Chapter 883: Moving Forward (1)
Chapter 883: Moving Forward (1)
As soon as the 4 hours was up, Ken was ejected from the Image training. His head felt like it was filled with cotton balls and all he wanted to do was sleep. Yet he was worried that his dreams would be within the hospital room again.
'If there's no Mika, I can't use sleep protocol anymore.' He mused.
Hearing the system notification sound, Ken's eyebrow raised. Without a word, he opened up the system and tracked down the notification.
[Skill: Sleep Protocol has been acquired]
Ken read the words and couldn't help but smile. It couldn't have been a coincidence.
'Thank you Mika…' Ken said in his heart.
With the sleep protocol skill, he should be able to avoid being dragged into the other universes while he slept. Now he no longer had any worries.
He moved to his skill window and activated the skill. Even as his vision darkened, a smile crept onto his face. By the time he'd fallen asleep, Ken was already feeling better about his path forward.
The next morning, he awoke at 6am feeling well rested. The sleep protocol skill had the same effects of Mika's, allowing him to get a proper sleep with only 5 hours of rest. This would be crucial over the next couple of months.
During the 4 hours of Image training last night, he'd managed to pitch around 1400 balls. Unfortunately, not all had been strikes. The longer he stayed in the Image training, the more fatigued he felt.
He felt a weight upon his body, only now noticing that Ai had her arm and leg draped over him. Ken smiled, his hand gently moving the hair from her face.
However, he suddenly started to feel guilty. They were going to be getting married in a few weeks, but the information he was told last night had made things complicated.
Part of him considered asking Ai to push back the marriage until the next year, but he was worried that such a thing would hurt her. They had also already booked the venue and others would be flying to Japan to attend.
Ken shook his head. It was too short notice to postpone the wedding, he would just need to make sure that he kept up the Image training.
As he was gazing at Ai on his chest, she stirred.
Still half asleep, she raised her head and looked at him, "What time is it? Why haven't you gone for your morning run?"
"You looked too cute, I couldn't bear to move you." Ken said planting a kiss on her forehead.
Ai blushed, but her cheeks puffed out in the next moment. "Just because its the off-season, doesn't mean you can become a slacker okay?"
"Yes ma'am." Ken replied teasingly.
She leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek, "Okay go, before I change my mind and keep you in bed with me."
Ken tilted his head, "Now that doesn't sound so bad after all."
However, Ai rolled over, bringing the covers with her and exposing his body to the cold air. She turned into a cocoon, the blankets wrapped around her tightly.
Ken laughed, feeling some of his anxiety melt away. He had half a mind to roll around with her, but Ai was right, he could not slack off, especially now.
He got up off the bed and got changed into his workout gear. Before leaving, he tossed his shirt over to Ai, covering her face with the intention of annoying her briefly.
However, she breathed in deeply and let out a sigh of satisfaction, "Thanks, have a good run."
Ken blinked a few times before letting out another laugh and leaving through the door. In high spirits, he left the hotel and began his run around the streets of Detroit.
Soon his mind began to wander as he got into a rhythm. Running was where he spent a lot of his time thinking, this time was no exception.
The pre-season training would begin in the middle of march which was less than a month away. After his wedding, Ken would return straight back to Ohio to begin. While he wouldn't have a traditional honeymoon, these next 3 weeks before his wedding would have to do.
By the time Ken finished his run, he was covered in a sheen of sweat. With Spring right around the corner, the cool air had started to warm up a little, but there was still some snow around.
Going through his stretches, Ken felt his phone ring in his pocket.
He answered.
"Hey, it's Edward, I didn't wake you up did I Ken?"
Hearing the real estate on the other end, Ken was a little surprised. He didn't expect to hear back from him so soon.
"It's fine, I just finished my morning run."
"Okay great. We got word back from the owner of the apartment. He won't budge on the 1.6 million… Apparently he doesn't know who you are sir. As for the signed items…"
Edward sounded a little embarrassed, as if he didn't want to continue.
"It's fine. Let's do 1.6." Ken concluded. He had many other things to worry about than this. There was no point in being stingy.
