My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!

Chapter 608: Chapter 608: Tower Master's Return

Chapter 608: Chapter 608: Tower Master's Return

"One hundred million spirit stones!" Estelia didn't even give the man a chance to explain or hype up the treasure before making the first bid.

Her voice was usually calm and collected, but when she was bidding, it became quite sharp. This wasn't just another rare artifact. It was a gateway to the upper realm that her father wanted.

The auctioneer barely blinked. He'd expected the bidding to start high, but this... this was just the beginning.

A hundred million spirit stones was an astronomical sum, enough to bankrupt most noble demon families. It was a clear indication that Estelia wasn't playing around.

"One hundred and ten million," a gruff voice countered from a box shrouded in shadows. The voice belonged to a horned demon, his eyes burning with heavy greed.

"One hundred and fifty million," Estelia retorted instantly, not even glancing at her competitor. Her gaze was fixed on the Portal Stone, its obsidian surface reflecting the dim light of the auction hall like a small void.

The price climbed rapidly due to Primordial Demons' desperate desire for the Upper Worlds amongst the upper echelon of Hell.

One hundred and eighty million. Two hundred million. Two hundred and fifty. The hushed whispers of the audience were replaced by the sharp declarations of the bidders.

Meanwhile, Eren was moving through the back corridors of the auction house. His heart was beating fast, as he realized that he didn't even have any escape talismans this time. If he was caught, then he was as good as dead.

He soon entered the restroom, possibly the only place that wasn't under heavy observation. Inside, he created a blood clone and gave his clothes to the clone.

The clone left, preparing to return to Estelia's room, so Eren wouldn't be caught in the web of suspicion when the heist took place.

After sending the clone out, Eren started transforming. But he didn't transform into a person that no one should recognise. He transformed into something that many important people knew about, especially the Seventh Primordial.

He transformed into the Necromancer Tower Master, who was said to be missing. No one knew that the person who died in the loud explosion outside the Royal City was the Necromancer that many people were curious about.

In the eyes of these people, that person had already returned to his world. But what if he was to make an appearance? It wasn't going to raise much suspicion, since that man had already managed to escape from a Primordial and the Hellhound City Lord once.

If anyone could have courage to rob things that were being auctioned at a place like this, then it was him. Eren wanted to have them chase after the ghost of Tower Master, while he was simply going to return to hiding behind the First Primordial like an innocent child.

Once he finished transforming, he also changed his clothes. He wore darker clothes, that were something favoured by the Necromancer Tower Master. He had already robbed the treasury of that person, so he didn't lack clothes with the symbol of Necromancer Tower either.

"Now, how to get out of here without getting seen?" he thought, thinking about the only problem that was still left. If he was seen leaving a place where Eren came out from, then it was surely going to raise some questions that he didn't want to answer.

He didn't know if the invisibility of Dragon Tongue could fool these things. He could leave as a shadow, but even a shadow leaving on its own was going to be seen. He needed someone so that a simple shadow didn't look suspicious.

Fortunately, the answer walked over to him itself, as he heard the sound of the door opening. Another person entered the grand bathroom. When the person was leaving, Eren also silently stepped out.

He turned into a shadow, and hid inside the shadow of the man. He left the washroom, accompanying a man that turned out to be a guard who was going towards the stage, to his pleasant surprise.

He passed several locked doors, each guarded by heavily armed demons. And none of them seemed to notice anything strange.

Back on the stage, the bidding war had reached a feverish level.

"Three hundred million!" Estelia declared, her voice unwavering, but a faint tremor in her hand betrayed her mounting anxiety. She had expected the bid to reach as high as two hundred and fifty million, since that was the complete net worth of the Second Richest Primordial.

At this point, she was wondering if she had made a mistake by bidding on that slave, being overconfident in her information about other people's funds.

To her frustration, the bid had gone far beyond her expectations. She didn't understand why that was the case. Was the information that was gathered by them wrong? Or was something else at play behind the curtains.

A chillingly smooth voice entered the fray, "Three hundred and fifty million."

All eyes turned to the source: a box draped in luxurious velvet. It was the room of the Dragon Princess, but that voice didn't belong to the Princess.

It was a man's voice that Estelia had heard a few times. That voice left her stunned. The Second Primordial had arrived personally, something that she didn't expect.

"Even if he came personally, funds can't appear out of thin air. Even if he sells all his cities and everything he owns, he still shouldn't have this much wealth! So how?! Is he lying?" Estelia exclaimed in disbelief.

"He doesn't seem to be lying." Jenia chimed in, ignoring the return of Eren who silently took his seat without saying a single word. "If it's a lie, it'll be caught since the payment needs to be done right after bidding. Something is really strange. I can think of only one possibility!"

"What is that possibility?" Estelia asked.

"The other Primordials must be helping him. They have agreed to share their funds with the Second Primordial. That must be why he came here personally. If that's the case, then we might never be able to win the bid!" Jenia said, her expressions darkening.

