Chapter 4: A Nose For Trouble
Chapter 4: A Nose For Trouble
Kace's eyes bulged as he read the notification again. Automatically gagging on reflex. Though why was he gagging? Was it simply on reflex based on his prejudices from his old life? After all, did it not actually taste amazing?
A complex look took over his face as he pondered the dilemma in his heart. With a heavy sigh he resigned himself to accept his new 'taste'. 'A guy's got to eat right? Yeah that's why.' he calmly told himself.
He glanced at his notifications once again. 'So what about his real reward then? Status'
Name: Kace
Title: Glutton
Level: 1
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Chimera (Monster)
Legendary Feats: 1
HP 105/105
AP 100/100
MP 0/0
Exp 50/100
Strength: 3
Endurance: 2
Intelligence: 2
Willpower: 1
Agility: 5
Speed: 4
Charm: 2
Luck: 1
Racial: Digestion (Passive)
Description: Able to eat the meat of any living thing absorbing a portion of its Experience for your own. Slight chance to trigger Assimilation.
Racial: Assimilation (Passive)
Description: A racial ability of the Chimera. When triggered randomly increases HP, AP or MP as a percentage of subjects Max Value. Slight chance to randomly gain an ability or knowledge possessed by the subject.
Tracking (Active)
Cost: (None)
Description: Heightens users sense of hearing and smell allowing them to 'see' recent paths of passing lives.
Night Eye (Active)
Cost: (None)
Description: Allows user to see in the dark.
Kinetic Vision (Active)
Cost: (1 AP/ per Second)
Description: Heightens the users ability to track fast movements resulting in faster reaction speeds.
Spider Thread (Active) (New)
Cost: (3 MP)
Description: This is the innate skill of soldier level spider monsters. Able to secrete a mana enriched spider thread. Can be made tough like steel or extremely sticky. Highly versatile.
After reading through his new stats he felt a hot flush of anger rise up within him. Slamming a fist on the table he angrily swore to himself. 'I ate a god damn spider and what do I get in return? A damn good skill that I can't even use! Give me mana damn it!'
He sat silently sobbing to himself as he realised his dreams of being like a certain superhero had now been dashed. He spotted Vaskra watching him with a look of amusement on her face.
"So how did you like the meal?" she asked teasingly.
"Ugh, it was actually pretty good."
"Oh, to think you'd enjoy our specialty. Not even the orcs would eat it if we presented it to them!" she burst out laughing.
'Ugh, maybe I should be embarrassed to have enjoyed it then.'
"Anyway Kace, listen up." she said as slid onto the bench next to him. "Maybe you haven't noticed yet but you're not in a good position. While you slept I had to deal with that oaf Kharja. You know, he wanted your head as a trophy. Unfortunately for him I thought you'd be more useful alive."
Kace scratched his face unsure of what to say in response. In the end he settled for bowing his head in thanks.
"Well, it's good that you understand how generous I am." Vaskra boasted. "However this is only the beginning. Since he was alone and badly beaten he didn't pursue the matter. He'll be back though as soon as he gathers his warriors. We have essentially rebelled against our ruler for your sake."
"How long do we have?"
"Not long, a few days at most. You'll have to prepare yourself. He'll be coming with the intent to wipe my clan out."
Kace fell into deep thought. 'I have to get stronger.' he promised himself.
"I have an idea. It's not perfect but it's the best I've got."
"Let's hear it then!" he replied with enthusiasm.
"You should go see Shagrat. He lives in the hole by the exit down that way. Right about now he should have gathered the hunters to head out and cull the spiders in the forest. If we let there numbers get too large we would be overrun. We just can't seem to find their Queen though. Now off you go." she replied, quietly waving him on his way.
Kace quickly set off in a jog, eager to build up his strength. Following the twisting the tunnels he finally saw moonlight peeking through the gap in the never-ending rockface. As he was about to the exit the cavern something slammed into his side.
"Argh!" A loud voice yelled.
Looking around he spotted a strangely muscular goblin sitting on the floor staring at him.
"Watch where yer going!" it yelled at him.
