Chapter 21 – Noble Asks for a Kid
Chapter 21 – Noble Asks for a Kid
"All of my equipment works, so yes. I'm currently already pregnant, so you'll have to get in line if you want me to carry." Slowly working my hands up from her thigh, over her thin stomach to her sizeable breasts. I join her on the bed, straddling her waist.
"You're good, right? At sex?"
"Haha, I've worked here for nine years. I have several sex-based classes. I'm likely the best here." I chuckle a bit at the nervous noble. Slowly caressing her breasts, wondering where this is going to go.
"Can I trust you?"
"I'm a slave; of course you can. I can't disobey you." I can feel her nipples fighting to leave her tight dress.
"Jump up and down," she commands.
I resist the collar to prove it works. Eventually, it forces me off the girl, and I start jumping.
"Thanks, my lady." I stand waiting for her next instruction.
"If you can get me pregnant, I'll let you use my body however you want."
"You basically own me right now. You can order me to lay where you are currently, naked, and force out my seed yourself. You could order me to breed you, order me to do everything in my power to make sure you leave here pregnant. You can make me do nearly anything. Look here in the drawer," pulling the toy drawer all the way out so she can see in. "All of these are for you to use. Why are you acting like you need to give me something when you can force me to do it and even make me thank you for it?"
"I want to be pregnant. Need it. If I'm pregnant in a month, my life will be easy. Otherwise, I'll have to be a maid. So this is important. I'm a virgin. I don't know what I'm doing. I could order you, yes, but I don't want to have a child through force. So I'm giving you a deal. Get me pregnant, then use my body and teach me about sex."
"Are you sure? You'll be limited in what commands you can give me if this is your command. I'm happy to get you pregnant."
"Yes, get me pregnant, then use my body."
"I think I love you, my lady. Seeing the mouth of a dragon, you jump right in." I pace the drawer on the top of the side table and stalk towards my new toy. I rarely get a woman surrendering herself to me. As I said, it doesn't make a lot of sense to do it. But I know well how stupid eighteen-year-olds can be, I made an even worse deal than she just did.
I slowly move my hands up to her breasts, teasing her as I go. I work her dress down. Stopping right before her nipples are shown.
I work a finger under her dress to tease her nipples directly. Using just a tad of my erotic touch. She is staring at my finger like it will kill her. Her breathing gets heavier as I work her hard nipples. Her muscles tense, worried about what they should do.
"Relax, my lady. You'll feel everything. I'll pound the right way to have sex into you. Slow is your friend at the beginning. Get them to need you, and you'll be able to go farther than they wanted to before. If they are in control, don't just let it happen. Relax, enjoy the work, but stay active. For example, right now, you should be working a hand into my robe. You need to remind them you're more than a toy. I can feel how much more than a toy you are. These perked up so hard." I pop her nipples out and give them a quick kiss. "Remember, you can always try something. If it doesn't work, give them a few kisses and change it up." I take her lips and force my tongue inside her mouth. Exploring for treasure. The dress slid off the rest of her tits. Causing them to flop to her sides. E cups. Beautiful pair.
I let her breathe, taking in her body, planning how I'm going to teach her all about sex. Pale white skin, small areola, and nipples, both a light pink color. I move the dress farther down her stomach and see she is pale all over. She must have a non-combative class like me. I'm still a bit paler than her; I haven't been outside for longer than it takes to get to a carriage in over a year. Her hair is a beautiful gold color. It's not blonde; it looks just like the gold coins they hand me for the massage. She has human ears. No tail. Normal eyes, besides the gold iris. The only non-human thing about her is the hair and iris color.
I can feel her red lipstick on my lips after the kiss. There is just a small amount of eyeliner to finish out her makeup. I guess second kids don't get much.
"Stand up. Your dress won't come off like this."
"Say yes, miss, or something less casual. Aim to keep your partner engaged. If you are clearly in control, be assertive. You'll have to choose if you'll be supportive, stern, or something else. If the other is in control, give them respect; how much is up to you and your partner. If you don't have a clear dominant in the mix, aim for flirty at the beginning and sexy in the heat of it. Playing the right part is important; it helps both parties stay engaged."
"Yes, miss." The girl says in a flat tone.
"Confidence, fake it if needed. Or be shy. Never use a flat tone."
"Yes, miss." putting some meaning behind the words this time.
"See how much better that sounds. Now, how does this dress work? I'm afraid to rip it."
