Chapter 17: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 4
Chapter 17: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 4
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~
"No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you should pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong till you arrive to some sort o outcome resulting from your choice. The only thing we re allowed to do is to believe that we won't regret the choice we made."
-Levi, Shingeki no Kyojin
(A.N.: This chapter is a Flashback. Let's see how many people are triggered beacause the MC do stupid things now.)
In the night of the Kamino Incident
After having finished stealing the quirks of the heroes that faced him in the Central Plaza of Kamino, leaving only the one of Endeavor and some others.
Hector retreats to a desolate area in the woods.
In fact, he had arrived in this world a day earlier to prepare. Due to his meta knowledge he knew that the attack on the Training Camp took place two days before the Heroes Raid in Kamino.
In those two days they found the location of the League of Villains due to police investigation and the tracker that Yaoyorozu Momo placed on one of the Nomus with the help of a student from Class 1-B, Awase Yosetsu.
And that the U.A. would trick the villains into thinking they had no clue of they whereabouts, using a press conference where they would apologize for their mistakes. And receive reprisal by the public.
When Hector arrived in the world of BNHA and saw the groundwork of the recent events of Katsuki bakugou's kidnapping, he was able to trust that the world he just arrives is exactly as shown in the Manga/Anime.
He would just have to wait on Kamino until it was time to attack.
And everything goes according with the plan.
After accomplishing the objective of that night, Hector enters his tent that he had brought from Minecraft Inventory and meditates. This was not one of his daily meditations. He had something important to check.
Hector P.O.V.
Starting to focus on my inner world and my new acquisitions in powers, my consciousness is moving to a very separate place in my mental world.
A place I prepared early while giving that cringe edgy speech on TV. I couldn't fight without figuring it out first.
The thing is, in the final chapters of the BNHA manga that I read before being transmigrated, it was shown that quirks possess some of the original wielder's personality and consciousness. And complementing this, there is a fandom theory that quirks affect a person's personality as well, such as Bakugou's explosive attitude and Toga's obsession with blood.
That is, when quirks are stolen, transferred or passed on, there is a possibility that the person will inherit personality traits from the previous quirk bearer. And this can be even more extreme in people with incredible egos and willpower.
And special quirks like All For One and One For All.
I have both quirks now, and as I predicted...
I'm not a fanfic MC with plot armor that has some special defense pulled out of his ass against mind attacks and possessions. That's why I've worked hard on strengthening my defenses every night since I got the Chakra Books.
Now I have some loose ends to take care.
Hector Inner World
"Now this is a surprise" I say looking at the nine figures in front of me.
I am in a separate corner of my Inner World. And in front of me is a fragmented room floating on the calm endless lake that is my mind.
The room is divided into two contrasts. In my left half is lit and in my right half is darker.
On one side, the brightest one, sits 8 figures, all strapped into their respective chairs. These are the 8 users of One For All. Or at least what was left of their conscience and spirit.
All Might is the only faded one. Like a flame with the shape of Skinny Might.
And on the other side, darker, there is only one chair. A throne. But the figure seated on it is similarly tied up. In fact, chained all the way down, he can't even move a muscle. Very extreme, but necessary, because this figure is All For One himself.
None of these consciousnesses can do anything in my Inner World. I prepared myself for the possibility of this happening even before I came into this world. With my training I created this split part of my mind to trap them.
Now they are at my mercy, I can erase them at any time.
But like those Wuxia/Xianxia novels, I maybe have something to gain from them. At least with the One For All users...
"I know from the theory that quirks carry personality traits and desires of their users, but you guys are really awesome... Or rather... your quirks are awesome. Full consciences... With Egos, feelings and memories. Ridiculous. Haha" I say just to get a glare from everyone but All For One who seems to be enjoying it all. Keeping an eternal smile on your face.
"I never thought I would get the chance to see so many dead people. Ah~ The nostalgia. My silly little brother... I would hug you if I could." All for One says. Apparently he's been talking and talking, to getting under the skin of all One For All users.
