Chapter 28: Waterfall 7
Chapter 28: Waterfall 7
The air was filled with the scent of burning flesh.
Running chakra through his palms, Daiki triggered the return seal on his weapons and summoned them back to his Dimension Force Seal, 'Is that them all?' he wondered.
They weren't…very impressive at all. They were weaker even, than Daiki had been months ago when he first woke up with his system after being murdered by those rock humpers.
The him of back then could have at least taken two or three of these guys.
That left only the the main instigator that was after the hero water, and-
Daiki juked to the side, allowing a kunai to pass through the space where his head had been and spun, lashing out with his forearm behind him, just in time to catch and block a powerful punch aimed at his kidney.
"Miss me kid?" the grey haired leader in the muscle shirt cackled, he gave a shout and thrust more force into his fist, trying to overpower Daiki's blocked.
It didn't work out for him, not like it had for him earlier when he could leverage his greater strength and reach against Sasuke.
Daiki was not only taller than Sasuke, but far stockier, and far physically stronger as well.
Locking him down, Daiki summoned his tanto into his free hand and swung at the mans head, making him yelp and jump backwards, "Man that was close! You're a strong one ain't ya?" the man laughed, before shrugging, unconcerned, "Oh well, that's why ya' make backup plans after all."
A tight pressure on his wrist made him look down, and his eyes widened to see a thick, watery rope wrapped around his wrist, leading straight to the grey haired Rain Ninja's hand.
"Water Style!" he growled in realisation.
He swung his tanto over head to cut through it, but as he did, he felt a presence rush him from behind and quickly changed his swing, directing it into a stab directly behind him.
"Oh my!" a purring, female voice gasped slightly in surprise, in his peripheral, he caught sight of a pretty, brown haired woman dressed in a pair of tight spats, and kimono top that hung open at her shoulders, baring her chest, only hidden by a tight crop top that kept her breasts from being in clear view.
She jumped backwards, but as she did, Daiki felt another tight pressure on his wrists.
And then his arms were pulled from both sides, jerking them out and stretching him out so hard it felt like his arms were moments away from being pulled out of their sockets.
"Hehe, what a big fishy we caught here, eh Hisame?" the grey haired rain cunt cackled once more.
"A shame too, he has quite the robust build does he not?" the Kunoichi, Hisame appeared giggled flirtatiously.
"Daiki!" Sasuke shouted in worry and began rushing over at a blurring speed.
"Ah-ah!" the Kunocihi called out to him, making a single hand seal and causing electricity to spark around her hands, "Get any closer and your tasty and muscular friend here is going to become a lightbulb."
Sasuke skidded to a stop, a snarl on his lips and his Sharingan tomoe spinning in agitation.
'Of course the first good looking chick to flirt with me, would be an enemy.' Daiki groused, ignoring the pain coming from his arms as best he could.
Just his luck, as per usual.
…If only that cunt Kakashi had helped him get the chakra flow technique down. He could just run pure lightning chakra through these damn water whips binding his arms and light these fools up.
That left him with only one option.
The fools had left his palms exposed to the air.
…This was going to hurt like fuck though, with his arms pulled out this wide and the force..
Daiki grit his teeth and braced himself, then he chanelled as much chakra into his seals as they could muster, "Force Palm Jutsu!" he roared, he wanted them to know exactly what killed them.
He twisted on his feet as he unleashed it, and a pair of surprised shouts left the two ninja binding him as the pure force behind the the jutsu he unleashed from his palms as he jerked his arms, bodily lifted them up and dragged them through the air like a pair of ragdolls.
Agonising pain ran down from Daiki's shoulders as his arms were dislocated, but he powered through, a savage smile spreading across his face as he completed his rotation and found the terrified face of Hisame soaring towards him, while her cackling buddy soared right passed her through the air towards Sasuke.
Forcing himself to ignore the pain, Daiki thrust both arms out and caught the woman right in the solar plexus, "Begone thot." he spat, and once more unleashed what was rapidly becoming his signature technique.
The air shook from the sheer force of the impact that roared through the womans stomach as he unleashed the Force Palm Jutsu at point blank rage.
She gagged, not even able to scream, a deluge of blood erupting from her throat, eyes rolling up into the back of her head and was summarily shot flying back through the air from the way she came.
"Fuck!" Daiki roared as white hot agony beyond the agony he felt before, lanced down his arms.
The impact reflected back at him from his jutsu, had forced his arms back into their sockets and holy fucking shit did it fucking hurt!
"Ah…" Daiki groaned, slumping to his knees.
The sound of a body hitting the ground drew his attention, and he looked over to see Sasuke hilting his kunai in the throat of cackle boy, before pulling it out.
"Daiki, you okay?" Sasuke asked, rushing over to help him.
"Could be better, but I'll be fine." Daiki replied, though, he didn't move from his kneeling position, and his arms were utterly numb beyond the pain burning throughout them.
He'd be able to heal them, but it would be a pain in the ass to do it one by one, and hurt like a bitch in the process.
Not to mention, he was dwindling though on chakra. He only had about a quarter left now.
"Right, good, you can rest for now then," Sasuke nodded, "Those two seemed to be the leaders, so we just need to get Naruto and Shibuki and we're done here."
No, they weren't actually.
The leader of this nonsense, and the strongest of them was still around, hiding somewhere, looking to get his hands on the Hero Water.
Daiki opened his mouth to say something, find a way to tell him to keep on his guard, only for his eyes to widen in horror as a tall, burly man with a bandana over his head seemingly materialized from thin air behind Sasuke.
"Not quite." the man stated with a predatory grin on his face. Sasuke's eyes widened, but he didn't have time to react before the man lashed out and punched him in the side.
Sasuke gagged, blood erupting from his mouth, before the force of the punch sent him flying through the air, smashing into and through one of the village houses over fifty feet away, making it collapse on him.
"Sasuke!" Daiki shouted in worry, before a snarl of rage at what happened to his maybe semi-friend and he lunged to his feet, forcing himself to move.
The man backhanded him contemptuously before he even got halfway up, smashing him back into the dirt.
His cheek flared with pain and stars erupted in his vision, he could already feel a bruise forming from the blow.
Before he could even think to do anything or gain his bearings, a fist grasped him by his hair and bodily lifted him up, before his face was brought down into a knee strike.
Crunch went his nose as it broke from the blow. The force of it, actually pushing him back up to his feet as the man let go of his hair.
Yet, even then his legs threatened to buckle beneath him.
If only he could use his ar-
A fist deposited itself in his chest and Daiki felt his ribs snap under the blow, and then he was soaring through the air, his vision beginning to go dark.
Just before his consciousness faded away, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him and the feeling of weightlessness fade away.
"I've gotcha!" a voice echoed in his ears.
Darkness claimed him.
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