00191. Revival Phase two.
00191. Revival Phase two.
February 2006
At this point Theo considered the first stage of Project Revival a success and decided to move it forward into the next phase. The next phase was already in place, it just wasn't launched yet. Theo already created a new company called Revival Insurance and registered it around the world. Its main business would be health insurance, but it would also cover other types of insurance from car, home, disaster and even small appliances. Theo also included superhero and villain insurance into the coverage his company offered. Theo's goal was to basically take over the insurance industry and put everyone else out of business.
It would be simple to do for medical, because Theo's insurance premiums would be almost nonexistent if the person qualified and it would cover everything. The only qualification to get accepted for the insurance was how much money you made or owned. If a person had a net worth of more than a million dollars, they wouldn't qualify to be insured by the company. As for people below that line, the insurance premium would be ten dollars a month and would cover medical, dental and vision.
Was excluding people with money legal? Theo didn't know or care since other insurance companies did far worse things. If people ever complained or attempted to use the government to make him accept customers over that monetary threshold. Well Theo would just charge all of them a ridiculous amount of money and claim it was because they were a “liability” and the company needed to cover its bottom line. Besides, people with that amount of money should easily be able to afford the other companies insurance or pay out of pocket.
As for selling insurance policies to companies to help cover employees? Theo didn’t plan to offer that, since the plan was so cheap that anyone could afford it. As for people living below the poverty line with absolutely no disposable income? Theo would cover the policy for free as long as they entered a program to help them improve their situation. Most of the people in those situations were there because they had no other options. As for the people who choose to be there because they didn’t want to work or for other reasons. Well Theo couldn’t force people to change, but would leave the option open for them.
As for the other parts of the medical industry such as hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. Theo also planned to deal with them too. For hospitals he didn't plan to force them out of business, that would be stupid. But the ‘for profit model’ that most private hospitals ran would be disrupted and the owners wouldn't be happy about it.
Sure they could push back and not accept Revivals insurance, but that wouldn't work very well when Revival would be almost the only insurance provider sooner or later with how their pricing model worked. As for the government trying to step in because it might be considered a monopoly? Revival would just point out that they aren't doing anything except having reasonable prices and not turning down any insurance claims.
The government or the media could argue against it, but then Theo would use Vibe to his advantage. The amount of people on the platform was massive at this point and growing quickly with the budget smartphones Tony created. It wouldn’t be long before the platform hit five hundred million users and Theo was sure it would reach a billion within a year or two at most.
Another thing Theo was working on in conjunction with Tony that would affect hospitals was a healing pod. It was a piece of alien tech that Tony was still reverse engineering, but once it was complete, it would replace most general doctors and reasons to visit a hospital. The model Tony was taking apart could do full body scans, treat all minor injuries in hours if not sooner. As for major injuries or something like a stab wound, it could fix those in a day or more.
The best part about the pod was people wouldn’t need to use drugs to help with the recovery. Once they came out of the pod, they would be completely healed with no side effects or lingering pain. They also wouldn’t need to go through long physical therapy sessions for months on end.
They weren’t perfect and couldn’t heal everything like missing limbs, perform brain surgery or even remove objects from inside a person like bullets for example. But if a doctor did the surgery portion to remove the object, the pod could take care of everything else afterwards.
As for dealing with the pharmaceutical companies, well that one was being spearheaded by Tsunade, with help from Tobirama and Orochimaru. Their only goal was to create cures for things pharmaceutical companies didn’t. Sure they could heal most things with medical ninjutsu or giving someone a clone body, but that wouldn’t put pharmaceutical companies out of business.
If they wanted to do that, they needed to solve the root cause and that was making medicine that actually cured people and not just held off the symptoms. As for the FDA trials and all of the stuff that goes along with it? Theo didn’t worry about it since whatever Tsunade created wouldn’t have issues. Plus if anyone tried to mess with the trails or something else, Tsunade would probably crush them into paste.
As for the other arms of Revival’s Insurance business like car, home and the others. They would also be reasonably priced and targeted towards people under a certain monetary threshold. As for insurance claims Theo had a safety measure in place to not have people making false claims. Theo would just send a clone to do a mind scan on someone to make sure they weren’t lying about the claim. If they weren’t, the claim would be approved and the people would have the money within hours.
If they were lying, Theo would cancel their insurance contract, collect evidence they were trying to make a false claim and turn them into the police for insurance fraud. As for claims that happened because of some type of natural disaster, Theo had plans to investigate them too. But his plan was to help the people affected first and sort out the rest afterwards. With his plans in place and the use of software he created to run most of the back end, Theo silently launched the company with ad’s being placed on Vibe and nothing else.