"Keep your sarcasm to yourself, brother." The first One For All user simply responds. He has white hair reaching to his shoulders and a frail appearance.
"...And you're not much better than us All For One. Dead too. Hah. Finally! You got what you deserved!" The fifth user, wielder of the quirk [Black Whip] speaks from his seat. A bald man and with a bulky appearance.
Honestly this situation sounds like a lot of fun, but I have things to do and I don't like people living in my head...
Walking to the room I make a seat appear for me there. Much simpler than theirs. Just a wooden chair.
"Well... this is awkward. But I will have to erase you all." I say while scratching my cheek.
With that, many start talking at the same time.
Their talks have almost the same subject: "Who am I", "What am I going to do with One For All"...
After seeing me ignoring their every word, they calm down. And it seems that an order has been established...
"What is happening in the real world?" the first user asks. It looks like he wants to start small.
And they lost whatever connection they had with their powers. They cannot interfere with One For All nor can they observe the world through my senses. Unless I allow it.
"Nothing for now Only a few hours have passed since I stole eh you guys? But I predict that in time chaos will set in the world, after all the two great Symbols of this society divided between Heroes and Villains have fallen." I answer truthfully.
"What is your objective?" The fourth user, wielder of [Danger Sense] asks. A white-haired man with lines on his face.
"Self preservation" I answer simply "I need to be strong to protect myself"
"If you need protection, you could have asked the heroes for help" Nana Shimura. All might teacher and seventh carrier speaks. She is fair-skinned and has a small mole below her bottom lip, centered to the right, and sharp, intelligent eyes with long eyelashes. Her hair is was dark and straight, kept shoulder-length with the exception of a clump of short bangs hanging above her forehead.
"It's more complicated than that," I reply simply. It wouldn't be a problem to tell these dead guys more, but the explanation would take too long.
They look confused. Understandable I think...
"You should get rid of All For One as soon as possible. I don't mind disappearing. One For All goal has been accomplished anyway." The second user speaks. He is a man with short, spiky hair, a large scar across the front of his face, and wears a combat jacket with a large black collar.
"Don't worry about him. He's dead and there's nothing else he can do. In fact, his power is already mine in a completely new way. He is much weaker than each of you here now." I say.
And it's the truth. My new power will not allow rebellion from the powers I copy or steal. So I can now use all of One For All's secret abilities, which Midoriya needed the previous users' approval to do.
These guys are fragments of consciousness that haven't been dissolved by my sea of consciousness because I'm curious about this whole situation. It's a good experience.
Even if All For One tries, he won't be able to take my body or anything.
I have Haki (Wiilpower), D4C, Mental training, Telepathy. Various defenses. Consciousness of a dead person in a low-tier world like this can do nothing.
But this can be a good opportunity to test all these defenses in a safe and controlled situation.
"Actually, I'd like you to try it," I say to everyone's confused gaze. "Where I come from there are people who can do much worse. Hijack my body, mind and soul. A bunch of fragments of consciences from one such low-level place. It will be a good practice for my defense."
With that I get up and walk away, leaving them tied up.
"In a few weeks all of you will cease to exist, be helpful to my growth. Thank you." My voice echoes after I'm gone.
Before taking the laboratory of Dr. Daruma (Because he don't appear in the hospital till days later) every night I visit my inner world to observe the fragments of consciousness.
Just as I expected, All For One constantly tries to attack my mind and try to somehow take over my body.
And as I predicted, it's been a good workout. A good practice I would say. My defenses are good and All For One doesn't have much experience taking bodies, I think. Never tried probrably.
But his attempts now make me aware of several small weaknesses in my mind. It's like... You have your skin, but you don't feel your skin all the time do you? You're used to it... You only feel it when your skin is touched, tickled, bruised... All For One's attempts are like little tickles in my mind. A little irritating, but I'm getting used to it... Adapting... Getting stronger...
