Chapter 34: Unstoppable Force pt.1
Chapter 34: Unstoppable Force pt.1
New York City
One Hour Later
(Omniscient POV)
The quinjet flies through the city skyline, heading toward Stark Tower, which is shining a bright blue stream of energy up into the sky.
One of Brock's men pilots the jet as Captain America prepares himself for battle in the back.
"Stark, you have eyes on Loki?" Cap asks over his comlink.
"What took you so long, did you stop for drive-thru?" Tony remarks. "Thor is keeping him busy right now, but we have other problems."
At his words, an explosion goes off in the front of the jet causing the pilot to make evasive maneuvers.
They fly through the smoke and up to Stark Tower as the stream of blue energy in the sky spreads and opens up a huge portal.
A hoard of aliens flies through the portal and begins wreaking havoc all over the city.
"Swing by the park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you," Tony announces over the radio and everyone on board watches as Iron Man, in a brand new suit, flies past them at high speed.
Iron Man speeds towards the incoming army, shooting repulsor blasts at them as the Chitauri begin to fire back at him.
Iron Man fires more blasts as he spins out of the way of their fire, dodging the exploding debris.
"Light'em up." Brock Orders and the pilot pushes a button to release the minigun on the underside of the jet.
The minigun begins to spin as the pilot continuously fires at the troop of Chitauri in front of them. A few go down, but the gunfire doesn't even make a dent in the massive army
Iron Man continues to fly through the city before he is suddenly rammed in the back by a Chitauri hovercraft.
He loses control for a second and as he rights himself he releases a barrage of mini-missiles toward the Chitauri, blowing up the hovercraft.
The wreckage falls out of the sky as thousands of citizens scatter all over the streets below, some getting out of their taxis and vehicles, and taking out their phones to gawk at the portal in the sky.
Most begin to panic and run for their lives as the Chitauri army comes toward them, blowing up cars, buildings, and the streets.
Bodies begin to litter the roads as Iron Man flies quickly past the jet, leading a troop of Chitauri behind him. He soars past Stark Tower, where we see Thor and Loki are currently fighting each other on the balcony.
The quinjet comes around the building, shooting at the army who are firing back at them. One of the wings is grazed by Chitauri gunfire and the jet begins to waver as the pilot tries to regain balance.
Below, Thor smashes Loki's head into the glass of the catwalk on Stark Tower and Loki spots the smoking jet wavering overhead. He pushes Thor to the floor, then sends out a blast to one of the jet's wings with his scepter, causing it to catch fire.
Thor, seeing this, becomes angry and charges at Loki. Tackling him as the quinjet is sent hurdling towards one of the nearby rooftops.
"Brace for impact!" The pilot calls back to the passengers as everyone holds on for their dear lives.
The jet grazes the lip of the roof, forcing one of the wings to break off, and scrapes along the rooftop till it comes to a stop on top of the building.
Fire, smoke, and sparks of electricity fill the quinjet as the passengers that survived try to exit the wreck.
"Everyone out!" Cap orders as he grabs his shield from his back and punches a hole in the jet for escape.
Cap and Brock make it out of the crash with barely a scratch but Brock's men weren't so lucky. The pilot's body can be seen laying lifeless through the windshield as the other two soldiers that were on the jet look to be unconscious.
"We have to get them out of-" Cap begins to say but stops and he quickly puts his shield in front of him as an arrow, that was aimed for his head, bounces off the metal.
Cap looks around to find his attacker and sees Hawkeye standing on one of the adjacent buildings, his bow still aimed at him.
"Go. I'll handle this." Brock says and Cap gives him a nod and jumps toward the building Hawkeye was on.
Hawkeye, seeing Captain America coming for him, turns and runs as Cap gives chase.
New York City
(Brock POV)
Walking to the edge of the building, I look out towards the once peaceful city to see the chaotic battlefield it has become.
Thousands of Chitauri march through the streets, firing their weapons at anything they see.
Looking up, I watch as four giant armored Leviathans and a warship of the Chitauri, fly through the portal in the sky. More Chitauri warriors jump from the ships and onto the side of buildings, where they begin to shoot at civilians.
"Captain, you okay?" A familiar voice calls over the comlink as another quinjet flies above me.
Inside I see Jack and the rest of my soldiers.
"I'm good. Don't worry about me and start providing cover fire for the rest." I order.
"Copy that," Jack says and the quinjet turns and leaves to begin firing at the Chitauri on the other buildings.
As I watch the retreating jet, sounds of coughing and gasping ring out behind me and I turn to see one of my soldiers try to climb his way out of the wrecked quinjet.
I walk over and the soldier weakly reaches his hand out to me, begging for my help.
I just look down at the man, an emotionless look on my face.
"Dismissed, Soldier." My cold voice calls out and the man looks up at me, confused.
I don't say anything else as I send a powerful kick to the hull of the wrecked jet, sending it barreling over the edge of the building where it crashes into the ground and bursts into a ball of flame.
I return to the edge of the building and look down at the chaos.
"Time to get to work," I mutter to myself and jump off the edge.
As I fall through the sky, wind hitting my face, crimson mist begins to surround me as a black liquid seeps from my skin. The liquid envelops me, forming plates of dark metal that clings to my skin.
The liquid crawls over my face and enwraps my head as I hit the streets below, forming a small crater.
The Chitauri warriors that were on the ground looked back to see what had just crash-landed near them.
Through the dust, a pair of glowing crimson eyes stares back at them. Like a predator that just spotted its prey.
A/n: Hey guys, hope you are enjoying the story so far and as always thanks for reading!
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