Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Chapter 26: INTERLUDE: Tsutsumi Kaina

Chapter 26: INTERLUDE: Tsutsumi Kaina

I Own Nothing



I just see that we reached 1 million views. Damn.


This cahpter is a gift to you all and a challegner to myself.

It's also an idea of how to present summons. As I will try to develop them very well. Check it out. And Leave comments.


Tsutsumi Kaina (Lady Nagant) P.O.V.

"Do you have any experience in babysitting?"


What is this man talking about???

"Just follow me" The hooded man says "You too Stain"

After that he opens a portal, with a mist that comes out from under his cloak.

After a little hesitation, Stain and I entered the portal. After all, it's either that or we're captured again. And I won't deny that this man has caught my interest.


Next day

"This cute girl here is Eri."

Hector, because he introduced himself with his real name to me and Stain, talks while introducing a little girl with light-gray hair, red eyes and a little horn on the right side of her forehead.

Hector has already removed his costume, and I was surprised to see how young he is. He is a minor. What happened to Japan while I was in prison?

"I want you to take care of her when I'm gone. Being a woman, it will be less embarrassing, I think..." Hector says.

Watching the little girl trying to hide behind Hector's legs, and eyeing me warily. I can't help but think of my bloodstained hands. And since of that day that I starting doubting if what I was doing is wrong...

"See, Eri? She's as scared of you as you are of her..."

Hector's speech abruptly jolts me out of my thoughts.

What kind of expression I must be showing...

I bring my hand to my face and turn around.

But I feel something tugging my pants.

When I look, I see that little girl Eri.

She's shaking a little, still scared of me, I realize, but that doesn't stop her from showing concern for me.

"A-are you alright?" she asks.

I'm sure I'm showing a surprised expression right now, looking quickly at this Hector guy, I only see him smiling slightly in my direction. The knowing-it-all smile is annoying...

"I-I'm okay... just... Just remembering something." I reply trying to force a smile to calm her down.

She just nods sheepishly at me.


"You don't have to take the pencil off the paper in hiragana 'HI', Eri. Just make the turns with the right spaces." I explain to Eri.

When she nods in understanding I run a hand through her hair. A few days have passed, and I'm now more comfortable with Eri. She's even calling me Aunt.

I found out about Eri's story, and I know now that she suffered a lot. This society of heroes is too cruel for the unimportant... How much a little girl's life is worth when you put Japan's status quo in the balance, right Director?

I grit my teeth a little. Remembering my old boss whom I killed... This thoughts always brings out the worst in me.

I change my thoughts by watching Eri write.

Hector left on some mission, looks like he's going to take some time. He said he went to Europe.

Even though he went out to fight, he never once mentioned using my skills as an assassin.

I... I'm kind of grateful for that.

I enjoy spending time with Eri.


Hector talked to me about his plans for the future, and I can only say I'm shocked. Qurik Singularity Doomsday, ending All For One activities, exposing fake heroes, and all the dirt of the Hero Commission...

I can't say I'm not moved. That is why...

"I want in." I say.

"Huh?" Hector turns around confused.

"I want to help in some way" I say "In the future you will need reliable subordinates, right? You won't have to worry about me betraying on you, after all I can't go back to the Hero Commission."

"... Hmmmm. It's a little more complicated than that." He says scratching his cheek, "Honestly, there's no reason for you to go back to this line of business, Tsutsumi-san. When I'm done, you'll be able to live peacefully..."

After that he tells me a little about other people, to whom he intends to entrust the future. For the Heroes who will keep fighting even against the odds. Heroes in the making too. They just need to pass this "last test" which is a society at the lowliest possible point.

"You've sacrificed enough, Tsutsumi-san." He says placing a hand over my head "You can rest now."

He walks past me and starts walking away. Leaving me rooted in place.

"But..." he starts still walking away "If you want to help me, how about training with me a little? I have some tests to run... and I think you are the ideal partner."



"Ugh" I failed again.

"You need to feel. Something like a 'whoosh' and then a 'ziing'" Hector tries to explain to me as he holds up a giant paper fan.

He said he wanted to test if it was possible to teach one of his skills to me. Apparently this skill uses "Willpower", so theoretically anyone can use it. And since I have great eyesight, he said that maybe I have a talent for it...

It's been days since the training started.

