Chapter 9
Chapter 9: The Perfect Heir
Jacqueline’s eyes widened, as if taken aback by his words. Windsor simply stared at her.
She found herself captivated by his melancholic blue-gray eyes, drawn into their depths. With an effort, she broke free from their spell.
“As I said, it was part of a lesson. I thought it would be more effective to demonstrate the techniques of Fauvism by actually painting. The curriculum doesn’t specify teaching methods, so I understand you might have been surprised. I apologize for that.”
“Why did you paint on the wallpaper, and not on a canvas?” The deliberate pause in his question carried an unspoken pressure. His flat intonation, devoid of any upward inflection, was still forceful. But Jacqueline refused to be intimidated.
“Would the future Marquess of Preston limit himself to a mere canvas? A grand wall is far more fitting.”
Windsor remained silent. He didn’t seem speechless, but rather carefully considering his words. He was calm and collected, the opposite of her impulsive and emotional nature.
I knew that from the moment we met. I suspected he wouldn’t be an easy employer.
“Did you know Benjamin is fascinated by ships, Lord Preston?” Jacqueline’s voice softened. Windsor’s steady gaze encouraged her to continue.
“He’s a quiet boy, but he can talk for hours about the Black Fleet. And not just warships. Trains, carriages… anything that moves, really.”
“How is that relevant to his education?” Her attempt to deflect his attention hadn’t worked. If anything, Windsor’s demeanor grew more resolute.
Jacqueline realized it was time to retreat, a strategic withdrawal to prepare for her next advance. I may have lost this battle, but the war is far from over.
She composed her features into an elegant mask. “This afternoon’s lesson is Norti. Learning a new language can be tedious. It’s a subject many abandon because progress is slow. So I planned to start by discussing something Benjamin enjoys.”
“So you’re saying the art lesson was a deliberate strategy to engage him for the subsequent language lesson? A premeditated act?”
“Of course, Lord Preston. Did you think I acted on a whim, simply for my own amusement? As you know, all aspects of education are interconnected.”
Windsor remained silent, this time seemingly at a loss for words. He tapped his fingers against his thigh.
Unfazed, Jacqueline offered a polite smile, the one she usually wore at the end of a conversation. “I’d like to review the previous governess’s teaching materials before the Norti lesson. If you have nothing further to discuss, may I be excused?”
Windsor stared at her intently. Her slightly lowered gaze was that of a typical aristocratic lady, yet there was something unconventional beneath the surface. She was unlike any other noblewoman he had encountered. He didn’t know any ladies who would paint on walls.
On the contrary, a lady’s decorum dictated avoiding anything that might stain her expensive dresses, including paint. At least, that was his understanding.
Was hiring Jacqueline Somerset as a governess a mistake? The fundamental question arose after only a day. He studied her with a calm gaze. Jacqueline met his eyes, a smile playing on her lips.
“Unless you have something else to add?”
He had no other options at the moment. Finding a new governess would take time, and he had exhausted his contacts. No one was willing to recommend anyone for the position. There had been a two-month gap between dismissing the twelfth governess and hiring Jacqueline.
The astute nobles wanted no part in his conflict with the royal family, and the less perceptive ones considered him a difficult employer.
He was now reduced to placing advertisements with employment agencies. He wasn’t naive enough to believe he could find a qualified and cultured governess through such means.
He wanted Benjamin to be an exceptional Marquess of Preston. He didn’t want his nephew to be ridiculed for being raised by his illegitimate uncle.
The perfect heir. He was determined to achieve that goal. After a long moment of contemplation, he nodded.
“Considering this is your first position as a governess, I’ll overlook this incident. However, I expect this will not happen again.”
Jacqueline smiled confidently, as if she had anticipated his decision. She had followed his line of reasoning perfectly. He had no other choice. He had to give her another chance, at least until he found a replacement.
It was a fortunate turn of events for Jacqueline.
“You’re dismissed, Miss Somerset.”
“Yes, Lord Preston.”
“Oh,” Windsor added, as if just remembering something. He looked at her with an impassive gaze. Jacqueline slowly turned back.
“I’ll be observing this afternoon’s lesson.”
“Certainly, Lord Preston.” That’s hardly a problem. Jacqueline smiled nonchalantly and curtseyed.
“And,” Windsor continued, as if he hadn’t finished. Jacqueline, who had started to turn away, looked back at him again.
“Lord Greenwood visited me today.”
“Uncle Walter?” Her carefully composed demeanor faltered, her eyes widening in surprise. A moment later, she realized her slip-up.
