915. A Happy Stroll Around Atlas
915. A Happy Stroll Around Atlas
Now that the Assembly was over, Frost was able to focus on more important matters. Of course, the task of introducing the Nexus was not a small order but it was a manageable task in the grand scheme of things.
The margin of error was wide in regard to dealing with the Kingdoms and their emissaries. A single Moon or Star was more than enough to bring a nation down to their knees if they happened to bare their fangs at them.
It was doubtful, but Frost had to remind herself that only 59 out of thousands of Kingdoms were aware of the Nexus’ existence as a sovereign nation. Another problem related to this was that there was a disconnect between the people of the Nexus and the Nex Megalopolis.
“First, I’ll leave it up to the Golden Middle and my Receptionists to draft a proposal for the Nex Megalopolis Enrichment Project. They’ll have a better idea on how to improve the quality of life in these cities. Then, it’ll be a good idea to start unifying the Atelier Cities.”
Frost nodded to herself as Nav took down notes.
The walls that divided the Atelier Cities were a construct of the Atelier Cold War. Now that they were united under one banner, the walls did not have need to exist anymore. The Sectors can stay the same since they were an effective way to navigate the Nex Megalopolis.
But because each Sector was so large, she figured that it may be a good idea to split them further into zones. Districts wouldn’t work since Sectors weren’t cities but were rather made up of multiple cities and even had their own Capitals.
The fact that only 5 million people were recognized in the Nex Megalopolis was severely misleading. It was in their best interest to register as many people with the Guild as possible as a proof of citizenship. That way it will be easier to know if their people were being messed with by foreign Kingdoms.
It surprised her with just how little of the population were actually registered with the Guilds. There was no reason for the vast majority of people. If a business required access to the Hyperlink Relays, then they just needed one person registered with the Guild.
“Ignis’ courier Atelier might help in that regard. We can’t gloss over the fact that the Nex Megalopolis may be targeted instead of the Nexus.”
One glaring issue was the separation of the Atelier Cities and the Outskirts. Anything in the Outskirts, which were the 10 numbered Sectors, was not considered a part of the Atelier. Thus, they were not considered part of the Nexus. The only exception was the City of Clubs that took excellent care of their citizens, although it came at the cost of their organs in a time of crisis.
Nothing was easy when it came to politics. One small adjustment here meant major unforeseen ramifications down the line. Frost wished she could forecast this with her Foresight, but alas, she could only see so far ahead.
That was where Act X came in.
* * *
Frost took a stroll around Atlas to clear her mind. Walking not far behind her was Ber and Perla’s group who enjoyed the scenery of this magical City. Great towering spires reached towards the base of the Nexus.
Floating Fairies illuminated the City like miniature suns. Without them Atlas would be plunged into eternal night.
There was not a single person who didn’t know who she was. Citizens of the silent city gave her ample room and lowered their heads in veneration. As each citizen was a family member of a Blessed, they were aware of the Nexus’ efforts during the past few weeks.
Rehabilitation services, extensive Healing assistance, financial aid – the Nexus did whatever it could to restore the lives of the Blessed and their affected families. As the face of the Nexus, Frost received much of the praise.
Healers did too whenever they came to visit Atlas, usually to see the aquatic life through the glass floors. Moons and Exalted were also often thanked in Atlas. News must have already spread from the Assembly, because the citizens were already gossiping about how the Amalgam had severely punished the Kingdoms for their crimes.
Frost gave it a week before the news spread across the Nex Megalopolis.
“Act X are going to have to pump out predictions if we want to steer clear of trouble. Question is how much it’ll cost us. I’m due to meet Marionette in a couple days at the City of Strings. She never did specify when
. I guess she’ll know.”A CognitO Filter prevented anyone in her vicinity from hearing her voice.
“Or she can just sit there waiting for you for days on end. Then when you do finally arrive, she’ll say: ‘I’ve been expecting you.’”
“That’s the most likely scenario. No one can predict me through the Fate Mechanism. But not entirely. I can’t remember who it was that said it, but my lack of presence can give them a general idea of where I am, or what’s happening around me.”
“Like finding a black hole.”
“I can’t say if that’s a correct analogy, but yeah. Something like that.”
If fate was woven like a lattice of strings, then the utter absence of those strings was a method of finding Frost. What exactly made her immune to the Fate Mechanism’s predictions was not yet known, but she had a feeling that she’d have answers in the City of Strings.
“Strengthening Act X will be a priority. The Sect of Gears were syphoning power from the Fate Mechanism to power their own predictions. I’m just a little irked about Act X though.”
“In what way?”
“Beholder Marionette. She exists solely for the Fate Mechanism. I’m not confident that her goal aligns with the Nexus. I’m sure the Director is playing a valuable role up there.”
The blue haze above the City of Strings could be seen even from Atlas. The ethereal realm beyond those clouds was inaccessible to the world outside of Act X and the Sect of Gears. Moving the Advent of Purpose into the Nexus was another major goal.
The problem was how.
No one knew exactly how the Advent of Civilization was brought into the Nexus. The Eternal Library was accessible to the world for 50 years before the Archivist appeared. Afterwards, the Eternal Library disappeared, then reappeared with the Nexus in 200 PA.
But Anna wasn’t the one who merged it with the Nexus.
Frost roamed from island to island, crossing over dozens of bridges as she enjoyed the afternoon seaside breeze. Ber and Perla were still behind her, discussing the future. She went as far as to invite Perla into the Nexus so she could cook her an exquisite meal.
With how excellent a chef Ber was, perhaps it was a method of Ber to further secure the Nexus relationship with an old friend. She bragged about her cooking skills, and then strangely, asked what Perla’s hobbies were.