In DC, Martian Manhunter has a hard time invading the minds of people with great willpower and strong mental barriers, even when they are not telepaths. I believe I am the same now.
Another good opportunity to growth I seized upon coming into this world.
Now about the other eight ghosts, they usually try to stop me from using their quirks and One For All. No success either.
Every night I go back there and surprising myself I started to form a certain relationship with them.
One day I shameless started asking the One For All users for tips on being a hero.
At first only one person answered me: Shimura Nana. And we started talking. Others, over time, entered as well. I think they are bored.
"People are scared. So you can't show that you are either. The best way is to smile to reassure them that everything is going to be okay." Nana Shimura talks to me after I ask about what it's like to save people. I've never saved anyone until now.
"But what if I want to cover my whole body with my costume? How can I smile at them?" I ask honestly.
"Oh, you'll have to transmit it in another way. Gestures, your tone of voice" She says.
I nod.
This is weird. And everyone here must think so too. Here I am getting advice on how to be a hero from a dead woman who inhabits my mind with her other ghost friends.
Well, my life will only start to get weirder from here on out. I'm sure.
But this dynamic has continued for a few days. Even after taking care of Dr. Daruma, I still visit constantly. None of them know what's going on in the outside world. I don't allow them to share my senses.
"You can go with a BAM and HARR, it always works. You have to be flashy! For people to recognize that you are arriving even before you arrive. It will give the villain a pause and lift the morale of the people on his side." Banjo-san, the [Black Whip] user excitedly talks about heroic entrances from his chair.
"It doesn't have to be flashy. As long as your intentions are sincere, then you will eventually reach people's hearts." The quiet En-san, the user of [Smokescreen] gives his advice about the acts your perform being a hero. He has dark hair who wore a high collared jacket, and is fairly quiet due to his attire obscuring his mouth. He was the one who passed One For All to Shimura-san, so he easily entered the conversation circle.
I cannot receive formal education on how to be a hero during my stay in this world. It's one of the consequences of my choices and the path I'm walking. So I thought I'd take advice from professional heroes who are living in my head.
The funny part is that I also asked All For One for advice when he stopped trying to take over my body. Advice on being a leader of a great organization. But his teachings are usually meant to annoy the One For All users too.
"To be a Great Demon King you have to know how to utilize everyone around you. Everyone, no matter how small, can have a use... For example I remember that a long time ago I found out the location of one of these losers because an old lady told me. I had removed a quirk that was to her grandson's detriment. And she felt grateful huhu." All for One speaks from his side of the room.
I roll my eyes at his speech. Obviously he never misses an opportunity to try to get under the skin of the One For All users, and many of them take the bait, becoming an argument.
"You don't even have the scruples to leave a little old lady out of your schemes? Bastard!" Banjo-san is the first to shout.
"You speak as if I manipulated her It hurts me. I helped her in a way that you people who only know how to punch others can't, and she thanked me on her own... What's the problem with that?" All For One says smirking.
I resolve to wipe that smile off his face. He pisses me off too, and if I had to choose a side, I would choose One For All. So I say...
"You know... I already took care of your good doctor All For One." It brings attention back to me. And All For One gets serious.
"Dr Daruma or Kyudai Garaki So many names My body is meditating in his lab right now. Thank you for your hard work all these years. All your years efforts are mine now. They will be very useful, believe me. You are very good to me, sensei." I say sarcastically.
He does not answer.
"Tell me, Hector." Shimura starts. "What are you going to do with all that you're getting? Quirks, knowledge..."
If it was anyone else here I wouldn't answer, but Shimura-san grew on me.
"WellI don't intend to rule the world if that's what you're worried about. I just want to stay stronger to protect myself." I answer.
"Aren't you strong enough already?" Banjo-san asks.
"Huh. You simple-minded people can't understand... When you have the power to take everything you want, you do just that. It doesn't have to exist some big reason or purpose. You do what you do, take what you take. Because you can. There's no one who can stop us. So...why not? Why do we have to be constrained by the codes, laws and dwellings of people who can't imagine the world as we see it? Right, Hector-kun? A world that is ours to take. Huhu" All For One speaks ominously.
