Magi’s Grandson

Vol 3 Chapter 51

Part 1

It took me a while to convince Erie which caused a strange misunderstanding to recur. **TL: BL misunderstanding intensifies, lol.**

Ive never heard of people with such hobbies in this world, their brain would be rotten after all

Seriously why thought in such direction right away?(s.h.i.+n?)

Certainly! s.h.i.+n-kun can follow the difficult talk of his Highness!(Alice)

Alice! Thor! Why are you joining!?

What if you worsen the misunderstanding!?

Dont say stupid things everyone. If you learned magic from s.h.i.+n, you can understand. His head is slightly strange.(Augusto?)

Im praising you. Melida-donos story alone has made it possible to use the current magic. Just what is your head made of(Augusto?)

Thats foul trick

Well, I just hope the other party is not another woman.(Erie?)

Theyre in sync.(Mary)

Even Mary got on it!

s.h.i.+n-kun is that so?(Sicily)

Sicily too!?(s.h.i.+n)

Mo! You made Sicily think of strange things!

I wont do that!(s.h.i.+n)

Then, shall we prove it?(s.h.i.+n)

Eh s.h.i.+n-kun?(Sicily)

I embraced Sicily, and got closer to her face

Hey! Not in a place like this!!(Mary?)

Au au(Sicily?)

That was close I was about to do something terrible.

Terrible in front of everyone like this(Mark)

We need a mosaic after all!(Rin?)


This is dangerous I likely to be attack before the ceremony.

I think Erie would have understood by this. s.h.i.+n is madly in love with Claude. There is no room for another woman to enter. And Im out of the question.(Augusto)

Uh I I understand(Erie)

Erie who became slightly red was convinced.

Its a gamble but its worth it.

Mou! s.h.i.+n-kun! mou!(Sicily) **TL: Ill leave it as mou as I cant find a good English translation that represents pouting.**

Oh, Im sorry, Sicily.

Sicily also turned red and hit me repeatedly.

Wha, what is this? So cute.

Haa this idiotic couple Ill continue talking alright?(Augusto?)

Ah, my bad. So? When will we go?(s.h.i.+n)

Lets stop the joke around here and do some serious talk.

If possible, I would like to go from even tomorrow but is that okay?(Augusto)

Its a festival for the people. Even if Im not here, its no problem.(Augusto)

Is it like that? Gus doesnt make a fuss with everyone.

And itll probably be finish in several days. We can return before the celebratory feast ends.(Augusto)

Suspending the training camp what on earth are you talking about? And going around each country(Erie?)

Ah, that

Gus explain to Erie and Mei-chan

I want to go! I also want to go!(Mei-chan)

I mean, Nii-sama will talk to the foreign king. And s.h.i.+n-oniichan is free! I want to sightsee a foreign town!(Mei-chan)**TL: s.h.i.+n turned into a babysitter, xD**

Eh? Also us? Its not only your Highness and s.h.i.+n-kun?

Is the misunderstanding not yet resolved? Apart from that, Erie are you also coming along?(Augusto?)

But its not a trip(s.h.i.+n?)

Oi s.h.i.+n. Erie is not a woman who says such a thing right? What did you do?(Augusto)

Youre asking me!?(s.h.i.+n)

Rather its our womens group!

Alice! Rin!

Dont blow a whistle!(s.h.i.+n)

Alice who imitated blowing a whistle averted her eyes.

That makes me so annoyed!

Its not our fault. I think Erie was originally such a woman.(Rin?)

Hey, thats cruel Rin. Watching everyone, it a fact that I thought it was enviable.(Erie)

Weve been calling each other by first name, and no reservation in between during training camp.

Look, is it not Rins fault?(s.h.i.+n?)

After all its you is it not?(Augusto?) **TL: It goes back to s.h.i.+n, lol.**

If I withdraw here, Augusto-sama will be taken away by s.h.i.+n-san.(Erie) **TL: BL DIE!**

Theyre in sync.(Mary?)

Ive had enough of that already!(s.h.i.+n?)

The roots are deep! What can I do to convince you?

Hey, is it alright? After marrying Augusto-sama and becoming a Crown Princess or Queen, I wont be able to travel freely anymore.(Erie?)

Im alright with it Your Highness.

Me too! I want to foreign travel!

Things in the end broke down to Gus bringing Erie and Mei-chan.

I often forgot but, Erie will become a Crown Princess huh.

So after that she will not be able to go to foreign country casually anymore? Its going to be a big event.

It has been decided that everyone will go, and will serve as an escort too. It seems were temporarily suspending the training camp to take a breather.

Its not imprudent even if we go sightsee as its a measure to cope when a devil appears in each country, and weve already done it before.

That said, good luck with the talk Gus.(s.h.i.+n)

Fufu, youve made fun of me until now, I should get revenge for some time.(s.h.i.+n)

Gus you you serious?(s.h.i.+n)

Yeah be prepared alright?(Augusto)

Wha, what is this? This feeling of tension!?

