Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 68: Meeting with Dumbledore

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Making Dumbledore wait~@@novelbin@@


Harry lets out a sigh. While the message Dumbledore had sent was written instead of voiced, he could still tell there was a sense of… urgency in the older wizard's words. Was this to be Dumbledore's big move? Was the Headmaster going to try to trap Harry in some way? Either he had decided Harry was being possessed by Tom and was moving to stop him… or he'd decided it was finally time to drop the bombshell on Harry that Tom wasn't really gone and had left horcruxes behind.

Either way, the ensuing conversation wasn't going to go the way Dumbledore expected. Whether he tried something or not, Harry had more than enough magical power to no-sell the great Albus Dumbledore at this point… even in the Headmaster's Office in the heart of Hogwarts where the aged wizard wants to meet.

And yet… looking down at the beautiful naked veela who is currently still kneeling before him, Harry feels the corner of his mouth quirk up a bit. Dumbledore, he decides, will have to wait a little longer.

"Sit tight, Fawkes. I was in the middle of something so you're just going to have to wait until I'm done."

He can tell he's not endearing himself to the phoenix with this move, but Harry won't lie… he doesn't really care. He does transport Fawkes out of the room at least, but he also keeps the phoenix wrapped in his magic, restrained and unable to utilize his natural teleporting abilities as a result.

With that dealt with, Harry turns his attention back to the beautiful, gorgeous woman at his feet… his latest conquest, as she would term herself. His pet, as she had decided to label herself.


Sighing, Harry reaches down and gathers her silver-golden locks up in one hand, while using the other hand to guide his cock into her mouth. She doesn't hesitate to begin sucking, something he takes his time enjoying. Her enthusiastic mouth, lips, and tongue are all over his cock in mere moments.

He'd always known it would come to this. Ever since he'd taken Apolline… no, before that. Ever since he'd given this little slut her first taste of his cum, Harry had her hooked didn't he? And now here she was. Her magic bound to him… and her all the happier for it. Her power was a drop in the bucket after everything he'd taken from Voldemort and his Death Eaters, but that didn't mean she wouldn't still be useful to him in other ways.

For now, Harry just makes use of the warm, wet, eager hole in front of him. He tilts his head back and enjoys the sucking, slurping and swirling of her lips and tongue. The cute French Witch hollows out her cheeks, swirls her tongue this way and that, and all around does her level best to make him happy… and she succeeds too.

"That's it, pet. That's a good girl."

If anything, that only seems to spur the part veela on harder. She definitely has a praise kink, one that Harry is more than willing to cater to. Grinning, he looks down into her bright blue eyes and lets out a shuddering breath. Minutes go by like this, with her doing her absolute best to pleasure him and Harry just enjoying her mouth for all it's worth. Admittedly, he could have probably cum earlier… but he'd rather make Albus wait a little longer before dealing with the old man.

Finally though, as with all good things… this has to come to an end. Groaning, he warns his new veela pet that he's getting close.

"Here it comes, pet. Swallow it for me."

He doesn't really need to give that order, to be fair. There's probably not a veela alive that wouldn't want to consume his seed at this point given how much magic he has access to. Harry should probably be worried about addiction… but eh, it'll be fine. He cums and she swallows, his seed flowing down her throat at prodigious rate as his latest conquest's large naked breasts jiggle and bounce a little bit from the exertion.

She sucks and sucks until there's nothing left, his balls emptied and his cock beginning to soften. Only then does Harry let go of her hair and let her pull back. She looks up at him for a moment, but he just shakes his head.

"No further orders right now… I'll call for you when I need you, alright? Until then… just know that you've done well."

The look of satisfaction amuses Harry to no end, but even still he can tell how much his words mean to her. Chuckling softly, he steps away and with a tug of his magic, dresses himself for the upcoming meeting. He's… probably kept Dumbledore waiting long enough by this point.

Stepping out of the room and into the next where a very disgruntled phoenix has been made to wait, Harry gives Fawkes a shit-eating grin.

"Sorry about that."

He wasn't.

"Shall we?"

He offers Fawkes his arm. The phoenix doesn't so much as fly over to land on it as Harry pulls him over. And then, because apparently he's adding insult to injury today, Harry reaches out into Fawkes' own natural magic and activates the phoenix's fiery teleport ability himself, sending them both over to Hogwarts and through the wards, even as he sees one of Fawkes' beady eyes widening at the move.


