Chapter 70: The Wizengamot
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Time skip time!
“I believe that wraps up today’s session, unless anyone else has a motion they would like to put forward.”
A hand immediately shoots into the air, waving around excitedly.
“… Anyone except for Lord Black who should remember that this august body voted to suspend from putting forth motions indefinitely after the last time.”
Sirius Black puts his hand down but doesn’t look disappointed as he leans back in his chair. If anything, the man has a big, shit-eating grin on his face. In response, the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Narcissa Malfoy, shakes her head at his antics. There’s a pregnant pause as she waits to see if anyone else will speak up. Finally, she nods and begins to raise her wand.
“Very well then. I declare-!”
“Actually, I do have something of a motion to put forward, Chief Warlock.”
All eyes in the chamber swivel to the owner of that voice. Where things had been relatively drowsy before, everyone ready for the Wizengamot Session to come to a close and nobody except for Sirius himself enjoying the Black Lord’s antics… well, now the mood shifts rather quickly. Wizards and witches sit up in their seats, interest and intrigue pouring forth from their expressions as they look at the newly appointed Lord Potter standing from his chair.
It’s been a year since Harry Potter graduated from Hogwarts. A year since he’d joined them in the Wizengamot, taking up his inherited seat as the Lord of House Potter. He hasn’t been too quiet in that time either. Indeed, ever since the young wizard had stepped foot in these hallowed halls, he’d been making waves left and right… and clashing with the current Chief Warlock, Narcissa Malfoy, something fierce.
Raising an eyebrow, Chief Warlock Malfoy smiles thinly as she turns to fully face Lord Potter.
“Oh? Rather late… but I’ll allow it I suppose.”
In response, Harry grins, showing off rows of pearly whites as he chuckles and shakes his head.
“I’m afraid in this regard you don’t have a choice Chief Warlock. Because the motion I’m putting forward is one of No Confidence. It is my stated belief that you are not the fittest in this room to hold the title of Chief Warlock… and that I am better suited for the role instead.”
A hush falls over the crowded chamber as Narcissa stiffens in place. There’s not so much surprise as anticipation that fills the gathered members of the Wizengamot. After all, they’d all been expecting this for quite some time.
After Harry arrived to the stage at the end of the Triwizard Tournament with Voldemort’s corpse held in his grasp all those years ago, the Wizarding World had been turned upside down. Not just by the Dark Lord’s second defeat, but also by the untimely demise of so many of his followers. And there was no denying that they were his followers. Found dead in their homes or workplaces, each one had a Dark Mark on their arm… and presented signs of being completely and utterly drained of their magic to the point of expiration.
When the Ministry came out to the public with what had happened to Rudolphus Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy BEFORE the Dark Lord’s comeback attempt, it made it clear what had ‘really’ happened. Voldemort had been forced to draw upon the magic of all of his sworn followers in his duel against Harry… and it still hadn’t been enough.
The loss of so many Death Eaters meant that the Pureblood faction in Wizarding Britain had never been weaker. However, then it had all been turned on its head again when Dumbledore had announced that he was stepping down from his positions as Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump to focus his remaining years on Hogwarts.
In the wake of that announcement, there’d been quite the shake up. Everyone had been very surprised when the dust settled and Narcissa Malfoy of all people had wound up with the title of Chief Warlock in spite of her husband’s state and the slightly tarnished nature of the Malfoy name.
But that was just it in the end. The position of Chief Warlock was not an entirely elected one. And both the Chief Warlock and the Wizengamot had existed longer than the Ministry of Magic, predating the Ministry by hundreds and hundreds of years. At the end of the day, for all that the Wizengamot had morphed with the times and become quite close to what the muggles would have considered a high court of law and parliament… there were still some ways in which the Wizarding World’s ruling body could be quite… medieval.
“I see. Come forth then, Lord Aspirant Potter.”
