Chapter 41: Armistice pt.4
Chapter 41: Armistice pt.4
New York City
Within The Dome
(Brock POV)
The white void suddenly vanished from my vision as I was thrown back into the real world.
Looking around to get my bearings, I noticed that we were standing in the same area we were in before our involuntary trip. Thor was still passed out behind me and the homeless man, or Andreas, stood facing me a few feet away.
Five massive pillars could be seen standing above the city's skyline a couple of miles away, encircling our location as a golden energy dome sealed us inside this sectioned off part of the city.
"I'm not going to go easy on you," Andreas said in a mocking voice, pulling my attention back to the current situation.
He leaned his head to both sides as he cracked his neck and stretched before leaning down to the ground in a crouched position, like a beast getting ready to pounce.
Long, curved claws began to grow from his fingernails, looking like ten serrated daggers lined each finger and reminding me of a certain mutant's half-brother.
"I mean, no hard feelings. Farallah instructed me to make sure your demise was as painful as possible, to send a message to the big crab on the throne."
Not seeing a need to respond, I took a fighting stance as Andreas' muscles tensed and his claws dug into the pavement as he readied himself to attack.
I watch the man with caution as I didn't know what I was up against. I had no clue who this guy was. From his patron's domain and the way he carried himself I could tell his powers had an animalistic base to them, but I didn't know if that was all they entailed or if there was something more to it.
My heart beat faster and my blood began to boil as the space around us went quiet for a moment and we prepared ourselves for the oncoming battle.
"Rraaggrr!!"Andreas roared, suddenly breaking the silence, and leaping forward toward me, running on all fours.
As he came closer and got within my range, I sent out an armored right aimed straight at his head.
In a show of excellent agility, Andreas slipped under my punch and got in close, slashing his hands across my chest before twisting around and quickly scurrying back away from me.
I look down at the spot where he attacked, seeing a few faint scratches now marking my armor's surface, but not penetrating through the tough metal.
"Damn, that suit of scrap is tougher than I thought it would be," Andreas said as he peered at my armor and then glanced down at his claws. He bent forward again and I figured he was gonna make another charge at me.
"Guess I gotta get serious." He voiced and his entire body began to transform.
His muscles began to swell up as his skin shifted, becoming darker. His hair grew out further around him and extended down his shoulders and arms as his teeth elongated into pointed canine-like fangs and the sharp claws on his fingertips took on a sickly black glow.
An enormous muscular half-werewolf-like beast now stood in Andreas's place, staring me down with glowing yellow eyes that looked ravenous and feral.
"Can't really control myself in this form, so try not to die too quickly!!" Andreas barked as he lunged at me once more, his clawed fingers digging deep into the pavement as he ripped chunks of concrete free.
But I didn't just stand still and wait for him, as he neared my arms shot out to block his first strike and I sent a powerful kick toward his side, catching him by surprise and sending him rolling back several yards.
The sound of bones breaking rang out through the area and blood dripped to the cold hard ground as Andreas tried to get back to his feet, but his legs couldn't hold his weight and he fell over onto his side.
"You talk too much," I remarked and began walking towards the huge beast, who continued to try and get back up.
"That it?" I asked as I made it in front of him and watched as he struggled to regain his footing.
Andreas's legs pointed at awful angles and part of his ribs was penetrating through his skin.
I shook my head and let out a disappointed sigh as I loomed over the overconfident man and raised an armored boot to smash in his skull and end this mediocre fight.
But as my foot rushed down toward his head it only slammed against the concrete as Andreas swiftly rolled out of the way, his legs and ribs popping back into place and his punctured skin quickly stitching back together as he flipped onto his feet.
In the blink of an eye, the bestial man lunged at me, his jaws wide open, teeth bared like an animal about to eat its prey. I moved to dodge out of the way, but somehow he still tackled me to the ground and pinned me between his snarling mouth and the asphalt.
Shocked by the fact that he had overpowered me, I finally noticed that Andreas' transformation had continued further as he was now a huge wolf-like creature, twice the size of me and covered in thick black fur.
His face had completely changed as his nose and mouth elongated, becoming a canine's snout that dripped with saliva.
"I'm going to rip you apart and eat you from the inside out! You'll feel everything until I've eaten your heart and liver, and then I'll finish you off like a nice juicy steak!" Andreas declared, his voice sounding primal and guttural as he flashed the sharp row of fangs that filled his muzzle.
His breath smelled like rotting flesh and death, making me want to retch even through my helmet. Before I could react, he bit down on my left arm, forcing his jaws shut tight around my shoulder joint and pinning my limb to the ground.
His fangs weren't able to penetrate my armor, but I could feel them scraping off thin pieces of metal from the ebony plates.
Using all my strength, I struggled to push him off me as I threw my legs up and kicked him square in his abdomen. The strike forced him to let out a pained gasp and sent him flying off of me.
I scrambled to my feet and turned around only to see that Andreas was getting back up.