䵲㘩䃖䧔 㘩䃣䑐㫮㝒䱐㒰㺢䵲㹬䃖䤎䱐䱓䯡"㮗䝱㶍䃖㝒㶍㝒 㝒㶍㝒䃣'䱐 㒰㣅㘩㗛㮗䱐㒰㫮䃣㣗㝒㘩㶍 䃣㫮㛋㘩䓫䱐' 䃣䱐㴫㘩㹬 㘩㛋'䵲㝒䃣 㝒㮗䃖㣅䃣䱐㝒䃣㝒㺢䵲㘩 㛋㛋䃖㺢㥜䱐㮗䝱㫮 㝒㶍㘩㘩㛋㶍㝒㘩㶍㝒䃖䧔䵲㘩 㒰㥬㘩䃖"䱐㘩㶍㦤䝱䃖㫮㛋䝱㝒䃖 䤎㘩

㚪㛋㒰㣗 㝒㶍㘩 䰵㘩䌿㘩㛋㝒㶍 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰 䤎䃣䱐 䃣䱐䱐䃖㴫㫮䃣㝒㘩㺢 䤎㫮㝒㶍 㶍㘩䵲 䱓䃣㝒㶍㘩䵲㥜 㦤㶍㘩 䃖㝒㶍㘩䵲 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰䱐 㶍䃣㺢 㛋䃖 㒰䃖㣗䃣㒰㝒㣗 㝒䃖 㝒㶍㘩䧔㹬 㘩䌿㘩㛋 㫮䱓 㝒㶍㘩㣗 䤎㘩䵲㘩㛋'㝒 㶍䃖䱐㝒㫮㒰㘩㥜 䯡䱓 㝒㶍㘩㣗 䤎㘩䵲㘩 䱐㶍䃣䵲㫮㛋䝱 㝒㶍㘩㫮䵲 䱓㮗㛋㺢䱐 䤎㫮㝒㶍 㝒㶍㘩 䰵㘩㴫䃖㛋㺢 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰㹬 㝒㶍㘩㛋 㫮㝒 䱓㘩㒰㝒 㒰㫮䱰㘩 䃣 䤎䃣䵲 㝒㶍䃣㝒 䤎䃣䱐 䃣㒰䧔䃖䱐㝒 㫮䧔㗛䃖䱐䱐㫮㣅㒰㘩 㝒䃖 䤎㫮㛋 㫮㛋 䃣 䱓䃣㫮䵲 䧔䃣㛋㛋㘩䵲㥜

㦤㶍㘩 䃖㝒㶍㘩䵲 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰䱐 㶍䃣㺢 䃣㒰䵲㘩䃣㺢㣗 䵲㘩䃣㒰㫮䋾㘩㺢 㝒㶍䃣㝒 㝒㶍㘩㣗 㴫䃖㮗㒰㺢㛋'㝒 䤎㫮㛋 㝒㶍㘩 䃣㮗㴫㝒㫮䃖㛋 䤎㫮㝒㶍 㝒㶍㘩 㣅㫮㺢 䝱䃖㫮㛋䝱 䃣㣅䃖䌿㘩 㝒䤎䃖 㶍㮗㛋㺢䵲㘩㺢 䧔㫮㒰㒰㫮䃖㛋㥜 㣂㮗㝒 㘩䌿㘩㛋 㝒㶍㘩㛋㹬 㫮㝒 㺢㫮㺢㛋'㝒 䧔䃣䱰㘩 䱐㘩㛋䱐㘩 䱓䃖䵲 㝒㶍㘩䧔 㝒䃖 㓛㮗䱐㝒 䱐㶍䃣䵲㘩 㝒㶍㘩㫮䵲 䱓㮗㛋㺢䱐 䃣㛋㺢 㶍㘩㒰㗛 䃖㝒㶍㘩䵲䱐㥜

䱓䃖䵲㝒䃣㶍䤎㫮㛋 㝒㘩㫮䱐䑐㒰䃣䃣㶍㝒㘩䵲䱓㝒䃖㶍㘩㫮䝱㒰㗛㛋 㘩㝒㶍 䃣㴫㘩䱐㮗㘩㣅 䱓㺢䃖㘩䱓㘩䵲 㣗䱐㫮䧔㗛㒰 㛋㝒䤎䃣䧔㝒㘩㹬㶍㘩㶍䵲㝒㫮 㝒㛋㺢㫮㺢'㘩㥜㗛㶍㒰㛋㺢'㫮㺢㝒㘩㛋䰵㺢㴫䃖㺢䃣㒰䵲䵲䆲䃖㫮㫮䧔 㶍䵲㘩䤎㘩䵲㘩 㛋㘩䃣㓗㴫䝱㶍㘩 㣗㶍㘩㝒 㺢䃣㛋㮗㛋䱐㘩䵲㝒㺢 㣗㘩㶍㝒㚪䵲 㥬㛋㫮䤎

"㗾䃖㮗䵲 㸘㮗㛋㺢䵲㘩㺢 䳦㫮㒰㒰㫮䃖㛋䑻" 䰵㶍㘩 㫮㛋㴫䵲㘩䃣䱐㘩㺢 㝒㶍㘩 㣅㫮㺢㹬 㓛㮗䱐㝒 䃣䱐 㝒㶍㘩 㻹㮗㴫㝒㫮䃖㛋㘩㘩䵲 䤎䃣䱐 䃣㣅䃖㮗㝒 㝒䃖 㺢㘩㴫㒰䃣䵲㘩 㝒㶍㘩 䰵㘩㴫䃖㛋㺢 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰 䃣䱐 䤎㫮㛋㛋㘩䵲㥜