There are murmurs from around the chamber as Narcissa acknowledges Harry’s claim without complaint. Technically he was right, she had no grounds to refuse him. Anyone could challenge the Chief Warlock for their position at any time. Even Dumbledore had been challenged a few times, though usually as a way to score political and ideological points since his challengers knew that he would take it easy on them.
Narcissa on the other hand, had not been nearly as kind. She’d received far more challenges for the position of Chief Warlock in the few short years she’d been in the role than Dumbledore had gotten in all his decades, but she’d easily defeated every single one, smacking them down quite… forcibly.
As such, there are no small amount of wizards and witches in the room right now leaning forward in their chairs, excited to see the Chief Warlock get her comeuppance at long last. Others are a little more dejected, leaning back and waiting for it to be over. Nobody actually thinks Narcissa will prevail of course. Not when her opponent is literally the Man-Who-Won.
Stepping down from her podium, Narcissa moves to meet Harry off to the side but still in the center of the chamber. They face one another as they take up positions in ancient yet still functioning ritual circles. The Wizengamot was not entirely bloodthirsty. The position of Chief Warlock wasn’t about who the best duelists were or who knew the most dangerous and lethal spells.
No, to become Chief Warlock all you needed… was power. Raw power.
The ancient ritual circles light up under Harry and Narcissa’s feet as the wizard and witch stare one another down. Power begins to pulse through the air and a third, larger ritual circle lights up surrounding the smaller ones. The magic is contained within the third circle, even as it fills the air quicker than any members of the Wizengamot are expecting.
This was the test, in a way. This was the challenge. Any aspirant who wished to take on the title of Chief Warlock had to be capable of showing themselves to have more magical power than the last Chief Warlock. Barbaric and primal? Perhaps… but it was tradition. Each would fill up the area within the larger ritual circle with their magic, using the smaller ritual circles as conduits in place of wands.
Needless to say, no one had expected Narcissa Malfoy to have as much magic as she did years back when she first put herself forward for the position of Chief Warlock after Dumbledore stepped down. Everyone was caught off guard when she was able to fill the space with her magic faster than any of her opponents, effectively suffocating them into submission, forcing their surrender. And in the years since, her challengers had all faced a similar fate.
Not this time though. As fast as Chief Warlock Malfoy could fill the air with her magic… Lord Aspirant Potter could do so even faster. The Wizengamot watches on as Narcissa jolts within moments, Harry’s magic reaching her swifter than any challenge in living memory. They watch as the Chief Warlock’s face goes pale. They watch her try to fight it… but fall to her knees within moments, her head bowed in submission and surrender.
There’s a pause as the ritual recognizes Narcissa Malfoy’s capitulation. The Wizengamot Chamber itself is an ancient magical artifact, control of which has been passed from Chief Warlock to Chief Warlock for centuries. And so it has been passed again, the title passing from Narcissa Malfoy to Harry Potter.
As the ritual comes to an end, Narcissa rises as Lady Malfoy once more. While Harry now stands as Chief Warlock Potter, their leader.
Of course, some wait with baited breath to see if he will exile Narcissa from the Wizengamot. It wouldn’t be completely without precedent, and there are those who see her as little more than an extension of her husband. Those that didn’t see her as an extension of her husband saw her as a usurper instead. After all, if Draco Malfoy hadn’t all but disowned himself and run off with much of House Malfoy’s gold to ‘see the world’, they whispered to themselves that she wouldn’t even have a reason to be in this chamber in the first place.
But alas…
“Take your seat, Lady Malfoy.”
The new Chief Warlock shows mercy. Narcissa swallows thickly and bows her head before hurriedly making her way to the House Malfoy chair that has remained vacant for years as she presided over them all as Chief Warlock. She sits and keeps her eyes averted, not meeting anyone’s gaze.
To be fair though, most eyes aren’t on her at this point. Most eyes are on their new Chief Warlock as Harry Potter ascends to the podium in the center of the chamber, a smile on his face. Standing there, he looks around the room for a moment.
