Chapter 11: Return To The Grind 2
Chapter 11: Return To The Grind 2
"If you want, I can pass them over to you now." Daiki put those thoughts out of mind for the moment once more and carried on.
"No, it's fine my boy," his leader waved him off, "You found them, so they are yours to do with as you please."
Daiki gaped at the man, while he merely tapped his finger lightly to his chin, "I admit that I am curious as to what summon clan the contract is for." the Sandaime hummed in thought.
"The chameleon clan," Daiki answered on reflex, "The castle itself turned out to have been the boss summon of the clan in disguise, he had been there for fifty years after his last summoner-"
"Koza," Sarutobi finished his sentence for him, "I see, now it's beginning to make sense. We have long wondered what became of the chameleon clan and the boss Shiromari in particular, they have not been active for fifty years now, not since Koza and his men were killed by Tanigakure."
Wow, he caught on really fast. What a smart old fucker.
"Yes," Daiki nodded in confirmation, "It seems the only reason Shiromari approved of me, is because I'm a Konoha shinobi and mentioned that we wiped out Tanigakure in retribution for what they did in the Land of Necks."
"Ah, it's been a long time since I thought of Koza-kun and Shiromari, quite the pair they were," the old man sighed, before chuckling fondly, "Did you know one of my students even based a jutsu on the chameleon clan's abilities when I told him of them?"
"…Jiraiya-sama?" Daiki hedged.
In response, Sarutobi snorted in amusement, "His perverted reputation has even reached the new generation, I'm sure he'd be proud," he chortled lightly before shaking his head, "When you are able to summon Shiromari, but sure to let me know, I'd love to catch up with that old lizard."
"I'll…get right on that," Daiki agreed, finding the tension that had appeared in his shoulders as he approached the room beginning to ease away, "Are you sure it's okay to leave a summoning contract like this with me? A weak nobody?"
"Yes," the Hokage answered immediately and stared Daiki in the eyes, "Let me be clear though, you're hardly weak. Weaker than many other yes, but weak itself? No. You may think lesser of yourself for not gaining a Jonin-sensei, but I'm well aware of the abilities of your graduating class, you were easily within the top ten of your class and you seem to have grown staggeringly fast since then."
"…You think so?" Daiki couldn't help but ask reflexively.
"Your accomplishments so far, speak for themselves, and you are young, so very young, I can easily see you becoming a jonin by time you are twenty," the old man praised him, "Talent is not the be all and end all, drive is far more important and within you I can sense a deep burning flame. That summoning scroll will merely help you on that path, and again, I must add, you were the one that found it, it is yours, do not let anyone else tell you otherwise."
Daiki felt his throat close up with emotion a bit, gratitude filling him at the old mans words, "…Yes.." was all he managed to utter out.
Hiruzen coughed lightly, "Now, about your mission reward," the old man changed the subject, "Did you perhaps bring proof of this Kumo ninja's death at your hands?"
His figurative pockets were stocked full.
Figurative, because in general it really wasn't a mind blowing amount. But, a ninety-four thousand ryo pay out from the mission, all to himself since he did it alone, plus the one hundred and fifty thousand ryo bounty he collected, on top of the ryo he looted from the bandits after killing them?
He was back to over three hundred thousand ryo again. Specifically, three hundred and thirty eight thousand in total.
Just from one mission.
Before it had taken him some if his left over savings from his orphan stipend, a bunch of D-ranks and one C-rank to get around this much.
Truly, there was a spring in Daiki's step as he left the bright red Hokage tower behind and headed home.
He was incredibly pleased with his earnings, and he felt in general, quite happy. Especially since while Hiruzen was Hokage, he didn't need to worry about turning over his loot and could keep it in the future.
…As long as Hiruzen was Hokage.
He paused in the middle of the busy Konoha street, a pit forming in his stomach, 'He's going to die in less than five months.' Daiki grimaced at the thought.
And was surprised, at how angry that made him feel suddenly. Say what you will about some of the mans more questionable choices, but, even with the few times he'd interacted with the Hokage, he'd always treated Daiki well, better than well even going by his latest meeting.
And the old man had instilled a new confidence in him.
…But, grating as it was, 'There's nothing I can do for him.' he clenched his fists tight, before hopping up onto the roof of a shop and roof hopping his way back to his apartment.
To do anything for the man, would involve showing off knowledge of things he could not know. And he would definitely get interrogated then.
Hiruzen would definitely let him live despite all the knowledge he'd gained, probably. But…the likes of Danzo? He would find out what knowledge Daiki possessed one way or another…
And then he'd be killed for knowing about the truth of things, such as the Uchiha Massacre.
'For now, I just need to focus on getting stronger!' Daiki smacked his cheeks to make himself focus.
He arrived in his apartment not long later, threw on his weights and made a beeline straight for training ground sixty nine.
Thankfully, he had a lot to focus on training wise right now. And enough money that he could focus on his training without having to worry about that factor in his life for the next at least month, maybe two.
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