My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!

115-Episode 105: The Second Demon Lord

Come on.

I was forced out of the room. Guess what, the one-eyed woman, Cyclops, was standing in the hallway with a rifle slung over her shoulder. Hakuba and Yukinoshita looked at each other.

What's more, a large explosion has been confirmed in the south. When I asked them why they were taking us out, they told me that they were appointed by the High Elves. The High Elves, as they say, are Koganei. Yukinoshita looked blatantly uncomfortable, but as a Hakuba, I thought it would be a good opportunity to exchange a few words with him.

'Do you hate Koganei that much?'

You know, I have a terrible reputation among girls.

I know.

Hakuba has heard a lot of things, too. Well, to put it simply, Koganei went too far. It would have been fine if he just got carried away and pretended to be the top of the class, but his messing with the girls was a bad idea. Of course, it's also my and Washio's fault for not stopping it.

We left the castle and were taken deep into the forest. There was a clearing, and I was surprised to see some helicopters lined up in a clearing. We also see some military vehicles, like jeeps. Hakuba is not a millionaire, so I don't know all the details, but it was the kind of thing that would not be straightforward to bring in from the original world, either.

Koganei was there, too. In the driver's seat of the helicopter sat a blood relative, presumably a pawn.

"Yo, Koganei.

Hakuba tried his best to sound cheerful.

'Why did you call us?'

He told me to scout out the situation. If I'm right, I might be able to get one of you two to help me.

'Hmm. I'm not going to let you go.

Snowflake dared to say something nasty. Koganei scratched his head.

'Maybe that's why Cyclops is following me.

A woman with a rifle on her shoulder, her big eyes glaze over. It means that if you run away, you'll be shot through the brain.

'I thought it was no good anyway. Hey, Koganei-kun. Did you properly apologize to Mr. Kumazaki?

Koganei was suddenly broached on the subject and frowned as hard as he could.

''........I don't even have the qualifications to apologize for it.


Yukinoshita quietly squinted at him. Hakuba cringed inwardly.

''It's Utsurogi-kun's mate, after all. We're the same kind, aren't we?

What does that mean?

I hate it. He's such a self-absorbed, self-contained person with no regard for the feelings of those around him.

After saying that much, Yukinoshita briskly walked past Koganei. He was stunned without saying anything.

''It seems like you don't like Utsurogi, Yukinoshita.

Well no, I can see that.

Koganei gave a small laugh in a voice that only Hakuba could hear. It was a self-mocking smile.

'Me, Utsurugi and Hino are both commies after all. We're afraid of apologizing and being rejected.'

After saying that much, Koganei also gets into the helicopter. Cyclops mutters as he watches it.

''Well they're a troublesome bunch.

We're in high school. Go easy on us.

Hakuba said, and tried to get into the chopper while looking cool, but it was pretty hard on his four legs.

Still, he managed to get in and keep himself low in the back since he couldn't sit in the seat. The helicopter's rotors began to spin and blow away the vegetation around us. I hear a rattling sound and a strange floating sensation envelops my whole body.

Everyone is silent, so the feeling of pressure is great. Hakuba was already regretting that he had followed them.

''Don't think too strangely,''

Cyclops nails it with his rifle in his arms.

'It's good enough to think about. We're not going to get away with it anyway.

Snowdonia looks blankly at the scenery outside. She doesn't mean to catch the other person off guard, but she is seriously pessimistic. She is a thorough pessimist. Even last night, we were told at an insanely high level of tension about how desperate the situation was for us.

In fact, things aren't much better. How many of their dispersed classmates were able to get together? Hakuba remembered that message from Ryuzaki to the other classmates. Whether or not they all received that one, he still didn't know. He didn't even know if they were all alive. But the students who survived must surely be aiming for the Vernetus Kingdom.

And Ryuzaki.

I wonder where he is now. Is he at Verneus by now?

It was about the time I was thinking about that.


Suddenly, Cyclops shouted loudly.

'Reduce the altitude!'


Come on!

Yes, sir!

Cyclops's gaze turned to the right-hand rear window. What did her super-sight catch? The white horse stared as well, but it wasn't long before it appeared in her vision, the size of a grain of rice.

The shadow grew larger and larger in no time, and then flew past the helicopter as if grazing it. The entire helicopter shook wildly as it ate into the aftermath. Hakuba and Yukinoshita let out a small scream. Hakuba and the others were desperate because they had nothing to hold on to.

The rear of the flying shadow was facing straight in the same direction as the helicopter.

'Looks like your prediction was right. High Elf.

Cyclops mumbled. Koganei was silent, his austere face still in place.

Kyousuke regained consciousness. It was there that he understood for the first time that he had been unconscious.