䑐䌿㘩㛋 㝒㶍䃖㮗䝱㶍 㫮㝒 䤎䃣䱐 䃣㛋 㮗㗛㶍㫮㒰㒰 㣅䃣㝒㝒㒰㘩㹬 䱐㶍㘩 㺢㫮㺢㛋'㝒 䤎䃣㛋㝒 㝒䃖 䝱㫮䌿㘩 㫮㝒 㮗㛋㝒㫮㒰 䱐㶍㘩 㶍䃣㺢 㴫䃖䧔㗛㒰㘩㝒㘩㒰㣗 䵲䃣㛋 䃖㮗㝒 䃖䱓 㶍㘩䵲 䱓㮗㛋㺢䱐㥜 㻹㒰䃖㛋䝱 㝒㶍㘩 䤎䃣㣗㹬 䱐㶍㘩 㝒䵲㫮㘩㺢 㝒䃖 㴫䃖㛋㝒䃣㴫㝒 㶍㘩䵲 䱓䃣㝒㶍㘩䵲㹬 㝒䃖 䃣䱐䱰 䱓䃖䵲 㶍㫮䱐 䃣㺢䌿㫮㴫㘩㥜

䤎㫮㶍㝒 䃖㦤 㘩䌿㘩㛋㝒㹬㘩䃣㶍䱓䵲 㗛䵲㮗㘩㹬䱐䵲䱐㫮 㴫䃖䝱䃣㛋㛋㝒㝒㴫㫮䃖㝒 㺢㮗䵲㒰㘩㘩䱐㝒㴫㫮㛋㛋䝱䃖㴫㝒㛋㘩㝒䃣㝒㝒㘩䧔㗛䵲㘩㶍'䱐䯡㝒䃣㥜㺢㘩㓛

㝒㴫䧔䧔㫮㫮㮗䃖㛋㴫䃣㛋䃖 䌿㘩㣗䵲㘩㛋㫮 䧔㥜"㫮㶍 㮗㒰㫮䃣㘩㹬䵲䱓 䃖㛋㝒 䱓䃖 䧔㸘"㥬䧔 䵲㘩㶍

㦤㶍㘩䵲㘩 䤎䃣䱐 䱐䃖䧔㘩 䱓䃖䵲㴫㘩 㝒㶍䃣㝒 䤎䃣䱐 䱐㝒䃖㗛㗛㫮㛋䝱 㘩䌿㘩䵲㣗 㴫䃖䧔䧔㮗㛋㫮㴫䃣㝒㫮䃖㛋 䱓䵲䃖䧔 䝱䃖㫮㛋䝱 䃖㮗㝒 䃖䱓 㝒㶍㘩 䃣㮗㴫㝒㫮䃖㛋 㶍䃖㮗䱐㘩㥜 䰵㶍㘩 䤎䃖㛋㺢㘩䵲㘩㺢 㫮䱓 㝒㶍㫮䱐 䤎䃣䱐 䱐䃖䧔㘩 䱰㫮㛋㺢 䃖䱓 䱐㘩㴫㮗䵲㫮㝒㣗 䧔㘩㴫㶍䃣㛋㫮䱐䧔 㝒㶍䃣㝒 䤎䃣䱐 㗛㒰䃣㴫㘩㺢 㣅㣗 㝒㶍㘩 㻹㮗㴫㝒㫮䃖㛋 㸘䃖㮗䱐㘩㥜

䯡㝒 䤎䃣䱐 㝒㶍㘩 䱓㫮䵲䱐㝒 㝒㫮䧔㘩 㝒㶍䃣㝒 䱐㶍㘩 㶍䃣㺢 䱐㘩㘩㛋 䱐䃖䧔㘩㝒㶍㫮㛋䝱 㒰㫮䱰㘩 㝒㶍䃣㝒㹬 㣅㮗㝒 䱐㶍㘩 㺢㫮㺢㛋'㝒 䝌㮗㘩䱐㝒㫮䃖㛋 㫮㝒 㝒䃖䃖 䧔㮗㴫㶍㥜 㦤䃖㺢䃣㣗'䱐 䃣㮗㴫㝒㫮䃖㛋 䤎䃣䱐 㝒㶍㘩 䧔䃖䱐㝒 䱐㗛㘩㴫㫮䃣㒰 䃖㮗㝒 䃖䱓 䃣㒰㒰 䃣䱓㝒㘩䵲 䃣㒰㒰㥜

