Megami Buchigire

Chapter 3: The Everyday Life of a Japanese Who Became a Queen Consort

Chapter 3: The Everyday Life of a Japanese Who Became a Queen Consort

The Kingdom of Galdeia. This kingdom which has a longstanding history has a tradition of summoning a bride for the crown prince from another world.

And just recently, a bride was summoned for the first time in several hundred years. But this bride, right after the wedding, has been holed up in a room ever since.


With her black hair tied up behind her neck, she is a woman wearing thin glasses. She has a ‘competent career woman’ aura, and her name is Tonegawa Asahi.


This queen consort is silently sitting before...... a desk buried under piles of documents.

As expected of the Japanese who are known for being overly patient. Any normal person would have already screamed “like hell I can do this!” and flipped out and knocked it all down.

“...... like hell I can do this!”

Oops, she snapped.

All of a sudden.

As expected of a descendant of the Japanese who, upon surpassing their limits, suddenly turned from smiling to a serious face and started waging war.

It’s not for no reason that a certain person said “the Japanese do not know how to do diplomacy.” 1

“The queen consort has exploded?!”

“A beautiful person! Bring someone beautiful, it doesn’t matter male or female!!”

But the surrounding people deal with it in a practiced manner.

That method of dealing with it might seem somewhat mistaken, but well, she’s a Japanese, so let’s leave it at that.

Some countries may consider Japan as a Hentai Country, but in light of certain ancient texts from more than a thousand years ago, they might not be entirely wrong.

“Ouhi-sama, please calm yourself!”

“Shaddup! What the hell is with this mountain of paper that never shrinks?! Is this a bug?! Is this entire freaking country bugged?!”

(T/N: ‘Queen consort’ in Japanese is ‘ouhi’.)

The queen consort shouts at the maids on standby.

She has a venomous mouth. She has a manliness that one normally cannot deduce from her appearance.

“Half! After you clear half of it, you can go to rest. If you are so inclined, then how about your beloved BL works......”

Here we have a sad announcement. This queen consort is a fujoshi.

But though rotten she may be, one must not look down on her.

For, rather than being a pig that only knows how to feed, this queen consort is the creative kind of otaku who creates her own works.

(T/N: BL means ‘boys love,’ and refers to works (manga, anime, etc) depicting love between men for a presumed female audience. The females who like this genre are called ‘fujoshi,’ the direct translation meaning ‘rotten girls.’)

For the sake of her creations, the amount of knowledge that she has amassed is more than you can shake a stick at.

She was able to instantly remember the politics and problems of feudalistic countries, and is contributing to the Galdeia Kingdom’s rule as such.

This is the kind of knowledge that would go straight to the dustbin if she had lived a normal life, but since it’s now proven useful let’s not get nitpicky about the details.

“Are you right in the head? I already don’t have time for sleeping, where do I find the time for entertainment?!?!”

“Wh-, whaatt?? Then from where are we to attain new works?!”

We have a second sad announcement. The court has begun rotting.

Apparently the manga that the hentai country Japan is proud of was a bit too stimulating for the court ladies.

But on the upside, this queen consort now has stable and overwhelming support from the newly awakened adherents in the court. There’s no knowing how the dice falls, right? @@novelbin@@

“In the first place, why are there this many unprocessed matters?!”

“The final confirmation must be made by a member of the imperial family. The late king was also hounded by document processing daily.”

“As if I care!! What I’m asking is, what the hell is that blockhead doing!!”


The queen consort’s question causes the ministers rushing every which way in confusion to freeze in their motions.

‘Blockhead.’ There’s only one person in this world that the queen consort would call by that name.

“Eh, his Majesty is currently not feeling well......”

King Richard, who was successfully coronated just the other day.

However, after the completion of the coronation ceremony and wedding ceremony, that king has not come outside at all.

“...... So he’s still holed up in his room, that siscon?”

(T/N: A ‘siscon’ is someone who overly loves their sister.)