“Some of you wanted this to happen earlier. Some of you still don’t think I’m ready. And some of you would rather I not be standing here at all. I won’t bother with some big speech. I stand before you now as Chief Warlock because the Wizarding World has to adapt to the changing world. And I intend to make sure that happens… even if I have to drag you all kicking and screaming into the future with me.”
Raising his wand, he lets out a shower of sparks.
“I declare this session of the Wizengamot to be over. Until next time, everyone.”
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Harry groans, tilting his head back even as he winds his fingers through Narcissa’s locks. The beautiful witch is currently kneeling at his feet naked, one of her hands feeling up her own chest while the other slides down between her thighs. Her eyes are fixed on his face, even as she chokes herself on his cock, bobbing up and down the entirety of his length faster and faster.
Grinning down at her, Harry chuckles throatily.
“You know, when the ancient rites spoke of the former Chief Warlock submitting to their successor, I’m not quite sure this is what they meant. But then again, what do I know?”
Moaning and gurgling quite happily where she is, Narcissa just continues to ram as much of his cock down her throat as she possibly can. It’s pretty obvious that being swaddled in his magic earlier has left the older witch undeniably… horny.
Technically, he could have taken this position ages ago, back when he passed his OWLS with flying colors. Anyone who passed their OWLs was considered an adult in the eyes of the Wizarding World, after all. But Harry had waited a few more years, graduating from Hogwarts and passing his NEWTs as well.
All of it was about legitimacy, in the end. Sure, he would always have his fans. Those who worshipped the ground he walked on because of his multiple defeats of the Dark Lord. And there would also always be detractors. Most of whom were Death Eaters and thus dead, but there were plenty of others who weren’t marked. Dolores Umbridge came to mind as an example. A loathsome toad of a woman who nevertheless had not sworn allegiance to the Dark Lord.
That was where Narcissa came in. With Harry feeding her power through their bond, she could easily take the position of Chief Warlock after Dumbledore stepped down. And then she’d spent the last few years acting as… controlled opposition for him.
The best blades spent ample time being sharpened on a whetstone. Narcissa was Harry’s whetstone, or so the public had been led to believe. In reality, it was all just bread and circuses. And while time was of the essence, they had plenty left for a little bit of showmanship. Besides, Harry hadn’t sat idle these last few years while he let Narcissa have the reins in the Wizengamot. No, he’d been working on his own projects, his own plans. The world was a big place and Magical Britain was only one part of it.
With a low groan, Harry finally tips over the edge and cums in Narcissa’s mouth. The MILF swallows his seed without hesitation, drinking his magically charged cum down until there’s nothing left. Then, she pulls off of his cock with a pop, looking up at the adult wizard with a pant.
“I’d say I’ve earned this reward, Harry. Spending all those years dealing with those idiots… ugh, if you hadn’t ordered it of me, I never would have bothered. Especially Sirius… he’s the absolute worst.”
Harry chuckles and runs his hands through Narcissa’s hair some more, before pulling her to her feet and bending her over the nearby desk. She gasps in excitement, wiggling her ass in anticipation as he steps up behind her and places his cock against her slit. A moment later and he’s inside, fucking her from behind with his hands on her hips.
“You did quite well, Narcissa. But you can go back to being Lady Malfoy now. I’ll take it from here.”
“Mm… that’s what I like to hear. F-Fuck… fuck me… Merlin your cock feels so good~”
Harry snorts derisively, pounding into Narcissa from behind. After orgasming barely a few thrusts in, Narcissa shudders and spasms for a few moments before collecting herself enough to speak again.
“What do… you intend to do… first, Chief Warlock?”
Harry hums as the sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the room. Now that… was a good question.
The Vote:
[ ] Minister's Office - 21%
[ ] Department of Magical Law Enforcement - 21%
[X] Department of Mysteries - 58%
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