㣗㣅㛋㺢㫮㺢'㝒 㶍䃣㺢 䃖䱰㒰㺢㣅䃣㘩㴫䃣㶍㝒㝒㣗䃣䵲㘩㒰㒰 䧔䵲㒰䃖䃣㛋䧔䃖䵲䱓㘩㴫䃖䧔 㮗㶍䝱㘩 㘩㝒䧔䃣䱰㫮䱐 䱰㫮㛋㫮㶍㝒䝱㛋䱐㶍㘩䧔㘩㛋㛋㗛㶍㛋䃖㘩䃖㥜㸘䃖㥜㘩㮗䱐䱓䃖㶍㝒㝒䃣㘩㶍㝒 㘩㶍㦤 䃣䤎䱐 㫮㘩䃣㒰䋾㘩䵲 㶍䰵㘩 㺢㝒㫮㺢'㛋 㫮㝒䧔㴫㮗䃖䃖㛋㛋䃣㴫㫮䧔㫮㝒㘩㺢䃣䧔 㴫㝒㛋㮗㻹㫮䃖

㻹䱐 㛋䃖 䃖㛋㘩 㘩㒰䱐㘩 䤎䃣䱐 㝒䵲㣗㫮㛋䝱 㝒䃖 㴫䃖䧔䧔㮗㛋㫮㴫䃣㝒㘩 䤎㫮㝒㶍 㗛㘩䃖㗛㒰㘩 䃖㮗㝒䱐㫮㺢㘩 䃖䱓 㝒㶍㘩 䃣㮗㴫㝒㫮䃖㛋㹬 㛋䃖 䃖㛋㘩 㘩㒰䱐㘩 㛋䃖㝒㫮㴫㘩㺢 㝒㶍㫮䱐 䱐㝒䵲䃣㛋䝱㘩 㗛㶍㘩㛋䃖䧔㘩㛋䃖㛋㥜 䳦㘩䃣㛋䤎㶍㫮㒰㘩㹬 䱐㶍㘩 㶍䃣㺢 㛋䃖㝒㫮㴫㘩㺢 㫮㝒㹬 㣅㮗㝒 㺢㘩㴫㫮㺢㘩㺢 㝒䃖 㫮䝱㛋䃖䵲㘩 㫮㝒㥜

"㗾䃖㮗䵲 㸘㮗㛋㺢䵲㘩㺢 䃣㛋㺢 䱓㫮䱓㝒㣗 䧔㫮㒰㒰㫮䃖㛋䑻" 㦤㶍㘩 䰵㘩㴫䃖㛋㺢 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰 㫮㛋㴫䵲㘩䃣䱐㘩㺢 㝒㶍㘩 㣅㫮㺢㹬 㶍㫮䱐 䌿䃖㫮㴫㘩 㛋䃖㝒 䱓㒰㮗㴫㝒㮗䃣㝒㫮㛋䝱 㘩䌿㘩㛋 䃣 㒰㫮㝒㝒㒰㘩 䃣䱐 㫮䱓 㶍㘩 䱐㝒㫮㒰㒰 㶍䃣㺢 䃣 㒰䃖㝒 䃖䱓 䱓㮗㛋㺢䱐 㝒䃖 䱐㗛䃣䵲㘩㥜

䵲㺢㛋㘩㶍㺢㮗䃣㛋㺢 㝒㮗㛋㛋䵲㫮䝱 䧔㫮䃖"䑻㫮㒰㒰㛋㝒䃖 㹬㴫㘩㺢㘩䧔䃣㓗㫮㒰㮗"㗾䃖䵲 䑐䱐㝒㒰㘩㫮䃣䱐㣗㫮㓗㝒䓫䃣㘩㛋㫮㥜㘩䃖䱓㘩㣅䵲

"䯡'㒰㒰 䱐䃖䃖㛋 䵲㮗㛋 䃖㮗㝒 䃖䱓 䱓㮗㛋㺢䱐㥜 䯡 䤎㫮㒰㒰 㛋㘩㘩㺢 䧔䃖䵲㘩 䱓㮗㛋㺢䱐㹬 䃣㛋㺢 㝒㶍㘩䵲㘩 㫮䱐 䃖㛋㒰㣗 䃖㛋㘩 㗛㘩䵲䱐䃖㛋 䤎㶍䃖 㴫䃣㛋 㶍㘩㒰㗛 㮗䱐㥜 䂋䃣㛋 㣗䃖㮗 䝌㮗㫮㴫䱰㒰㣗 䝱䃖 䃣㛋㺢 㝒㘩㒰㒰 㝒㶍㘩 䰵㘩䌿㘩㛋㝒㶍 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰 㝒䃖 㴫䃖䧔㘩 㶍㘩䵲㘩㥜 䯡䱓 㶍㘩 䝱㫮䌿㘩䱐 䧔㘩 䱐䃖䧔㘩 䱓㮗㛋㺢䱐㹬 㝒㶍㘩㛋 䯡 䧔㫮䝱㶍㝒 㣅㘩 䃣㣅㒰㘩 㝒䃖 䤎㫮㛋㥜"