The reason for this is the mysterious disappearance of Princess Shiina the other day.

His Majesty, who deeply loves his own sister, has locked himself up in his room from the shock.

Though he does elicit a certain amount of sympathy, even his wife has no other word but ‘disgusting’ to describe him.

“Ouhi-sama! Here are more documents fo— *gasp*?!”

A certain civil official who couldn’t read the atmosphere walked in with a new stack of documents in his arms, but his legs gave out with a single glare from the queen consort.

This queen consort actually did not receive any cheat abilities from her overworld transmigration, but at this rate it seems that she is about to awaken the Evil Eye skill.



But this queen consort’s face has suddenly blossomed into a smile.

The smile is as unnatural as a stormy sky suddenly turning blue and clear.

“Al~right! Let’s go give him a punch?”

“Wh-, even if you say it with the spirit of declaring a stroll!”

It seems that the queen consort has crossed a limit beyond her limit.

Once a Japanese person reaches this state, there is no longer any stopping that person.

It is already a confirmed fact that there will be a great rampage on the level of a Choro-Q that’s lost an entire side of wheels.

“Ah~hah~hah? Your Majesty, your beloved wife has come to visit?”

“D-, deranged! Ouhi-sama has gone deranged?!”

The queen consort dashing through the palace halls with a beaming smile, and the attendants desperately trying to keep up with her.

They shout for help, but the ministers who hear the shouts all think the same thing.

——Isn’t this what happens all the time anyways.

After this, the king receives an incredible body blow and an incredible scolding from the queen consort. As a result, the queen consort has calmed down, so all’s well that ends well.

At the same time, there is a rising suspicion of the king awakening to masochism, but the two look happy together, so no one said anything.





“Oh hey, Tsukuyomi. What’s the name of that place again...... Galdeia, was it? So how’s the person who was summoned there doing?”

The man wordlessly gazes at the mirror.

He is Amaterasu’s younger brother, one pillar of the three main Shinto gods, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto.

He appears so rarely in mythology that even his gender is in question, but he’s probably male.

The trend lately seems to be leaning towards interpreting him as female, but even Amaterasu-sama was mistaken to be male at one point, so let’s not think about it too deeply.

“Aah, Ane-ue. If you’re talking about the female who was summoned to Galdeia Kingdom, she’s doing absolutely fine.”

(T/N: ‘Ane-ue’ means ‘older sister.’ That’s how Tsukuyomi calls Amaterasu.)

“Is that so? It totally caught me off guard, so I only had time to grant her the divine protection that enables her to understand the local language.”

“That’s already enough. The person herself has high abilities, so extra intervention might actually prove detrimental in her case.”

“Really? Alright, if you say so, Tsukuyomi.”

So Amaterasu-sama walks away, satisfied.

Tsukuyomi watches her departure with a smile, but the instant she can no longer see him, his smile warps.

“After all, this human is more interesting to watch the more cornered she is. Well, it’s not like she’s going to die, so let’s just keep watching for a while longer.”


Him being schadenfreudistic is most likely unrelated to him being the god of the moon and night.

1 There is a (now proven fake) story on the Japanese net that Winston Churchill said this in his The Second World War: When absurd demands are made of the Japanese, they do not get angry, nor do they object. They accept the demands with a smile. However, this is problematic. Objecting and wrangling one’s opponent is the job of a politician, yet they cannot do this. So then a further absurd demand is made, which they once again accept. As a result, the meeting proceeds with even more demands. Then all of a sudden, the Japanese’ smile disappear and, with an entirely different face, they spit venom, among which they said “We’ve already compromised this far, yet to still say something like that, it must mean that you are an ignorant fool. Having come this far, we have no recourse but to exchange swords.”

This event is what triggered the Japanese to attack, and conquer, Singapore, in regards to which Churchill wrote “If the Japanese had this much power, they should have spoken up about it earlier. They truly do not know how to do diplomacy.” Again, all this has been proven to be untrue.

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