Chapter 951
Chapter 951
Beansprouts were discovered
According to Ms. Helena…some of them had grown sprouts due to being stored in a bad place.
She had considered throwing them out, but someone had accidentally mixed them with other food when frying them.
And since she was a cook, she decided to taste them. They were still small, and obviously didn’t have much taste. Still, they did have a nice crunch to them.
“Do you know about them, Mr. Takumi?”
“Well, if it’s what I think it is… It’s just beansprouts.”
“Of course, they are probably different in this place. But I had been wondering if we could make them.”
“You have?”
“Yes. After all, there are people here who are interested in dieting.”“Are you saying that it is good for that?”
“Well, maybe not as good as the konjac, but it should be useful.”
Of course, we would have to test it first.
“Then…what if the two were combined together…”
“Yes, it would not be very fattening.”
Though, it would not be very nutritious either. You should probably add some meat to it as well. You had to have a balance.
Regardless, I would leave Ms. Helena to think of something.
“If it’s like the stuff where I am from, it should taste good when fried with meat.”
“So it is just like any other vegetable. I see… Thank you. I just wanted to make sure it was not anything strange, or bad for you.”
“Ah, there is something that you could test…”
“Yes. What is it?”
“Could you try putting some in clean water? And in a place that is quite humid.”
“If we can eat it, I thought I might as well make more with the original method… But you should add water?”
“Yes. If I’m not wrong, that was how they did it… And so I wanted to know if it would work here. Besides, it might come out a little different compared to the accidental ones.”
“I see. Very well then.”
“Thank you. Though, perhaps I shouldn’t be asking you cooks to do this kind of thing, when you are already quite busy.”
“Not at all. This has helped to broaden my knowledge. Besides, this is not that much extra work for me. I just have to put it in some clean water, yes?”
“Uh, I think there is a little more to it than that…”
And so I told Ms. Helena what I knew regarding beansprouts.
In general, it was the same as when storing the beans. They were put in a cool and dark place, and you occasionally changed the water so that it remained clean.
However, it was easy for mold to grow in such conditions, so you had to be careful about that.
We could compare the differences between the two methods of growing them, and the one that yielded more, or grew larger, could be seen as the correct method.
Now, we just had to wait for a few days… I thought about the crunchy texture as I finished talking to Ms. Helena, and then returned to my room.
Leo and Liza were waiting for me, but were rather unhappy, and said that I was late in returning…
Well, at least Ms. Gelda was chuckling with amusement.
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