Laughter rang out as three other goblins casually walked out from the concealed entrance to what must have been Shagrats home. He had completely missed it!
The one who appeared to be the leader opened his mouth. Talking in guttural tones.
"Ye lost lad? Don't worry, we know who ye are. Vaskra's already been over. Yelling all yer praises. Didnae think ye'd really show though."
"Y-yeah, she said it would be good for me to help out."
"Welp, good fer ye or no. If yer bad fer us, well I guess we'll have a fine new drum. Name's Shagrat. This one here's Darg, that's Grezl sittin' on his arse and the one wi the bow is Durz."
They all muttered their greetings to him.
"Whaurs yer blade? Yer no plannin' oan fighten' them hairy bastards wi yer bare hands are ye?"
"Ah, I don't have one. Sorry." He replied rather sheepishly. 'Better yet, why do you sound like like you should be wearing a tartan skirt (kilt)? Everyone else sounds normal!' he retorted in his mind.
"Well, yeh can 'ave my spare then. Careful yeh dinnae nick yersel' oan it. It's bin coated wi a dose o' poison ye see." He said in a grumpy manner. Tossing a short, rough and jagged blade towards Kace. Fumbling slightly he barely caught it.
'That could have taken my toes off!' he was now worried about surviving around such a group.
"Thanks." He replied grudgingly.
"Well that should do fer now. Durz you take the lead. Let's head out lads!"
"Hoh!" They all yelled in reply.
As they marched out the cavern Kace had to blink a few times. So this was the night sky in another world! A deep purple blanket covered the world as wisps of green and red snaked their way across the sky with it as a backdrop. The stars were so bright that they had him slightly mesmerized. 'You certainly wouldn't see this on Earth.'
As he glanced back to the party of goblins Durz strode out in front. Then like a shadow he vanished from sight! Kace glanced around sporadically, trying to guess what had happened.
"Yer first time seein' the Shadowstride lad? Don' worry. It's an ability that Durz was born with. As the only assassin in our tribe he's the only one that can do it. I heard from Vaskra 'bout yer own abilities. Try focusing on yer nose, I reckon that should trigger yer Tracking."
Kace immediately began to strain his nose. Scrunching his face in the process. He solely focused on trying to tell different smells apart. Then to try an detect scents that he had not noticed before. Before long a notification popped up.
[Tracking Activated]
When he opened his eyes he was stunned. He could now 'see' the different scents each goblin gave off as a different colour. 'Oh, so I can even pick out individuals in a crowded area huh?' Looking around he noticed a blue river of scent floating in the air. Following the path it took he watched on as it went up a tree to the lowest branches. From there it condensed into a thicker cloud. 'Durz must be there.' Although he could not see Durz in the traditional sense anymore the build up of his scent in a single area gave him away.
"Yeh got that pretty quick eh? Guess that means we've got one more scout then! You just keep tha' nose sharp lad, a'right?" Shagrat said enthusiastically. "That there nose of yers will come in 'andy. We may finally get ah lead oan ther damn Queen!"
The other goblins flashed viscious, happy grins. Like a pack off hunting dogs let off there leashes they shot off like lightning, nimbly dancing through the dense forest. Hardly a sound disturbed the night from their agile movements. Kace raced to keep up. As he ran he felt exhilarated, like a wild animal finally let out of its cage. As they meandered there way onward Kace noticed subtle things. 'Track's' from wild creatures criss crossed all over the place. Like an intricate knitting pattern. Clearly these animals instincts were sharp. Without any noise they had still been alerted to the pack of predators hunting in the forest tonight. Quickly escaping to safety. Kace sighed inwardly, 'Guess that rules out being able to hunt good food for myself for awhile.' he thought ruefully. 'I wonder what roasted spider queen will taste like?'
He immediately felt stunned. Why the hell did I think that? 'Damn I think I'm more animal than human now.' he heaved a deep breath as he came to this realisation. 'May as well make the most of it! Queeny! I'm a coming for you!' he yelled to himself in delight. Who knows, maybe it was just the Glutton in him talking.
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