"Let me do it." Giving an excellent commanding tone. I start to play with her hanging tits as she works the dress down.
"Stop suppressing your moans. Let your partner know how you feel. Both pain and pleasure."
"Why are there so many rules."
"These are hardly rules. I'm telling you to stay engaged and show your feelings. They feel like rules because you want to hide; you can't hide during sex. Now, may I check your stats? I just want to check your ovulation cycle."
"You may." I start checking and see she isn't at a stage where she can get pregnant. I begin to feed a little mana into her womb and see the cycle move forward, so I continue till her eggs get released. And I do mean eggs, five of them. I may have used too much mana. Well, she'll be pregnant in a month, maybe even showing how small she is. I'll start showing in a day or two. While I was moving her cycle along, she worked her dress off and actually started to mess with my robe as well. Seems she is a fast learner. I wrap her naked body up in a hug and force her head back for another deep kiss. I start to get rough with her tiny nipples. Having her moan into my mouth. She finds the sash holding my robe together and pulls it, our bodies the only thing keeping it up now. I release her lips and step back, letting the robe fall.
We both just have our underwear left to lose. Hers are barely covering anything. Free from the kiss, I can see the young noble has a bush, fully grown, poking past her thin panties. In my years here, I've found how to enjoy all the ways the girls come here. Not that a bush is hard to love or rare to see. They're a lot of fun to run my hand through. Making teasing feel a lot better. Wondering about her ass, I pull her back into a hug, squeezing her head between my massive tits. Her hands had decided to start milking me. The drips make their way down her back.
My hand reaches her ass, and I just feel her skin. I search for the backside of her panties, finding it as a string between her ass cheeks. I need to see this. I spin her around and push her onto the bed. What a sight. These young nobles are getting bold, or are the mothers pushing them? Whichever it is gets me excited, I could get used to girls looking like this on all fours.
Her ass is almost fully on display; just a string hides her hole. Her hair spread out on the bed. Her bush poked through, letting me know how easily I could free her pussy. I need to get a warrior to dress like this and test if extra muscle will make this view any better.
"I'm going to start rough. You'll be in pain anyway, so I'll just combine it. Later, we will go for pleasure." Sliding my underwear off. I pull hers down to her knees. I grab some lube from under my bed and apply it to us both. I'm not that sadistic. I tease her bottom lips with my dick, and I see her breathing harder. Up and down, I taunt her. She never begs, but only the most experienced nobles ever do. The thought never crosses their mind. Her breathing becomes a ragged mess, signaling me to go inside. Taking away her virginity roughly and suddenly. I only make it half down my dick till I hit her cervix. A yelp of pain comes from my pillow. I started to piston my hips. I feel some blood mix into the normal precum and vaginal fluids.
I turn my erotic touch up to max and pound her. She doesn't have a chance to suppress the sounds she makes. Moans and cries morph together in her mouth. I keep my hands on her waist to pound her harder. With my erotic touch, she won't tap out. Just enough pleasure to make the pain worth it.
"Oh goddess, yes. This feels weird. What is all this pleasure, " she moans out, taking what feels like a minute to get the words out. My own moans are getting stronger as I near my first load.
"My actives. This would be torture without them." I moan into her ear.
"Thank you, miss." moans out from my pillow.
"You're starting to figure this out fast." I force out.
Just a few more thrusts, and I finish deep inside. Once I stop cumming I pull out. Her head is pressed into my pillow, her golden hair spread in a mess about. I give her a slap on the ass.
"You ok?" I ask. Pulling her panties off the rest of the way.
"Yes, that was amazing. Everyone said to take the first time slow."
"I can force you to feel pleasure, so I just made sure you had a nice mix. You will be sore tomorrow still. Ready for round two." I say, not really asking. I push her ass to the side so she falls. I lift her right leg up over my shoulder and line her slit up with my cock.
"Wait, you shouldn't be good yet. I need a breath. What is this position? It is degrading."
"I have four different sex-based classes. I can go all day and night for weeks before I'm unable to continue. And the last position is how beast fuck. This is more human." I push in. She gasps and starts to moan again.
I use my mana to check her eggs and find they are under attack from my sperm. I've got plenty of time, so I'll let it go naturally and just help them implant.
I use just my left arm to keep her leg up. Leaving my right to play with her tits. Moving slowly to give her a bit of a rest.
"Girl, you have the cutest little nipples. I love how they feel."
"Thanks, how are your tits so big. And why does this slow motion send so much heat through me?"