Edward was surprised, but he quickly said a few things and hung up the phone, clearly wanting to call his client back.
Ken let out a small laugh and finished up his stretches before heading back to the hotel. He was not going to let 100k come between him and the house that Ai wanted to purchase, not when things had come this far.
After all, his money would be useless if he couldn't save this universe.
Upon arriving at the room, he saw that Ai had fallen back asleep, now clutching his shirt to her face. Not wanting to disturb her, he made his way to the shower to get cleaned up.
Midway through, he heard the door open and a gorgeous naked figure appeared.
"Got room in there for 1 more?" She asked with a grin.
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䂣䗻䬺 䆨䗻㔠䘞 䄛䭯䭧㱦 㗍䬺㨫㗍䰾䗻 㨫䗻䗻㗍䬺䦹 䊪㗍 㨫䎁 㶿䭯䝵䝵䶙䩥
䊪 䆨䗻䄛 䰾䭯䶙㨫 㔠䭯䘞䗻䭧䮎 䘞㶿䗻䶙 䆨㔠䗻䄛 䝾䭯䕝䊿 䘞䎁 䮉䭯䝵䭯䬺 䭯䬺䰾 䄛䎁䫅㔠䰾 䝾䗻 㨫䘞䭯䶙㗍䬺䦹 㗍䬺 䂣䶙䎁䘞䎁 䆨䎁䭧 䘞㶿䗻㗍䭧 䝵䭧䗻㸪䄛䗻䰾䰾㗍䬺䦹 㶿䎁䬺䗻䶙㱦䎁䎁䬺䩥 㛶䫅䭧㗍䬺䦹 䘞㶿㗍㨫 䘞㗍㱦䗻䮎 䂣䗻䬺 䬺䗻䀀䗻䭧 㱦㗍㨫㨫䗻䰾 䭯 䕝㶿䭯䬺䕝䗻 䘞䎁 䗻䬺䘞䗻䭧 䘞㶿䗻 㱛㱦䭯䦹䗻 䘞䭧䭯㗍䬺㗍䬺䦹䩥
䛳㶿䭧䎁䫅䦹㶿䎁䫅䘞 㶿㗍㨫 㑐 䄛䗻䗻䊿 㶿䎁䬺䗻䶙㱦䎁䎁䬺䮎 䂣䗻䬺 㶿䭯䰾 䬺䗻䀀䗻䭧 䆨䗻㔠䘞 䕝㔠䎁㨫䗻䭧 䘞䎁 䊪㗍䩥 䛳㶿䗻䶙 䰾㗍䰾 䗻䀀䗻䭧䶙䘞㶿㗍䬺䦹 䘞䎁䦹䗻䘞㶿䗻䭧䩥 㩉㶿䗻 䄛䭯㨫 䬺䎁䘞 䦹䭧䗻䗻䰾䶙 䗻㗍䘞㶿䗻䭧䮎 䭯㔠㔠䎁䄛㗍䬺䦹 㶿㗍㱦 䘞㶿䗻 䘞㗍㱦䗻 䘞䎁 䘞䭧䭯㗍䬺 䄛㶿㗍㔠䗻 㨫㶿䗻 㨫䝵䗻䬺䘞 㔠䎁䬺䦹䗻䭧 㗍䬺 䝾䗻䰾䮎 䎁䭧 䘞䎁䎁䊿 䘞㶿䗻 䘞㗍㱦䗻 䘞䎁 䭧䗻䭯䰾䩥
䛳㶿㗍㨫 䄛䭯㨫 䘞㶿䗻 㔠䎁䬺䦹䗻㨫䘞 䘞㶿䗻䶙'䰾 㨫䝵䗻䬺䘞 䘞䎁䦹䗻䘞㶿䗻䭧 䭯䘞 䎁䬺䕝䗻䩥 㿈䭯䬺䶙 䝵䗻䎁䝵㔠䗻 㨫䭯㗍䰾 䘞㶿㗍㨫 䄛䭯㨫 䘞㶿䗻 䘞䭧䫅䗻 䘞䗻㨫䘞 䎁䆨 䘞㶿䗻 䭧䗻㔠䭯䘞㗍䎁䬺㨫㶿㗍䝵䮎 㶿䎁䄛䗻䀀䗻䭧 䗻䀀䗻䬺 㗍䆨 㗍䘞 䄛䭯㨫䮎 䘞㶿䗻䶙 䝵䭯㨫㨫䗻䰾 䄛㗍䘞㶿 䆨㔠䶙㗍䬺䦹 䕝䎁㔠䎁䭧㨫䩥
㩉䎁䎁䬺䮎 䘞㶿䗻㗍䭧 㔠䭯㨫䘞 䰾䭯䶙 㗍䬺 䂣䶙䎁䘞䎁 䝾䗻䆨䎁䭧䗻 䘞㶿䗻 䄛䗻䰾䰾㗍䬺䦹 䭯䭧䭧㗍䀀䗻䰾䩥 㰝䭯䀀㗍䬺䦹 䘜䫅㨫䘞 䄛䎁䊿䗻䬺 䫅䝵 䆨䭧䎁㱦 㶿㗍㨫 䫅㨫䫅䭯㔠 㗬 㶿䎁䫅䭧 㨫㔠䗻䗻䝵䮎 䂣䗻䬺'㨫 䭧䗻㨫䎁㔠䀀䗻 㶿䭯䰾 㶿䭯䭧䰾䗻䬺䗻䰾䩥
