Money & Power

Dao Li "Awakened"

In this era of greed and lust where is no limit how much you want and how much you can possess. And now when The Great Dimension Break had occurred…


[The Only Things Matter Is Money & Power]


The Great Dimension Break occurred hundred years ago, different types of crystals appeared which gives a immense power to a human who's structure of…(This is a secret >_< don't reveal it ReBorn) is similar to them and allow them to practice Martial Arts now advanced and famous with the name of Qi Arts. These crystals are called the “Evolution Crystals”. Those who Awakened are given this crystal and are sent to Daylight Shelter.


In Daylight Shelter there is a different world. Having different species and even some of them have different currencies. When anyone go there it seems like a game to them if there was no threat of sudden death. 


The beasts were divided into four categories–Tier ‌1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5.


And the intelligent creatures were divided into– Tier ‌1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5.


According to the Gene Copying Method you have to ate the of flesh of those Mutated Beasts in the Daylight Shelter to take a Reference of a highly developed being and if there are some intelligent species like ‘Radients’ you can ask for a gene from them.


By Evaluation of those who had just graduated from their compulsory education it became easy to find an Awakened Being.


Those who was found Awakened during the Evaluation was not completely Awakened they need a Evolution Crystal to Awaken completely.


Dao Li was one of those who had completed their compulsory education was recently evaluated and unfortunately; he was found Awakened. And was thrown to the Shelter of a Earth Grade making his life more worse.


Also a compensation was given to his family if he dies recklessly. His family was on of The Ancient Six Families. Because Dao Li was weak and had no talent his family treat him like a trash.


Dao Li a eighteen years old young but still slim. He was that slim that if anyone touches him he can feel his bones. He was a total of 50 kg weight which was very low than those of his same age.


(Only behind the scene secret revealed Down There look.)


(Secret —> The only thing he had strong was his pelvic muscles between his two legs but he was that naive that he even couldn't know what it's use instead of excretion.)


Dao Li was looking at his hand raised in the sky, through the window of his room assigned to him. Stars were shinning and a sudden notification appeared in his communication device. He ignored the sound of notification thinking that he was hallucinating.


Suddenly his eyes saw the communication device showing a notification. Dao Li instantly stand up and wept his eyes, looks eagerly who's message it was. The name of sender was unknown and the message was “Do You Want To Become A Emperor In A Day?”


Dao Li was confused firstly it was impossible of any high tech device to work in the Shelter due to different climate and aurora in the sky. And secondly ‘How was his communication device working in such a harsh condition?’


And the final one ‘What should he reply to such a once in a century asked question?’


Dao Li left his communication device in the table and sleep thinking that his dream will end soon. But the next moment he listen the sound of notification again.


Clench! Clench!


Dao Li finally decided to reply “Who are you?”


Clench! Clench!


“Do You Want To Become A Emperor In A Day?” Dao Li found himself helpless knowing nothing about this person <unknown>. He finally take a breath and type a final message “Yes” and go back to sleep.


Now it was non of his matter what was the other party’s reply he was now dedicated to sleep because the next day he was going to a ‘Hunt’.


Clench! Clench!


“Delivery will be under two days.” These words flicker in the screen and the communication device turned off automatically.


[The Next Day]


Dao Li was going through a Plaza like building where was a rush of peoples’ those who want to go back and of those who came back. Dao Li didn't wanna go back now because living here and hunting was the only way to earn some for survival.


“Hey Dao Li! You here. What are you doing here?” A voice came from Dao Li's back Dao Li turned to see him already knowing who it will be.


“Fin Daulin!”


Fin Daulin was Dao Li only known one in the Daylight Shelter. He was the one who used to cheat from him and wrote half of his exam from his sheets. But in the Daylight Shelter due to his good physique he became right hand of a Guild Leader Zan Ranwu.


There was Four Major Guilds In The Daylight Shelter—The One Shot, The Falcons, The Jerks, The Zan.


The One Shot– Is a guild occupied by Yu family one of The Ancient Six Families and associated with the military. It has the second largest number of members in the Daylight Shelter and was known for it's young beautiful heads and leaders and their accurate strategies.


The Falcons– Is a group of Goons and you can say able to be hired peoples who only cares about money.


The Jerks– Is a group of friends and those who didn't get occupied by any guild but have the largest number of members filled with single boys and a good partner of The One Shot.


The Zan– Is a guild occupied by the Zan family one of The Ancient Six Families of the Human Race. Mainly in the second number in business and first in bloodshed.


The Daylight Shelter was a Planet which was Trillions of light years from The Core Planet (Earth). It was possible to reach here by the Evolution of Transport Technology and the invention of Teleportation Device.


“Today is a hunt. So I came to…” Before Dao Li can finish his sentence Daulin said “To hold bags. Oh, I thought The One Shot are been too rough on you nowadays. You can come to The Zan Guild whenever you want, I will personally talk with Mister Zan Ranwu for you…”


“Stop, stop don't think much. I am here to hunt.” Dao Li said stopping the vast imagination of Fin Daulin. “Oh, it's like that.” Daulin shook his head as he seems to understood what Dao Li said.


