Chapter 385: (To Befall Horizon)
Discord: .gg/eHuxNeZfyS
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene @KeanuEugene
"This is the place." Phantom Thief says while stepping out of the Warp Gate and into a large lobby area.
"Thank you for this," Pantu says while walking out of the Warp Gate before it closes. "I won't be available for the duration of this meeting, but if I, or any of the other officials in attendance are needed, you have my permission to interrupt us."
"Yes ma'am. I'm on call when they're ready to go home."
"That will be all," Pantu says before walking down the hallways with a few folders in her arms.
Phantom Thief sighs and creates a new Warp Gate. 'Hopefully their meeting takes long enough for me to have a nap. I should head over to UA and get some food first. No, if I go there, they'll know I'm free and send me on another mission. I'll just go to Horizon Tower and take a nap there…'
With his mind made up, he enters the Warp Gate and closes it behind him.Meanwhile, at the end of the hallway, President Pantu stands in front of a set of large ornate doors, hesitating momentarily and glancing at the documents in her arms.
'Managing the Pro Heroes of Japan was one thing, but this…what happens next is our best chance, our only chance. Because I can't go back and change the choices I made.'
She pushes the door open to see a large conference table with a few notable figures sitting around it, having a very tense conversation.
"Good morning, everyone," President Pantu says in English, turning all their gazes to her.
The room has a large glass wall at the far end, overlooking the Swiss Alps, but the occupants couldn't be bothered to focus on such a thing.
None of them stand to greet her, only staring coldly, aside from one.
To the left side of the table is the United Nations Secretary General, a woman in her mid-forties who received accolades and credit for helping establish the Think Tank that brought down Tech.
Next is the President of China, Peng Ai, a gentleman in his mid-fifties who is staring daggers at Pantu, having had some less than stellar dealings with her in the past.
Then there is President Ilya Stepanov, the leader of Russia, a middle-aged man who seems uninterested in everyone around him.
Beside him is Zakai Jaja, who has the most unique appearance. A black man with water in the shape of hair on his head, his Mutation Type Quirk. He represents the North African Federation.
Currently, he has yet to be officially elected as the leader, and is simply the acting leader while they recover from the Trigger attacks.
And lastly is Esmond Hansen, the representative of the Western European Union.
"You all know who I am, and we all know of each other," Pantu says. "There are no cameras, no communication devices, and no security forces here. We are truly alone, capable, for the first time in what, for some of us, is decades. Of having a truly private conversation."
Pantu steps forward and takes a seat at the large round table, surprising all but the UN Secretary General.
"What is the meaning of this?" China's president, Peng Ai asks. "We were told Horizon called this meeting."
"I lied," the Secretary General says.
"If this is an assassination attempt," Russian President Stepanov glances at her, and his eyes glow bright gold.
Pantu sees this, and North Africa's representative Zaka Jaja's hair also begins to move as he eyes her.
"They are bold, not foolish," President Peng Ai says. "But I will not have my time wasted while my people need me. Make your case, quickly."
"I am here to talk about that exact reaction," Pantu says as they all settle down. "Powerful and respected world leaders, each with the backing of a massive nation and an ego to match. Were lied to, lured into what they perceived as an assassination attempt.
Which they willingly walked into, I might add, without security or safety of any kind. And when the ruse is revealed, instead of lashing out like I know you'd like to.
President Peng Ai…given our last interaction a decade ago ended so bitterly. You chose to bite your tongue and listen. Why is that?"
Zaka Jaja speaks up. "We were told Horizon required these conditions for our meeting. Is he not coming?"
"No, he's not," Pantu says. "Because this meeting is about Horizon. About the fact that the most powerful people in the world drop anything they're doing and give him whatever he wants."
"He is Horizon," Esmond Hansen says. "He showed us how willing he is to cut off nations from the Panacea, for the sake of the people we represent, we can't take that risk."