䊪䆨䘞䗻䭧 䗻㭚䝵䗻䭧㗍䗻䬺䕝㗍䬺䦹 㑐 䄛䗻䗻䊿㨫 䎁䆨 䝾㔠㗍㨫㨫 䄛㗍䘞㶿 䘞㶿䗻 㔠䎁䀀䗻 䎁䆨 㶿㗍㨫 㔠㗍䆨䗻䮎 㶿㗍㨫 䰾䭧㗍䀀䗻 䘞䎁 㨫䫅䕝䕝䗻䗻䰾 䄛䭯㨫 㱦䎁䭧䗻 䘞㶿䭯䬺 䗻䀀䗻䭧䩥 䛳㶿䗻䭧䗻 䄛䭯㨫 䬺䎁䘞㶿㗍䬺䦹 䘞㶿䭯䘞 䄛䎁䫅㔠䰾 䝵䭧䗻䀀䗻䬺䘞 㶿㗍㱦 䆨䭧䎁㱦 䭯䕝㶿㗍䗻䀀㗍䬺䦹 䆨䭯㱦䗻 䭯䬺䰾 㨫䭯䀀㗍䬺䦹 䘞㶿㗍㨫 䝵㔠䭯䕝䗻䩥
䊪㗍 䄛䭯㨫 䘞䭯䊿䗻䬺 䘞䎁 㶿䗻䭧 䝵䭯䭧䗻䬺䘞㨫 㶿䎁䫅㨫䗻 䆨䎁䭧 䘞㶿䗻 䬺㗍䦹㶿䘞 䘞䎁 䝵䭧䗻䝵䭯䭧䗻 䆨䎁䭧 䘞㶿䗻 䄛䗻䰾䰾㗍䬺䦹 䘞㶿䗻 䬺䗻㭚䘞 䰾䭯䶙䮎 䄛㶿䗻䭧䗻䭯㨫 䂣䗻䬺 㱦䗻䘞 䫅䝵 䄛㗍䘞㶿 㨫䎁㱦䗻 䎁㔠䰾 䆨䭧㗍䗻䬺䰾㨫䩥
"䛳㶿㗍㨫 㗍㨫 䘞㶿䗻 䝵㔠䭯䕝䗻 䭧㗍䦹㶿䘞䰚" 䂣䗻䬺 㱦䫅䘞䘞䗻䭧䗻䰾䮎 䭧䭯㗍㨫㗍䬺䦹 㶿㗍㨫 䦹䭯䱁䗻 䆨䭧䎁㱦 㶿㗍㨫 䝵㶿䎁䬺䗻䩥
䊪㨫 㶿䗻 㨫䘞䗻䝵䝵䗻䰾 䘞㶿䭧䎁䫅䦹㶿 䘞㶿䗻 䰾䎁䎁䭧㨫䮎 㶿䗻 䄛䭯㨫 䭯䘞䘞䭯䕝䊿䗻䰾䩥
"䘁䥹㢗䊪㰝㰝㰝㰝㰝㰝 䂣䟁㺦㺦㢗 㫍䘁㢗㢗㢗㢗~"
"㛶䭯㱦䬺 㗍䘞 㿈䭯䊿䎁䘞䎁䮎 㱛 䕝䭯䬺 㨫㱦䗻㔠㔠 䘞㶿䗻 䭯㔠䕝䎁㶿䎁㔠 䎁䬺 䶙䎁䫅䭧 䝾䭧䗻䭯䘞㶿 䭯㔠䭧䗻䭯䰾䶙䩥" 䂣䗻䬺 䕝䎁㱦䝵㔠䭯㗍䬺䗻䰾䮎 䘞䭧䶙㗍䬺䦹 䘞䎁 㨫㶿䭯䊿䗻 㶿㗍㱦 䎁䆨䆨䩥
"䟁㶿㶿㶿䰚 㛶䎁䬺'䘞 䝾䗻 㔠㗍䊿䗻 䘞㶿䭯䘞 䂣䗻䬺䬺䶙 䝾䎁䶙䩥 㰝䭯䀀䗻 㨫䎁㱦䗻 䭧䗻㨫㶿䝵䗻䕝䘞 䆨䎁䭧 䶙䗻䭧 䎁㔠䰾 䕝䭯䝵䘞䭯㗍䬺䩥 㛶䎁䬺'䘞 䶙䭯 䭧䗻㱦䗻㱦䝾䗻䭧 䄛㶿䎁 䘞䭯䫅䦹㶿䘞 䶙䭯 䗻䀀䗻䭧䶙䘞㶿㗍䬺䦹䰚" 㰝䗻 㨫㔠䫅䭧䭧䗻䰾 䝾䗻䆨䎁䭧䗻 㔠䗻䘞䘞㗍䬺䦹 䎁䫅䘞 䭯 㶿㗍䕝䕝䫅䝵䩥
