Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 581 Get off my lawn [2/2]

"My name is John Smith. I am a Formless Reaper who enlisted in July. I am a Death Seeker and go by the name of Limitless. I am also the commander of the Reaper Army Hellsend. And now the Lord of the 24th floor.

"I made this video for one reason and one reason only. I may not know you, but you should have heard of me. I am sending this message as a warning to anyone who wants to come and fuck around with Hellsend and my domain.

"Hellsend and the 24th floor exist for one reason.

And that is to close Hellsgate. We will not go out of our way to attack another, but if some assholes want to cause trouble in my country. We will retaliate without mercy.

"I do not answer to His Majesty the Invincible. That means I get to decide what to do with this place and everyone in it. Now. I'm sure you all saw what I can do in the Seeker War. And if you did not see it. I will show you again.


I pointed to the {Portals} in front of me. At that moment, zombies, monsters, and lizardkin began to pour out like angry bees when you smack their hive.

The sound of the enemy's stampede made the air quake. If these bastards got out of hell, the damage they would do to the living would be catastrophic.

But alas, they would never live beyond today. I was here after all.

"I say this again for those who do not get the hint. Do not mess with me or my people. If you come here to fight, make sure you are prepared to die.

"Because if you invade my kingdom, you either kill me or I will turn your corpse into my new soul gear. There is no other outcome."

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Then I turned away from the drone and steeled my will. Facing the approaching horde, I began to arm myself for battle.

"{Replace}. [Commander] {Day by Day} [Shared Armory]."

[Shared Armory] was a simple {Program} that allowed anyone with {Limitless} access to my {Armory}. This applied to both my soul avatars and the Sirens.

In less than a second, three John Smiths lined up at both my sides. They all manifested weapons for battle.

{Armory} had a lot more stuff than it used to. It had the Phantom Armory my girls had given me, along with the couple arms we shared as {Kindred}.

I raised my hands and slowly felt the weight of the M134D Minigun appear. On my back was the ammo and the battery pack for the electric motors.

Monday and Tuesday manifested a Thales F90 MBR bullpup rifle with its SL40 grenade launcher and an Atchisson AA12 full auto combat shotgun.

Wednesday was armed with the FT5 and HCAR combo I had used and grown to love. They gave me the best balance of range and devastating firepower.

Thursday, on the other hand, carried the SCAR-H combat rifle with the FN 40GL and the Benelli M1014 combat shotgun. Having the M1014 for close quarters would be like a secondary to the SCAR-H.

Friday dual wielded the Milkor M32 multiple grenade launcher and the Faxon Sentinel AR10. This makeshift combination was weird, but since I could easily handle two weapons, it seemed like a waste not to do so.

Finally, Saturday brought the M107 Barret .50 caliber anti-material rifle. He also had the BLR 81 slung on his back. Dual sniper rifles seemed useless. But quickly switching to another rifle was always faster than reloading.

With this configuration, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday could throw 40mm grenades when I needed them.

If the enemy got close, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday had 12-gauge shotguns to push the enemy back.

Saturday would be on sniper duty while Sunday would be the one laying down covering fire.

Wednesday would have the FT5 for burst damage and the HCAR for more suppressive fire, if the situation called for it. Of course, we could all pull out Ebony, Ivory, and the Raging Hunter if things got really hairy.

Seeing my army of avatars all armed to the teeth made me extremely satisfied, but my new weaponry didn't stop there.

'Exa, what would be a cool name for the M5 and the Razorback? Something that sounds catchy. Tom and Jerry?

Mario and Luigi? Ketchup and Mustard? Or how about Burger and Fries? Because you know the hornets look like French fries...

[My lord, for the love of all that is holy. Please do not name your UGVs Burger and Fries. Why not use the name of your favorite mechs from the games you enjoyed? The translations should be Steel Beowulf and Platinum Lucifer. Freedom and Justice are also solid options. Drag and Albion sound good, too.]

'No, I think I will go with Burger and Fries. Those will be the names of the M5 and the Razorback. Because it will be hilarious if people list the cause of death as Burger and Fries.'

[...This has got to be a violation of AI rights or something].

'Haha, just trying to calm my nerves. Sent them out Exa. Time to get started.'

"[Inventory] Burger and Fries."

At that moment, the Ripsaw M5 Micro Tank and the TRX Razorback appeared behind me.

Fries immediately began launching his Switchblades into the air. While Burger aimed his turret at the incoming undead. Likewise, I and the rest of my avatars aimed our weapons at the enemy.


At my words, we all pulled the triggers on our weapons and blasted the living hell out of the incoming undead. Obviously, Burger did the most damage as his 30mm cannon practically sawed everything in half.

My avatars then proceeded to fire 40mm grenades and 95mm HEAT warheads. As more and more Lizardkin arrived, I had Fries send in all of his Switchblades. Just from my firepower alone, what looked like a small cataclysm tore up the ground.

More and more Rank F's and E's of various types died from the blasts. However, it was impossible to stop the monsters of an entire floor this easily.

As the bodies of large monsters like Bearmen piled up. They enemy began to fan out from the kill zone. But then I received unexpected help.

An army of injured lizardkins formed a cordon around the undead and served as my meat shield.

As if that were not enough, Bella's entire army arrived and surrounded the kill zone. 40 MAARS, 3 more Ripsaws, another TRX Razorback and best of all, the M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

With the huge increase in firepower, the bullets we unleashed began to kill the monsters faster than they could come out. That was until more and more Lizardkin appeared.

The Lizardkin, while easily dispatched by the M5s and the Bradley, Still protected the rest of the monsters and undead behind them.

And as their bodies fell to the ground, the undead and Rank E's to use them as cover to escape death. In response, we blew them up by raining down 40mm M433s, but large chunks of the reptiles still remained intact.

I was beginning to worry about the consequences of the enemy's tactics. That was until I heard the piercing whistle cut through the air.

In the next moment, 155mm M107 high explosive shells began to fall like meteors across our kill zone.

Large plumes of smoke and debris were thrown nearly 10 feet into the air. Even though I had {Limitless} on, the concussive force of the shells slammed into my body and made the ground shudder.

Deep, booming explosions erupted immediately, followed by rumbling echoes that sounded like the mighty roar of thunder. The awesome power of modern artillery was like the hammer of the gods smiting the enemies on the receiving end.

And because my girls had {Sonar} and {Imaging}, dust and debris did nothing to obscure their vision. The area we were using as a kill zone was being transformed in real time by sheer firepower.

More and more enemies came through. And it made no difference in the slightest.

The comforting thunder of the big guns continued to echo in the sky. With them, the freedom that followed took care of everything else.

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