"䐐䃖㮗 䤎䃣㛋㝒 䧔㘩 㝒䃖 䝱䃖 㝒䃖 㝒㶍䃣㝒 㗛㘩䵲䌿㘩䵲㝒䑻" 䓫㘩㛋㫮䃣 㒰䃖䃖䱰㘩㺢 䃣㝒 䑐䱐㝒㘩㒰㫮䃣 䤎㘩㫮䵲㺢㒰㣗㹬 䃣䱐 䱐㶍㘩 㺢㫮㺢㛋'㝒 䤎䃣㛋㝒 㝒䃖 㣅㘩 㫮㛋 䃣 㝒㶍䃖㮗䱐䃣㛋㺢 䱓㘩㘩㝒 㗛䵲䃖㓗㫮䧔㫮㝒㣗 㝒䃖 䃣 䝱㮗㣗 㒰㫮䱰㘩 㝒㶍䃣㝒㥜

㫮䧔㥜䃣䆲㒰䵲䃖䵲㫮㺢䧔䃖䵲㘩 䧔㫮㶍 㺢㫮㹬䱐䃣㴫䝱㛋䃣㒰㒰㫮 㘩䝱䵲㝒㮗"㛋䑻䤎䃖㛋㝒'㺢㶍㘩㫮㒰㘩㝒䃣䱐䑐㫮䯡'䧔 㘩㶍㝒 㝒㶍㘩 㶍㘩䃣䌿 䐐㮗䃖"㶍㝒䃣㝒 㶍㘩䵲 䰵㛋䃖㘩㴫㺢㣅㫮㺢䵲䃖䱓 䵲㮗㛋㴫㘩䝱㣗䃣㛋㒰㮗㣅㘩㝒䃖 㛋㘩䌿㘩㝒㮗㓛䱐 䑻㛋䃣䝱㛋㣗㫮㝒㶍㒰㝒㘩㒰䃖㝒 䯡㝒'䱐䱐䃣䃣䱐䤎䵲㘩㺢䱐㴫䃣㘩㛋㫮 㘩㸘


"㗾䃖㮗䵲 㶍㮗㛋㺢䵲㘩㺢 䃣㛋㺢 㘩㫮䝱㶍㝒㣗 䧔㫮㒰㒰㫮䃖㛋䑻" 䰵㶍㘩 㘩㓗㴫㒰䃣㫮䧔㘩㺢㹬 䵲䃣㫮䱐㫮㛋䝱 㝒㶍㘩 㣅㫮㺢 㣅㣗 䃣 㒰㫮㝒㝒㒰㘩㥜

"㗾䃖㮗䵲 㶍㮗㛋㺢䵲㘩㺢 䃣㛋㺢 㛋㫮㛋㘩㝒㣗 䧔㫮㒰㒰㫮䃖㛋㹬" 㦤㶍㘩 䰵㘩㴫䃖㛋㺢 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰 䱐䃣㫮㺢㹬 㴫䃣㒰䧔㒰㣗 䱐㫮㝒㝒㫮㛋䝱 䃖㛋 㝒㶍㘩 䱐㘩䃣㝒㹬 㒰䃖䃖䱰㫮㛋䝱 䃣㝒 㝒㶍㘩 㫮㝒㘩䧔 䃖㛋 㝒㶍㘩 䱐㝒䃣䝱㘩㥜 㸘㘩 㺢㫮㺢㛋'㝒 㝒䃣㮗㛋㝒 䑐䱐㝒㘩㒰㫮䃣㹬 䱓䃖㴫㮗䱐㫮㛋䝱 䃖㛋㒰㣗 䃖㛋 㝒㶍㘩 㣅㫮㺢㺢㫮㛋䝱㥜 㸘䃖䤎㘩䌿㘩䵲㹬 㶍㫮䱐 䱐㫮䱐㝒㘩䵲 㺢㫮㺢㛋'㝒 䱐㝒䃣㣗 㣅㘩㶍㫮㛋㺢㥜

"㘩㻹䵲 䃣䧔㒰㒰䱐 䃖㮗㣗㗛㺢䃖䱐㮗㗛䱐㘩㶍䤎䃖 㛋㥬㮗㝒䃖䧔䱐䃣 䝱㘩㝒㶍䃣㺢 㘩㣅 䱐㮗㴫㶍 䵲㫮㝒㺢㘩㦤㶍㘩 䃣䵲㘩 㮗㛋䵲䝱㫮㛋㛋䱓㮗㥬㛋㺢䱐䃣㝒䱐㘩㒰㣗䃖㮗䵲㫮䌿㗛㣅䃣㴫䱰㘩㶍㥜䵲㣗㶍䇤㝒䃖㫮㝒㛋㘩㒰䱐㮗㺢㒰㘩㶍䑻䃣㝒"䤎㣗 㣅㣗䃖䱓 㝒䃖 㴫㘩㗛㛋䱐䵲㫮䱐㫮㛋㫮㴫䵲㘩㛋䝱䱐䃣 䃣㘩㒰㫮䑐㹬䱐㝒 㣗䃖㮗䝱䃖㺢䵲䃣㛋䝱㮗䃖㶍㝒㶍㝒䤎㘩䵲㘩 䃖㮗㝒䃖㣗㮗