Either Frost was overthinking it or she was correct to assume that Ber genuinely wanted to be friends with Perla. At first, she thought she was just happy to see a familiar face. But over time, she suspected that there was more to it than that.
Perla doesn’t seem to mind it either. Brings me to ask if same-sex relationships are even a thing outside of Brandar.
“There are far few people who care who your partner is compared to simply surviving to see the light of tomorrow. Though it varies from Kingdom to Kingdom.”
Frost resonated with this. She didn’t have a proper chance to really get to know her body for a long time because she was completely consumed by needing to survive.
“Haaaah. Eating raw bird and lathering myself in resin. Those were days.” Frost sighed before returning to the topic at hand. “The Advents. We’ll eventually find a way to bring them together.”
“Could it have been another Archetype? All Archetypes are equipped with a power that corresponds to the Affinities.”
Nav was correct.
Starting from the bottom of the Nexus – The Star Child was able to guide people who made a wish through the Piece of the Fallen Star (Desire); the Director manipulated the Fate Mechanism’s to communicate with Frost and throw off the Sect of Gears (Purpose); Anna was an Archivist that granted people their one perfect book (Civilization);
Lailah interpreted the Collective Unconsciousness and was responsible for those who managed to crystalize their Ego (Ego); Magus oversaw the Awakening Criteria (Hope); Michaela wielded the power to judge people and purify the Impuritas (Judgement); and for Frost, she was more or less everything (Amalgamation).
The only missing Archetypes were Wrath, Lament, Attachment and Despair.
Of them all the one that even hinted at the notion of combining the Advents was Attachment.
“I’m curious if the Fate Mechanism can help us locate the rest of the Archetypes. I’m prepared to pay the price for it. We’ll be able to get a glimpse of Emvita from the City of Strings as well.”
“You sound optimistic.”
“Because I am. I’ve never seen it before, so I’m eager to learn what it’s like over there. I heard their walls are thicker because of the types of monsters that live in Emvita. Not sure about the cuisine though. I doubt any part of the Nex Megalopolis tops the City of Hearts.”
“Speaking of which, Jury’s wondering if you will be free tomorrow.”
Frost took a seat on a pile of rocks and watched over Ber, Perla and her Crystal Paladins set up a rudimentary stove. Ber pulled out a mega fishing rod that was easily over 5 meters in length. The fishing line was thick enough to classify as a steel cable.
She hurled it into the sea after attaching a tiny, blue-glowing worm.
Despite its tiny size, it plunged into the water like a cannon ball had just been dropped.
“Oh – Yeah! I’m good for tomorrow! What does Jury have in mind?”
“A date in the City of Hearts.”
Immediately, Ber wrung out a colossal, 10 meter fish from the sea. It plopped right on the sharp rocks at the shorelines, gutting it perfectly as she took out an apron and tied it around her waist.
“Juvenile Sea Javelins can’t resist Glowworms!”
“J-Juvenile?” Perla stuttered. “That’s… a baby?”
“There’s only fourteen of us. No need to fish an Adolescent Sea Javelin unless we had a hundred mouths to feed~”
“I… don’t want to imagine how big these things grow. Is it normal that such large fish live near Atlas?” Perla wondered.
“They’ve adapted to the Gravity Wells around here. That’s why they’re so plump and full of delicious meat.” Ber hummed. “Take an apron too! Or are you not able to take off your armor?”
“Princess?” A Crystal Paladin questioned. They had their hands on their helmets, ready to remove it at her command.
“Since we’re in allied territory, it’d be rude to eat whilst in full armor.”
Perla plucked pieces of her armor away, revealing more and more of her surprisingly delicate form. Her fingers were thinner than what her gauntlets implied, and her body was far less muscular than what people would imagine for a woman named the ‘Warrior Princess’.
That was not to say she didn’t sport an impressive set of abs. Nothing compared to Jury’s of course, but it was worth highlighting. She wore a tight top and spats beneath her armor, as did her personnel.
The Crystal Paladins of the Chlam Empire were equally as stunning as Perla herself. They were like the beautiful pearls of a lustrous clam. Their hair colors were universally blonde and styled in the same exact ponytail as Perla’s.
The only way to differentiate them was through the color of their eyes and their flesh.
“Whew. It might be worth investing in Ice Crystals.” Perla pinched her top and fanned herself, her sweat dripping from head to toe. If she had shown her figure in front of a crowd, then countless would have had their hearts enraptured.
Ber could not remove her eyes from Perla.
“Woah…” She whispered with awe and a glint of delight in her eyes. “I thought so! I always knew you were pretty! Like a diamond in the rough!”
“They all say that. If it weren’t for Healers, then I wouldn’t have much of a face left to show.” Perla said but was happy to hear this from Ber regardless. “Lots of mirrors will who us when you ask it ‘Who is the prettiest of them all.’. I don’t believe it for a second.”
As for the Crystal Paladins, they didn’t know how to feel about the Claw of the Head being so friendly towards them. She was a completely different person to the Ber who stood in the Stage.
“I mean since the Derma Layer. I’ve always thought it was a shame you were hiding yourself in armor. I’m glad I was right.”
“You flatter us, Ber.”
“Don’t be so formal! We’re having a barbecue! Frost! Wanna give us a hand!?”
If the Crystal Paladins were already unnerved by Ber, then imagine what would happen if Frost joined them? Their faces blanched, and their heads turned like they were on a creaky swivel.
“It sounds like you’re doing fine without me. I’ll join another time. I’m glad Perla is in good company. Has she told you about what happened in the Derma Layer?”
“Not as much as you know your grace!” One of the Crystal Paladins exclaimed.
“Ber, why don’t you let them know how great their Princess is? Try to keep some fish for us later.”
“I was about to get to that.” Ber grinned as her tail wagged ecstatically.
Love was in the air for the triplets.
Only Res was left now.
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