Theo could have pushed it and made TV commercials, billboards, radio ad’s and more. But Theo didn’t need to rush the project forward since word of mouth was the best type of advertising. With the Revival project launched, Theo turned his attention to something he was kinda putting off. Well first he had to wait for Tao and Agatha as they created magical devices, but they were finished a while ago and he was busy with a few things so he didn’t have a chance to use them.
The magical devices in question were made to contain the missing infinity stones Theo was going to collect. The first one on the list and the easiest to collect was the power stone. He already knew where it was and only had to deal with the water of the planet since it was hidden in a temple currently submerged underwater.
Theo changed into his Ezekiel identity before he met up with Tao and Agatha in Genosha underneath the magic school. Once he arrived, Tao created a portal to Morag for him and Agatha so they could find the stone. As they stepped out of the portal Tao said, “Contact me once you find it and I will help make the replacement.”
Ezekiel glanced back through the portal as he asked, “You sure you don’t wanna come help us search? It will make it faster.”
Tao started to close the portal as she said, “It would, but I don’t wanna walk around on that garbage heap of a planet.”
Ezekiel glanced around after the portal closed as he said, “It’s not that bad…”
All around him was barren rock while the sky above was filled with thick dark clouds that only let a tiny bit of pink tinged sunlight through. A few hundred feet away from him was a vast body of water that was tinged green and bubbled up in certain areas. Ezekiel took it all in for a few moments before he said, “Okay maybe it is a garbage dump.”
Agatha nodded in agreement as she asked, “You said the power stone is currently underwater right?”
Ezekiel glanced at the sickly green colored water as he said, “Unfortunately…”
“How did you talk me into helping with this again?”
Ezekiel gave a cheesy smile as he said, “Because I’m your favorite apprentice.”
Agatha rolled her eyes at that before she said, “You’re currently my only apprentice… You know you owe me a favor for this, right?”
Ezekiel nodded as he started to cast a set of spells that would help in the search. Agatha also started chanting her own spells and after a few minutes both of them were finished and ready to explore the murky depths of the water.
As they moved towards the water Agatha asked, “Didn't you say something about trying to narrow down the search area when you first brought this plan up?”
“It didn't work, the pollution over the planet was too thick to see through with the satellite.”
“How was a satellite going to help you see through this water?” Agatha asked as she motioned towards the murky green water in front of them.
“Because I commandeered a high end research satellite from the Kree and had Tao place it about three hundred light years away from Morag.”
Agatha glanced at Ezekiel as she asked, “And that did what exactly?”
“Well it was supposed to let me see the planet three hundred years ago when a majority of the water recedes because of a gravitational disturbance. Unfortunately I didn’t take into account the clouds in the atmosphere and we weren’t able to see through them.”
“Were you using the time stone with the satellite?”
Ezekiel raised an eyebrow as he said, “No.”
Agatha frowned slightly as she asked, “Then how were you supposed to see the planet three hundred years ago?”
“Do you not know what a light year is?
“A measurement of time?”
Ezekiel chuckled before he said, “No, it’s a measurement of distance. But it’s called a light year because it's measured in the distance that light can travel in one Earth year.”
Agatha stared at Ezekiel for a few moments before she asked, “And that lets you see Morag in the past how exactly?”
“You really should learn more about modern science related stuff like Tao. You know that, right?”
Agatha pulled out her cell phone as she said, “I can use this just fine.”
“If that’s the case, then how come you always ask me to add peoples contacts for you?” Ezekiel asked with a flat look.
“Because it’s an apprentices job to do the stuff their teacher doesn’t feel like doing.” Agatha said with a smug smile.
Ezekiel raised up one hand and started to respond but stopped for a moment before he lowered his hand back down with a slightly defeated face when he couldn’t come up with a solid reason to refute her logic. Agatha smiled a little wider before she said, “So about light years and seeing Morag in the past.”
Ezekiel rubbed the bridge of his nose before he said, “Since the distance a light year travels is so far, you’re basically seeing an object one year in the past. At three hundred light years you would see something three hundred years in the past.”
“That was a pretty good idea… Too bad it didn’t help.” Agatha said with a slight frown as she looked out over the murky green water.
“You could say that again… At least we know it should be near one of the coasts of the land masses that are still above water.” Ezekiel said as he glanced out over the vast expanse of water before them.
“You go left and I’ll go right?”
“Sure.” Agatha said as she moved towards the water before she walked into it and disappeared after a few moments.
Ezekiel cast one more glance around the area before he moved towards the water and stepped into it himself. The water touched an invisible barrier around him as he entered it and once he was fully submerged he moved his arms slightly as he chanted a spell. After he finished the spell, the barrier around him started to move him and he guided it deeper into the murky water.
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