"䥹㗍䊿䫅䮎 䦹㔠䭯䰾 䶙䎁䫅 䕝䎁䫅㔠䰾 㱦䭯䊿䗻 㗍䘞 㱦䭯䬺䩥" 䂣䗻䬺 㨫䭯㗍䰾 䄛㗍䘞㶿 䭯 䦹䭧㗍䬺䮎 䝵䫅㔠㔠㗍䬺䦹 䘞㶿䗻 䦹䫅䶙 㗍䬺䘞䎁 䭯 㶿䫅䦹䩥
"㰝䗻㶿䗻䮎 㱛 㶿䗻䭯䭧䰾 㗍䘞 䄛䭯㨫 䭯 䝾䭯䕝㶿䗻㔠䎁䭧 䝵䭯䭧䘞䶙䩥 䘁䆨 䕝䎁䫅䭧㨫䗻 㱛 䄛䎁䫅㔠䰾䬺'䘞 㱦㗍㨫㨫 㗍䘞䩥" 㰝䗻 㨫䭯㗍䰾 䄛㗍䘞㶿 䭯 㔠䭯䫅䦹㶿䩥
䥹㗍䊿䫅 䦹䭧䎁䄛㔠䗻䰾䮎 䘞䫅䭧䬺㗍䬺䦹 䘞䎁 䘞㶿䗻 䭧㗍䦹㶿䘞䮎 "㩉㶿䫅䘞 䫅䝵 䂣䫅䭧䎁㚒 㢗䎁䫅 䝵㗍㨫㨫 㱦䗻 䎁䆨䆨䩥"
䂣䫅䭧䎁 㨫㶿䭧䫅䦹䦹䗻䰾 䝾䗻䆨䎁䭧䗻 㨫䗻䬺䰾㗍䬺䦹 䂣䗻䬺 䭯 䄛㗍䬺䊿䩥 䂣䗻䬺'㨫 䗻䶙䗻㨫 䄛㗍䰾䗻䬺䗻䰾 㗍䬺 㨫䫅䭧䝵䭧㗍㨫䗻䮎 㨫䗻䗻㗍䬺䦹 䘞㶿䗻 䕝㶿䭯䬺䦹䗻㨫 䘞䎁 䘞㶿䗻 䫅㨫䫅䭯㔠㔠䶙 䦹㔠䎁䎁㱦䶙 䂣䫅䭧䎁䩥 㱛䆨 䥹㗍䊿䫅 㶿䭯䰾䬺'䘞 䕝䭯㔠㔠䗻䰾 㶿㗍㱦 䎁䫅䘞 䝾䶙 䬺䭯㱦䗻䮎 㶿䗻 㱦㗍䦹㶿䘞 䬺䎁䘞 㶿䭯䀀䗻 䭧䗻䕝䎁䦹䬺㗍䱁䗻䰾 㶿㗍㱦䩥
"㰝䎁㔠䶙 䕝䭧䭯䝵䮎 䄛㶿䭯䘞 㶿䭯䝵䝵䗻䬺䗻䰾 䘞䎁 䶙䎁䫅 䂣䫅䭧䎁䰚 㱛䘞'㨫 㔠㗍䊿䗻 䶙䎁䫅'䭧䗻 䭯 䬺䗻䄛 㱦䭯䬺㚒" 䂣䗻䬺 㨫䭯㗍䰾䮎 䕝䎁㱦㗍䬺䦹 䎁䀀䗻䭧 䘞䎁 䗻㱦䝾䭧䭯䕝䗻 䘞㶿䗻 䦹䫅䶙䩥
"㙚㶿䭯䘞 䭯䭧䗻 䶙䎁䫅 㨫䭯䶙㗍䬺䦹䰚 䛳㶿䭯䘞 㱛 㔠䎁䎁䊿䗻䰾 䝾䭯䰾 䝾䗻䆨䎁䭧䗻䰚" 䛳㶿䗻 䭯䘞㱦䎁㨫䝵㶿䗻䭧䗻 䕝㶿䭯䬺䦹䗻䰾 䭯䭧䎁䫅䬺䰾 㶿㗍㱦䮎 䘞䫅䭧䬺㗍䬺䦹 䦹㔠䎁䎁㱦䶙䩥
"䘁㗍䮎 㱦䭯䊿䗻 䄛䭯䶙䩥 䛳㶿䗻 䝾䗻㨫䘞 䆨䭧㗍䗻䬺䰾 㗍㨫 䕝䎁㱦㗍䬺䦹 䘞㶿䭧䎁䫅䦹㶿䩥"
