Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 32: Meet at the Milky Way

Like every day before, Jiang Wang successfully completed his vein-purifying cultivation and then activated the newly born Dao Yuan to arrange its position in the Tongtian Palace, bringing himself one step closer to the foundation.

After finishing his vein-purifying cultivation, Jiang Wang did not rest, but instead began transcribing the "Purple Void High Profound Tai Shang Scripture" by the light of an oil lamp at his desk.

Because only the two siblings lived here and they lived in the main room, they directly converted the southern room into a study.

The senior brothers had long warned about Xiao Tiemian's lack of human emotion, so Jiang Wang transcribed with a very serious and meticulous attitude. The importance of teaching Dao techniques and skills needed no further explanation. Every missed lesson was a huge loss. So Jiang Wang tried to transcribe as quickly and as well as possible.


"Big brother, what are you doing?"

Jiang An'an had somehow snuck into the study and was staring at him with her big curious eyes.

"...," Jiang Wang said, "Practicing calligraphy."

"Why do you suddenly want to practice calligraphy?"

"As the saying goes, a person's character can be seen through their handwriting. By observing handwriting, you can tell if someone is sincere or not. Haven't the teachers all taught you this? Practicing calligraphy is very important, An'an, you should remember to practice more."

"How long do I have to practice for..."

"...A long time." Jiang Wang said, "You should go to sleep first today."


"What's wrong, do you need something?"

"No, no..."

Leaving the study, Jiang An'an sighed like a little adult.

That old man, punishing me to transcribe so many characters. Now the study is occupied, where do I go to transcribe?

It wasn't that the study couldn't accommodate both her and Jiang Wang, it was just that she didn't want her brother to know that she had been punished to transcribe.

Jiang An'an thought for a moment, moved a small stool into the bedroom, took out paper and pen, and started copying.

"Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is vast and ancient, the sun and moon alternate, the stars and constellations are arranged..."

She turned her head to look at the study, the lamp was still on, hmm, she continued to copy...


When the moon was in the middle of the sky, Jiang Wang rubbed his wrist, blew the ink dry, extinguished the oil lamp, and returned to his bedroom. Even with his strength and speed, he had not yet copied it 100 times, but he had more important things to do tonight.

Because tonight was September 15th, the day of the challenge to the Fudi in the Tai Xu Illusory Realm.

When he returned to the bedroom, An'an had already fallen asleep. Jiang Wang tucked her in and then lay back on his own bed.

The silver moon imprint in the palm of his hand began to heat up. Jiang Wang closed his eyes, and his divine sense entered the Tai Xu Illusory Realm.

The ink on the sundial had changed: [The owner of the Qingyu Altar has decided to challenge. The challenge will begin in one moment.]

The owner of the Qingyu Altar had finally decided to challenge!

Seeing this line, Jiang Wang felt both a sense of urgency and relief that the shoe had finally dropped.On August 15th, the owner of the Qingyu Altar also chose to abstain, indicating that the shadow left by Zuo Guanglie was too heavy. But this also means that the opponent is likely to win after multiple abstentions.

Jiang Wang didn't do anything extra, just cleared his mind and silently waited for the time to come.

When the sundial finally changed, a circular jade-colored stone platform under Jiang Wang's feet protruded and lifted him out of the Dongzhen Ruins and into the brilliant starry sky.

The stone platform was simple in shape and had no decorations, but it had a natural ancient aura. The surface was covered in countless marks, knife marks, sword marks, scorch marks, burn marks...difficult to count, and had a strong killing aura.

Jiang Wang understood that this was his sword platform. Since obtaining the virtual key and entering the Tai Xu Illusion Realm, he had never used the sword platform. Firstly, he knew that with his strength, he would probably be killed without any training effect in the Tai Xu Illusion Realm. Secondly...because every time he controlled the sword platform, it required ten points of energy.

Apart from natural production in the blessed land, Jiang Wang could not gain any benefits from the sword platform, so he was even more reluctant to consume it. Especially after experiencing the power of the Purple Air Coming East Sword Technique, he knew the value of energy.

Soon, Jiang Wang could see the same shaped sword platform flying towards him in the depths of the starry sky, with a figure in black standing on it. The two sword platforms accelerated in the starry sky and collided with each other.

Two small platforms combined into one large platform. Jiang Wang and his opponent stood on opposite sides of the sword platform. This expanded and merged sword platform was no different from before, except in size. It was estimated to be a hundred meters in diameter, and Jiang Wang knew that this was the real arena.

