Chapter 19: Return To The Grind 10
Chapter 19: Return To The Grind 10
The next morning, Daiki made his way to his ever homey training ground a bit earlier than usual, the sun even had only shone the barest hints of beginning to rise and that was only because it was summer.
Not that it would be like that much longer, they were already at the tail end of summer, mind you.
Still, there was a whistle on his lips and spring in his step as he jauntily swaggered his way through the paths between the training grounds towards his destination.
He was in a good mood, for sure. And why wouldn't he be? His abilities were looking sweet as shit, he had an Uchiha who plopped his ass in his training ground every now and then to challenge him to spars and even now would have a cute older girl coming to him for assistance and letting him endear himself to her. And on top of all that, he had a rough plan of action for the future.
Really, everything was coming up Daiki! This was the age of the Great Daiki!
Abruptly, the Great Daiki paused just outside of training ground seven and stared, a somewhat short girl, just around five feet tall, stood hiding behind a tree. Short, midnight blue hair, and porcelain skin, dressed in a large, baggy white jacket and a pair of dark blue shinobi pants.
Hinata Hyuuga was peering around a tree, 'stealthily', bending out just a bit to look into the training ground.
…Well, at the very least, he could see for himself, that like the tree she was hiding behind, with her bent over like that, he could see Hinata had quite the 'trunk' of her own.
'Why the hell doesn't she just use her byakugan?' he couldn't help but wonder. This was precious time in which she could be training, she could at least be training her doujutsu and expending chakra constantly to increase her capacity if she was going to waste time spying on Naruto!
Truly a plebeian to the great grindset!
Honestly, watching her waste her time like that, made his skin crawl a bit. She was a damn kunoichi for crying out loud.
How long had she even been there? He couldn't believe how wasteful that was. Why come to the training grounds, this early, just to spy on a crush, yet never even approach them?
If she was at least using her byakugan to do it, he could let it slide, because, at least some gains would be getting made!
Hinata was almost as much of a disappointment in the ninja arts as Sakura and Ino, only wasn't, because she had superior training than them from her clan.
But considering Hinata was the oldest of his graduating class…
Well, the disappointment only grew.
Come to think of it, besides Daiki himself, Naruto was the youngest of their graduating class.
Did that make Hinata an 'Ara-Ara' type?
…Eh, probably not, she had the body for it, and the background, but she lacked the mindset.
Silly Hinata, if she worked up the nerve and Ara-Ara'd Naruto, he would have been eating out of the palm of her hand.
Speaking of Naruto, Daiki was curious as to what kind of grind the boy was up to.
He made his way over to Hinata, light on his feet, and she didn't even notice him coming.
Truly, she wasted her doujutsu.
He stopped behind her and peeked over her head into the training ground. Yep, there was Naruto.
He had divested his usual orange jacket, leaving him in just his orange pants, sandals and mesh shirt.
And was currently in the process of push-ups, his face caked in sweat, and a small puddle having formed beneath him.
And off to the side, he could see all three of the training posts typical of one of the Konoha-training grounds.
Daiki nodded in approval. It was sub-optimal of a grind, but he was grinding away for sure. And he supposed with his innate healing factor, being an Uzumaki and Jinchuuriki, he was gaining mightily regardless of how poorly his grind was.
"So…stalking Naruto again, Hinata?" Daiki pulled his head back around the tree and asked from behind her.
Hinata gave a small startled 'eep' and and whirled around, face flushing a bright red, "D-Daiki-san!" she stuttered.
"I am indeed Daiki," he agreed with a nod, "Why not go just talk to him instead of wasting time like this?" he got straight to the point of the issue.
Hinata just stared at him for a moment before swallowing heavily, "I…I..Can't…"
"You're never gonna get him if you act like this." he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Naruto ended up with plenty of girls after him, even what amounted to the leader of an entire country wanting him to impregnate her.
'Nice going Naruto!' he couldn't help but mentally praise the future Naruto. The current Naruto was thoughtless and ignorant, but he'd grow into himself well for sure.
"…What do you mean..?" Hinata asked shyly, poking her fingers together.
"You know what I mean, let's not jump around the issue," he rolled his eyes, "And as you are right now, you aren't right for him either." what she wanted, wasn't a role she could fulfill, she didn't have the strength, or mental fortitude to be a partner for Naruto and support him.
Fucking hell she couldn't approach him for a conversation.
A hurt expression flashed on her face, "Ah…I see.." Hinata looked down.
Ah, his chest stung at the expression, and how defeated she looked. And he realised what situation he was in right now. He just kind of approached a lone girl, who was watching over the target of her affections and started lambasting her…
Now he just felt bad, since she really was just a genuinely nice girl. Thankfully, he could fix that.
Hinata yelped as he wrapped an arm around her waist and heaved her up into the air and over his shoulder.
Despite that dump truck she had on her, she was light as a feather. And with her pressed up against him like this, he could get a feel for her chest. She was just as stacked as Tenten, maybe a bit more actually.
She would come across as even more voluptuous he supposed, since she was that much shorter than Tenten.
"W-what are you doing Daiki-san?" Hinata spluttered.
Turning on his heel, Daiki resumed his trek towards the ever welcoming training ground sixty-nine.
"I felt bad with how sad you looked," he shrugged, "So, I'll help you out. You want to be closer to Naruto right? I can make that happen."
"Y-you can?" any hesitancy in her left and she gaped at him, white eyes wide, but he heard the hopefulness in her voice, she swallowed quickly and shook her head, "You…you don't need to do that."
He ignored what she said, "What time do you usually meet your team?" he asked instead.
"…Nine…" Hinata replied.
Plenty enough time, it was only just after five in the morning right now. "Good enough," he nodded, "Also, don't worry about feeling indebted or something or like I'm going out of my way. I'll be getting something out of this as well."
"…You will?" Hinata blinked.
Damn right he would. There were two things he needed to do with her to help her achieve femme fatale ara ara status. One, get her confident in her body and rid her of the shyness, something he already had an idea for.
Secondly, was making Hinata 'Get Gud'. In the process, he would be able to spar against the Gentle Fist of the Hyuuga Clan, which would give him experience in the future with it, should he end up fighting Neji in the Chunin Exams, and again, the more experience he got fighting, with the more variety of opponents, the more his skill stats tended to rise.
So, he'd get gains and he would get free eye candy out of it, a win, win for him really.
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