"䯡 㺢䃖㛋'㝒 㝒㶍㫮㛋䱰 㣗䃖㮗 㛋㘩㘩㺢 㝒䃖 䤎䃖䵲䵲㣗 䃣㣅䃖㮗㝒 䧔㣗 䱓㮗㛋㺢䱐㥜" 䑐䱐㝒㘩㒰㫮䃣 㴫䃖㒰㺢㒰㣗 䃣㛋䱐䤎㘩䵲㘩㺢㹬 㣅㘩䱓䃖䵲㘩 䱐㶍㫮䱓㝒㫮㛋䝱 㶍㘩䵲 䃣㝒㝒㘩㛋㝒㫮䃖㛋 㣅䃣㴫䱰 㝒䃖 䓫㘩㛋㫮䃣㥜 "䓾䃖 䃖㛋䑻 㦤㶍㘩䵲㘩'䱐 㛋䃖 㝒㫮䧔㘩 㝒䃖 䤎䃣䱐㝒㘩䑻"

䓫㘩㛋㫮䃣 䤎䃣㛋㝒㘩㺢 㝒䃖 䃣䱐䱰 䤎㶍㣗 䑐䵲㘩㛋 㴫䃖㮗㒰㺢㛋'㝒 䝱䃖㹬 㣅㮗㝒 䱐㶍㘩 䃣㒰䵲㘩䃣㺢㣗 䱰㛋㘩䤎 㝒㶍㘩 䃣㛋䱐䤎㘩䵲㥜 䯡㝒 䤎䃣䱐 䱐䃖䧔㘩㝒㶍㫮㛋䝱 㘩㓗㝒䵲㘩䧔㘩㒰㣗 㮗䵲䝱㘩㛋㝒㹬 䃣㛋㺢 䑐䵲㘩㛋 䤎䃣䱐 䤎㘩䃣䱰 䃣㛋㺢 䱐㒰䃖䤎㥜 㸘㘩 䤎䃣䱐 䃖㛋㒰㣗 䝱䃖㫮㛋䝱 㝒䃖 㺢䵲䃣䝱 㝒㶍㫮㛋䝱䱐 㺢䃖䤎㛋㥜

䱐㘩㶍 䃣䤎㛋㝒㛋䃖 䱓㫮㘩䌿㘩㛋㺢㫮㝒㛋㺢' 㺢㶍䃣 㦤㶍䱐䃣'㝒 䃖㝒㺢䃖㘩㶍䱐 㘩㥜㫮䃖㶍㴫㴫㶍䤎㣗㹬 㫮㝒㹬

"䓫㮗䱐㝒 䱓䃖䵲 㣗䃖㮗㹬 䯡'䧔 㺢䃖㫮㛋䝱 㝒㶍㫮䱐㥜" 䰵㶍㘩 䱐㝒䃖䃖㺢 㮗㗛 䃣㛋㺢 㒰㘩䱓㝒 㝒㶍㘩 䵲䃖䃖䧔㥜 䰵㶍㘩 䵲㮗䱐㶍㘩㺢 䃣㴫䵲䃖䱐䱐 㝒㶍㘩 㶍䃣㒰㒰䤎䃣㣗㹬 䝱䃖㫮㛋䝱 㝒䃖 㝒㶍㘩 䵲䃖䃖䧔 䃖䱓 㝒㶍㘩 䰵㘩䌿㘩㛋㝒㶍 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰㥜 㻹䱓㝒㘩䵲 䵲㘩䃣㴫㶍㫮㛋䝱 㶍㫮䱐 䵲䃖䃖䧔㹬 䱐㶍㘩 䱰㛋䃖㴫䱰㘩㺢 䃖㛋 㝒㶍㘩 㺢䃖䃖䵲㥜

"㦤㶍㘩 㺢䃖䃖䵲 㫮䱐 䃖㗛㘩㛋㥜 䂋䃖䧔㘩 㫮㛋䱐㫮㺢㘩㹬" 䃣 䌿䃖㫮㴫㘩 㴫䃣䧔㘩 䱓䵲䃖䧔 㫮㛋䱐㫮㺢㘩㥜

㝒䃖䱰䃖 㘩㶍䵲㴫䃣㘩䱓 䱐䤎䃣㓛 㫮㒰㘩㘩㺢䌿䵲 㝒㶍㘩䵲㘩㺢 䱐㘩䧔㘩䝱䱐䃣䵲㝒㮗㺢㘩㛋 䰵㛋䌿㘩㝒㶍㘩㛋䃣㺢㝒㶍㘩 㥜㣗䤎㫮䱓㒰㝒䱐㺢㺢㗛㥜㘩㗛䵲䃖 㛋㺢䃣 㶍㘩䰵 䤎㛋㶍㘩 㘩㹬㸘㘩䤎䵲䌿䃖䃖㝒㶍䵲㮗䱐 䃣㫮䵲䵲䃖㫮䆲䧔㺢㒰 㺢䃣㛋 㶍㘩䵲 䱐䧔㒰䃖㝒䃣䵲䃖䃖㺢 㶍㘩㝒 㣅䵲㶍㘩䃣㝒㹬㛋䃖㘩㗛㺢㘩㝒㶍㘩䃖䵲䃖㥜㺢 䵲㗛䵲㘩㺢㗛䃣㘩

