Chapter 197 – First Time Playing a Healer
Chapter 197 – First Time Playing a Healer
We didn't cuddle for long. A maid came in to say the fight was over and the injured were sorted. Fluvis was still needed to keep the ship afloat for a bit as they did the repairs, but I followed the small woman to the injured. I was ready to see what my new classes gave me.
I'm Sorry, Fluvis, but if the titles were anything to go by, some of your crew may be walking out of here with a child. Oh, why would they care? They'll be happy the Princess bought them the best breeder to figure out how to heal them.
The maid was nice enough to give me better shoes and a better robe—one that looks like it is meant to be worn outside a house. I haven't seen the Princess since making it on the ship. But I was the one who ran away from her.
They had the injured lined out on the deck. Only a blanket to keep them and the blood off the wooden deck. A bunch of hurt women groaning as a few healers went down the line.
I willed the Goddess's window up and checked for my new skills.
Royal Pregnancy: Pregnancies you are involved with that are royal in nature are faster.
Useless for healing, but I wonder if this will go for the bastard in my womb. Faster wouldn't be terrible to have. I just know I need to limit the size of them or I'll be able to watch my belly grow.
Motherly healing: If you or the woman you are healing is pregnant, your mana is more efficient.
Teasing the Wounded: The less clothing you wear, the better you are at healing others.
At least I don't need to fuck anyone for these to be useful, and I'm already fulfilling their requirements with just a robe on and a dot in my tattoo.
"Lady Alzi," a woman calls out, the maid retreating. "I'm happy to have your help. I'm not sure of your skill level, so I will leave what you do up to you. One thing I ask is don't start healing someone unless you are sure you can finish the job. You can heal over lost limbs if needed. We aren't likely to regrow any limbs ourselves."
"Ok," I say. Should I go to them first, then? They went out for the Princess, but they did save me as well.
Standing won't help.
I start to just walk to the far end. Just one other healer is there healing over the lost limbs, just as the woman said.
"Hi," I say. "Um, is it ok if I regrow the limbs?"
"Lady Alzi, of course," the woman says. "You can do as you like we wouldn't dare tell you no. Unless you are inflicting unneeded pain."
"Ok, if you see anything I could do better, just tell me. I'm new to this. I just got a healing class, actually," I say. "I have regrown a limb before." Shouldn't make them worried I haven't healed a woman before.
"Congratulations on the class, my Lady," she says. "The women will be happy to have you help."
I just shake my head and pick one she hasn't healed over yet. An elf that lost her foot. I'm not sure if it was a clean strike or if they cleaned all the wounds earlier.
"Hello, my Lady," the elf groans out. "Thank you for the help." She forces out through gritted teeth.
I start to remove the bandaging on her leg, and blood begins to move out. "Sorry if I cause you extra pain," I say. My mana starting to circulate. I feel it moving faster in my body. At least they don't force me to have sex.
"Wait, Alzi," the healer says. "Here is something for them to bite down on. Just give it a pinch of mana after they use it to clean it off. Forgot you wouldn't have one."
"Oh, thanks," I say, a small strip of leather. Had more than a few of these types of things forced into my mouth for a very different reason. "Um, use this, please." I direct to the elf.
The elf bites on it quickly and lets me get to work. I start slowly, careful to not make a mistake in front of the women right after promising I've done this before.
Her body tenses as I start to build out the ankle. The other healer walks off somewhere, likely leaving me the row for now. I should be able to heal them all, but I doubt they think that.
"I'm done," I tell the elf, her body relaxing with the pain gone. She spits out the leather and gives me a chuckle.
"Thank you," the elf says. "I was already thinking about how to make a living without my foot, and you ruined my plans. Thank you, my Lady."
"Happy I get to help others. Thank you for saving me," I say.
"It is our duty," the elf says. "Happy you're safe. I know you won't be able to do many more. Otherwise, they wouldn't be giving up on us themselves, but please help the others the best you can."
"I can do more than you think," I whisper. I didn't need Kelly or Oriphusa looking over my shoulder. I got her a foot back, her little toes wiggling. I helped her. It is almost ten years after I was meant to do this, but I did it.