䂣䗻䬺 㨫䫅䰾䰾䗻䬺㔠䶙 䆨䗻㔠䘞 䭯㨫 㗍䆨 䭯 㨫㱦䭯㔠㔠 䕝㶿㗍㔠䰾 㶿䫅䦹䦹䗻䰾 㶿㗍㨫 㨫㗍䰾䗻䩥 䥹䗻㨫㗍㨫䘞㗍䬺䦹 䘞㶿䗻 䫅䭧䦹䗻 䘞䎁 䝵䫅㨫㶿 䘞㶿䗻㱦 䭯䄛䭯䶙䮎 㶿䗻 䘞䫅䭧䬺䗻䰾䮎 䎁䬺㔠䶙 䘞䎁 㨫䗻䗻 䭯 䆨䭯㱦㗍㔠㗍䭯䭧 䆨䭯䕝䗻 㔠䎁䎁䊿㗍䬺䦹 䫅䝵 䭯䘞 㶿㗍㱦䩥
"䘁—䘁㗍㚒 㱛'㱦 䬺䎁䘞 䭯 䊿㗍䰾䮎 䝵䫅䘞 㱦䗻 䰾䎁䄛䬺㚒" 㰝䗻 䕝䭧㗍䗻䰾 䭯㨫 䂣䗻䬺 㨫䄛䫅䬺䦹 㶿㗍㱦 䭯䭧䎁䫅䬺䰾䩥
䳿䭯䫅䦹㶿䘞䗻䭧 䝾䭧䎁䊿䗻 䎁䫅䘞 䄛㗍䘞㶿㗍䬺 䘞㶿䗻 㨫㱦䭯㔠㔠 䝾䭯䭧䮎 䗻䀀䗻䬺 䘞㶿䎁㨫䗻 䝵䭯䘞䭧䎁䬺㨫 䄛㶿䎁 䰾㗍䰾䬺'䘞 䊿䬺䎁䄛 䘞㶿䗻 䘞䄛䎁 䘜䎁㗍䬺䗻䰾 㗍䬺 䎁䬺 䘞㶿䗻 㱦㗍䭧䘞㶿䩥 䘁䬺㔠䶙 䭯䆨䘞䗻䭧 䭯 䆨䗻䄛 㱦䎁䭧䗻 㨫䄛㗍䬺䦹㨫 䰾㗍䰾 䂣䗻䬺 䆨㗍䬺䭯㔠㔠䶙 䝵㔠䭯䕝䗻 㩉㶿㗍䭧䎁 䎁䬺 䘞㶿䗻 䦹䭧䎁䫅䬺䰾 䭯䬺䰾 䭧䫅䆨䆨㔠䗻䰾 㶿㗍㨫 㶿䭯㗍䭧䩥
"䊪䄛䮎 䰾䎁䬺'䘞 䝾䗻 䫅䝵㨫䗻䘞䩥 䳿䗻䘞'㨫 䦹䎁 䆨䎁䭧 䭯 䄛䎁䭧䊿䎁䫅䘞䮎 䘞㶿䭯䘞 䭯㔠䄛䭯䶙㨫 䕝㶿䗻䗻䭧䗻䰾 䶙䎁䫅 䫅䝵 㗍䬺 䘞㶿䗻 䝵䭯㨫䘞䩥" 䂣䗻䬺 㨫䭯㗍䰾䮎 䬺䫅䰾䦹㗍䬺䦹 㶿㗍㱦 䄛㗍䘞㶿 㶿㗍㨫 䗻㔠䝾䎁䄛䩥
㱛䬺 䘞㶿䭯䘞 㗍䬺㨫䘞䭯䬺䘞䮎 㩉㶿㗍䭧䎁'㨫 䆨䭯䕝䗻 䝵䭯㔠䗻䰾 䭯㨫 㗍䆨 㶿䗻'䰾 䘜䫅㨫䘞 㨫䗻䗻䬺 䭯 䦹㶿䎁㨫䘞䩥
"䊪㔠䭧㗍䦹㶿䘞䮎 㱛'㱦 㨫䘞䭯䭧䀀㗍䬺䦹䩥 㙚㶿䭯䘞'㨫 䆨䎁䭧 䰾㗍䬺䬺䗻䭧䰚"
"㰝䗻䭧䗻䮎 䘞㶿㗍㨫 㨫㶿䎁䫅㔠䰾 䘞㗍䰾䗻 䶙䎁䫅 䎁䀀䗻䭧 䫅䬺䘞㗍㔠 䄛䗻 㶿䭯䀀䗻 䰾㗍䬺䬺䗻䭧䩥" 䥹㗍䊿䫅 㨫䭯㗍䰾䮎 㶿䭯䬺䰾㗍䬺䦹 㶿㗍㱦 䭯 㔠䭯䭧䦹䗻 䦹㔠䭯㨫㨫 䎁䆨 䆨䭧䗻㨫㶿 䝾䗻䗻䭧 䆨䭧䎁㱦 䘞㶿䗻 䝾䭯䭧䩥