An unspeakable tension starts between me and Gus

Hai hai, leave that foolish rivalry, are you not planning for the trip?(Erie?)

Dont copy me!(s.h.i.+n & Augusto)

Like I said Ive had enough of that already!(s.h.i.+n)

Repeating such silly gag twice! **TL: It should be three times, right? s.h.i.+n really tend to forgot, lol**

Dont be a tsukkomi even if you have to say it, and decide a travel plan.[1]

All the trips became airborne with floating magic.

Erie who cant use magic will go with Gus, and Mei-chan to learn the magic will go with me and Sicily while holding hands.

I like floating magic because its fun! s.h.i.+n-oniichan, Sicily-san, please take care of me!(Mei-chan)

Yes-desu! This trip is my first time so Im looking forward it!(Mei-chan)

Its an opportunity, an opportunity. I thought it was pathetic just by attending the training camp for a long vacation.(Mei-chan?)

Is that so?(s.h.i.+n?)

And, its decided to act completely in incognito.

Its troublesome in various ways if they know your ident.i.ty, theres also the possibility of being targeted.

Since were here, we wont let such a thing to happen, but its better to reduce the risk.

The inn we will be lodging will also be ordinary.

We can just come back everyday with the gate though

If such a thing is done, it will make the feeling of trip disappear!(Erie)

And, it has been rejected by Erie who wants to enjoy the trip.

Well, on the final day well be coming back with gate though.

Alright, this will be the rough plan.(Augusto?)

Isnt that the real charm of the trip?(Erie?)

Gus also became defiant and started talking about the trip.

Well, it cant be help even if one person alone is stubborn.

Part 2

TL: Change Erie -> Eli(Elizabeth)

Theres nothing to prepare as there are luggage for the training camp. Then we will gather tomorrow morning at s.h.i.+ns house. Everyone has it hard today. Do take a rest.(Augusto)

s.h.i.+n, Claude(Augusto)

What is it? Your Highness.(Sicily)


Hau uu(Sicily)

Why say such thing at parting!? It will become awkward!

Hn? The two of you will have to a.s.sist Mei from tomorrow. Please take a rest to restore your physical condition s.h.i.+n bro.(Augusto)


This Gus is serious!

Augusto-sama is s.h.i.+ns bro?(?)

Your doing stupid things again. Lets return already. Then your Highness, thats enough for today,(Mary?)

Hey! s.h.i.+n, lets go home. Also Sicily dont turn red!(Mary)

I wont! Hey! Sicily too!(Mary)

A, wa, wait Mary!(Sicily)

In the end we were dragged by Mary and was taken out of the room of Gus.

Curse you, curse you Gus!

Sicily is embarra.s.sed and wont look this way now!

Just stop that already! This idiotic couple!

To that cry the leading soldier-san was holding his laugh

Cu, curse you

In the room of August where s.h.i.+n and each of team members came out, August, Elizabeth, Mei three people were left.@@novelbin@@

Haa it finally became peaceful.(Augusto?)

It really is. Such Augusto-sama can only bee seen when hes with s.h.i.+n-san.(Eli)

Fufu, I know. s.h.i.+n-san is only interested in Sicily-san.(Eli)

I am jealous. Augusto-sama can open his heart to s.h.i.+n-san.(Eli)

Yes. However, Alice and Rin treated me equally at the training camp, so I understand Augusto-samas feelings.(Eli)

Elizabeth were with the ladies of the study group during the training camp, and asked the ladies to take an equal att.i.tude and in a formal manner.

Even so Elizabeth is the Dukes daughter. Normally even if it is said, the att.i.tude will not change, but the ladies of the study group watching the exchange of s.h.i.+n and Augusto came to agree to take an equal standing in the request of Elizabeth.

I am a duke of the highest n.o.bility, no matter how much easy I made it, they still have a firm att.i.tude.(Eli)

Theres that. I was also like that.(Augusto)

In Augustos case, hes even of the higher royal family. Theres only the father Discium, the mother, and the sister who takes on an equal att.i.tude.

I was glad. Talking in the same stand point as a girl of the same age. Making a ruckus with friends in pajamas. Shopping together in the spare time of the training camp.(Eli)

Yeah. Thats why, I now understood Augusto-samas feelings. Its only s.h.i.+n-san who can interact with Augusto-sama like that.(Eli)

Its royalty, something like that is unreasonable.(Eli)

Augusto wanted to have the same att.i.tude with everyone in the study group as he have with s.h.i.+n but, indeed that wish did not come true.

Thats why, I understand Augusto-sama is happy with the interaction with s.h.i.+n-san.(Eli)

s.h.i.+n-san is enviable after all. Thats why I thought Ill give you a bit of trouble(Eli)

Oh, Augusto-sama had also such character, its unexpected.(Eli)

You shut up Mei.(Augusto)

Uh! Eli-anesama help!

Mei, who was clutched in the head by Augusto ask Elizabeth for help.

Fufu, Mei is good. Theres also someone who treat you equally like Augusto-sama and me.

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Elizabeth talking while saving Mei from Augusto.

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