"Umis it impossible? It's not like it's an innate ability. Or if is needed chakra or ki" I hear him muttering. "Sorry... I don't know if I'm a good teacher, I can use it naturally."

"Can't you just give me that ability?" I ask after having failed many times.

"Like I said, Haki is not a quirk. It's more of a fighting style. And honestly, don't feel bad for not being able to learn, maybe it's impossible from the beginning... And even if it wasn't, apparently it takes a few years to perfect. I'm testing it, because if you show even a shred of it, I'll know it's possible to teach... So thanks for helping me with this."

Ugh. I don't want to fail this.

"Oh! Maybe I should cheat" Hector says suddenly as he slams a clenched fist into the palm of his other hand.

"Trust me okay" He says approaching me and sitting down in front of me.

We're both cross-legged.

He holds both my hands in his. And he starts to lean his face closer to mine... Eh!... wait... I 'm not ready... Out of nowhere?!

Even with my mind in turmoil I try to keep an impassive face.

"I have a power of lesser telepathy. I can pass on some of my memories and sensations to you. Work better with contact... Let's cheat in learning Haki. Hehe." He says and touches his forehead to mine.

"Close your eyes and relax. Don't resist" He can only be doing this on purpose.

Clearing my mind of these thoughts, I close my eyes and wait.

When his forehead touches mine, the stream of information starts going rampage in my mind.

"ARGH!" I fall back.

"Ehsorry, sorry. I passed like your brain was worked similar to mine. Tsc. Rookie mistake."

He approaches and kisses my forehead... Huh?! What is his doing?


"Feeling better now? Recovery girl quirk. Sorry, Tsutsumi-san..." He spoke with a face full of regrets. "I really have to be more responsible with my powers. Is hard to hold back..." He says and then keeps muttering something.

As for why a Superman guy always starts losing in the fights, he keeps holding back to gauge how much force he can use to keep from destroying his opponents.

"No problem. I know you didn't do it on purpose. Let's continue" I say.

"Eh? Do you still want to try?"

"Obviously." I answer and he keeps looking at me.

After a while he laughs.

"Haha. You are really tough, huh? Come on then... I'll be more careful."

After that we tried again. It works.

I slowly begin to understand what he is giving me. And it's not just information. There are sensations and emotions too...

I find myself in a room that has a training space. Punching, kicking, meditating, dodging... Seeing so many things.

I am not in control of my body. Is different. My body is stronger, faster.

After a kaleidoscope of scenes pass like this.

I takea look at myself and see that I am Hector.

It's like I'm living what he already lived.

His training, his discoveries...

About Haki.

After an unknown period of time I come to myself.

Hector pulls away, letting me process everything I'm feeling right now.

After a while in a trance.


Before I can think, I move my head to the side a little, Hector's paper fan brushes past the side of my head.

After that, he attacks a few more times. I couldn't dodge all of them, but it's possible to see that it's has been improvement...

"Really It worked. You are at a very beginner level. But now I know it's possible. Haha" Hector says. "How it feels?"

"... Good. This familiarity with this power is strange. But I can finally 'feel' what you were talking about." I answer.

"Can you make Armament?"

Raising my hand I try to reinforce it with Haki. But there is no progress.

"UmI feel like you're heading in the right direction. But it seems to be harder for you to use armament. As I imagined, your talent lies more with Observation Haki." Hector says "But now you have the base, you can train by yourself. Let's go back."

"Already?" I ask quickly before I can stop myself.

I feel like I don't want this time between us to end so quickly.

"It's almost night. You spent hours in a trance." he says shocking me.

Looking at the sky I see that it is already getting dark.

"Let's go back. Eri is waiting for us."

That line of his strangely brings a smile to my face.


Just a few more days...

That's how long Hector has in this world.

In a few more days he will return from wherever he came from and disappear from this world... And from my life too...

"Heh" I give a self-deprecating laugh.

What are you expecting Lady Nagant? Some sort of happy ending? You, Hector and Eri?

Are you forgetting everything that you've done?

You don't deserve happiness.

When Hector told me about the Omniverse, and the fact that fiction in this world can be reality in another world and vice versa. He thought I was shocked because I'm just a character in someone's story...

But I didn't care about that. I already know I'm not important.

What left me silent was the fact that his time here is limited from the start. That's what I care about now.