She quickly recovered her aristocratic composure. “Lord Greenwood, you say?”
Windsor, who had been watching her silently, nodded. Her familiarity with Lord Greenwood confirmed her aristocratic upbringing.
“He asked me to look after you.”
“Ah.” A soft smile touched Jacqueline’s lips, her haughty expression melting away. The shift in her demeanor was subtle, yet noticeable.
He was worried about me.
“I see.” She murmured, half to herself, then looked up at Windsor. His impassive voice reached her ears.
“He spoke at length about your excellent academic record at Bristol, the glowing praise you received from your teachers, and your remarkable wit. He assured me that despite your lack of experience, you would make an excellent governess. I trust you won’t disappoint him.”
“Of course not, Lord Preston.” Jacqueline, having fully regained her composure, gave him a curt nod and left the room.
The door closed behind her. Her graceful steps gradually quickened.
“Norti is my specialty.” The late spring sunlight streaming through the windows illuminated her smile.
Knowing someone cared about her, even from a distance, gave her a sense of strength. At this moment, Jacqueline felt confident she could handle anything.
* * *
“Alright, I’ll be back soon, Colin. Wish me luck.” With a dramatic flourish, like a knight embarking on a quest, Jacqueline addressed her teddy bear and left the room.
Pausing outside the study, she took a deep breath, composed a smile, and opened the door.
“Hello, Benjamin. Let’s begin our Norti lesson.”
Benjamin, who had been covered in paint earlier, was now impeccably clean. The only difference was that his usually fluffy, cotton-candy-like hair was slightly more subdued.
He sat ramrod straight, glancing nervously at Windsor, who was seated on the sofa behind him. His round cheeks were flushed with tension.
But Windsor’s gaze was fixed on Jacqueline, not Benjamin. His scrutinizing eyes seemed to search for any flaw, but she remained unfazed.
Jacqueline spoke, her voice gentle yet firm. “Benjamin.”
“…Yes, Miss Somerset.” Benjamin, still glancing at Windsor, looked at her with a determined expression. Jacqueline, for Windsor’s benefit, flipped open a textbook.
“First, I need to assess your Norti proficiency. Can you describe the warship on the wall in Norti?” Perhaps now he’ll see the value of that painting.
Benjamin’s uncertain gaze flickered towards Windsor. He always became overly tense in his uncle’s presence. He didn’t want to disappoint him; he wanted to live up to his expectations. But life rarely went as planned.
As Benjamin’s expression faltered, Jacqueline added gently, “It’s alright if you’re not fluent. No one is perfect from the start. Just do your best. That’s where we’ll begin.”
“Yes, Miss Somerset.” Benjamin swallowed nervously and spoke in a barely audible voice.
―This is our kingdom’s Black Fleet. They are called the protectors of the sea. There are more than one hundred sailors on the ship, and it has big cannons in the front.
―Good, Benjamin. Very good. Jacqueline praised him in Norti. Benjamin, glancing at Windsor again, blushed.
―Thank you, Miss Somerset.
―It’s not ‘big cannons,’ it’s ‘cannons.’ Can you try saying it again?
―Cannons…? Benjamin repeated hesitantly, mimicking her pronunciation.
“Good. Your Norti is better than I expected. You’re not a complete beginner.” Jacqueline spoke loudly enough for Windsor to hear, then continued in Norti.
―So, where is this ship sailing to?
―It’s going to the big sea. That’s where it fights pirates. When pirates attack the kingdom’s merchant ships, it, um, appears. And it… eliminates the pirates.
―Not ‘eliminates,’ but ‘subdues.’
―Yes, subdues.
―Good. You’re doing well. Can you tell me more?
―Um… the ship also goes to the… the unknown… Benjamin faltered, glancing at Windsor. As his expression clouded with uncertainty, Jacqueline interjected.
―The New World?
―Yes! It’s going to explore the New World! Benjamin quickly agreed.
―Wonderful. What’s in the New World?
The lesson progressed surprisingly smoothly. There was nothing for Windsor to criticize. Jacqueline’s Norti was fluent, and she explained everything patiently, adapting to Benjamin’s level. And the boy was more engaged than usual.
For a first lesson, they were the perfect teacher and student. Even if he dismissed her, finding a better governess, especially on short notice, would be difficult.
Glancing at the clock on the wall, Jacqueline closed the textbook. “Alright, let’s end our lesson here for today.”@@novelbin@@
She finally turned to Windsor, her gaze confident, as if asking for his approval.
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