Apparating or Port Keying into Hogwarts itself is impossible thanks to the ancient castle's magical wards. However, Phoenix Teleportation was not. Phoenixes were a rare magical creature to begin with and as far as Harry knew, Fawkes was the first one who had agreed to become a wizard's familiar. Needless to say, Dumbledore had had no reason to patch the hole in Hogwarts' wards when it made emergency travel for him incredibly convenient.

Letting go of Fawkes now that they've arrived, Harry tenses up in anticipation of a trap… that never comes. The phoenix flaps away from him as fast as his wings can carry him, back over to his perch where he proceeds to give Harry the stinkiest of stink eyes. Smiling half-sincerely, Harry shrugs.


He even almost means it, now that it seems like Fawkes wasn't actually trying to lead him into a trap. Even still…

"Headmaster? I'm here."

"A-Ah, Harry… good…"

Harry's brow lifts as his eyes zero in on the desk at the other end of the Headmaster's Office. More specifically, he stares at the chair behind it, currently turned away. Slowly, it turns to reveal Dumbledore in all of his aged, declining glory… except immediately Harry knows something is wrong. No, not just that something is wrong… he knows precisely what is wrong as well.

The urge to say something like 'oh you old fool' is overpowering, but Harry bites his tongue and stays quiet, even as Dumbledore tries to put on a brave face while carefully hiding his right hand in his voluminous robes.

"I am afraid, dear boy… that I have bad news."

Harry tilts his head to the side and slowly approaches the desk.

"Oh? What is it, Headmaster?"

Was Dumbledore going to actually tell Harry he was dying this time? Or, more likely…

"I am afraid… that Voldemort is not quite as dead as we all might hope."

Of course. Harry schools his expression into one of polite confusion.

"But I killed him, Headmaster. I even brought back his corpse for all to see. Are you saying that wasn't Voldemort?"

Albus smiles weakly.

"No… you did indeed stop the Dark Lord once again, Mister Potter. To that, I must applaud you. Again and again over the years, you have proven yourself capable of extraordinary feats of magic."

Wow. Harry had to admit, he wasn't expecting Dumbledore to butter him up quite so much. The old man was really laying it on thick right now.

"However… I fear that there might be an insidious reason for that."

Wait, what? Harry blinks as Dumbledore suddenly looks far more serious, far more… grave.

"Tell me, Harry… does the term 'horcrux' ring a bell?"

Needless to say, Harry presents complete bafflement as he slowly shakes his head.

"No sir… should it? What does it mean?"

Albus lets out a low, shuddering breath… and then tells him. Harry has to admit, he's a little impressed by how much the Headmaster is divulging. He explains to Harry the truth behind what a horcrux is, how it allows someone to use a cold-blooded murder to split their soul and achieve a form of immortality where if you die, you live a half-life until you can regain a new body. Obviously, Harry doesn't play completely dumb here…

"You're saying that Voldemort made a horcrux. That's why he didn't die on Halloween night all those years ago… and you think it's why he's still not dead now."

Nodding slowly, Albus looks even more serious now.

"Not just one, I'm afraid. Voldemort made several horcruxes. Some by design… and some purely by accident."

With that, Dumbledore does something that actually catches Harry off guard. He flicks his eyes up to Harry's scar meaningfully, letting his gaze linger long enough that Harry can't possibly miss it before lowering his eyes again. It's obvious he's expecting Harry to pick up what he's putting down. Which is… well, it's quite the shock. Harry never expected Dumbledore to just come out and admit it, albeit in his own taciturn way.

Still, Harry brings a hand up to his forehead, making sure it's lightly trembling as he does so.

"Headmaster… you're saying that I'm…"

Looking incredibly solemn, Dumbledore lets out another rattling breath.

"Yes, my boy. You are Voldemort's unintentional final horcrux. That night when he tried to kill you but couldn't… his murder of your mother caused his soul to split one final time, with one half of that split winding up with you."

With great difficulty, Dumbledore pushes himself up in his chair, straightening out of the slow slouch he'd been sliding down into ever since they began this conversation. He tries his best to project his usual image of a grandfatherly old man, to hide his weakness and uncertainties behind a confident veneer. Harry sees right through it… but even then, he struggles to see to the heart of the matter.

