Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

00183. Meeting a future crime lord.

00183. Meeting a future crime lord.

Theo stayed away from Tony over the next couple weeks to let him sort out his personal issues with Pepper. Instead he focused on training and looking for more potential threats he could stop early or steer in the right direction. With the help of cell phones he found one in New York that he was really looking forward to meeting and he hoped he could point them onto a new path going forward. Either that or he would have to destroy them before they had the proper chance to grow.

Theo changed into Ezekiel before he created a portal outside of a slightly run down building in the area of Hell’s Kitchen just after dusk. The person he was looking for had his small base of operations here and while they were already considered a criminal, the crimes were pretty minor and could be overlooked since he currently targeted other criminals and not regular civilians. The man was smart since he knew no one in their line of work would report what happened to the police.

Ezekiel stepped out of the portal in front of what could only be described as a fixer upper and that was being nice about it. The building was aged like most brownstones in New York city, but this one had a lot of issues. Some of the bricks that lined the front of the building were missing, a couple of windows were currently boarded over and graffiti covered part of the building. Ezekiel glanced around the area for a moment to take in the rest of the neighborhood which matched the building's aesthetics before he walked up to the entryway door. Instead of pushing a button to be let in by one of the tenets, Ezekiel used a minor spell to unlock the door and stepped inside and headed to the second floor.

The main hallway for the second floor was dark since only a handful of lights currently functioned while the rest would flicker randomly as they tried to work. The peeled wallpaper, faded paint and ruined carpet just added to the building's rundown appearance. But it wasn’t just the look of the building, but also the smell that completed the whole look. It wasn’t overpowering or unbearable, but there was a faint musty smell of mold that clung to Ezekiel as he walked towards the apartment he was looking for. Once Ezekiel reached the door he knocked on it a few times before he took a step back and waited.

After a few moments someone behind the door said, “I don’t know who you are, so go away.”

“I came to talk with a Mr. Fisk, Wilson Fisk to be exact. I was led to believe this is his current registered address. Is Mr. Fisk currently home?” Ezekiel asked with a friendly smile.

“Hold on.” Said the person on the other side of the door before he moved away from it.

While it was muffled, Ezekiel with his improved hearing could hear someone as they asked, “Boss, someone in a nice suit is asking for you. They kinda look like a fancy lawyer or something.”

“Did they give a name?” Another man asked with a soft baritone voice.

“No. They just said they were looking for you and used your full name.”

“Then ask them who they are.” The man said in a slightly annoyed tone.

A moment later the man came back to the door and said, “Who are you?”

“My name is Ezekiel. Tell Mr. Fisk I am here to talk about his future career path.”

Ezekiel didn’t listen in to their conversation this time but after about a minute the door was opened by a man in his twenties wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He moved to the side and gestured for Ezekiel to come in as he said, “Please come in.”

The inside of the apartment was actually in nice shape like it had been redone recently. It wasn’t a full remodel or anything like that, but the walls looked newly painted and the floors also looked in good shape. All the furniture in the apartment was also new and once inside the place, it no longer had the moldy smell of the hallway outside. After the man closed the door he led Ezekiel past the living room and into a bedroom turned office. The office itself was neat and tidy with a couple of bookshelves, a large oak desk, a couple of nice leather chairs and a small coffee table.

Behind the large desk sat an impressively sized man who almost made the desk seem small. He wore a decent quality gray colored suit with a black tie that looked like it could burst apart at the seams at any time. Fisk looked a lot like his counterpart in the TV show, except he had the body mass of his comic book counterpart and was the largest person Ezekiel’s met so far. Fisk sat behind the desk as he watched Ezekiel enter the room before he said, “You can close the door. I will call you if I need you.”

“Understood.” Fisk’s lacky said as he quickly shut the door.

Ezekiel didn’t stand on ceremony and sat down in one of the leather chairs before he said, “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Fisk. Or do you prefer people to call you Kingpin… Actually you just started out so no one should call you that yet, it’s just what you want people to call you one day.”

Fisk narrowed his eyes slightly while his bulk shifted forward in his seat as he leaned over his desk and said, “You seem to know a lot about me… And I have no idea who you are.”

“I know a lot about you because I can see the future and I have to say you’re pretty impressive. Climbing up from nothing to become the king of the New York underworld with connections all over the world.” Ezekiel said with a smile.