A laugh brust in the Plaza everyone exepting Fin Daulin thought that Dao Li was a weakling who entered in The One Shot with his family connections. But he was 


“Look a person like him will go to hunt!”


“I bet if he could kill even one Blood Red Ant I will trim my beard.”


“I have too much money and I want to lose this in gamble. So I bet that he will kill a Sacred Ancient Beast.”


Dao Li ignored every single person of them. It was about to be a month in this Shelter being insulted everyday he understood one thing–


Those Who Reply Became Fun For Others And Those Who Reply With Their Skills Make Others Dumbfounded.


Dao Li didn't paid much attention to them and waited till The One Shot came to Plaza. He didn't know why he was accepted in The One Shot Guild. The only thing he know was a letter came to him and the next day he was selected by the Leader of The One Shot Guild ‘Yu Qin!’ The letter was sealed with a Radient Seal so he can't open it bare handedly.


Dao Li thought of seeing his profile before going to the hunt. With a mere thought a screen floating in front of him.




《Name – Dao Li》

《Age – 18 Years》

《Height – 165 cm》

《Weight – 50 kg》


《Sea of Spirit》


《Fine Bone Lizard Claw [Tire 1]》

《Rigid Chiken Dagger [Tire 3]》

《Water Element Evolution Crystal》


These were the Spirit Treasure given to Dao Li by Fin Daulin. Spirit Treasures and Spirits of Beasts in Daylight Shelter can be stored in The Sea of Spirit. Outerworld alien's and other races can store The Spirit Treasures but can't any Spirit of Beasts in Daylight Shelter, they need the Approval Of Death to do so.


However Dao Li even didn't evolve with his Evolution Crystal.


“So today as you all know we are going to hunt a Sacred Ancient Beast. I Lao Ning didn't want any mistake so check your equipments.” The girl named Lao Ning said in a loud and clear voice.


Lao Ning is a General in the military and The Vice Leader of The One Shot. She was one of the students like Fin Daulin who used to cheat from his sheet. Lao Ning was a long ago was weak in certain subjects. But she left his school to join the Daldo Military Academy.


Dao Li go with The One Shot Guild to obtain some external goods they can get during the travel. To reach the Sacred Ancient Beast they have to travel in the northen region for next three days.


The Daylight Shelter was divided into four different regions–North, South, West, Dark.


The Northern Region was covered with evergreen forests and some beasts from Unevolved to Sacred Ancient.


The Western Region was the region where mainly Radients live who was similar but advanced and neutral towards humans.


As for the Dark Region there was nothing anyone know. It was the most dangerous region of the Daylight Shelter. No one, not a single fly had never returned from there.


Dao Li and other members of The One Shot walked for half a day and stopped in a plane grass area for rest.


The bonfire was set and the peoples were talking. Dao Li was not good in talking stuff so he sat on a corner and do his favourite pass time, Star-Gazing!


‘Is there a little chance I can change my life, become strong. My sister is still with the family and I am still too weak to save her, I am still too weak to shut those people's mouth who look down on me. When! I will became a strong figure enough strong to be independent in this vast world.’ Having these awful thoughts conflicting in his mind Dao Li asleep in a few minutes.


[The Next Day]


In Dao Li's Sea of Spirit a light from nowhere started glowing.


《The Delivery…》

《Will reach… In Two Hours》

《You are… not evolved… yet》 

《You are… eligible… to enter the… Final Dungeon of… Heaven》


The floating Evolution Screen flickered continuously. Normally the owner of the Evolution Screen was able to detect even the slightest movement in his Evolution Screen and Sea of Spirit. But don't know how Dao Li was unable to sense anything. 


He felt that he was suddenly thrown to Void. He slowly opened his eyes seeing darkness everywhere. Suddenly his vision changed to a Orphanage. 


A boy crying in the cradle with a girl of her same age. 


“Mr. Zhan these are the only brother and sister alive from the last dimension break.” A nurse came with a men in red suit.


“Fed them some milk they seems hungry. How could you so reckless with the Descendants of the Dao family.” The person named Mr. Zhan said.


"The Descendants of the Dao family!” The nurse shouted.


“Shhh! Don't shout you will make them more cry.” Mr. Zhan said with the sign of silence.


“Y...Yes Mr. Zhan.” The nurse said and run to bring milk for those two brother and sister.


In the cradle of those kids were written there names “Dao Li And Dao Wu!”


Suddenly Dao Li woke up. He was soaked in sweat. His heart was continuously skipping a beat after each minute. ‘What was that dream?’ Dao Li was confused after he saw the nightmare.


“Come on! Let's go to our final destination Blue Rose Mountain.” Lao Ning announced.


After listing the announcement, Dao Li quickly get ready and went with the other One Shot gulid members.


In the way they found many mutated creatures. Those creatures were killed by the Tire 2 or Tier 3 Awakeners.


After walking some miles a big mountain can be seen.


“Walk faster the Blue Rose Mountain is ahead!”


Soon they all reached a mountain covered with blue roses. “So this is Blue Rose Mountain.” Dao Li murmured.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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