"First. Don't lump me together with you, bastard. I have literally zero reason to be a villain like you." I answer. "Second, I don't have the luxury to be arrogant like you."
"But eventually you'll see things the way I do. In a world where no one is your equal, where the natural state of things it's with you at the top. And everyone else below you..." he answers me smiling. With a know-it-all attitude. Which annoys me a little...
"Heh Not even close. You know nothing, All For One. You have no idea how ridiculously small you are. I won't become arrogant like you, it's not my thing. I can act arrogant for people to think I'm an idiot who underestimates everyone else, and they themselves underestimate me. But I sure as hell don't have the luxury of being arrogant, not considering from where I come" I reply thinking of the dangers of my world.
Hum. I have an idea. Normally I wouldn't, but it can be a useful experience as well.
"Wants to know? Why don't I show you? In less than a month you all will disappear anyway. I think you guys are the only ones I can have a conversation about this in this world." They seem confused by my speech.
"If you want me to tell you, I will. But I warn you... Your world view and your very being of yourself will change..." I warn seriously.
But everyone seems interested. Even the second and third users of One For All.
"All right. Don't say I didn't warn you all."
Tentacles of water made from the great lake in my inner world began to move towards them. Some try to resist, struggle... But all of them are powerless in this world.
Each received a tentacle on the forehead. Even All For One, I want to destroy his arrogance. And see how a egomaniac like him reacts.
And they began to see the images that I allow. Nothing personal. Just to give them an idea of my motives. Where did I come from? The power levels of my world. That I have seen them through Manga pages.
The information is very little. I didn't give any knowledge about myself, about the future, or anything like that. Nothing will change, they won't exist when I return to the Marvel Universe.
I'm also curious to know what people would think if they found out they were fictional characters for someone else. I will summon fictional characters in the future. It's inevitable. I want to have experience with the situation. I want to know how they will react. Good people and bad people.
And I'm in this world to do tests.
After a few minutes, the water tentacles retreat.
Everyone is shocked and shaken by the revelation.
Surprising me, the first to open his mouth is All For One. And his reaction is unexpected to say at least.
"HAHAHAHA. So the theory of infinite universes is true! And are we that low? Your world is really dangerous, Hector-kun" he says laughing.
"I understand your concerns about surviving now, Hector. But was it really necessary to take the quirks of the heroes?" The first user, Yoichi asks.
But All For One answers before me.
"Don't you understand, silly little brother? This man in front of you comes from a world far superior to ours in terms of power and everything else. Why should he care? For him we are just NPCs, background characters in his story..." he says laughing.
"Ah. I thought I didn't care about dying. But knowing that there are endless possibilities out there ignites a flame that I thought was long gone in my heart" he continues.
"Hector huhu. I admit my defeat." All For One turns to me. "I know my disappearance is inevitable now. I know that Tomura-kun doesn't stand a chance against you... This whole world doesn't stand a chance against you... I will help you. Teaching everything I know in this little time left. Then I will live. I will live in my teachings to you. Huhu" He completes.
And the worst thing is that I do not detect any falsehood in his speech. Inside here I can feel all the emotions and thoughts of these guys. All For One really accepted its fate.
That's a strange way to take all this.
"So that's what you are, brother? A soulless being... You never cared about other people's lives. But now I know you never even cared about your own life. You always treated it like a game... and you were just petty enough not to want to lose." The first user speaks.
But All For One just smiles without responding.
"All these lives All these losses For no reason. No Purpose. Just because you could???" the first user is shaking in rage.
"It would be a waste to have all that power and not use it, right? I just wanted to see how far I could go. Huhu" Al For One responds.
And if they didn't have the restrictions on them, I'm sure it would become a fist fight here.
"Okay. Whatever, you can speak up and I will listen to what you have to say Old Bastard." I say to All For One.
Who knows what the future holds for me. Any experience or knowledge can be precious to me.
