1):-🆕

@Level 0: Elemental Fusion Arrow (10%mastery)


•••Common Basic Skills (21) -

@Level 9: Bow Proficiency, Eagle Eye, Rapid Shot, Aim and Precision.


@Level 5: Fireball, Frost Nova, Arcane Sheild, Item box, Basic Traps.


@Level 1: Potion Brewing, Metalworking, Basic Enchantment, Armor Crafting, Weapon Forging, Tempering, Elemental Infusion, Archer's Mark, Elemental Absorption, Elemental Resistance, Gemstone Identification, Jewel Enhancement.





1. Normal Attire Set | Level: 25

Endurance: 15+ | Agility: 2-


2. Leather Armour | Level: 25

Endurance: 20+ | Agility: 3-


3. Bow | Level: 25

Intelligence: 30+ | Agility: 3-



**Character Panel/End**🔚🔴🔴🔴


If there are any mistakes please comment and if you have questions about something please ask I will do my best to reply you thanks.

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