My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!

96-Episode 87 Time To Come

Kyousuke and the others received the quest to defeat the Behemoth Mutant Individuals, Goubayashi and the others prepared to leave for Verneus, and the four Imperial Clockwork Alliance (Dial Knights), including Ei. Just as the two sides were making a stopover at their transit point.

Yoshiki Koganei left the Blood Clan's residence to capture his classmates, who said they were in the Zelga Gladiatorial Principality.

Accompanying him are Bishop Akeno and Cyclops, a new blood-tribal added to the war effort as a six-blooded beast (Zexbreed). And the Blood-Blooded Wyvern that Akeno had prepared in advance as an experimental individual for the Six-Blooded Beast.

As for Koganei, he didn't feel comfortable with this mission, which had the potential to clash with his classmates. However, the one who chose this path was himself. If participating in this mission would reduce the possibility of the deaths of his comrades by even a small amount, then the choice he took also makes sense.

'Akeno-san. How is it that our means of transportation is a helicopter?

While looking at the changing scenery outside the window, Koganei mutters to himself.

Due to the fact that he kept messing with his classmates in the second year and fourth class, the strength of the blood clan was slowly declining. However, relief supplies from the original world continue to be sent. Even in the castle where I spent time with Suou and the others, there were generators, flat-screen TVs, and stationary game consoles, but lately, the stuff sent in has been escalating. Helicopters, jeeps, radios, etc. It may indeed be extremely useful and safe as a means of transportation, but the fantasy world sentiment is far too absent. The blood-formed wyvern flew next to the helicopter, its wings flapping wide.

Lack of emotion, to say the least.

Koganei looked at the woman sitting next to him.

A single horn sprouting from her forehead, a huge monocular eye about halfway up her face. He still couldn't get used to the intense impact of her appearance. She called herself Cyclops, but she didn't tell me what else to call her. Her large, glazed eyes look somewhat bored as she looks out the window. She has a puff of balloon gum in her mouth.

Aside from when she looked like the Cyclops as it was commonly known, her attire was extremely specific and bordered on a fantasy-like sentiment.

An anti-impact suit reminiscent of a special forces unit and special goggles with three turreted lenses. Most eye-catching of all was a long rifle that seemed to protrude from the ceiling.

With a modicum of knowledge as a military geek, Koganei had guessed that this was a Russian-made anti-material rifle. I can't be sure, but I've seen it in a catalog.

On the suit's belt was a pistol and a knife. Both of these items were probably supplied by the original world.

It's an anti-material rifle, a pistol. They even started sending such a thing to us.

(You're punching into a fantasy world with military equipment.... (There's a novella like that, right?)

I wouldn't go so far as to refer to anything I've ever read about whether a real army or a fantasy army is stronger, because it depends on the trends. But the blood race side has a basic specs that far exceed humanity's to begin with. I felt that being able to bring in military equipment as equipment there was a big advantage.

''Hey, Kimi.

Cyclops said as he looked out.

'Oh, I...?'

You. The High Elf.

I wonder if it's a rule that we call each other by our race names.

"Why did you accept your own bloodline? High elves are a rare breed, they are not expected to replenish their blood supply.

I don't know if you're asking me why, but...

Koganei scratched his cheek.

He was hesitant to answer honestly. This cyclops is on the blood side.

Koganei didn't accept becoming a blood relative out of loyalty to the King. Rather, his decision was motivated by a desire to change his mind. He didn't want to be caught off guard by that.

"I saw the room where Arachne and Roper are under house arrest. You said it was your call.

Cyclops doesn't listen to Koganei's answer and continues to speak one way or the other. Surprisingly, he may not care about what we have to say. That's just as easy to talk about.

''Is that Arachne your lover?

It was a critical question. Koganei almost gushed.

'Or is Roper more of a lover?'

That's definitely not true.

Before the gender, the level of difficulty was indeed too high for the tentacle field. Koganei wasn't ready to claim to be that advanced, either.

''Let's leave it at that.''

