Chapter 18: Night Raid
Chapter 18: Night Raid
"Durz! You're joining us?" Kace exclaimed in disbelief.
"Haha, yeah kid. Just this once though. The King thought it would be for the best considering the nature of your mission. That and your second in command has no battle experience. Or any experience for that matter."
"Well, I'm definitely glad for you to be here!" Kace said clapping Durz on the shoulder. All the while Gyn looked at his feet with a tinge of red on his face from embarrassment. Durz laughed heartily as he turned to the squad.
"Alright listen up you bunch. This here is your new commander. His name is Kace. You should be grateful to him for looking after your sorry asses." Durz declared trying to put as much authority into his voice as possible. "I'll be acting second but Gyn there will be your permanent one. Our mission tonight, is to assassinate as many Orc leaders as we can. Hell, as many Orcs as we can!"
The squad gave a cheer at this as the ones who were working watched with envy. Durz gave Kace a look to let him know that it was his turn.
"You might not all make it back. I can't promise you that. But what you do tonight is for all Goblins! Each and every one of you should be proud of this fact. Let's move out!" Kace yelled before sprinting for the gates.
Luckily the guards had noticed the direction the speech had been going and had already opened up the gates for them to pass. Like shadows in the night the group moved silently and swiftly. Well, almost. One goblin was an exception. Gyn's devices were making a racket, announcing their position as they ran. It made Kace feel awkward. Fortunately Durz thought it his place to have a word with him as they ran. Passing Gyn some cloth to wrap around them to remove the sound.
As they ran Kace began to realise that he had no idea where they were meant to be going! Also he had no idea what colour the Orcs scent would take so his [Tracking] was of no use either. Then he had an idea.
"Durz! Take point from here." He called out.
It only took moments for Durz to out pace them. Using his signature invisibility to disappear. This was what Kace had been hoping for.
[Tracking Activated]
He blinked as his skill took effect. Giving off a hazy green mist Durz's outline became clear to him. As Durz moved onward the mist left a trail behind him wherever he passed. This made it far easier for Kace to lead his squad in the right direction. He could not help but congratulate himself on how he handled it.
It was just as well that he had taken this approach since he had been leading them in completely the wrong direction as he soon discovered. It seemed as though Durz had noticed what he was trying to pull of and gradually corrected their course so that it would not appear too obvious. Before long signs of passing had begun to appear. Broken branches and the like. 'We must be getting close now.' Kace thought as he began to feel apprehensive.
Durz had paused about fifty meters ahead of them so Kace led the squad in slowly to his position. Looking ahead from his position next to Durz he gasped involuntarily. The number of Orcs that were dotted around in multiple groups between the trees were too many for him to accurately judge a number.
Now and then Orcs would pass between the trees, seemingly patrols guarding their army. At just a quick glance he could tell that they were far better armed than the goblins. While the goblins gear was still crude there was a certain level of experience and skill applied to the making of the Orcs armaments.
"Over there, towards the rear." Durz whispered.
Taking his time to pinpoint where Durz meant, there was an area that had seven tents made from wood and hides.
"That's where the commanders are. If you find Kharja leave him be. We don't want to risk wakening him. Everyone pair up and pick a target. We have to be quick about this." Durz commanded, stealing the thunder of the moment from Kace.
The goblins quickly melted into their surroundings as they paired up. Kace found himself left with Gyn. Motioning to him to follow behind himself Kace kept low as he moved between the trees. Several times they had to stop for fear of being spotted. Especially Gyn who was slightly hesitant on the timings.
With Kace's [Tracking] still active he was able to tell what tents the others had chosen. Since none of them had retreated he was left with a fifty fifty chance of choosing the one with Kharja. With baited breath he made his choice. Leading Gyn to the rear of the tent.
Drawing his shortsword he made a couple of slices in the hide to make a flap where it was dark. The pair of would be assassins slipped inside. Kace let out the breath he had been holding when he looked at the orc that was sleeping on a pile of furs.
It was not Kharja! Lady Luck herself must have been beside them this night. Kace motioned to Gyn to keep a lookout so they could escape safely through their flap. Kace crept carefully towards the sleeping orc. Every step gave him the fear that he would make a sound. As he arrived next to his target he held his blade at the ready over the Orcs throat.
It was at this moment a furious roar resounded from a nearby tent, startling the orc awake. Although it had also surprised Kace he quickly placed his hand over the Orc's mouth. After a brief struggle he managed to open a large gash clear across his throat. Diving off of him he quickly bolted out of the flap.
The sound of the orc gurgling as blood flowed freely from his throat could be heard as he crashed around the tent. Once he was outside he saw what had caused the commotion. The neighbouring tent had collapsed and two goblins lay severed in half at the feet Kharja.
Kace guessed at what may have happened. Either they had not recognised the warlord as he slept or they had thought that it was good chance to get rid of him despite the warning. Kharja was obviously furious. He was glaring around with mad, bloodshot eyes. Another goblin lunged at him from the shadows. Kharja was not one to let his guard down though. Thrusting out his hand he caught the smaller goblin mid flight by the throat. Crushing his windpipe. The Goblin struggled in his grip. Unable to breath. Soon his body went limp as all life left him.
Kharja snorted with disdain as he tossed the body into the night. Taking another look around he then let out a roar.
"Come! Come you little cowards! I will show you why you bowed your heads! I am right here! Do you dare face me!" Kharja bellowed while he scanned the darkness for signs of his assailants.
Little did he know that the remaining goblins and Kace had already fled into the darkness. As he stood there another orc called out to him.
"Kharja! They've slain five of the other chiefs! We have to catch them!"
Kharja's bloodshot eyes now turned a deep crimson. His fury knew no bounds. He had been made a fool of by fucking goblins!
"With me!" he roared at the nearby orcs that had arrived to see what had happened. Grabbing his warhammer he set off the give chase.
Kace was breathing heavily as he led the remainder of his squad rapidly through the forest. All of them praying in their hearts that they would reach safe haven. The sound of orcs crashing through the woods all the while gaining on them could be heard clearly. 'Of course they knew what way we had went. There was only one place we can go.' Kace swore.
They were still some distance from the fortifications but by the sound of it the Orcs would catch up before they could reach them. Several orcs suddenly roared with bloodlust from behind them at having sighted their prey.
"Shit!" Kace swore.
Drawing two of the bombs that he had on him he flicked their levers and dropped them as he ran. As the Orcs passed their position they went off! Shrapnel flew in all directions. Although it did not cause severe wounds the shards of metal now sticking out of them, made them look like pin cushions, gave them pause. Some clarity making its way back into their eyes.
They backed off slightly but made sure to keep them feeling pressured. As more Orcs gathered Kace was forced to use the remaining three bombs that he carried. Greatly increasing their pursuers casualty rate especially with their densely packed numbers.
The game of cat and mouse continued for some time and now they were nearing their walls. 'Just a little more!' Kace begged to anyone who might be listening...
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