"And what if he asks for something else?" Pantu asks. "What can he ask for that you'd refuse to give him?"
They all look at each other, growing uneasy, unwilling to answer, until President Stepanov speaks up.
"The Panacea—"
"Is not why you're catering to his every whim," Pantu says. "It's because of the simulations."
Aside from Zakai Jaja, they all grow nervous.
"What simulations?" he asks, looking around to see them glaring at Pantu. "What is she talking about?"
"Military action simulations," President Stepanov says. "In the case of a war between Japan and Russia, with no outside interference. The chances of victory for Russia are absolute. Unless…we add Horizon to the simulation. In the case of Horizon against Russia, without the aid of Japan.
Our chance of survival is 15%. That is assuming many factors, such as him not leaving our borders after making landfall. But the longer the conflict goes on, the worse our chances become. Every state of our nation will be wiped of all life within 33 days."
President Peng Ai scoffs, "23% of survival, same factors. All dead within 46 days."
"9%," Western Europe's representative Esmon Hansen says, bitterly. "All dead within 11 days."
"My god," Zaka Jaja whispers. "I knew he was powerful, but to such an extent."
"Their information is inaccurate, and outdated," Pantu says. "UA is more than just a school. It's a data collection facility for all manner of Quirks, and we've been keeping very close eyes on Horizon.
And your numbers are a gross overestimation of your forces, combined with a clear lack of insight into the true extent of his power."
She slides each of them a folder, written in their primary language, and they immediately begin reading.
"The most powerful nation in the world, like it or not, is the United States of America." She earns some annoyed glances for that. "They have Star and Stripe, and the largest effective military in the world now that nuclear disarmament has happened."
"I assumed this meeting was about that," President Stepanov says while reading the documents.
"Partly," Pantu says. "You two want to build nukes because of the close ties Horizon has to the United States. Which is the only country with any chance of surviving a direct assault from him. Including every Pro Hero, their entire military, and their heavily armed civilian population. If Star and Stripe attacks him first to begin the fight, they have a 7% chance of victory."
"That is no chance at all," Esmond Hansen says. "Are you suggesting that America and Horizon will have a conflict?"
"No, but I am telling you that if we want to have any chance of taking him down, we need them on our side, even if they don't know they are."
"Is this real?" President Peng Ai asks while tapping the documents to make his point. "His range, his energy reserves... is this information accurate?"
"Those are very conservative estimates. He grows stronger every day, and, quite simply, it's impossible to get a proper read on his power when he's barely had to lift a finger against most people.
But we have confirmed that Star and Stripe acknowledges that he is superior to her in a combat situation, vastly so. And I know how nervous her existence makes you."
"So he is an even greater superweapon than her," Zaka Jaja says. "How does all of this connect?"
"The last page," she says, and they all flip to the last page, which is mostly redacted.
But the title said enough.
'Star Strike System Standard Operating Procedure.'
"How dare they!" Esmond Hansen almost gets out of his chair, rereading the scant information. "After they made such a big commotion about continuing nuclear disarmament. They went and created a new superweapon."
"It's not a superweapon," UN Secretary General says. "It's an orbital direct energy beam system, that only targets the nanites in Star and Stripe's body. Classifying it as advanced 'Hero Equipment', legally speaking."
"A flimsy excuse at best. This is a superweapon that can only be activated by Star and Stripe, another superweapon," President Peng Ai says.
"And yet, that's not the biggest problem," Pantu says as they finish reading the documents. "After graduating from UA, Horizon will officially join the United States of America."
This revelation stuns the room.
Rumors have been circulating since his vacation in America, but it was always denied.
Entire committees were formed within the United Nations to prevent this, but they legally cannot stop him from accepting an offer made by a sovereign nation.
President Peng Ai and Ilya Stepanov look at each other, already considering the people at this table.
Thinking about all the money they can muster to bribe Horizon to stay within their hemisphere, if not come to their country.