Akeno stopped their conversation as he held the control stick in the cockpit. The bishop in the Sister's suit can apparently pilot a helicopter as well. Most of her research on the blood factor was also being carried out by her, and she was, in fact, a versatile woman.

Akeno has an intercom on her helmet. Looking straight ahead through the canopy, she said.

'I received a call from Shakko, who is searching for the king's piece. There are rumors of a skeleton in Vernetus that appears to be the holder of the king's piece.


Koganei gulped. It was Kyousuke.

In the New Continent, Koganei had missed Kyousuke, knowing that he possessed the king piece. It was a clear act of interest for a blood clan. The reason why I told him to refrain from using the Wang strip was of course because Kyousuke's body couldn't bear it, but also because I wanted to avoid the discovery of the location of the Wang strip by using its power.

How could it be exposed so quickly?

Now Koganei must act as one of his blood relatives. He has the right to live and die. If it appears to be Kyousuke next, he will have to fight him.

If he could deceive the situation by just taking the king piece, that would be fine.

But if Kyousuke himself was captured by the Blood Clan. He wouldn't be able to just put him under house arrest like Spider Saki and Tentahara. He has already taken in the factor and awakened to Phase 3. Like my current self, I have no choice but to act as a loyal handmaiden to the 'king'.


Akeno seemed to notice Koganei's state of mind, but he didn't speak up.

Instead, he continued.

'We'll drop the chopper off near the Adventurer's Autonomous Territory and meet up with Shakko once.

Yes, sir.

Cyclops replied shortly. Koganei nodded as well, his voice somewhat toned down.

Cyclops, who had been looking out through the window, suddenly lowered his goggles and rotated the turreted triple lens. These goggles were custom made for her as a monocular (mono eye). She fiddled with the lens magnification for a while and looked out, but eventually raised the goggles with a bored look on her face.

'Did you see something?'

A lot of things.

To Akeno's words, Cyclops replies vaguely. He's an unctuous character.

If push comes to shove, Koganei is willing to go to some reckless lengths to let Kyousuke and the others escape. But in that case, the safety of the two people he left behind in the blood family's castle cannot be guaranteed.

Can we just wish them luck here? Koganei turned his gaze out of the window so that he wouldn't be distracted by the unrest.


Rin stretched out her body and turned her gaze to peer around her.

'What's up, Rin?'

I thought I saw something...

In the middle of a major road?

Karasuma, who was carrying a knapsack on his back, turned and looked around.

'I don't see you. Are you sure you're not mistaken?

The others all stopped at Rin's words and looked around.

The road that connected Zelga Gladiatorial Duchy to the Adventurer's Autonomous Territory of Zelneus ran through the middle of a wide plain. Even though it is wide, the steep peaks of the Beast King mountain range are less than 10 kilometers to the north, but even so, the radius of a few kilometers is a plain of nothingness.

If someone was watching them, it would mean that they had extraordinary eyesight. At least, as far as Kyousuke and the others observe their surroundings, such a presence cannot be confirmed.

'Well, it's not like Karasumaru-kun's eyesight can be relied upon,'

When Yukinoshita said curtly, Karasuma countered with a buzzing sound of his beak.

'What the hell, Sesshino. Ravens, you know. They have good eyes. And they can see ultraviolet light, too.

Can Karasuma see UV light too?

'Yeah, actually, I've been quiet for a long time, but my vision is insanely colorful and freaked out.

At Ozashiki's question, Karasuma sniffed and puffed his chest out. Yukinoshita looked at him with cold eyes, proud of him.

'For some reason, lately, Yukinoshita has been treating Karasuma rather carelessly, hasn't she?

"Oh, you don't know, Kyousuke? Yukinon has been looking coldly at Karasumaru-kun since his human days.

In a quiet voice that Karasuma himself couldn't hear, Rin gave Kyousuke a soft earful.

There was a certain amount of contact between Yukinoshita's group and Karasuma's group within the class, but it was a contact that had originally arisen from the connection between Ozaji and Kabano, and the hard-working Yukinoshita apparently looked down on Karasuma, who was constantly talking big without even trying.