"HECTOR" Shimura-san looks outraged.
"Sorry, Shimura-san. But this guy has remained the king of the underworld for over 100 years. With a power similar to mine. Anything he says could be useful to me in the future." I tell her.
"And relax, it's not like I'm going to accept everything he says as an absolute truth. Or as a rule I must follow" I say to calm her down, but she doesn't seem to like this situation at all. Too bad I decide my path here.
"I can't convince you, but let me talk about the other side then. I can help you see that not everything needs to be resolved with clandestine methods," she says after a while.
"No need to counterbalance, Shimura-san. Relax, that's I'm the one using this Old Villain and not the other way around. But if you want to teach me. I will not refuse." I say. And All For One just keeps smiling to itself.
They take this better than I expected. No existencial crisis, or denial... Hum. I'm disapointed.
Anyway , with that, I started to be the pupil of the users of One For All and All For One himself. Talk about a strange, unplanned situation.
Shimura-san also convinced me a bit not to kill all of the Shie Hassaikai. To be more merciful, that taking away the quirks would be enough. I followed in part, because it is the pure truth. But I killed Chisaki, even against her advice.
All For One has really stopped trying to take over my body. But I never let my guard down with him in any way.
"When you control an Underworld Empire from the shadows you have to make your subordinates fear you. But it's not good to go around showing your strength all the time, trivializing your existence..." All For One starts talking as I listen. He's talking to me about how to maintain an organization without even having contact with his subordinates.
"If you want to keep your identity a secret, or if this organization is disposable. It is good that you keep a minimum of direct contact with it. Use a proxy... Someone you trust. To carry your orders and wishes." he continues.
"But wouldn't that cause eventual insubordination?" I ask.
"And you better let it cause at first. Let discontent grow, your subordinates underestimating you, some even doubting your existence. Let thoughts of rebellion arise... For you to cut everything with one movement!" It ends cruelly.
"It's not good to be ruthless all the time with your cute pawns. Your time is too precious to take care of any little problems. So you need to think about the moment that you will be the most cruel and ruthless. To they never think of defying you again. To embed in their minds and bodies that you are an absolute existence. Above them..." he continues.
"Machiavelli, huh?" I mumble.
"Exactly!" he says excitedly. "When your organization grows, it will have all kinds of people... Bad apples too. Traitors, incompetent people. Wait for them to give you a reason. And you eliminate them all as an example to others." He continues.
"No one will blame you. Your might will make it right. You may have killed friends, lovers, their family... But in their minds, they will only think that those who challenged you were the fools, the wrong ones. And they will try hard not to be next" he ends.
"I see"
I look at the users side and I see that many of them are disgusted.
"What? Doesn't mean I'm going to do as he says. Just a reference." I say shrugging my shoulders
"I don't like it, Hector" Shimura-san, the person I have the best relationship in here speaks. The one I trust the most. She was the first to accept my side. And she doesn't talk about how I should do things. She advises me saying the bad consequences of my actions.
I don't listen to everything. But I learn a little.
I am young and inexperienced. I understand this much.
Until now I used my superior strength to defeat enemies. I won't always have that advantage.
"I know that, Shimura-san. But you know I'm not a heroic figure, but I'm not a psychopath villain either. I want a perspective from both sides." I reply to her.
She just sighs and doesn't say anything else. She understands my situation.
Over time I released One For All users from their restrictions, they can get out of their chairs now. Minus All For One, he's still stuck. And he doesn't seem to care. I can't understand this guy's mind...
In the afternoon after the Shie Hassaikai raid. And After a little time with Eri.
"In less than an hour I will finishing off your grandson Shimura-san" I tell her. "After taking care of the Shie Hassaikai, I will now end the League of Villains" she looks at me.
"Can't you just take his quirk?" she asks hopefully.
"You know his is too far gone in the madness of wanting to destroy everything.." I reply "He's no more special to me than the others he's killed" I complete and see her just closing her eyes resignedly before I leave.
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