Blurred vision. Blurred consciousness. However, the image of Ei suddenly flashed through his mind, and Kyousuke suddenly sat up. His body is safe. Didn't Ei have a meltdown? And then, for the first time, I noticed that Kyousuke's body was now covered by a thin membrane of sorts.


There's no doubt about it. The thin membrane covering Kyousuke's body in a spherical shape is Himemizu Rin's body.

''Well, I'm glad you followed me.

As if it were nothing, she says. The world as seen through Rin's body is a blackened, scorched earth. In the end, Ei had a meltdown.

''........Rin, are you okay! Ei had a meltdown, and so, Rin's body...

'What do you think we've been running through the underground water system for? It's still hot and evaporating, you know?

Then Kyousuke understands. Rin's body right now is in a super-compressed state, containing a large amount of water.

Even if the meltdown involves an enormous amount of heat, the sea itself will not be able to dry up. Rin had prepared well for this, having factored in the fact that Ei's heat would go out of control. Kyousuke had no idea how much water she had in reserve now.

The reason he didn't tell Kyousuke that was probably because he thought he would be reckless if he told her.

Rin's decision was correct. In fact, Kyousuke was reckless.

''What about........Ei and Li Shenfu?''

'I don't recognize Hino-kun. He should be nearby, but I can't find him.

This must be the room where he and Ei had reunited. The surrounding walls, floor, and ceiling had all been blown away by Ei.

If he was caught up in that explosion, did it mean that Li Shenfu was also killed? I don't know.

That man's actions were definitely intended to provoke Ei's outburst. I don't understand that either. What benefit would Ei's outburst have for the Empire? Either the Empire wasn't a monolith, or

With a monstrous bird-like scream, a shadow pushed past the rubble and loomed over them. Kyousuke and Rin were simultaneously huffed.


Rin releases the spherical membrane. Kyousuke's body was exposed to the high heat around him. A human would have burned his lungs, but Kyousuke's bones, strengthened by the blood of his bloodline, could barely withstand it.

Rin's body transformed. It formed the shape of a wall and intercepted the fleshy shadows.

A large amount of water itself was compressed and became a dense protective wall. Rin's body caught the hand blade that was brought out, and her body caught it.

''Li Shenfu!

'You failed to go down. I'm a bit of a tightwad myself.

A mature man with an acute angle impression stood there unconcernedly, despite being exposed to heat and radiation.

The Imperial Clockwork Alliance (Dial Knights), "Divine Spear Gift" Li Shenfu. Even though he was simply standing there, without holding his fist up, he showed no signs of any gaps. His arm itself is the spear of the gods. An exceptional assassin's fist user. He reminds me of Li Shouwen.

There is no way to escape in front of this man. Should I be prepared for this, I thought.

''Kyousuke-kun, look for Hikino-kun.

What are you talking about?

Find it! I took care of this one!

This is the Imperial Clockwork Alliance!

I said, "Find it! Stupid!

Kyousuke flinched as Rin suddenly let out a rough voice.

'You're worried about me? I'm very happy for you, Kyosuke. But, why do you think I came here? I don't like it. Kyousuke and Hino-kun can't continue to fight with each other. Our goal is not to fight him. I didn't want this guy to interrupt our emotional reunion.

Kyousuke couldn't say anything. He couldn't say anything if he was told of her strong will.

Thank you, too. I'm sorry, too. He knew that every emotion was an affront to her.

'I'll be back to help you,'

It's not a decision to announce. It's a pure fact, a decision.

'Take Ei with you,'

I'm waiting.

Kyousuke returned the kibisu. With a dimension case on his back, he ran out of the burned out field.

''A mere slime has licked my ass.

Li Shenfu sneered as he stood there leisurely.

''A fighter can't beat a slime. They can't win, so they cry to the emperor.''

What are you talking about?

"Romansaga 2

If you want to mock him, you can do what you want. Rin doesn't intend to be an abandoned stone. Kyousuke said he would return. Then I'll wait for it. That wasn't a promise. It's the confirmed future itself. Rin waits for Kyousuke to return with Ei.

Beating up the enemy in front of her, beating him to a pulp.

Rin put all her strength into her body. Her body, which had absorbed the water from the underground water vein to the fullest, was compressed, and Rin's body now was, so to speak, steel water. No matter how well you master your fist, there is no way you can make the blow reach the trenches. She pursued that theory to the hilt.

Slowly, she stood up. The body of a slime is an elephant in the room, that of a human being. She had been practicing it for a long time. It hadn't lasted more than two minutes when she'd approached Kyousuke in the heavy cruiser. The current Rin can maintain it.

''........What is the point of taking that form?''

I know what it means.

Himemizu Rin took a Jeet Kune Do stance. The move was already ingrained in her body.

''I can hit you. That's enough for my fist to mean!''

You're a little b*tc*!