"You are a good man, Harry. The best of us, one might say. Despite having a fragment of Voldemort's soul influencing you all your life, you have turned out better than anyone could have hoped. You have proven yourself to be a force for good in this world time and time again. But there is no denying the growing influence that the soul fragment has over you. This year in particular, you've grown in leaps and bounds. Surely you can see how that growth is… unnatural."

Harry is actually stunned into silence for a long moment. Dumbledore is serious, and it finally dawns on him that he'd had it wrong. He'd thought the only two options was for Dumbledore to come to the same conclusion Voldemort did, thinking that he'd been possessed by the Dark Lord… or that the Headmaster wouldn't think anything was wrong at all and would instead continue to try to prepare Harry for his 'grand destiny'.

But as it turns out, there was a third option. No, it was more accurate to say that there were numerous options Harry had ignored. This was just one of them. In the end, Dumbledore had, in his infinite wisdom, fallen somewhere in the middle instead. He believed Harry had Voldemort's soul lodged in his forehead, but he didn't believe the soul fragment had full control like the Dark Lord had.

Even now, the old man wanted to see the best in Harry. Never mind that Harry wasn't the Paragon of Light that Dumbledore wanted him to be. Never mind that Harry had come back from a future so bad that he was ready to do terrible things to stop it. In a lot of ways, Harry was just as dark as Voldemort. Maybe not as evil or selfish or vile… but he'd done things that Dumbledore would not be able to forgive if he knew about them.

Letting out a shuddering breath of his own, Harry decides to cut to the chase.

"Headmaster… why are you favoring your right side so much? What are you hiding?"

Dumbledore startles at being called out so bluntly. He looks like an old man caught with his hand in the cookie jar for a moment, rather than the immensely powerful wizard he is. Finally though, a rueful smile graces his face.

"It seems I cannot get anything past you, Harry. Still… it will serve as proof if nothing else."

Slowly, trembling, Dumbledore lifts his right hand up and onto the desk. Blackened from the curse, which is even now creeping towards Dumbledore's wrist as a barely perceptible rate. Of course… of fucking course.

No doubt Harry's slaughter of Voldemort had lit a fire under Dumbledore's ass. Perhaps the Headmaster even believed the disappearance of Voldemort's followers was tied to another rapid bid by the shade of the Dark Lord to regain corporeal form yet again. And so of course, Albus had moved up his timetables. He'd gone after Voldemort's horcruxes even earlier and just like the first time around, he'd gone straight for the Gaunt Shack alone, stumbled across the ring, and put it on without thinking.

Harry supposed Dumbledore was lucky he'd chosen to go for the same horcrux as last time here. If he'd gone after the locket in the cave by himself, they probably wouldn't even be having this conversation. No doubt the Headmaster would have found himself consumed by Inferi and it would have been weeks before anyone realized he was truly missing.

The worst part was, the ring wasn't even a horcrux anymore by the time Dumbledore put it on. But the curse that was even now killing the Hogwarts Headmaster was separate from the horcrux. It was its own piece of magic, making the ring still incredibly dangerous… especially to old fools with too many regrets who thought they might be able to use the Resurrection Stone for their own purposes.

"I am afraid I'm dying, Harry. In successfully retrieving one of Voldemort's horcruxes, I have unfortunately been cursed. That is why it is imperative that we work together to end the threat the Dark Lord poses, once and for all. As for why it must be you… I am afraid there is a prophecy."

Good lord. They really were going through everything today, weren't they? Harry wants to just put his face in his palms at this point… but of course, he refrains. Still, is he really going to go through this whole song and dance again? Especially when he could end this all in a moment, if he truly wanted to…


The Vote: 

[X] Heal the old man and tell him some of the truth, specifically that Voldemort is fully dead and his horcruxes taken care of - 67%

[ ] Don't heal the old man, but still tell him that Voldemort is fully dead and his horcruxes already dealt with - 15%

[ ] Don't heal the old man and let him chase Voldemort's horcruxes until he dies with Harry pretending to help. Easier this way. - 12%

[ ] Dispose of Dumbledore himself to speed things along, namely by using the Cave where Voldemort's locket was originally hidden - 6%


​A/N: Please check out my newest daily updating project The Age of Chaos (Original Fantasy) if you have a moment!


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