I... I... I like him!


Rolling in my bed, I hug my pillow.

"*sigh* What right do I have to like anyone anyway?"


I'm in front of Hector's room. I know he's awake.

In fact, I never saw him sleep.


I turn around.

I couldn't do this.

I'm such a coward.


Tomorrow is the big day.

I don't have another chance.

Hector has already arranged everything for me to get amnesty. Then it won't be difficult for me to have custody of Eri, even if her grandfather wakes up.

He's already given me several quirks, and my Haki training has progressed quite a bit.

He also left other plans in case things go wrong after he leaves.

I finally arrive in front of his room.

I take a deep breath.

And knock on the door.

"Come in." I hear him speaking and I enter after taking another deep breath to calm myself down.

"How is Eri?" He asks.

"Asleep. She's getting better. I think tomorrow she's going to cry again... So be prepared." I answer My thoughts still in turmoil.

"Ugh... Impossible to be prepared for this." He say.

"True... So... tomorrow is the big day. You're really going forever?" I start some small talk.

"Well... I don't know. Maybe there's a way I can come back. I don't know if I use my opportunity to come here again. I'll come back exactly to this world... Or go to another version from this world." He says, this gives me hope. But I can't trust 'maybes' and 'ifs'. "Why? Will you miss me? I thought I left enough pictures of me. You can frame them all."

"Yes. I'll miss you, Hector." I answer truthfully without thinking too much

"Eh..." He looks taken back



Ugh. What to do? What to say? Throw myself to him? He will tihnk that I'm easy? Damn. I should planned better... Maybe create a mood... Brought wine? Wait... He is a minor... Kaina your cougar. At leat he is mature enough.

"...You know, Hector." I begin already. Before my thoughts start wandering too much.

"Yes, I'm Hector (Hector desu)" He responds quickly.

"In hindsight I feel like I got carried away by the decision of others all my life. And I regretted it a lot. I don't want to have any more regrets. This will be my last opportunity..." I going in his direction. His eyes starts to widen...

I think he knows where this is going.

"Wait... wait." No No No. He's gonna reject me. "Are you sure?" He asks in a calm tone. "I don't want you to feel like you need to repay me for anything or something"

Gulp. Yes yes yes yes.

"I'm not doing this to repay you. I'm doing this because I want." I decide to be honest. No tricks, nothing. Only me being honest with my intentions.

"I'm minor."

"And I'm a villain. Why should I care?"

"It's my first time..."

Wow. I thought that he already... So... So I must be the one to guide him?

"...It will be mine too." I answer truthfully. I think guys like this, right?

*sigh* "If you're okay with me.. You know that after today we may never see each other again. It can create a feeling that will never bear fruit, Kaina-san..."

Too late. I just don't want to have regrets anymore.

"I know. I don't need this to blossom into a relationship. While in prison I thought about all the things that were denied me... My youth is one of them. I never had the opportunity to go out or date people because I trained from an early age with the Commission to become a hero. So I want to do it now. With a person I respect, admire, like and trust..." I open myself to him.

"I like you too, kaina" He say moving closer. My heart skipped a bit. "Let's make a good memory then... for the rest of our lives." He says getting closer and closer.

Should I say something? I can Only squeeze a... "yes..." Before giving myself to the man I love.


(First lemon ever. Let's see how it goes)

Third Person P.O.V.

Hector kisses Kaina slowly, bringing her close with one hand on her waist and the other behind her head.

This is Hector's first time, but he like every teenager... has a great theoretical knowledge on the subject.

And his body seems to be doing just fine, considering the moans that Kaina holds when Hector's hands go through her body.

Hector separates from Kaina's lips, she looks confused. She was lost in the moment, her flushed face, and her hands in Hector face.

Hector wastes no time picking her up in a princess carry and heading to the bed.

"Kyah!" The abrupt movement surprises Kaina, but when she sees where Hector is taking her, she falls silent.

She wraps her arms around Hector's neck. And tries to hide her face in his chest.

She doesn't act like the eldest in this situation, Hector notes.

Then he will be the one taking the initiative.

Hector puts Kaina into the bed and doesn't spend a second resuming their liplock.

After a few intense minutes, Hector decides to take the next step.

He pulls away and starts undressing Kaina.