WHACK. "Girl, you need to listen. I've got more sex classes than most women have normal classes. So, of course, my tits are big. Shit, they've grown like three times in the last week. I can make you a little puddle right this second if I want to."
"I don't believe you."
"If I turn that on, I won't turn it off."
"Do it."
"You're going to be my little doll all night. You best sleep when I massage Yuki."
"Shut up and prove it."
I turn on my arousal aura to the max and hear her give out a long, mighty moan of pure sexual pleasure. I speed up again. All I hear from the young noble is moans and gibberish as I pound her tight hole. I slowly stretch her out and get more and more of my dick in. Blood is occasionally seen in the mix of fluids coming out of her pussy. Her public hair was a mess of gold, white, and red.
I look for my clips in the toy drawer I set on the table. This does force me to slow down a bit, but it will be well worth it. I pull out a half dozen clips. I anchor myself with my left hand to speed back up. Rewarding me with slightly louder gibberish from my little puddle of a noble. My own moans signal how close I am to another orgasm. I decide to use my skills to count the noble's orgasms as well. I'm sure she will be wondering. The total already has two on it from the last hour.
My right-hand starts to find good spots for the clips. One goes to her clit, obviously. Her face bunches up a little in pain when it closes on the target. Her status shows her as pregnant now, so I slow down and focus on helping each little egg implant in good spots along her wall. I get the five in place and then go back to pounding my little puddle.
I'm starting to also get affected by my aura. It really is just pheromones. I have some resistance, but it isn't perfect. I'll have to turn it off before the orphan girl gets here so she isn't affected by it. I don't need to force her to rape or be raped by the young noble.
After I cum once again in her pussy I stop for a moment to get two clips on each nipple. Pain shows all over the face of the girl.
"Don't worry. I'm going to use.. a different hole this time." I pant out. I grab the girl's tongue and place a clip there. I let her left leg fall down, moving the noble onto her back. I spread her legs wide, lifting her ass some so I could see her back door. This noble is not going to be happy after this, I think, but she said I was in control. Plenty of her juices and my cum have made it to her ass, so I just spread that in for lube. I don't tease her or anything; I just start forcing it in. Due to her mental state, she is completely relaxed back there, letting me in about two inches.
I start rocking my hips to work myself deeper and deeper. Extreme pain and pleasure are mixing the noble's face. Her body is unable to decide what to feel. Faster and deeper. I'm starting to get lost in the aura as well. My movements getting rougher and rougher. Forcing my dick halfway into her tight ass. I can't last long anymore, pheromones demanding I finish as fast as possible. I cum as deep as I can inside the noble's ass. With the extra natural lube, I start again, thrusting deeper and deeper inside.
I'm quickly approaching another climax from this noble ass. I increase my speed through it. I'm barely able to last any amount of time before I reach my third. After my third orgasm in her ass, I'm able to go from tip to balls inside her. I think she has gotten used to pain; her face looks like she is in heaven. Her legs are behind her head. Her own orgasms have nearly doubled while I've been inside her.
I stop with my dick hilted deep in her ass and flick the clips off her clit and nipples. Each earned me a whence of pain from my favorite puddle. I take the clip off her tongue. I slowly extract my dick and stop the aura. The pheromones in the room will work till the orphan girl comes up. I am basically drunk from the aura. So the girl must be in heaven.
I use a cleaning spell on my dick and lay her legs back to normal. I move her so her head is off the bed. I get off the bed to fuck her face and throat. I force it all the way in and use her last hole to pleasure myself. Just like I did with her ass, I don't give her time to adjust. I add some life mana to stop any permanent or severe damage from happening. Now, the only moans are mine. From her mouth is just a strange gurgling noise. Still high from my own ability, I cum quickly down her throat. Again, I pound her face for one more orgasm.
I quickly release my last load for now. I extract myself and see my puddle is starting to be lucid again. She has reached fifty orgasms this session. Destroying the seven I've had. To be young and inexperienced again. I chuckle.
Knocking came on the door as I finished cleaning myself.
"Come in," I yell. I have already covered the noble so the orphan doesn't see her naked body. She fell asleep once she was lucid enough to think.
The orphan slowly enters my room, head staring at the floor.
"Are you ok? I used an ability that may still be causing arousal right now." I ask.
"I don't feel it miss."
"Good, just watch her. I expect she will be asleep the entire time."
"Ok, miss." Time to massage the best kitsune in the world.
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