''Well I didn't want to know,''

I think I know a lot more about the relationships in my class that you don't want to know about, Kyousuke.

She was just a member of the rear group at the top of the hierarchy. With her observation and Ryuzaki's political power, the second year 4 group was running.

'When you can see ultraviolet light, you see things you don't need to see...'

Karasuma is in a good mood and talks crap about his eyesight.

'For example, the spots on people's faces........ For example, snowflakes' faces....

And at that moment, Karasuma's beak froze. Yukinoshita stared at him with a demon like appearance.

'Karasumaru-kun, you're sainted.'

That wasn't it...

Kabeno and Azuki also muttered to themselves. The okappa-headed Gozashiki was smiling and stroking Karasuma's beak, trying to melt it.

'Well, Yukinon's face is probably made of H2O, not protein, so it doesn't look like she needs UV care or anything...'

You guys, come on.....

Lesvon, who was walking at the front of the group, scratched his forehead with his ship arm.

''If we don't get to the desired blockade point before nightfall, we'll be delayed in our quest's progress.

I'm completely settled into the position of being a leading teacher.

Lesbon and Rain don't seem to be willing to follow me to Verneus, but they promised to help me with this quest. The reward is half of the quest reward. Lesvon, who had become a shipwright, was forced to drop his adventurer rank. As a result, the quests he can receive and the rewards he can get will also drop in rank, but this quest to defeat the behemoth mutant is an unbeatable reward for what he can get now.

Although he had some savings, the funds were still very much needed to continue living in the future.

As for their future plans of activities, the two of them said, ''Let's go raise monsters in Zelga Gladiatorial Kingdom.

They have no intention of returning to their hometown, the Southern Kingdom of Pilica. Lesbon is a prodigal son to begin with, and right now, the Southern Kingdom is a mess in the aftermath of the coup.

As his thoughts wandered here, Kyousuke had to remind himself of something gloomy again. Shaking his headband, he banishes the thoughts. There's a lot of other things to do now.

'Lesvon, how far away is your destination?' give you an idea.

Instead of Lesvon, Rain, a taciturn muscular female warrior, pointed to the Beast King mountain range to the north with a halberd in her hand.

''The mountains of the Beast King mountain range have deviated significantly to the south (here) side as we head west. That mountain range is near where it meets the road........ That area is the blockade point.

Behemoths are demons that live in the mountains. They are omnivorous, almost carnivorous, and often attack people and livestock. Although they rarely descend from the mountains to show themselves in the human village, the encounter rate is reasonably high along this roadway.

''The point of contact between the mountain and the road, huh..... It's a bit far.

It's a long way to go. You're in a hurry.

From the looks of it, it looks like it's more than ten kilometers away. Even though the sun is still high, we certainly can't be so relaxed. Karasumaru, Yukinoshita and the others are screaming behind them, while up front Hakuba is chomping on grass by the side of the road, and Inugami is whimsically hunting a hare or something.

'Speaking of which, Rin, are you sure you don't need to stick with me?'

Kyousuke asked, dropping his gaze to Rin, who was crawling hard to move.

'Hmm? Uh-huh. Hee-hee hee hee! Kyousuke-kun, you want to take a look at this for a moment?


As Kyousuke looked down at her dutifully, as she said, Rin sprouted her legs.

Like a newborn fawn, Rin (with legs) stood up while shaking with a purr, and walked on the street with one or two steps. Kyousuke let out an exclamation of admiration, 'Oh.

''You're able to walk now...''

I'm growing up every day without Kyousuke-kun's knowledge...

However, it still seemed to take quite a bit of strain on his body to continue walking without leaning on things, and Rin went back to her beseeched body.

Come to think of it, Kyousuke remembered that not long after he had transitioned to this world. A few more days after defeating the King of the Dead Spirit in the lower levels of the dungeon, when he and Kenzaki and the others were searching for the decaying heavy cruiser. At that time, as I recall, Rin had transformed into the upper half of a human body. I haven't seen Rin's body transformed into a human since then, though.