"Get ready to die, bitch!" Andreas spat, his yellow eyes glowing and tendrils of black energy leaking from his body as he charged at me.
I met his charge, the crimson force field beginning to form around me, as we rammed directly into each other.
The two of us collided but Andreas lost out as he was sent crashing down to the ground. The force of the collision knocked the wind out of him as he coughed violently, spitting out blood and broken fangs.
He slowly crawled back to his feet, glaring at me with hatred etched on his snarling snout.
An annoyed look passes over my face as a see Andreas's body rapidly begins to heal.
"I'm going to make you suffer before I tear you apart and eat you alive!" Andreas barked, his voice sounding almost demonic as he stared at me with burning hostility. "You're not going to win. We both know that, so why don't you just give up and offer me your head?!"
"Like I said...." I muttered coldly as I took my fighting stance. "You talk too much."
The beast let out a throaty roar at my words and lunged at me on all fours as we both charged at each other once again.
New York City
Outside The Dome
Twenty Minutes Later
(Omniscient POV)
"John, I'm standing here in the heart of the city, where the streets of New York have become a wartorn battleground. The army and other first responders are here trying to salvage what they can, but clearly, they still have a long way to go before the city can return to any semblance of what it used to be." A pretty dark-skinned reporter announces as she talks to the camera.
She stands outside the police barricade along with a large group of curious civilians and other reporters.
"In other news, it seems the terror is far from over as some kind of huge dome has sectioned off a part of the city. We've asked officials for any information on what's going on and if this is a part of the alien invasion, but they have declined to respond. Billionaire Tony Stark and his extraordinary companions in the group calling themselves the Avengers have secured the area around the dome and refuse to let anyone near it as they run their tests. But I, like the rest of America, can only speculate what this means for our dear city. Is the nightmare over? or is it just beginning?"
The cameraman signals the reporter that the broadcast is cut, just as their attention is grabbed by two quinjet flying above their heads.
The jets move past the reporter and the people behind the barricade and lands towards the area where Iron Man, Captain America, Bruce Banner, and a small portion of the S.T.R.I.K.E team are monitoring the zone around the pulsating dome.
They each turn their heads as the quinjets doors open and a unit of S.H.E.I.L.D agents and scientists step off the aircrafts and begin securing the area and setting up equipment.
Nick Fury, followed by Maria Hill, steps off after them and moves over toward the heroes.
An annoyed and frustrated look adorned his face.
"What's the situation?" He asks as he nears the group.
"We're not really sure what we're dealing with yet. We've got four different types of readings coming from this thing. EMF, thermal, seismic, and acoustic waves. All of these things point to it surrounding the entire area... and whatever it is, It's impenetrable. We haven't been able to get close enough to determine anything else..." Iron Man informs him.
"But we're getting closer. I think we should keep moving forward until we find out what this thing is." Bruce chimes in from the side.
Fury regards the two geniuses and thinks over their words before making a decision on the current bizarre situation.
"I don't want to make a move until we know exactly what we're dealing with. Keep running your test, you have all resources I can afford to offer right now." He declares.
The two of them nod and turn to get back to their work.
"Let's get to it then." Iron Man states, kind of excited to learn about this new 'technology' before him.
They begin walking away from the area and toward the space where the S.H.I.E.L.D scientists are setting up a makeshift lab, while Cap stays behind to talk with Fury.
"So what? We're just supposed to sit here and wait for...something, to happen?" He questions the man, anxious and worried for the civilians trapped within the dome, not to mention Thor.
Fury lets out a tired sigh and shakes his head sadly. "For right now... that's all we can do."
The two men go silent for a moment, each thinking about their own concerns, before turning their gaze over to the massive golden dome towering near them.
Both praying that this day wouldn't get any worse.
New York City
Within The Dome
(Andreas Zorba POV)
"FUCK!!!" I cursed out in pain as I was sent flying for what felt like the hundredth time during this fight.
I rolled on the hard pavement as blood and grime caked my fur and my healing factor kicked in, once again repairing my broken bones and stitching my skin back together painfully, but working just a bit slower now.
I don't know how much time passed between the fourth and fifth attacks, but it seemed like hours. My arms and legs felt numb, and my mind dulled, but my keen senses heightened as they were the only things carrying me in this fight. Well, that and my healing-
My thoughts stopped as my entire body began to tense and my fur stood on end.
Listening to my predator sense, My head snapped up just in time to see a large armored figure barreling down on me from above.
As if on its own, my body swiftly reacted as I twisted out of the way and crawled to cover just as the armored bastard crashed into my previous potion, the power of his landing destroying the area around him and creating a small crater he was now standing in.
Dust and debris flew through the air and I could hear my own heavy panted breathing echoing through the area as I stared furiously at the bastard's skeletal faceplate.
His sleek black armor was now painted with blood and viscera from my own body and a few small shallow cuts marked its surface, signifying that I was at least damaging him as much as he broke me.