Li Shenfu kicked the earth and closed in on Rin. His right arm was engulfed in light. A thrust that far exceeds Rin's reaction speed. A fist was thrust into his chest. His entire body surged. The light evaporated a large amount of water. A large hole appeared in the center of Rin's body. How much water had been lost in the current moment?

Rin raised her fist. He swung down as if to slam it down at Li Shenfu. The man's foresight is a big deal. He deflected his body and deviated slightly from the trajectory of his fist. A lean move, due to excellence. That's the highlight.

Rin's arms instantly transform. The steel strike that compressed a large amount of water was accompanied by a transformative nature that was roughly impossible for a human to replicate. A blow hits Li Shenfu's face.


The monster staggered. Rin extended her arms. At the same time, countless arms shot out from her entire body.

One of the arms extended into Li Shenfu's face as he tried to avoid it. Suppressing it. Crush him. Choke him.


With a gulp, Li Shenfu maintained his sanity while exhaling a large amount of air with his water-covered face.

The man's right arm shone again. "The divine spear was thrust into Rin's body. The two sides remained teamed up, and a stalemate ensued.

Rin immediately guessed. This man is trying to do the same thing to me right now.

In other words, evaporative death due to the exhaustion of all the water in his body. I'm convinced that I won't stop breathing until that's over. If it's a root race, you can't lose. Rin put more strength into her arms that held Li Shenfu's face.

The explosion was accompanied by an enormous amount of energy. The city is blown away. Burning. In the aftermath, the bodies of the dog gods were also blown away. Inugami Hibiki roared lowly as he regained his posture on his four legs.

All the other members are safe. Only Sugiura was whining, but that wasn't Inugami's concern.

Ei Hino had caused the meltdown. That Utsurogi guy, he screwed up, Inugami thought.

The only one who kept her in an upright position was that cocky kid, Melodious or something. She was holding the dark-colored sword in her right hand and looking at the city with a serious look on her face. Or more accurately, where the city used to be.

I don't know what she's thinking. The city's inhabitants have already been evacuated. The only reason they didn't have to make any unnecessary sacrifices was because Melodious missed the transport of the residents. But she said she was no longer going to let the dog gods escape. That's why we have been fighting like this to resist her violence.

''Well what's the matter, Melodious?''

Goubayasi stands up, holding his physical injuries. Melodious turns around and replies.

'I can't keep up with everyone anymore.


But I can't let you guys get away with it, either.

Turning around, Merodias' face was extremely stern, contrary to the lightness of his words.

Soooo, looking at Melodious, who raised his right arm, Goubayashi, and then Zekou changed their complexion. Sugiura, Inugami and the others did not know why. The underworld miasma (underworld miasma) is released from her hand again. The underworld miasma swiftly enveloped Goubayasi's body.


Zekou shouted loudly and first grabbed the arm of Sugiura, who was closest to Goubayashi.

''Eh, eh?''


As it was, he tossed them with a pop, and pushed the astonished Gozashiki and Kabeano away. What on earth is going on? An impatience could be seen in Zeku's expression. As it was, he rushed towards Inugami. 'Stop, what are you trying to do,' he was about to say, but of course, it was the throat of a wolf, so it wouldn't come out.


That voice, which seemed to be strangled, came from Gowbayashi's direction.

Goubayasi's body, which was enveloped in a black haze, rose significantly. Its eyes widened and lit up with a blood-red glow. The horns twisted around, and the fangs on its mouth and the claws on its fists were also transformed. Eventually, the ogre roared high into the heavens.

''--'' ------------------ Phew!!!

Roughly speaking, those words did not form a body of words for a rational thing.

''It's because I'm going to stand up to the underworld heroes with my ooga.

Merodias told him plainly, beside Goubayasi's transformation.


The Inugami released his beastliness just to swear. He got on his knees with a streaky figure and stared at the Melodious Killer.

''What the hell did you do?!''

'It would be a long story, so I won't. To put it simply, I'm just bringing the ogre back to its true form.

With that, Melodious turned his back to Inugami and the others.

''You'll be back to normal after a while. It's not easy being turned into an underworld beast all the time.''

"Hey, wait!

I'm not waiting!

The little girl finally started to run. How fast she was. Inugami gave up chasing after her and stared at Goubayashi again.

Something like a black haze leaked out of her mouth.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to lose my reasoning just because I inhaled that strange miasma. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make the most of it. The rest of his classmates must have felt the same way. There was no way they were going to be able to escape without him.


Zeku struggled to speak, trying hard to convey something. It was rare to see this silent stray oga talk so much.

Slowly, he turns around and Goubayashi closes in on him. Dropping his arms waveringly, he walked up to Inugami and Zeku, towards them.

''--'' ------------------ Phew!!!