She allows it, but her face turns redder. Going all the way to her ears.

Hector finally reveals Kaina's breasts, which are a more than at a acceptable size.

Two pink aureoles rest on the top of her twin peaks. Her heavy breathing only made them all the more attractive.

"Beatifull" Hector says.

Kaina looks away in embarrassment, making Hector smile.

"I'm starting to like seeing those expressions of yours Kaina. You were always a Kuudere. Huhu." Hector says before placing a hand on Kaina's face causing her face to turn towards him, to capture her lips again. Before she can formulate an answer.

The fingers of one of Hector's hands go to a nipple. And he starts playing with it, testing to see Kaina's reactions.

For a moment Hector thinks about using one of the many quirks he has. Vibrations, spinning, little shocks...

But he gives up on the idea. He wants to enjoy this night as natural as possible.

Like any teenager, Hector sought out some quirks with a more sexual theme... But he won't go for taht route now.

Just a contraceptive quirk, which he intends to use.

After a while Hector removes his lips from Kaina's soft mouth, but not from her body. He starts kissing her chin, her cheek, her ear, taking a playful nibble on it...

Then it goes to her neck, collarbone and shoulders. And it goes down slowly. Kaina's heartbeat accelerated the closer he got to the prize.

Kaina's hands rested on Hector's hair and shoulders.

Finally he reaches her breasts and gives a test lick, while maintaining eye contact, to see Kaina's reaction. She trembles a little, from the contact with the sensitive part.

After that Hector decides to fulfill all the fantasies he had until now.

He squeezes one of her breasts, molding it in his hand, lightly pinching the nipple and at the same time using his tongue to pleasure the other pink nipple.

Always paying attention to Kaina's reaction, he tries to give her as much pleasure as possible. She seems to be enjoying it, squeezing his head lightly.

But Hector decides to go to the next level.

Reluctantly letting go of Kaina's breasts he begins to descend.

Kaina, sensing his movements and knowing his ultimate goal, still clutches Hector's hair, as if she wants to stop his advances.

But Hector notes that her reluctance and resistance is quite weak.

It keeps going down and down. Kissing every inch of her toned abs in a straight line until he reached her belly button. So he hook his fingers into her waitband, and starts to remove her pants.

Keeping eye contact, he saw Kaina breathing heavily and unblinking looking at him.

He slowly removes her pajama pants, and with each milimeter of exposed skin he kisses her again.

Hector finally sees a fine line with Kaina's hair colors. Dark blue and pink.

Hector had always thought he liked women smooth down there.

But he's finding it pretty sexy now, especially with these different colors.

And Kaina looks even more sexy, putting a hand over her mouth.

Hector finally arrives at the final prize.

Kaita tight pink slit.

After one last look at Kaina's face, he gave her a long lick. From bottom to top.

"Un~~" Kaina moans.

Seeing that his efforts are paying off, Hector decides to be more creative.

Heabuses of his long tongue and mouth, trying to get more and more moans and expressions out of Kaina.

He also focuses on the small clitoris, because that's where Kaina shows the most violent reactions.

Gipping his hair so tight. Squeezing his head with her thighs.

After a few minutes, realizing that Kaina is already wet enough. And had many mini orgasms already.

Hector removes his head from between Kaina's legs, with one last kiss in her pussy.

Kaina is panting, flushed and a thin line of perspiration covering her body.

Her breasts rising and falling, glistening in the light with sweat.

Hector gets harder than he already was.

"Kaina..." he says getting her attention "Your really are beatifull".

Then he starts to remove his shirt, under Kaina's watchful gaze.

Kaina looks intently at Hector's torso. His abs appear to please her very Much, if her biting her lips is any indication.

After that, maintaining eye contact, Hector removes his pants revealing his throbbing erection.

"Big..." Kaina says widening her eyes.

'Heh... classic' Hector thinks with a smile.

But it really is. Hector was previously 7 inches when he was just a skinnynerd.

Now that his body has grown, his penis has also grown a little in proportion. Hector at this point is already 6ft tall, and he knows he's going to grow even bigger. He predicts he will have a minimum height of 6'6'' (1.98m).

His cock is currently 8 inches almost 9 inches (22 cm).

"I will be gentle" Hector says lining up his cock with Kaina entrance.

"Hn. take me"

Hector starts rubbing his cockhead on Kaina Pussy.