But his eyes...
They still shone with bright red crimson energy, showing that he wasn't even close to running out of steam.
Why didn't Farallah tell me this guy would put up this much of a fight!!
With bated breath, I hastily sulk out of my cover and began to stalk around the fucker, hoping to take him by surprise.
Using the dust as cover, I managed to get it within three feet of him and moved to attack his back. But the attack didn't work out quite in the way I had hoped, as he quickly twisted around, his arms outstretched as if to grab me, and my predator sense sent out blaring alarms that I needed to dodge out of the way.
Moving on its own, my body contorted out of his reach, sending me crashing into the ground at his side. I grunted in pain as I rolled away from the attack, but then sprang up immediately after, using the momentum to launch myself back at him.
One of us had to die today...and it will NOT be ME!!!
I landed atop the bastard's back and moved my claws to pierce his eyes through his helmet.
My predator sense went off for a second but I ignored it this time as I couldn't wait to hear the fuckers screams of pai-
"Rrrraaaaghth!!!!!!" I roared in agonizing pain as my claws came in contact with the red orbs that made up this bastard's eyes!!
I quickly tried to pull my hands back but before I could, he grabbed hold of my arm tightly and yanked me towards him, the pavement below us cracking as he slammed my back against it.
"Raaghh!!" My spine produced an unsettling sound and I let out an agonizing scream as I heard the bones snap and saw the blood gush from my nostrils. I tried to crawl away and buy some time for my healing factor to kick in, but before I could react, my predator sense informed me of more incoming danger just as a fist was forcefully driven into my jaw, knocking my head against the concrete and cracking open my skull.
Blood leaked into my eyes, clouding my vision as I felt a pair of hands reach down and grip my throat.
My air supply began to be cut off as I felt fingers dig into my windpipe. The pain was so excruciating that I wanted to scream but nothing but wet, bloody, gurgles came out!
The savage surgy continued as the fingers sunk down into my jugular, tearing it open.
"Hmrragh! Mrramrr!!" I let out low muffled groans as warm blood flooded into my mouth. The torture wrecked me and I looked up at the bastard who was doing all this to me.
The expression in his glowing crimson eyes was blank, but the skull's mouth was twisted into a sadistic smile that sent shivers down my spine.
"...I..*Blood gurgle*..I gi...*Blood gurgle*" I tried to surrender, anything to stop the pain, but the bastard ignored me and just continued to dig into my flesh until I could feel his hands wrapping around my spine before crushing it under his grip and the painful sensations in my body were suddenly gone.
I should have been happy when the pain stopped, but my concern and fear plagued my mind at the thought of why it stopped.
I can't feel my legs. Or my Arms!
Is he going to finish me off?!
Will I die here?!?
I don't want to die!!
I will not die!!!
I struggled to move my limbs but there was no movement, I could feel my healing factor trying to piece my body back together, but knew it would be a second before I could function correctly. Till then, the bastard had me completely at his mercy.
*Wet Squelch*
Repulsive noises rang out as he pulled his hands from inside my throat, before standing up and walking to the edge of the small crater.
Is he not going to kill me?
Yes!! Don't kill me!!
Let me live!!!
Just a little longer!! Then I'll be sure to return the favor back to you!!!
I cheered inwardly as I watched the bastard climb out of the crater before turning back around and looming over me.
"Let's see if you can heal from this." His modulated voice stated coldly.
The mouth of his faceplate was unlatched wide as the pulsating energy within the suit began to flow upward.
I started to drown in sweat as my predator sense tried desperately to warn me of the serious danger I was in.
Fiery particles began to build up in his skeletal mouth, forming a small unstable furnace of vibrant crimson energy.
No!! Please don't!!!
"S-stop!!!!" My raspy voice barked out as the feeling in my limbs began to return.
Just a little-
Like a dragon breathing fire, he unleashed the built-up energy and a stream of concentrated firey energy engulfed my body. It felt like I was being boiled alive as my skin and fur scorched away, revealing the naked tissue underneath.
The heat was so intense, I could feel it seeping through my bones and boiling my internal organs.
My heart beat rapidly in my chest, threatening to burst as I fought to stay conscious. Breathing heavily, I tried to withstand the agony, but the pain became too much.
'I HOPE YOU DIE!! DIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!' I cursed the bastard internally to myself as I felt my muscles being charred away, the damage caused to my body pushing me ever closer to death.
And I knew this bastard wouldn't stop until I was dead.
Damn it!! Why did she send me after you first!?!
The bastard's crimson flames were relentless, mercilessly ripping my body apart as it tried, futilely, to repair itself. But the damage was too great, as the flames were burning my very soul.
The heat was unbearable and the pain agonizing, but even worse than that, was the fact that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.
I'm sorry, Farallah, I failed yo-
A/n: Hey guys! Sorry for the late upload, work schedule is killing me and this chapter was so hard to write for some reason. Hope you enjoyed and as always thanks for reading!
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