A roar resounded. The sound so loud that it shook the air and seemed to tear off the eardrums, hit Inugami's brain as it was. The sound pressure shook his nerves and his consciousness distant for a moment. By the time he was forced to pull it back, the blackened, bloated, rigid arm was about to be knocked down from above Inugami's head.


Zekou pushed Inugami away. The fist struck Zeku's body.


There was a sound, and half of Zeku's body was crushed. An unfamiliar liquid, a mixture of blood, bone, and various other things, splashed out and covered Inugami's body. An odor that was nauseating to the developed sense of smell spread all around.


Zekou was still alive, though he was only in the upper half of his body. But if he continued, he would be crushed by the second blow that followed.

Inugami grabbed up his arms. He dragged the heavy body.


Shut the f*ck up!

Zekou was still trying to say something, but Inugami snapped at him.

'I don't want to see another member of my pack die! If you're half-heartedly prepared, don't start out looking like one of them!

Then he looked up at the huge body of the gourd palm.

'I don't want to see my flock mates go crazy all of a sudden!

"-- ------------------ Phew!!!

The reply was a merciless roar. The moment his consciousness leapt into consciousness again, a large wall arose in front of Inugami's eyes. It's a barrier created by Kameno. Inugami grabbed Zeku's arm and dragged it further away. The protective wall was created for a moment. Goubayashi's fist crushed that wall with a single blow.

''Yi, just now, Goubayashi-kun, you're stronger than the girl from earlier!

Sugiura lets out a panicked voice.


Ozashiki said as he ripped off.

'Inugami-san, leave Zeku-kun to me! I can't heal your wounds, but I can make you feel better about your power!


The Inugami once again put his arms on the earth. The blood of the silver wolf boiled over his entire body. The small sprouts of hair on his skin transformed into a blazing white coat of fur. Inugami Hibiki's cry soon transformed into the howl of a lone wolf.


Inugami jumped up and dodged Goubayashi's fist, biting into its throat. He clawed at it, but his skin was as hard as steel. He tried to seal his airway several times, but he literally couldn't even stand up to his teeth. Eventually, blood would come out of Inugami's gums.

''--'' ------------------ Phew!!!

Goubayashi's arm unceremoniously grabbed Inugami's back. He forced the silver wolf that had bitten into his neck to pull him off. A number of fangs were shaved and broken. Then, Goubayashi slammed the Inugami's body towards the earth, vigorously.


A high-pitched scream went up. Goubayashi raised his legs high and tried to stomp on Inugami's body. If he could put all his weight on it, even the bones of his entire body would crumble easily. But his whole body is so numb that he doesn't even show any signs of moving.

Suddenly, Goubayasi's huge body lost its balance, as if it had been knocked off its feet.

An unnatural movement at his feet if you look at it. Sugiura, whose body color mimicked his color, approached and hooked his leg with his prized tentacle arm. But even so, the huge body didn't roll over, and Goubayashi regained his stance.


Sugiura lets out a dumbass voice. Goubayashi swings his legs wide open. Sugiura's legs, which had been stuck on by the suction cups, are torn off. Only her body flies away and crashes into the trunk of a nearby tree.

It was overwhelming.

The gourd palm, which was even stronger than just a gourd, was being made violent by some force. Its skin was hardened and its strength was increasing. Moreover, he had lost all hesitation.

The mere fact that the mere existence of the mere mortal disease is not enough to cause the mere mortal disease. It's not just a matter of time before the clock strikes.

You can't do anything about it, even if you're frustrated. You must find a way to survive.

This time it's not just me, everyone else must find a way to survive.

There was a roar. I shrugged.

But when I realized that the roar was coming from far above me.

I'm not going to be the only one who has to deal with it.

The face of the gobabayash, which had been mired in the underworld miasma, was plunged deep into the earth.

The roaring Lord had spread his wings to run through the heavens.

The Lord of the Roar was hanging a tough tail to dispel the earth.

The Lord of the Roar had claws to split the light.

The Lord of the Roar had grown fangs to chew up the darkness.

The Lord of the Roar was letting out flames to melt all things like a breath.

''It was your job to stop my recklessness, wasn't it? ''Goubayashi.''

A man's voice, now long-forgotten, echoes from the loosely lifted head.

"This time I'll stop you.

Mr. Chairman!

Sugiura shouted as he regained his composure.

He was not proud of the fullness of his appearance. The giant dragon held Goubayashi's body down. However, the knocked down Goubayasi hit the earth with a roar, and then stood up, roaring high. The bright red twin eyes stare at the dragon from the front.

The dragon's second line was directed at everyone but the demon in front of him.

''Guys, sorry for making you wait.''

Kamishiro High School, Class 4, Class 4, Attendance Number 39. Class president, Kunihiro Ryuzaki.

It was the return of the Demon King.

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