I pick up the leather strip and give it just a touch of mana, the spit clearing off for the next woman to use.
The healer before must have been working for a while; most of the women's missing limbs are already healed. Only this row of missing feet and hands is left. I'll get them and then move up the rows, healing just a single limb at a time. About thirty women in total are missing at least a hand, and three are missing both legs and an arm.
I should have a few days on the boat I can heal them over the trip.
As I go down the row, the conversation doesn't change. They give a simple thank you in their pain and a longer one asking me to help the others. The girls get more delirious as I move down the row. The women I have already healed start to comfort the later ones, promising a lady would help them soon.
I may have made a mistake promising to heal the entire row. I feel like I have the mana, but you never know, or I don't know. I'm sure others know how far their mana goes.
If I get desperate, I can offer to have sex with them to complete the row. I still have that to help lower how much mana this takes.
But I make it to the last girl. Now I have a small crowd and more than enough mana to give the woman her hand back. Her body shakes in pain as her mates try to comfort her. They've been handling the leather for me, so I just have to heal the hand.
She doesn't stay awake, passing out right as I finish. But the group thanks me enough in her stead.
"If one of you can help me, I can start healing some of the others," I ask. "I should be able to heal a few missing a hand or foot." The women just stare at me, pondering my statement.
All their eyes move to my breasts. I would say they don't see much, but my size is impossible to hide, but not yet the size of the Princess. Getting three classes has made all of Shyla's previous work useless.
So, despite no skin being shown, they know how much I have. One does reach out to test if their eyes are seeing reality. I'm not sure how they missed it or are suprised. The Duchess is also bigger than me.
Are healers normally small or something?
"Hmm, I'm just a slave, but I'll take your help," I say. I guess I should be mad about it, but her touch was soft.
"Love you are a lot more than a slave," the Princess says. "And you should not be letting random women touch your breasts. There is no need for your help. I will handle that for my wife. You all need to get some rest."
"Yes, Your Highness," the woman says. "Sorry for my mistake. I wasn't thinking."
"I need to get to work," I say, standing up from the small stool one of the women grabbed for me. I start walking to the start of the other row, hoping the Princess just follows me and forgets about the incident. I'll prove myself, and then no one will need to test my tits in the future.
"Your stool, my love," the Princess says, already putting the leather in the woman's mouth. She is asleep, but the Princess doesn't seem to care.
"You can just start. While on the ship, they are property of the crown," the Princess says. "We are limited in only being able to order them in regards to the defense of the Queendom, but healing counts for that. She'll be happy to find her limb back on. Most don't get that."
She doesn't have any bandages, just new flesh covering the end of her shortened arm. I take a deep breath and cut it back. She doesn't wake, so I start building the arm back.
"Another?" the Princess asks.
"Yes," I say. "I can finish the row."
"Very well, my love," the Princess says, giving me a soft kiss. "Thank you for helping them."
None of the women woke up that I healed in this row. The Princess says they use a potion to put them to sleep for a while. Helps to heal the wound or something. I should ask the healer or Oriphusa about it. I hope I still get to join her for a bit. Maybe Aurora knows about starting a healing business.
I get up to move to the next row. I should be able to get another woman or two. I'll have to handle the ones with multiple missing limbs tomorrow.
"Wait, Alzi," the Princess says. "They are starting to wake up, and the others are looking for me to say something. Are you ok with continuing to heal them when we reach land? I spoke with Duchess Fluvis, and she offered us to stay with her for a bit. Would you be willing to heal some of them and their families?"
"Yes," I say. I would love the chance to practice a bit." This is the start of my business. They saved me for free I can heal them for free.
"We will set it up," Elora says. She clears her throat and moves to the corner so all can see her. "Everyone, I want to say thank you. You saved me and my dear wife. I know you have lost friends saving us, and I will be there to honor their sacrifice. My wife here will be offering her services to you and your loved ones for a bit while we stay with your captain to recover ourselves. I will work to make sure the Edeozia Queendom is punished for the loss of life they caused today. There was no need for this to happen. I will work to make sure they know that for the future. Thank you all for the work you do."
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