''Well, I guess the limit for walking with legs growing is five minutes...''

'I think five minutes should be enough to get us around, but I'm not sure it's much use for transportation anyway...'

'Maybe so. Let's borrow Kyousuke-kun's body after all.

With a nyun, Rin's body wrapped around Kyousuke. Slime flesh tangled around the bones, eventually becoming the usual stream cross.

'So, it's about time, boys.

Lesvon said again, rubbing his temples.

'Yes, Sen-Se,'

Rin extended a tentacle arm from around her shoulder and muttered carefree.

It's quite easy to have someone else in charge instead of you, Kyousuke thought again. I'm rather unfit to be a leader. It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what to expect when you join up with Goubayashi and the others.

If we can afford it, we'll be able to think about many things.

''Well, first of all, we have to exterminate Behemoth.

Rin, who read the thoughts, muttered that and Kyousuke nodded. As expected, it was hard to believe that there were monsters as strong as the blood race rumbling around so much, but there were already several groups of adventurers who had been ordered to do quests that were said to be missing, so they couldn't be too careful.

Kyousuke went in to pacify Karasuma and Yukinoshita, who were still bickering behind him, to get to their destination for now.

So, they managed to get to their destination. We entered the blocked off area of the city road and set up our encampment as instructed by Lesbon.

It seems that this is how adventurers set up their base at their destination before they begin their quest to achieve their main target. As expected, there were many things to learn from them when it came to survival techniques. Up until now, they had been able to get away with forceful encampments that were incompatible with the demon's specs, but there were many more clever ways to do it.

'Behemoths are nocturnal. So we'll take a break and then split up into several hands to start exploring. But, well, I think about two teams is safe.

Lesvon turned to the members of the group around the campfire and spoke as such.

'We're bright on the terrain of the Beast King mountain range, me and Rain will lead the two teams.

Lesbon's team is Hakuba, Yukinoshita and Inugami.

Rain's team is Karasuma, Kabeano, Mizashiki, and Azuki.

Utsurogi and Rynn are requested to stay at this encampment. As a general rule, behemoths don't try to enter human living areas, but it seems that this time the singular individual often actively raids travellers' encampments as well.

The two of them are positioned so that they can intercept the attackers by themselves, even if they are attacked, which sounds quite boring, but since the instructions are given by professional adventurers, they follow them obediently.

Lesbon's team has an image of being a bit more of a novice, but since Lesbon, the leader, is hardly expected to be a force to be reckoned with, it can't be helped. Rain's team is robust as a system, with Kabeano, who is good at defensive support, and Gozashiki, who is good at increasing luck, supporting the two vanguards.

''In this case, will we be lucky to run into Behemoth or not...?''

Well, even my 《Lucky Invocation》 can't help you if your original luck is bad. It's just like a relief, Karasuma.

How's your fortune today, Libra?

Kyousuke and the others lazily watch the others as they begin to fidget and prepare. Inugami retreats to the depths of the bushes once and returns in his wolf form. It's not a full moon, and his fur is silvery. Azuki comes out with her clothes, carefully folded up and ready to go.

'I'll be off then, you two.'

Take care of it!

Lesvon's team is the east side of the search. Rain's team is exploring the west side. Since it was the first day of the day, he said he would cut off early so as not to go too deep.

''Yes, come in!''

Good luck with that.

Kyousuke and the others wave lazily away, too.

Eventually, the lights of Kantera faded away, hidden among the trees. Around the time they were completely out of sight, Rin muttered.

'It's been a while since we've been alone together.


What should I do, Kyousuke?

What am I going to do?

Kyousuke scratched his cheek as he looked at the crackling bonfire.

''Even when it's just the two of us, there's surprisingly nothing to do. As for us........

'Well, when you make out in a situation like this, you're usually killed by a killer...'

If I knew this was going to happen, I should have gone to the Adventurer's Autonomous Region and found some tools to pass the time. Kyousuke thought.