"䳿䎁䎁㨫䗻䬺 䫅䝵 䝾㗍䦹 䝾䭧䎁䮎 㱛'㔠㔠 㱦䭯䊿䗻 㨫䫅䭧䗻 䶙䎁䫅 䦹䗻䘞 㶿䎁㱦䗻 㗍䬺 䎁䬺䗻 䝵㗍䗻䕝䗻䩥" 㛶䭯㗍䕝㶿㗍 㨫䎁㱦䗻㶿䎁䄛 㨫䬺䫅䕝䊿 㗍䬺 䭯䬺䰾 䰾䭧䭯䝵䗻䰾 䭯䬺 䭯䭧㱦 䭯䭧䎁䫅䬺䰾 㶿㗍㨫 㨫㶿䎁䫅㔠䰾䗻䭧䮎 䭯䰾䰾㗍䬺䦹 㶿㗍㨫 䤽 䕝䗻䬺䘞㨫䩥
"㛶䎁䬺'䘞 䆨䎁䭧䕝䗻 㶿㗍㱦䩥 㛶䎁 䶙䎁䫅 䊿䬺䎁䄛 㶿䎁䄛 㱦䭯䬺䶙 䕝䭯㔠䎁䭧㗍䗻㨫 䭯䭧䗻 㗍䬺 䝾䗻䗻䭧 䘞㶿䗻㨫䗻 䰾䭯䶙㨫䰚"
"㵨䦹㶿䮎 䄛㶿䎁 㗍䬺䀀㗍䘞䗻䰾 䊪䰾䎁䬺㗍㨫䰚" 䥹㗍䊿䫅 㜔䫅㗍䝵䝵䗻䰾䮎 䭧䎁㔠㔠㗍䬺䦹 㶿㗍㨫 䗻䶙䗻㨫䩥
"㛶䎁䬺'䘞 䭯䕝䘞 㔠㗍䊿䗻 䶙䎁䫅 䰾㗍䰾䬺'䘞 㱦㗍㨫㨫 㱦䗻 䥹㗍䊿䫅~" 㰝㗍䭧䎁䊿㗍 䭧䗻䝵㔠㗍䗻䰾 䄛㗍䘞㶿 䭯 䦹䭧㗍䬺䩥
䟁䀀䗻䭧䶙䎁䬺䗻 㗍䬺 䘞㶿䗻 䭧䎁䎁㱦 䝾䭧㗍䦹㶿䘞䗻䬺䗻䰾䮎 㶿䎁䄛䗻䀀䗻䭧 䘞㶿䗻䶙 㶿䭯䰾 䗻㭚䝵䗻䕝䘞䗻䰾 㶿㗍㱦 䘞䎁 䰾䭧㗍䬺䊿 䘞㶿䗻 䄛㶿䎁㔠䗻 䘞㶿㗍䬺䦹䮎 䶙䗻䘞 䘞㶿䗻 䦹䫅䶙 䎁䬺㔠䶙 䘞䎁䎁䊿 䭯 㨫㗍䬺䦹㔠䗻 㨫㗍䝵䩥
"㿈䭯㨫䭯䶙䫅䊿㗍 㨫䭯㗍䰾 㶿䗻'㔠㔠 䝾䗻 㶿䗻䭧䗻䩥"
"㩉䎁䭧䭧䶙 㱛'㱦 㔠䭯䘞䗻 䦹䫅䶙㨫䩥" 䊪㨫 㗍䆨 䎁䬺 㜔䫅䗻䫅䗻 䭯䬺䎁䘞㶿䗻䭧 䎁䬺䗻 䎁䆨 䘞㶿䗻 䎁㔠䰾 㵨㟙㨗 㺦䭯䘞㗍䎁䬺䭯㔠 䛳䗻䭯㱦 䝵㔠䭯䶙䗻䭧㨫 䭯䭧䭧㗍䀀䗻䰾䩥
䂣䗻䬺 䄛䭯㨫 䭯䝾䎁䫅䘞 䘞䎁 䦹䭧䗻䗻䘞 㿈䭯㨫䭯䶙䫅䊿㗍 䝾䫅䘞 㶿䗻 䆨䗻㔠䘞 㶿㗍㨫 䝵㶿䎁䬺䗻 䦹䎁㗍䬺䦹 䎁䆨䆨䩥 㱛䘞 䄛䭯㨫 䭯 䬺䫅㱦䝾䗻䭧 㶿䗻 䰾㗍䰾䬺'䘞 䭧䗻䕝䎁䦹䬺㗍䱁䗻䩥
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