Moisting his dick with her juices. Probing her entrance.

He leans forward to capture Kaina lips agains. She reciprocates.

He begins to penetrate, while trying to distract her with the kiss.

She groans a litle in discomfort. Tears apeear in the corner of her eyes.

But Hector doesn't stop, slowly but surely he puts his penis till half is buried in her pussy.

"Are you okay?" He asks separating his mouth from hers.

"Yes...continue, please"

He continues until 3/5 of his cock disappear inside Kaina's pussy.

It doesn't have blood, but Hector knows she didn't lie about this being her first time. The quirk [Lie detector] would have warned him.

She is also incredibly tight.

Her toned muscles squeezes his cock unconsciously.

Hector waits patiently. Kaina realizes he's been waiting for her confirmation.

She nods.

And Hector starts to move.

Slowly at first, probing. Never going too far. But over time his thursts start to increase in speed and strength.

Kaina pulls him close. Hiding her face in the crook of his neck. Scratching his back, griping his hair. Trying to hold the moans, but ultimately failing.


Hector pulls back a little to see Kaina's expressions and the mesmerizing movement of her breasts bouncing with each thrust.

"Ahn~ D-dont stare..Un~...Too Much..Oh~!" Kaina says trying to hide her face with her forearm.

Everything is just too Much to the two... After a few minutes.

"Kaina... I'm close... Is safe... I have a quirk to it..." Hector says speeding up his movements.

"Hun~Insidedo it~"

Her legs wrap around Hector's waist and he comes, painting her insides white. Activating his contraceptive quirk.

The two cum together. Toes curling.

They stand still for a while... Basking in the afterglow.

"Kaina-san..." Hector catches Kaina's attention.

When she looks at him, she sees that his cock is still erect.

The question is clear.

She opens her arms, inviting...


Both have plenty of stamina for the entire night.


"Oh~..oh~...Hector~...Hn.." Kaina moans while being held by Hector.

They're in a standing position. Hector holding her by her buttocks while making her bounce in his cock.

Kaina is in cloud nine, her warm tunnels clench Hector huge cock. She is more accustomed now and she can take much more. She cling in Hector neck and give him kisses all over his face. When she is hit in a more sensitive spot she almost screams, but hold back biting on Hector shoulder.

The duo cums again.

They've switched positions several times, uncovering each other's bodies. Having multiple orgasms. They don't need to hold on because of the great endurance and stamina of the two. They work together to acchieve their peak more and more frequently.

After a silence scream and some time gasping for breath Kaina says.

"Lay down Hah. I want to be the one moving now."

There is no reason for Hector to disobey.

Still keeping himself buried deep inside Kaina, Hector lies down. And he resolves to just admire her moving now.

Alluring and mesmerizing are words that match the scene very well.

Kaina toned body moving up and down. Her toned abs flexing. Her hips gyrating. Her breast bouncing non-stop. And her face furrowed in concentration. Showing that she is giving her all to please Hector.

She keeps one hand in Hector chest while impaling herself with his cock.

Hector can't just sit still. He took a hand to her waist, making soothing circles with his thumbs. The other hand going to a breast, and playing with a pink nipple in the same way.

Making Kaina moan, and look at his face.

She seems to became emarassed being stared so much, Hector Only smirks.

With a snort, she quickly turns around.

Without removing the dick that enlarges her pussy, she turns 180 so that now only her back is facing Hector.

And she continues to move.

'Huhu' Hector just thinks it's cute.

But in the next instant he starts to focus on something much more interesting.

Seeing the relentless assault of her rear on his body. Her asscheeks smacking against his waist. Making ripples, very enticing...

Hector can't resist and starts massaging her derriere.

Kaina don't have super huge breasts. They are considerable, filling Hector hand but not huge, like some others...

But her ass.

Her slender waist and heart-shaped butt prove to be excellent when viewed more carefully now.

Hector can't resist.


Using his superior strength, Hector bends Kaina forward and stands up.

"Kaina... All my life I thought I preferred breasts... But now you've awakened something in me." Hector says as he runs his hands over Kaina supple backside.

She looks at him over her shoulder.

"I think I can finally accept my Brazilian heritage." He says spreading her buttcheeks and lining up again with her pussy entrance.