Fisk studied Ezekiel for a few moments before he asked, “If you can see the future, then why are you here? Are you trying to ride on my coattails?”

Ezekiel shook his head as he said, “My vision isn’t as small as yours, New York means nothing to me. And neither does the underworld since I plan to destroy it.”

Ezekiel smiled as he said, “I’m here to give you a different path forward. One that doesn’t involve crime. One where the woman you love doesn’t end up leaving you because she finds out what type of business you’re really in.”

Fisk sat back in his chair a bit before he asked, “And why should I believe you?”

Ezekiel shrugged as he said, “You have no reason to believe me and I am not going to give you one because I know the type of man you are. What I will do is offer you a deal to go straight.”

Ezekiel tapped his storage seal and pulled out his tablet before he tapped on it a few times and a holographic screen appeared between him and Fisk. On the screen was a bank account with a million dollars currently in it that Ezekiel pointed at as he said, “That would be the first part of the deal. If you agree to turn away from crime now, I’ll give you that to help grow your business.”

“I already have close to a million dollars myself.” Fisk said with little interest.

“This is only the first part and unlike the money you collected. This money you don’t have to worry about spending, it’s all traceable and the IRS won’t come after you for it. That means you could easily expand without much issue.”

“What else are you offering?”

“I know you want to focus on real estate, so I will get you the proper permits whenever you need them without having to wait or pay for them. I’ll even do you one better and throw in a building for your first project.” Ezekiel said with a smirk.

“Is that it?” Fisk asked, unimpressed with Ezekiel’s offer.

Ezekiel thought about it for a few minutes before he said, “I can also help you get into politics later… Mayor Fisk of New York doesn’t sound bad does it? Or maybe Senator Fisk? President Fisk? It’s all possible if you keep your nose clean.”

“Sounds like a kid's dream.” Fisk said as he steepled his fingers together over his belly that was mostly muscle.

“And so does the Kingpin of the New York City underworld.” Ezekiel said with a shrug.

Ezekiel sealed his tablet away and pulled out a card with his name and phone number on it before he stood up. He placed the card on Fisk’s desk as he said, “I’ll give you a month to think about my offer. If you call me after a month I won’t pick up.”

Fisk glanced at the card as Ezekiel created a portal and said, “I’ll see myself out.”

Fisk watched as Ezekiel disappeared though the portal before it snapped closed after him. He stared at where the portal was for a little while before he called out, “Bring me a drink and make it strong.”

Ezekiel portaled over to the main base after he left Fisk’s to find a few people and assign a new task. He could technically do it with his tablet, but Gabby complained when he didn’t visit the base at least once a week. So he always made at least one trip to the base each week to make Gabby happy.

Ezekiel wasted no time as he moved towards his personal office to find a few people. While it was his office, it was partly taken over by the ninja’s. It worked as their mission hall even though Ezekiel was currently the only one who really gave them missions. Since that was the case, there were always at least a handful of people in the office. Ezekiel reached his office within a few minutes and found Shikaku Nara as he relaxed in a chair playing on his phone along with a couple of other people playing on phones or reading.

Shikaku glanced up at Ezekiel as he walked in and asked, “Need something?”

“I need a team to watch someone for the next month or so.”

Shikaku typed on his phone for a moment as he said, “Send me the details and it will be done.”

After Ezekiel gave him Fisk’s information, he headed towards the rec room since that is where Gabby tended to hang out at. Once he arrived he found Gabby, Skye, Ava and one of the younger widow girls in the middle of a game of air hockey. Gabby didn’t notice Ezekiel at first because her back was to him, but as he walked closer she caught a whiff of him and immediately turned around to find him. As she ran over to give him a hug Ava said, “Wait, don’t leave!”

A second later Skye and the other girl cheered as they scored another point since Gabby wasn’t there to help guard. Gabby didn’t care as she bolted towards Ezekiel and gave him a hug. As she hugged him she asked, “Did you come to visit me?”

Ezekiel patted her head as he said, “Yup. I figured it was around dinner time and I would see if you wanted to go eat.”

Ava and the other girls came over as Gabby said, “Sure! Let's go!”@@novelbin@@

“What about your friends?” Ezekiel asked as he looked towards the other girls.

Gabby glanced at the other girls as she said, “Of course they are gonna come too.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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