"Whatever you're thinking won't work," President Pantu says. "They offered him more than just money. They offered him a different type of freedom. And, he happens to be great friends with Star and Stripe…which is very concerning."
"So this is happening," Zakai Jaja says. "But we have no immediate reason to be concerned. And certainly no reason to risk provoking them by trying to interfere. That is a risk we cannot take on a whim, Lady Pantu."
"And why do you think she's here?" Pantu asks while gesturing to the Secretary General.
They all turn to her, and, for the first time since Pantu arrived, consider her presence.
"For the safety of your nations, of everyone in this room, and the world as we know it, Horizon has to be stopped," she says while gesturing to the table.
The table projects a hologram of a man face down in the middle of a room.
His spine and some of his organs were torn out of his back while other well-dressed people were frozen in horror, some of which were throwing up at the sight.
"Horizon's ways may be too much for those with a weak stomach, but he is effective," President Stepanov says. "Any villain notable enough to inspire personal action from him, must be particularly dangerous."
"That was the former president of Elkara," she says, and can almost see the color drain from their faces. "Horizon told him to do something. He said no, and this happened five minutes later."
"Obviously, it was covered up," Pantu says. "But, this is the cost of saying no to Horizon. Even for a world leader like yourselves. And if he has the most powerful nation in the world supporting him, and the only person powerful enough to challenge him is all but his best friend. Who's going to say no to him, you?"
The men look at each other, shifting nervously while glancing at the hologram.
"If he is as dangerous as you say, speaking against him is dangerous enough," Zaka Jaja says.
"I'm not asking you to do anything against him," Pantu says. "And I recently gained access to his private storehouses of Panacea, enough to continue at last cycle's volume for the next 15 years. We will be fine without him."
"Then what are you asking us to do?" President Stepanov asks.
"Stop resisting the UN Response Team."
He scoffs. "I made a public statement about my hesitation toward the idea."
"As did I," President Peng Ai says. "If we go back on our word, it will show weakness."
"I already gave the UN everything they wanted," Esmond Hansen says. "Western Europe doesn't have much more to give at that level."
"My people did the same," Zaka Jaja says.
"Which is why I'd like two of you to take the credit for expanding the team," she says. "I want Russia and China to stop holding back from sending in their strongest Pro Heroes. And together, I want all of you to push for the reserve members to be expanded."
"How many people do you need for such a thing?" President Peng Ai asks.
"And what is the plan, exactly?" President Ilya Stepanov asks.
Pantu relaxes in her seat and looks down at the documents, frowning.
UN Secretary General speaks up, "The less you know about the plan, the better. When it happens, the blame will fall onto the United Nations, because Horizon will violate the conditions and prove himself a global threat to force us into action.
This isn't something that we'd do lightly. Horizon already has the entire world by the throat, and America is itching to flex its muscles again. With both him and Star and Stripe on their side, they can focus on things outside of their territory, focus on the people around this table.
As far as we know, they are not the sort who are ever satisfied. So, expansionism is next, and nukes won't be enough. We have to stop this before it even happens. But to do so, we need you to register the list of individuals we're requesting with the UN Response Team and trust us to handle the rest.
With both of you coming together with America, we can push for every Pro Hero in the world to be considered part of the reserves, allowing us to pull in anyone with any Quirk we need for this plan."
Peng Ai and Ilya Stepanov share a concerned glance before they both nod, then look at Pantu.
Moments later, the others also agree, and Peng Ai finally asks the questions they've been curious about.
"And what will Japan do in this?" he asks. "After all, Horizon is the favourite son of your nation."
"Which is why we will be the host of this battle," Pantu says. "A price I don't believe any of you are willing to pay, unless…?"
They all shrink away from that, and Zakai Jaja quickly changes the topic. "And how many Pro Heroes do you intend to send into this bloodbath?"
Pantu thinks about it for a moment, then nods. "All that are willing. After all, he is Horizon…"
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