"Dummy..." is the only thing that comes out of her mouth. But she secretly likes to have her body appreciated by Hector.

"Take responsibility" Hector whispers in Kaina's ear after leaning forward, sending a shiver through her body.

When he straightens up again, he's already penetrating her entrance in again.

Her pussy walls already in the shape of his cock, accommodate him as if it was made for him.

"Hunn~~..So deep...Ng~..Hector...Harder...Ahn~..Make me yours~." Kaina moan while being railed from behind.

Kaina looks back to see the movement of Hector's muscles as he does a good job with her body.

Hector pulls her close, making her back touch his broad chest. Pulling her face close he kisses her while not stopping his movements.

Their mouths parted, the two of them keeping their faces close, feeling each other's breaths. And looking deep in each other eyes.

At that moment Kaina has to bite her lip, not to let escape a ...

'I love you'

But it wouldn't be fair, it wouldn't be right at this point.

Then she just resumes another kiss.

The two stay that way for a long time, They cums together multiple times.

They change positions too.

During these many orgasms Hector makes the big mistake.

His contraceptive quirk prevents the formation of the axial filament of his sperm, that is, it prevents his seeds from having the tails so that they can reach the female egg.

Every time he activates the quirk, his next ejaculation will be affected. As an effective contraceptive method...

But what if he comes multiple times in a short space of time?

Having done only one quirk activation, the second wave will be completely normal.

He made that little mistake a few times during the night.

And that little mistake will have big consequences.


After hours of getting lost in each other's bodies, Hector and Kaina are now in a bathtub.

Kaina is mounted on Hector, while the two are making out heatedly and slowly.

Only basking in each Other presence and body.

Their hands exploring each Other body, like to remember them forever.

Kaina fingers tracing Hector face, caressing every centimeter.


Hector carries Kaina back to the room, they are clean and refreshed.

Ready for more...


Abruptly Hector leaves Kaina in bed, confusing her.

And putting on his pants quickly.

A second later. *knock knock*

"Hector onii-chan..." Eri talks from behind the door.

Kaina covers the body with the sheet, while Hector opens the door.

"What is it, Eri?" He asks.

"I can't sleep... And I haven't found Aunt Kaina." Eri speaks.

"Ah... It's just that Kaina came to see me so I can heal some old scars..." Hector says.

Meanwhile Kaina starts getting dressed.

Getting dressed quickly, she opens the door wider and speaks to Eri.

"I'm here Eri. Come on... I'll take you to my room." She says hugging the little girl.

"Onii-chan can't sleep with us?" Eri asks innocently.

"Eh. Sure, let's go."

In Kaina's room, the three of them lie down, with Eri in the middle, almost falling asleep.

Secretly Hector has a resting hand on Kaina's ass. And he's being pinched by her, but he acts like he doesn't notice.

"Well... Goondnight, you two." Hector says.

Giving Eri a kiss on the forehead and then Kaina's forehead.

And after hesitating a bit, he gave another peck in her lips, without Eri noticing.

Kaina can only think how nice it would be if this moment lasted forever.

Unfortunately, it's just wishful thinking, that can't become reality.


In the next morning

Before starting preparations for Hector's farewell, Eri went for breakfast. And Hector is heading back to his room after spending some time in the lab. Copying all future instructions to Principal Nezu.

Opening the door he comes across Kaina.

"I thought you would be with Eri." He says.

"She's brushing her teeth..." She says.

And then she turns around and bending over the bed. Lifting her skirt to her hips and spreading her legs...

"We have time for goodbye?" she says using her fingers to spread her buttocks. Maintaning a impassive face, like she is talking about hte weather. But her cheeks are red.

Hector just smiles and approaches.


Bonus of the Bonus.

Months after Hector left. After one of the meetings of those who know the truth of Dis/Eidolon.

Kaina, the current Hero Lady Eidolon approaches a remote region of Japan.

Hector hasn't revealed all of All For One's hideouts, he has some as a contingency for Kaina. And she's going to the most important of those.

After getting the news that she is pregnant.

Initially she was shocked, but now she is happy.

She will forever have a part of Hector with her.

Kaina approaches quickly and stealthily into a secret cave.

Kaina, at the moment has an absurd number of quirks, more than 20. And if she wants to, she can earn more, via some syringes Hector left.

