Chapter 12: With all due respect, Fuck You sir.
Chapter 12: With all due respect, Fuck You sir.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Banner's Apartment
Seven Hours Later
(Emil Blonsky pov)
Ross's soldier's positioned themselves around the apartment building as we navigated our way inside to the target's door.
"Camera," Ross ordered over the comms.
A soldier with a tracker moves up and pushes a wire with a camera in its tip underneath Banner's door. The target was fast asleep.
Here we go.
Barking sounded behind the door as a dog notices the camera and bites it.
"Get rid of the damn dog," I ordered.
The soldier retrieves the camera and begins putting charges around Banner's door.
"Take him," I commanded as the charges blow, and we breach the room.
I quickly shot tranquilizer darts at Banner's bed, then pulled back the sheet only to find it was a pillow and another blanket underneath.
The dog stood there barking at me while the rest of the soldiers clear the room, finding nothing.
I peek out the window by the bed and notice a man climbing down the side.
"Target's on the move," I informed Ross on the radio as I shot a dart at the dog to stop it from barking.
"Where is he?" Ross questioned.
"He's on the ground," I answered while watching the man slip to one of the buildings across the street.
"Engage! Don't lose him, Captain!" Ross screamed over the radio.
"Let's go! Go! Move, move!" I command the soldiers as we march out of the apartment building and onto the streets.
I lead the men across the street where I see the target race out of the building onto the sidewalk in a sweatshirt with the hood up. As he approaches our military party, he begins walking to avoid suspicion. But I notice him.
"Go, go, go!" I order the soldiers while racing toward the man.
" Go! Go!" Ross voices the same command I just gave over the radio.
I look behind me to make sure I'm being followed when I see one of Ross's soldiers stop to move the civilians off the street.
"I'll clear everyone out!" The boy calls out.
"Do not lose him!" Ross's eager voice sounds over the radio pulling me back to the chase.
We chase the man through the streets and alleyways of Brazil.
"Oh! No!" One of Ross's soldiers yells as he falls from a balcony into an alleyway below.
We leave the man behind as we continue to pursue the target. Banner quickly pulls into the alley, hiding behind a wall before continuing to run.
"Get around behind him!" Ross orders.
"Target moving past mobile unit 0-9-0," I inform the thirsty General.
" Where is he?!" He demands.
I stop and, look around, noticing, a group of people rushing into an old soda factory.
"Target acquired," I call over the radio as we advanced on the factory.
"Let's go," I order and we breach the factory quietly, searching every nook and crany till we spot Banner being cornered by some wannabe tough guys. With one wrapping his arms around Banner's waist.
" Please! No! Not the computer! Gimme that! No!" Banner's weak voice calls out as one of the tough guys grabs his backpack and throws it away.
The tough guys pin Banner up against an old elevator cage as I signal my team to silently surround them.
"[In Portuguese] Not so tough now, huh? Try those fancy moves again. Come on" The tough guy yells at Banner.
" [In Portuguese] Stop. Please. Me angry very bad." Banner calls out.
"[In Portuguese] You bad angry, G? I very bad angry." The tough guy says as my team finishes taking positions around the plant.
"Oh, no. You don't understand! Something really bad is about to happen here!" Banner warns the man.
"Take them down," I order over the radio.
" [In Portuguese] Yeah, very bad." The tough guy says as a silenced dart is shot and hits one of the guys in the neck making him fall to the ground.
Before any of my team could react, one of the tough guys punches Banner in the stomach, as Banner's watch begins beeping wildly.
Banner falls to the floor and the tough guy laughs, thinking he was the reason for it.
Banner begins to yell and scream as his skin starts to ripple and his eyes begin to glow a bright green.
"Anyone else seeing this?" I call over the radio, receiving no answer.
Banner starts to grow as his clothes rip and his skin darkens to a shade of green.
"What the fuck is that!!" Someone yells.
The Hulk lets out a primal roar as he grabs the guy who punched him in his huge palm and throws him across the room, killing him from the impact of hitting a wall.
The other guys run from the monster.
"We've got a bogey of some kind! Please advise!" I yell to Ross over the radio.
"That is the target! Use every tranq you've got! Do it now!" Ross's voice took on a crazed tone as he gave the order to engage.
My team and I open fire on the beast, only for our darts to bounce off his chest.
The Monster then lets out another roar before charging at us.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Somewhere Far as Fuck Away From That Factory
(Brock POV)
Commando #1: "Go live! Go live! Go live!"
Commando #2: "Get out of the way!"
Commando #1: "Move!"
General Ross: "No! Don't run away, capture him!!"
Commando #2: " It's behind us! Move! Move! Get him! Shoot! Shoot!"
"[In Portuguese] Here's your Belikin Beer sir." A cute waitress placed the cold bottle down at my table as I turned off my radio.
I gave a friendly smile, "[In Portuguese] Thank you, ma'am."
She leaves as I open the beer and put my legs up on the chair.
I was sitting in a little cafe down the street from Banner's apartment building.
There was no way in hell I was coming anywhere near the Hulk, so using the excuse of clearing civilians off the street I was able to relax while my unit rush to their deaths on their own.
I took a swig from the beer and found it quite refreshing with a hint of a sweet aftertaste.
I reached up and turned my radio back on to check if anything had changed.
General Ross: "NO!NO! NO!NO! ATTACK!! DON'T RUN!!! ATT-"
I leaned back and took another swig of my beer.
Damn, that's good! I should get a couple more for the trip back.
Everglades, Florida
Fort Johnson, Strategic. Operations. Command. Center (SOCC)
One Day Later
"Private Rumlow! Can you explain why I shouldn't have you court-martialed for abandoning your team in the middle of combat!!" General Ross yelled at me as I stood in his office with my arms folded behind me and back straight.
After the failed ambush on Banner, the General called me to his office when he heard about my actions from Blonsky.
"Not only does your action reflect cowardice but It also shows that you are not a man I would want at my back!"
General Ross gave me a stern look I guess was supposed to scare me but I just stared back at the man blankly.
"Permission to speak, sir?" I asked.
Ross nodded, still trying to stare me down.
"Thank you. With all due respect, Fuck You, sir."
General Ross's face froze as he was stunned by my words. But before he could think of anything to say, I continued.
"While you were marching your men to a battle they had neither the equipment nor the knowledge of what they were up against, which resulted in half the unit's death, I was off making sure the civilians were safely away from the battle."
Major Sparr, who was standing behind the General discreetly nodded her head at my words.
"If you would like to court-martial me sir go ahead. I will make sure the jury has a full account of what happened during the mission as well as provide them the recording of my comms from that night."
General Ross paled at my words. I knew the man wouldn't actually do anything to me.
Last night was a royal fuck up for him with the Pentagon and he was on thin ice right now. He wouldn't risk his career further for a private whose only been here four months.
"ahem..I'll pretend I didn't hear that candid statement, Private, and just let you off with a warning. Return to your barracks, and this better be the last time I hear of you not fighting. Dismissed."
"Sir." I gave the man a stiff salute and turned around, a small smirk playing on my lips.
A/N: Sorry for the random pov change but if I stayed with the mc the whole time this chapter would have been pretty boring. Let me know what you think in the comments, and thanks for reading!!!
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