Ei and the rest of the encampment was located in a slightly trodden area of the mountains.

The only thing blocked off is the city road. The mountains of the Beast King mountain range are not restricted from entering the mountain. They had entered the city road by riding over the mountains from the Northern Furial Beast Kingdom. Originally, they were supposed to continue on this way, moving through the mountains and heading towards Vernetus via the Adventurer's Autonomous Region, but as a result of listening to Melodious' selfishness, they had to set up an encampment in these mountains and spend the night.

The behemoths that had gone berserk due to the underworld disease had already been calmed down by the Melodious Killer's hands, about three of them.

According to her, the underworld disease caused by the special miasma is supposed to be reported to her immediately if it occurs in Imperial territory, but outside of the territory, there is a strong tendency to try to solve the problem without the help of the Empire, which delays its detection.

The girl, who was melodious in her own right and looked to be a little over ten years old to all appearances, was tired from her work and had fallen asleep completely. Ei watched her sleeping face, lit by the fire, in a daze.

'Akira, why don't you come out from inside, at least when you're resting?'

Filhana, with her hair wet, returns dressed somewhat more roughly than usual. She seems to have gone to a nearby lake for a swim.

This black armor that Ei moves is a custom-made item prepared by Rambalt. Ei Hino's main body is still that diminutive wisp itself. When he reached Phase 2, he was able to produce firepower so magnificent that it was not worthy of his small body, but his body itself had not changed at all.


Ei often hesitated, but the armored part of his chest snapped open and he stumbled out from inside.

There was no change in the bright red-burning body of fire. At least, in normal times, it does. The sleeping face of the Melodious Killer is illuminated by another light source that appears apart from the fire.

'Out of boredom, your, classmate? I'd like you to tell me about the

It's not the kind of thing you talk about when you're bored.

While Filhana smiles softly, Ei's voice is hard in response to Filhana's soft smile.

''Then, yes. I'll simply ask you what you're interested in. It's about a boy named Utsurogi.''

Ei had maintained a poker face since his human days, but as expected, it was hard to hide his agitation at this moment. The flickering flames created an unnatural shape.

''........How do you know that name?''

He offered his help to Rambaldo, and since he had been on the Imperial side, Kyousuke's name must not have been mentioned once.

At Ei's question, however, Filhana's smile did not falter.

''When it comes to the Imperial Clockboard Alliance (Dial Knights), there are many ways to obtain information. Especially since I am, you see, a telepathic mage.

It's a lie, Ei thought intuitively. No, I wouldn't rule out that it's a lie, but she's hiding something. However, Ei is not good at imitating people who pursue and question them. At the very least, he could have kept quiet like this to return the favor, but Ei replied while staring into the flames of the campfire.


It took me a while to find the rest of the words.

'We were friends, man.'

You were, huh?

Yeah. Maybe not anymore.

This reminds me of what Nekomiya Miya said to me in the Southern Kingdom of Pirika.

"If Utsurogi finds out, he'll probably never forgive you.

That's right. If Kyousuke knew who I am now, he would be angry.

But that's okay. He's fine without me anymore, and I don't want that Kyousuke to do something that isn't like him. So instead, I'll do it myself. I don't care if he doesn't like me.

Filhana didn't say anything with a smiling face.

Just then, there was a rustling sound of footsteps and Rambalt, who was standing guard, returned.

'What's the matter? Isn't it too early for you to take over?

Do you think the only reason for the guards to come back is to be replaced?

With his arms crossed, the nervous-looking elven swordsman said something really nervous.

'Ah, enemies? 'Behemoth?'

Not. It's not limited to the enemy, but it's about 2,000 meters east of here. That's four footsteps. Those footsteps were accompanied by another presence. Five hints in total.

Are you an adventurer?

Filhana tilts her head.

'I'm going to go check it out; 2,000 Metiers will be quick, but what do you want to do?

Let's go. It's boring.

Filhana stands up without any hesitation. Ei goes back into the armor as well.