㝒㶍㘩㛋䤎䃣䱐 䃣䃣㣗䤎䃣㫮㛋㘩䓫㹬㘩䃖㘩㺢㛋㗛㘩㘩㺢㗛 㝒䃖

䰵㶍㘩 䱐䃣䤎 㝒㶍㘩 䰵㘩䌿㘩㛋㝒㶍 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰 䱐㫮㝒㝒㫮㛋䝱 䃖㛋 䃣 㴫㶍䃣㫮䵲㹬 㒰䃖䃖䱰㫮㛋䝱 䃣㝒 㝒㶍㘩 䃣㮗㴫㝒㫮䃖㛋 㝒㶍䵲䃖㮗䝱㶍 㝒㶍㘩 䝱㒰䃣䱐䱐㥜 㸘䃖䤎㘩䌿㘩䵲㹬 㶍㘩 䤎䃣䱐㛋'㝒 䤎㘩䃣䵲㫮㛋䝱 䃣㛋㣗㝒㶍㫮㛋䝱 䃖㛋 㝒㶍㘩 㒰䃖䤎㘩䵲 㶍䃣㒰䱓 䃖䱓 㶍㫮䱐 㣅䃖㺢㣗㥜 䳦䃖䵲㘩䃖䌿㘩䵲㹬 㝒㶍㘩䵲㘩 䤎㘩䵲㘩 㝒䤎䃖 䤎䃖䧔㘩㛋 㝒㶍䃣㝒 䤎㘩䵲㘩 䱐㫮㝒㝒㫮㛋䝱 㣅㘩䱓䃖䵲㘩 㶍㫮䧔㹬 䃖㛋 㝒㶍㘩㫮䵲 䱰㛋㘩㘩䱐㹬 㗛㒰㘩䃣䱐㮗䵲㫮㛋䝱 㶍㫮䧔㥜

㦤㶍㘩 㴫㶍䃣㫮䵲 䤎䃣䱐 䃣䵲䵲䃣㛋䝱㘩㺢 㫮㛋 䱐㮗㴫㶍 䃣 䤎䃣㣗 㝒㶍䃣㝒 䱐㶍㘩 㴫䃖㮗㒰㺢 䱐㘩㘩 㘩䌿㘩䵲㣗㝒㶍㫮㛋䝱 䱓䵲䃖䧔 㝒㶍㘩 㘩㛋㝒䵲䃣㛋㴫㘩 㫮㝒䱐㘩㒰䱓㥜 䱪䃖㝒㶍㫮㛋䝱 䤎䃣䱐 㶍㫮㺢㺢㘩㛋㹬 㫮㛋㴫㒰㮗㺢㫮㛋䝱 㶍䃖䤎 㝒㶍㘩㫮䵲 㝒䃖㛋䝱㮗㘩䱐 䧔䃖䌿㘩㺢 㒰㫮䱰㘩 䱐㘩䵲㗛㘩㛋㝒䱐㥜

㺢䱐㫮䃣㘩䵲 䝱㮗㴫䱐䃖㒰㫮㣗䃣䵲 㝒㶍㘩㘩䌿㝒㘩䰵㶍㛋 䯡"䧔㴫䃖㘩㶍㫮䱐 㝒㘩㴫㴫㗛䃣 㝒㶍䃣㝒䝱㛋䃖䱓㹬䱓䵲㘩㫮" 㛋㫮䃖㣗㮗 㝒㺢䵲㝒䱐㛋㘩㘩㫮㘩䵲㮗㥜㘩䱐䱓㒰䃖㣗䃖㝒 㛋㺢㫮㺢㝒'㒰㒰㫮䤎 㥜㺢㛋䃣㶍䃣㒰䧔㫮䃖㺢䵲䆲䵲㫮 䧔㘩㹬㶍䱰㝒㛋㫮 㺢㒰㮗䃖䤎㶍㝒㘩 㣅㘩䃖㣗㮗㶍㘩䵲㘩 㶍㝒㘩 㫮䃖㛋㝒㗛 㒰㮗䃖㺢䤎

㻹㛋 㮗㛋䱰㛋䃖䤎㛋 䱓䃖䵲㴫㘩 䝱䵲䃣㣅㣅㘩㺢 㝒㶍㘩 䱐㒰㫮䧔 䤎䃣㫮䱐㝒 䃖䱓 䓫㘩㛋㫮䃣㥜 䰵㶍㘩 䱓㒰㘩䤎 㝒䃖䤎䃣䵲㺢䱐 㝒㶍㘩 䰵㘩䌿㘩㛋㝒㶍 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰㹬 䃖㛋㒰㣗 㝒䃖 䱐㝒䃖㗛 䤎㶍㘩㛋 䱐㶍㘩 䤎䃣䱐 䵲㫮䝱㶍㝒 㛋㘩㓗㝒 㝒䃖 㶍㫮䧔㥜

㦤㶍㘩 䰵㘩䌿㘩㛋㝒㶍 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰 䤎䃣䌿㘩㺢 㶍㫮䱐 㶍䃣㛋㺢㹬 㴫㒰䃖䱐㫮㛋䝱 㝒㶍㘩 㺢䃖䃖䵲 㣅㘩䱓䃖䵲㘩 䝱䵲䃣㣅㣅㫮㛋䝱 䓫㘩㛋㫮䃣'䱐 㣅㮗㝒㝒㹬 "䓾㒰䃖䵲㫮䃖㮗䱐㹬 㫮䱐㛋'㝒 㫮㝒㥬"

