Chapter 584 Heroine Chapter: You will see [1/2]
Chapter POV: Josephine Benelli Smith
[My ladies, every enemy on the entire floor has been alerted to our presence. Large numbers have begun to move toward our position.]
Despite the grim news, the girls and I raced forward undaunted. It seems that everyone underestimated how aggressive we could be. This was our first battle after our honeymoon.
And our official debut as the {Kindred} of Limitless.
'Haha, it's just like Liv to go crazy from adrenaline," I laughed in delight.
"AAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" her bone-chilling roar echoed. One thing was for sure, the way Liv was now. Even the Alpha would not be able to overpower her. Her new trump card was just that powerful.
And it was not just her. All seven of us received new soulgear, giving us new tactics and abilities. Even though Darling was the one who earned them, he shared everything with us without hesitation. Originally, only Jas and I didn't have any.
Aki, Liv, and Robyn already had Soulgears as a reward for their enlistment. Lilly had hers embedded in her greatsword. Bella, on the other hand, had an heirloom from her parents.
But when we were given the opportunity to forge new ones, we all jumped at the chance.
[Rank E Cyclops detected. Number 3.]
In the same moment, three high-powered bullets flew through the air. Only milliseconds later, the sounds of gunshots rang out. Of course I knew who had fired.
[OneWomanOrchestra: Targets eliminated.]
[RealWomenLikeDolls: Goodness, these sisters break common sense as usual. You don't even have to aim anymore, do you, Jas? That soulgear should be considered cheating!]
[MastiffKnight: Says the slagger who throws around bullets the size of cars!]
[A group of Rank E Giants have...]
As if angry that her dog had been run over. Minerva sent all of her switchblades flying through the air. They rushed towards the monsters that had just arrived and bombarded them into oblivion.
"Tsk, what purpose do I have if nothing reaches me? Stop killing everything!"
I couldn't help but laugh out loud at Liv's adorable complaint. While being beaten made Liv stronger, if left alone, she would deflate like a balloon. It was both her greatest strength and her greatest weakness.
[HaveYouMetMyFish: Ara, are you angry, Bella? Liv won't be able to do much at this rate.]
[SiliconeChipDiva: Shut up, you Jav Reject. The Soulgears have tipped the balance of power. If I don't get more aggressive, I'm going to lose! Liv is already overpowered! Get off my case!]
[ChainsawsAndPropane: Hahaha! Cheer up, Bella! You get to control corpses now! That is amazing!]
[SiliconeChipDiva: Stop patronizing me, you nut job!]
[A large pack of Rank E Bearmen arrive from the northeast.]
"WOW! Everybody! The bears are mine!" I sent out to everyone via [Whisper].
Of course, everyone wanted to make a good first impression. To the world, to our allies, and to our enemies. Darling's plan was really reckless. But it was just like him.
Originally, he was reckless because he was just looking for a place to die. Now, he was reckless for another reason. He knew that no matter what, the Sirens and I would make his desires come true.
'It's because he's lazy! And you all indulge him constantly! He doesn't even bother to check how feasible his plans are! Like diving to the 32nd floor for a corpse! Or exposing our hand to potential spies! Darling is really too much,' a voice whined in my head.
'You say that, Vela, but you have no intention of telling him all that, do you? I mean, you could take over my body anytime you want. But ever since he stole your first kiss, you have been acting like a gazelle hiding from a lion.'
'What?! I...Um...Well, it's not really that big of a deal...'
Look at that adorable creature. To everyone else, she was a homicidal lunatic. But to Darling, she was like a tiny little mouse.
'I would like to correct you though. It's not like we haven't kissed before. It's just that...'
I ran towards the murderous bears and used my new {Soulgear} on them.
'Hungry...' 'Meat!' 'MEEEATTT!' 'FOOD!' 'So hungry!'@@novelbin@@
My mind began to hear the thoughts of the big bloodthirsty monsters in front of me. And while I felt bad that they were only attacking to survive, that was their lot in life. And I knew that if I lacked the power, I would be the one to die instead.
Using [Whisper], {Announce}, and Death Resonance at maximum power, I made new friends.
'Hello everyone, you work for me now! And I order you to kill those tasty zombies, okay! LET'S GO!!' '
'Master?' 'Tasty?' 'Tasty!' 'Follow Master!' 'MEAT!!!'
Seeing the results of my experiment, I ran excitedly to the towards the enemy along with my new army.
While using the bearmen to increase my allies, I waited for Vela's juicy gossip. When she stopped talking, I called out to her.
'Hey! Vela! Veeeela, don't tease me and just shut up. This is like a mortal sin! What did you mean? Come on, spit out the toad!
'Look at this unruly child! Who told you gossip about the romances of your elders?' She scolded.
Since her full awakening, Vela has become a comforting presence in my mind. She was so old that she had only outdated ways of thinking.
But her wisdom was something that gave me insight, so I still valued her input. One example was the idea of brainwashing the Rank E's. She said I could definately do that and more.
Curious about her, I already had "Vela" and "Perun" researched. And except for a few snippets of Vela, she wasn't even a real deity. Perun was like the Thor of Slavic mythology. Only one other name had the same prestige. And that name was Veles, who was like Perun's Loki.
The only record of Vela that Exa and I found was two contradictory pieces of information.
The first was that Vela was the name that Veles used when he turned into a woman. The second was that there were powerful fairies in Slavic mythology called Villa or Veela.
Whenever I asked the real Vela about either of them, Vela would run away, she was extremely careful about sharing the good stuff.
While she never told me why I kept dreaming of Darling killing me, by all accounts she was extremely enamored of him.
I mean, I was already obsessed with my man, but Vela was even crazier. She sometimes hijacks my body to masturbate to Darling! In public!
[NeverEnoughCows: Tsk. You are all bullying me! I will tell Beloved! Shame on you!] Liv whined like a child.
'Jo, what just happened? Can you please tell me? ' Darling asked suddenly.
'Oh! It's my new soul gear. {Huddle}. I was talking to the bears inside their brains, hypnotizing them with {Announce}. It helped that {Interpret} can speak bear,' I explained.
'You are so amazing, Jo.'
Feeling ecstatic at my {Kindred}'s praise, I fought even harder. I began brainwashing everything I could, growing my army even more.
The other girls also intensified their actions. I guess they all felt what I felt. The lizardzin were coming. A whole lot of them.
[My ladies, a large number of Rank D Lizardkin are approaching your position. 500 of them. Please exercise caution.]
"Let me say Gday!" I heard Robyn shout with joy.
We all watched as she made contact with the Rank D's, but unfortunately, they were formidable. Despite Robyn unloading her weapons with reckless abandon, she did little damage.
"Fuck me dead! You dickheads are tough!"
Perhaps sensing the situation, my {Kindred} link felt Darling's worry and unease.
'My {Kindred}, can I please assist you?'
But he was just being a worrywart. It was not enough to stop us. I knew it, and so did my sisters. Lilly was the first to refuse his help. Like a knight, she took it as an insult. But it was more like she wanted to save his strength.
'YEAH! Darling is the star of the show! Let us take care of the little ones! HEHE!' Along with my reply, my eagerness and desire to fight made their way into my {Kindred}.
I had to kill those overgrown crocodiles. All lizards had the same characteristics, they had hard scales but soft underbellies. So all I had to do was shoot them in those places.
Despite my new soulgear or equipment, in my opinion, Darling's abilities and choices were what would win this battle. From the way he recruited the Derycks to the creation of {Call My Name}. It was all because of him.
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