With a buzz, steam blew out of his back, and the black armor illuminated by the campfire slowly rose to its feet. He repeatedly opens and grips his own hands, as if to confirm the action. I wondered if I should wake Melodious up, and without needing to call out to her, she whipped up without us. It's a good thing she got up in her sleep.

As they passed through the trees, four shadows began to run through the evening darkness.

Just at the time the Imperial Clockwork Alliance (Dial Knights) began to move.

Across the encampment of Kyousuke and the others, opposite from them. In other words, Koganei Yoshiki and the others were walking in the mountainous area to the east. Koganei's steps were slightly heavy and his expression was hard. His companions were Bishop Akeno and Cyclops. And Luke's Shakko.

The Blood Clanized Wyvern has them waiting in a cave not far from the Adventurer's Autonomous Territory. Initially, a jeep and some pawns were prepared to transport them and some pawns to drive them when they captured their classmates from the Zelga Gladiatorial Duchy, but the Wyvern was left with them once. Originally, the Wyvern was planned to be operated for raids, but as expected, when it comes to searching this mountainous area, it was decided that it would be a hindrance.

The Shakkou who was searching for the Wangpi is a blood relative with a somewhat rough character and large build. ''He's a power type,'' was Koganei's honest impression. He is the type that is treated as a brawler and battle junkie among the enemy brass. This Shakko is not always the case, though.

It's also the type of race that Koganei, an otaku, hates and dislikes the most.

Sniffling, Shakko muttered.

'What are you talking about?'

Akeno asked.

I smell a wild animal. That's what it smells like, not two kilometers from here.

Cyclops, are you seeing this?

I can't see for two miles with the trees in the way.

Cyclops, carrying an objective rifle, replied curtly. Akeno sniffed, huffing and puffing.

'Shakko, is that just an animal?'

I don't care if it's just an animal. This is a thing. This is a dog.

I see.

Akeno nodded and glanced at Koganei.

Inu, not in the literal sense of the word. When the Blood Clan uttered the word, it often referred to the werewolf and moon wolf clans that were in an adversarial relationship with the Blood Clan.

And that werewolf, who was originally in the same world as Koganei and the others and would have been destroyed by the blood clans, was the only survivor of that werewolf, who was in the same class as Koganei and the others and had been sent to this world. That fact is known to all of us here.

There is a werewolf. In other words, that's where their classmates are.

The werewolf Inugami Hibiki was supposed to be working with Soraki Kyousuke, who is currently believed to be holding the king piece. This was due to the information Shakko had obtained in the Adventurer's Autonomous Territory, and also due to the information Koganei had failed to report, in the New Continent. In other words, the target of the search, Soraki Kyousuke, was close.

''I'm going to move to the mountain across the street.

Cyclops muttered after checking his rifle loadings again.

'The mountains on this side of the mountain have thicker vegetation because the slopes are on the south side. When the battle starts, cut down the trees around it so that it's easier to aim.''

I don't think there's any reason to do that. You're taking it too far, aren't you? Cyclops.


Not responding to Shakko's lighthearted remark, Cyclops slid down the slope with his rifle slung over his shoulder.

Shakko shrugged.

'It's only a canine, right? And it's a skeleton. He's not very strong.

'You can never be too careful. Everyone who dies is proud.

Akeno said piquantly and looked between the trees.

'So you're okay with killing the canine?'


To Shakko, who snaps his fingers, Koganei throws out a sharp denial.


"That's one of the conditions of my being in the bloodline. My classmates were to be as unharmed as possible.

But you know what? It's a dog.

Well, then you keep him alive and use him as a hostage or whatever. But you can't kill them.

Shakko huffs and sniffs as Koganei intensifies his speech even more. Before he can open his mouth, Akeno, who walks in the lead, says

You can't fight your way out of a fight.


Yes, sir.

The three blood clans hurried on their way, with an awfully cryptic air.

Soraki Kyousuke.

Ei Hino.

Yoshiki Koganei.

After nearly four months, the reunion of these three, who were once considered each other's friends, is finally about to take place.

How would they end up together? No one has been able to predict it yet.

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