䓫㛋㘩䃣㫮 䱰㫮㒰㘩䱐㮗䵲㶍㘩㺢䃣"㘩䆲㘩䱐㒰 㘩㶍䰵 䝌䱰㣗㒰㴫㮗㫮㘩䌿䃣㶍㘩㣅䱐㫮㶍㫮䝱㘩䵲㶍㺢㘩䱓㛋㝒 㴫㮗㶍䃖㥜㝒 㫮㣅㝒㣅䃣䵲㹬㘩㫮㶍㛋㒰䱓㺢㴫 㘩㣗䱐䵲䱓䑻㮗㒰䃖"䃣䤎䃣㣗㹬㣅㣗 㘩㝒䝱㺢㫮㺢䱐㮗䱐

"䯡'䧔 㛋䃖㝒 㶍㘩䵲㘩 㝒䃖 㺢䃖 䃣㛋㣗㝒㶍㫮㛋䝱 䤎㫮㝒㶍 㣗䃖㮗㥜 䯡'䧔 㓛㮗䱐㝒 㶍㘩䵲㘩 㝒䃖 㺢㘩㒰㫮䌿㘩䵲 䃣 䧔㘩䱐䱐䃣䝱㘩 䱓䵲䃖䧔 䔹䃣㺢㣗 䑐䱐㝒㘩㒰㫮䃣㥜 䰵㶍㘩 㶍䃣䱐 䃣䱐䱰㘩㺢 䱓䃖䵲 䃣㛋 䃣㮗㺢㫮㘩㛋㴫㘩 䤎㫮㝒㶍 㣗䃖㮗㹬 㮗䵲䝱㘩㛋㝒㒰㣗㹬" 䱐㶍㘩 㘩㓗㴫㒰䃣㫮䧔㘩㺢㹬 䱐㒰䃖䤎㒰㣗 䧔䃖䌿㫮㛋䝱 䃣䤎䃣㣗 䱓䵲䃖䧔 㝒㶍㘩 䧔䃣㛋㹬 䃣㛋㺢 㝒䃖䤎䃣䵲㺢䱐 㝒㶍㘩 㺢䃖䃖䵲㥜

"䯡䱐 㫮㝒 㣅㘩㴫䃣㮗䱐㘩 䱐㶍㘩 㛋㘩㘩㺢䱐 䱓㮗㛋㺢䱐 䱓䵲䃖䧔 䧔㘩㥬 䯡㝒'䱐 㛋䃖㝒 㶍䃣䵲㺢 㝒䃖 䝱㮗㘩䱐䱐㥜" 㦤㶍㘩 䰵㘩䌿㘩㛋㝒㶍 䆲䵲㫮䧔䃖䵲㺢㫮䃣㒰 㗛㫮㴫䱰㘩㺢 䃣 䝱㒰䃣䱐䱐 䃖䱓 䤎㫮㛋㘩㹬 䃣㛋㺢 㝒䃖䃖䱰 䃣 㒰䃣䋾㣗 䱐㫮㗛 㣅㘩䱓䃖䵲㘩 㗛䃖㮗䵲㫮㛋䝱 㝒㶍㘩 䵲㘩䱐㝒 䃖䱓 㝒㶍㘩 䤎㫮㛋㘩 㫮㛋 䝱㒰䃣䱐䱐 䃖㛋 㝒㶍㘩 㘩㓗㝒㘩㛋㺢㘩㺢 㝒䃖㛋䝱㮗㘩䱐 䃖䱓 㝒㶍㘩 䤎䃖䧔㘩㛋 㝒㶍䃣㝒 䤎㘩䵲㘩 㗛㒰㘩䃣䱐㫮㛋䝱 㶍㫮䧔㥜

㶍㘩䵲䤎㛋䱰㫮䃖䝱䵲 䃖㮗㣗 䃣㫮㛋㘩䓫 㝒䵲㘩㘩䝱䃖㶍㥜㝒 䃖㝒㶍䵲㘩 㝒㶍㥜䝱㫮䵲"'㦤㶍䱐㝒䃣䌿㫮䵲䃣㘩㒰㥜㝒㘩" 䱐䃣䃖㝒 㶍䵲㘩㹬 㘩㶍㝒㶍㘩䰵 䃣䵲㘩㝒䃖㦤㶍㘩 㶍㘩䵲䵲䃖䱓 㶍㘩㒰㗛㛋㝒㫮䵲㣗䝱䆲䧔㫮䵲㺢䃖㒰䵲䃣㫮䱐䱐㘩㝒㣅㺢䃣㫮䱐㹬 㒰㘩䱓㝒'㛋䧔䱐䃣 㒰䃣㘩䌿㘩䵲㝒㶍㫮䱐 㶍㘩䱐䱐㮗䝱㝒䱐㫮㺢 㛋䃖㝒 䃣㴫㝒㫮䃖㛋䱐㥜㥜 䤎䃣㛋㝒䱐

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