Hector isn't stingy to her or to Eri.

Most of her quirks are support types for her fighting style. Invisibility, farsight, infra-red vision and many others.

She also has several quirks to keep her alive.

After going through the secret passage, with various contingencies Kaina enters an underground laboratory.

Which is empowered by an underground river. So it can operate smoothly.

She walks in the silent hallways.

She goes through rooms with weapons, supplies, gold bars...

Several things Hector left so she could have a comfortable life.

Kaina ignores all this to go to the most important room.

After opening the super reinforced door she finds a small room with four tubes, each with an item inside, floating in the liquids of the tubes.

Several devices blink and beep showing that they are keeping the things in the tubes conserved.

Kaina looks at the items with a complicated look and sighs.

"*Haah* I know you said to only come here for emergencies but I came to give you some news."

Kaina tells Hector that he is frozen in the middle tube.

Or rather, a clone of Hector.

Hector doesn't know if he could return to this world using a Gacha card.

So he left his own precautions.

There are four things in this room.

The first one that Kaina is looking at and talking to is a clone of Hector made with the effort of several quirks like [Twice] and [Clone]. He is currently in suspended animation. It's not even known if it's possible to keep it without self-destructing once the tube opens.

The second item is a High-end nomu. Also a clone of Hector. A mindless beast that will only carry out Kaina and Eri's orders. This clone can be considered the strongest creature in this world. He doesn't have all of Hector's powers, obviously. But his resistances makes him unstoppable in his mission to protect the two women most important to Hector in this world. Kaina can activate it at any time. This clone is actually more of a Gigantomachia clone than Dr. Garaki did, but was injected with Hector's cells.

The third and fourth Items are smaller.

An eyeball and a femur.

Hector eyeball and femur. Withdrawing from his body by his own hands.

Hector doesn't know if it's possible to go back.

At themoment... But in the future.

Hector knows he will be very powerful in the future if nothing unexpected happens.

He read wuxia/xianxia novels, so if he wins a character from these worlds.

Maybe he can feel his body parts in the omniverse and track until he finds them.

Hector's best shot to return to this world is D4C. If Hector uses Boost Card enough, maybe D4C will evolve enough to allow Hector to travel between multiverses. And keeping a part of it here can make it easier.

Hector also knows that he can win nigh-omnipotent characters ... With Cosmic senses that can spans through multiverses ... So...

He left one eye, to perhaps observe. And a femur, so maybe he can recreate a body from that femur. And control it like a person would control a character within a VR game.

These are Hector's contingencies. In the end, he ended up getting too attached to this world.

"I recently found out I'm pregnant," Kaina says.

But only silence answers her.

"Knowing you I think it's hard that you made a mistake Did you do it on purpose?"

But only silence continues to respond.

"... Don't matter. I'm here to break the news, I don't know if you can hear me... But know that I will raise this child to the best of my abilities" She says resolutely.


"Then you don't have to worry..." She says. For a moment her gaze darts to her eye and femur.

"Ugh. hehe. I almost had a heart attack when I saw you gouging your own eye out. hehe. You are crazy. I have never seen someone so determined."


"WellEri is fine too. Finally making friends."


Kaina finally can't resist.

"... Sorry. It's a lie. I want you here. I want to raise this child with you. I miss you so much. *sob*"

Kaina starts to cry.

She crouching down, resting her face in her knees.

After a few minutes she straightens up with a calmer face.

"Sorry, I lose control. It's just a moment of weakness. Maybe is the hormones. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything, Hector. I am the adult." Kaina says to herself more than to do the silent room.

"Goodbye. I don't know if I'll be able to go back for now." Kaina says and turning away, shoulders trembling.


Maybe it was justa coincidence.

Maybe it was just a bubble in the liquid.

But as Kaina walks through the door.

The eye floating in the tube turns, as if it's looking at her retreating back.




I hate you guys.

I only pretend to Lady Nagant be the MC first women,a fling. A lesson.

But now I'm liking her.

The blame is all mine.

So I can put the blame wherever I want.

So I put the blame in all of your guys.

Well. We don't see the BNHA world for a long time now.

I only pretend to this interlude be 2k workd max.

And now there's 5.8k words.

I hate myself for my lack of control.

Bye bye.

I'm still fucked with my time, so don't expect releases so frequents.

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