Due to the special rules of the Tai Xu Illusion Realm, Jiang Wang could not see his opponent's appearance. But he heard his opponent's voice.

"Since my last defeat at your hands, I have been preparing for this battle for half a year!" The owner of the Qingyu Altar said, "I have finally cultivated the remnants of the ancient Gentlemen Nine Swords. Please try it out!"

The ancient Gentlemen Nine Swords? It sounds very powerful...a disciple of the Confucian school?

Jiang Wang thought so and secretly mobilized his true essence, ready to respond. The true essence consumed in the Tai Xu Illusion Realm was not real, so he dared to go all out in this battle. The Purple Air Coming East Sword Technique was already a transcendent sword technique, and with the infusion of abundant true essence, it could truly exert its power.

Therefore, he will demonstrate the strongest state that has never been seen before.

"The sky is vigorous, and the gentleman perseveres!"

Then, Jiang Wang heard the owner of the Qingyu Altar recite this sentence lightly.So he saw a sword, an ordinary-looking sword with nothing special about it. It only moved forward, piercing through mountains and cutting rivers. It even pierced through the vast and boundless sky!

It was unyielding, it kept moving forward.

Breaking rocks, cutting down trees, slaying demons, exterminating evil... this sword pierced through anything that stood in its way, no matter what it was!

Jiang Wang still held his sword, and the Dao Yuan accumulated in the Tongtian Palace was boiling and surging. The killing technique of the Purple Qi Coming from the East Sword Art had almost merged with his instincts. But that sword had already pierced through his heart.

He had already died in battle.

The owner of the Blue Jade Altar looked at the suddenly empty Sword Fighting Arena and was stunned. He had confidence in the Nine Gentlemanly Swords that had been lost in the river of history, but he also remembered how powerful his opponent was.

But this battle was completely one-sided, an overwhelming victory.

He had won.

The owner of the Blue Jade Altar, no, the current owner of the Dongzhen Ruins, stood stunned on the Sword Fighting Arena, his heart surging.

And Jiang Wang, who had descended to the Blue Jade Altar, had already accepted his defeat.

According to the rules of merit calculation in the top 36 blessed lands, each level had an increase of 100 points of merit. This month, he would only be able to gain 1,750 points of merit, a decrease of exactly 100 points.

The blessed land in the Tai Xu Illusory Realm was just a name, unrelated to the real blessed land in the mortal world. Therefore, from the Dongzhen Ruins to the Blue Jade Altar, the environment had not changed, still a fairy-like dream space, even the sundial was the same. The only change was the merit calculation.

Jiang Wang thought for a moment and silently summoned the Dao Platform.

His 1,850 points of merit from August remained untouched, plus the 1,750 points of merit produced in September, he had a total of 3,600 points of merit. Jiang Wang invested all of these merits into the Purple Qi Coming from the East Sword Art and began to deduce it.

The shock brought to him by the ancient Nine Gentlemanly Swords was too great, it was a sword art that he couldn't resist at all. He didn't even have a chance, so he needed a stronger sword manual. Even if it meant giving up all of his current resources.

The jade book on the green bamboo table changed slightly and suddenly stopped. Then a line of ink appeared on the jade book, [The current sword technique has reached the limit of the first level of the Dao Platform and cannot be deduced further. Remaining merit: 3,590 points.]

Jiang Wang's eyelids twitched. This damn Dao Platform deducted 10 points of merit even though the deduction wasn't completed!

It turned out that the deduction of merit and techniques on the Dao Platform couldn't be infinitely raised, but had inherent foundations and limits. Moreover, the limits that could be explored by different levels of the Dao Platform were different.

And the Purple Qi Coming from the East Sword Art was already based on secular martial arts and had reached its peak. Unless the Dao Platform was upgraded, it could not progress any further.Jiang Wang has no more powerful tricks up his sleeve, and he has no intention of seeking challenges on the stage of the swordsmen. Therefore, he adjusted his mood slightly and withdrew from the Illusory Realm.

But in any case, he lost 110 points of merit this month.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wang sighed deeply.

"What are you doing, bro?" Jiang Anan's voice came from the room, sounding very concerned. I don't know if she woke up in the middle of the night or if she just couldn't fall asleep earlier.

Jiang Wang replied irritably, "I'm staying up late. I'll call you when it's done."

In the darkness, Jiang Anan's eyes lit up, "Is it delicious?"

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