Chapter 13: An Act Of Prejudice
Chapter 13: An Act Of Prejudice
Red didn't seem all too willing to say much to Rezar as she just handed him a coin pouch that quickly evaporated into thin air. While it was quite possible to hold money in your hands, the currency on its own was pretty much virtual and can only be seen in some form of physicality when it drops from a dead person or it is being handed over to another like how she just gave it to Rezar. He was about to say something when all of a sudden she grabbed him by the neck and dangled him the air like he weighed nothing, there was murder in her eyes, but the look of fear she was looking for was not even hinted at, much less shown on Rezar's face,
"If you call me Red again; slave! I'm going to fucking kill you. Do I make myself clear?" she said to him as he nodded back and replied in a chocked up voice.
She dropped him to the ground and was about to leave when she suddenly stopped and faced him. Rezar was a little annoyed by her display, if it was a man he would have attributed it testosterone and a need to prove himself the alpha male.
But then again women made men, literally! So who says they can't be caught in flights of fancy and feel the need to show a weaker person just who was boss. In a man it was annoying, but in a woman, it was incredibly arousing, but still it was embarrassing to be dangled that way in front of everyone, and it left Rezar feeling upset.
Slave or not he should have at least some modicum of dignity, but she seemed all too e ager to trample it in order to prove a point. She stood over him as he looked up at her while massaging his chaffed throat, his annoyance not at all hidden in his gaze.
"Why the fuck are you still in town! Do you need anything else?" she asked him in a tone that was akin to a general barking out orders.
"I'm trying to see if I can get a weapon skill, so that I can properly defend myself from the monsters in the cavern."
He had scarcely finished speaking when she suddenly marched towards a merchants stall and after using a second to observe what he was selling, grabbed a book and threw it towards him. Rezar didn't have enough time to reorient himself; or rather the book was thrown so fast that there was just no way would he have been able to catch it. So with a rather resounding thud; the book smacked into his forehead.
"You got what you wanted; now get the fuck out of my town!"
Now this was a weird turn of events, but Rezar was rather intuitive so he knew well enough that she was putting on a show. And who else would it be for than the handsome blond wearing armor standing a few feet away. The face he couldn't recognize, but the armor, it was the same one he saw in Red's shack. So this is probably the guy she was shagging or attempting to shag when he had knocked and put an end to the happy deed.
Rezar didn't poke too much into it, in a way he was the one who interrupted them, so he brought his head to the ground and left the market square as fast as he could. As usual eyes were on him, but he ignored that and moved himself to the mine entrance. However once he got there, he noticed his mining car had been replaced with a bigger one that was a lot more rusty and squeaky, but seems to be running on an entirely different mechanism than the previous pulley like system of the old car. This time there were spokes, wheels, belts, pedals and a very past its prime seat that was basically just a chain mail stretched over four metal rods.
"Fuck!" Rezar cursed at the sight of the monstrosity in front of him.
"Don't curse fool! This is more than you deserve" a deep voice called out from behind him as a massive shoulder with a significant amount of power slammed into his shoulder, forcing him to trip forward and forcing the skill book he was given to fall out of his grasp. He had to bite back the urge to curse again, but not at the bully and his friends who just walked over him and his book to walk into the mines, but rather at Red and the bloody title on the skill book.
What he wanted was a spear or staff weapon technique, and he was aiming for an active skill not a passive one. Swords weren't bad, but the thing is he hated swords! How and why, he really didn't know, but his instincts were telling him he should avoid it, but in the end he had no choice, this was what he was given. And like everything else so far, he had every intention of making the best out of it.
He moved toward the new car that was a good five meters long and two wide. Its entire frame was rusted, yet all of the supplies and resources he had asked for had been packed into it, it would a lot of energy and strength to ride this cart back, and the distance wasn't something small, Rezar knew he was probably going to go to sleep with aches all over his body tonight.
Ignoring the looks of others, he picked the skill book, lamenting at his loss of a skill point as the skill was learned. Then he paid attention to a system alert he received when Red had given him the coin pouch.
[You have received 30 copper elys, 33 silver elys, 26 gold elys and 0 platinum elys]
As he began to slowly pedal his way back into the darkness he couldn't help but marvel at the ridiculous amount of money he just gained, and all this from getting a bunch of undead moles to dig for him.
The possibilities of what he could achieve made him giddy as there were quite a lot of monsters that were better diggers than his mole friend. If he could have them under his command, then raising the platinum elys required to delete the slave class might be a possibility he could achieve quite quickly.
Of course it wouldn't be easy, as opposed to how a 100 copper made 1 silver, and 100 silver made 1 gold, 1 platinum was worth 10 thousand gold elys.
This was enough money to buy a spire, buy a land and build a few castles and live as the lord of a domain. It was a lot of money and somewhat of an uphill battle, but he had access to an avenue with which to increase his strength. He didn't mind being a slave, so far it doesn't seem to be as bad if not for the restrictions and lack of proper food and comfort, but in the end nothing was sweeter than freedom.
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