Chapter 16: Cavern Moles (III): Elite Cavern Moles
Chapter 16: Cavern Moles (III): Elite Cavern Moles
Rezar let go of Screet bas he held his hands outwards and grappled with the incoming cavern mole. The moment they had come in contact with each other, Rezar noticed one very obvious problem, and that was the fact that the cavern mole was a whole lot stronger than he was. So when it came to contest of strength, he was obviously going to be losing a lot faster than he would have imagined, so the best thing he could do was strike a decisive blow before the cavern mole got smart enough to utilize its entire strength and power.
The cavern mole released an ungodly screech as Rezar's hands on both sides of its neck began releasing sizzling sounds and the sound of rotting flesh filled the cave. The mole reeled backwards screeching in pain, but soon enough Rezar also joined it in crying out in pain as a mole had scaled the wall into the cave and had taken a bite out of his leg. He pulled out the sword hanging by his hip and stabbed it into the skull of the cavern mole. However the sword was already in bad shape as it is, and after stabbing into the moles head, it broke in half when the mole made an erratic movement due to shock.
Rezar didn't have time to rest as another mole jumped over the dead body of its comrade and jumped towards Rezar, but he stabbed the broken sword out, piercing it into the mouth of the mole and out the roof of its mouth. In that same second he placed his hand on the mole with the broken sword tip lodged in its head and tried to raise it up.
But he didn't let that stop him as he pulled the sword out of the mouth of the second dead mole and slashed the face of another that had just came up the wall of the cave. Fresh hot blood sprayed out as he literally cleaved the mole's entire face in half. He quickly turned himself over and backed a bit away from the ledge of the cave, which was smart as another mole almost as big as the one currently screeching in pain and bleeding out as the skin around its neck rotted away.
This time it was Screet who had made a move, the infant mole man was still quite slow, after all it was a zombie so there would definitely be a penalty to movement speed on the account of being dead. But still! Screet had sharp claws and jaws that could stab through wood, the cavern mole didn't stand a chance as the infant mole man grabbed it by the jaw, not at all caring about the stream of blood pouring all over his body.
And then in an impressive show of strength, he pulled the massive lion sized mole into the cave and made sure to wrench his head back and forth in a frenzy, ripping open the wound and making it bigger and larger. Rezar hobbled to his feet and then stabbed the broken sword into the skull of the first mole he had used rot on, effectively ending its life. He retrieved his harpoon and returned the broken sword into its sheathe, turns out swords were quite useful.
He moved back to the edge of the cave and peered down, hundreds of beady black eyes stared back at him, Rezar looked at the direction of the tunnel he had just come through, he couldn't help but muse to himself, this was exactly what regret looked like, this wasn't some fantasy where he could make random and stupid decisions and not expect for them to be consequences. He had gotten a taste of power, and that taste had made him greedy but as it stood there was no choice....he had to kill every single mole in front of him.
But he obviously couldn't do that alone, there were just too many of them, not to mention he was injured, however that was something he would be able to deal with soon enough. He looked at Screet and scrunched up his face, the mole man had eaten a massive chunk of the cavern mole he had just killed, it was annoying and it was going to mess with raise undead skill, the more damaged a body, then the more difficult it would be to raise it back to life. He's had enough time to analyze his previous fight and understand what had made it so hard for him to raise Screet and his comrade, even with the massive bonus he had to death and black magic.
It was just speculation on his path, but Rezar concluded that certain injuries would make the price of the resurrection cost a bit more. But he couldn't stop Screet from having his fill, the fellow was still a zombie, and zombies were driven by sheer insatiable hunger, so this was required, after all Screet could exists and grow indefinitely on the premise he had the energy to survive, and the only way to do that was to kill and eat.
{Raise Undead}
[Skill Failed]
Rezar gave a sigh as he looked down at the group of moles still gathered below, for some reason they weren't too keen about rushing upwards, they were just common monsters, basically animals so he wasn't too sure about their actions. Its either they were too afraid, or they were waiting for something or were under orders not to do anything. Rezar wasn't exactly sure, but the sooner he got an extra trump card the better, he had no intention of sitting still and waiting for them to get tired.
{Raise Undead}
[Skill Failed]
Rezar had to resist the urge to scream out in anger, sure he had only tried twice, but with how much he had raised this skill, he expected it to be a breeze. Was the son of death trait just there for show, how bringing a mole back from the dead can be such a difficult task? It was extremely annoying, and even worse was the fact he didn't feel frantic or afraid about it, just annoyed. Seems like his fear had been traded for a very low threshold for failure, he could get irritated or annoyed by certain things fairly easily.
{Raise Undead}
[Skill Successful!]
(You've raised elite cavern mole level 15)
Elite cavern mole [lvl 15] Undead(Zombie)
Exp: 35/35
Skills: [Burrower lvl 3] [Claw Frenzy lvl 4] [Night Vision lvl 8] [Treasure Sense lvl 8]
Time left until de-animation: 6hours 4 minutes 43 seconds
There were skills here he didn't recognized, but he knew they probably evolved from the basic skills it had as a basic cavern mole. The mole slowly got back to its feet, the rotten flesh around its neck still festering as its now blank white eyes stared back at Rezar. It took him three tries to raise this mole, which honestly was more than good enough, Rezar knew he had just gotten a bit impatient and the pain from his leg was making him annoyed.
(Your undead Infant Mole man has infected elite cavern mole level 15 with a zombie virus. You now have control over [elite cavern mole level 15]. The zombie will only exist for 20 minutes.)
Rezar blinked completely surprised by the turn of events, however he was quite happy. He hoped this infected zombie mole would be able to spread the infection; it would be the perfect scenario as he wouldn't have to do much to take care of the mole. Putting his hand into the small bag he had carried here, he removed one of the earthworms and closed his eyes and he quickly ate the snake size still alive creature. He shuddered in revulsion before turning to the new zombie.
"Go down and kill them all!"
It was time for a counter attack.
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