Chapter 15: Techniques
"What a really unexpected group!"
Reyna who felt feverish about teaming up with Cesar and Jacqueline couldn't help but raise her tone with excitement. Her actions suggest she looked like a kid who met her television hero for the first time.
She seemed to be extroverted enough to handle a bunch of introverts… and bastards. The way she was talking made it look like she had no trouble speaking what was on her mind.
"It really is unexpected. Ms. Casanova. I'm glad to be able to join hands with the best one in the entire school,"
Joshua, with a glib tongue, has managed to strike up a conversation with Jacqueline who responded with a short nod and words.
"I hope to deliver the expectations you had for me. So do the same thing,"
"Wha—" Reyna seemed to have taken a pause as she couldn't help but jest, "You sounded like Cesar for a moment,"
Jacqueline couldn't help but look at her with a frown as if she was offended to be distinguished the same as Cesar, who also couldn't help but look at her with his two brows slightly creased. Looking at their familiarity with each other, she could only let out a soft sigh before she got back right on the track.
"Look, I know Arnold asked us to be cooperative and we had to do so because we're going to be together for a very long time." Reyna finally stopped getting all friendly and continued with the same jolly tone.
Only this time, there wasn't playfulness mixed around her face or her actions
"Though let's not get too friendly. Well, Cesar is an exception. He's some sort of inspiration of mine that I couldn't bring up to hate no matter what. But for others, let's keep a distance between us. Who knows if you'll lich to my riches using my name. Don't worry, I'll do the same thing,"
'You don't want to get close to everyone yet you're appearing very friendly to all. How contradictory,'
After musing his thoughts inwardly, Cesar saw Reyna looking at him with a mischievous face, her lips curling upwards.
"Now, Mr. Freak. Do you have any suggestions on how we are going to tackle this squad arrangement properly? Do we just have to introduce ourselves and befriend ourselves but not become too friendly, or do we do nothing and just ball?"
Sensing that Reyna was setting him up to speak, knowing the others weren't willing to, Cesar could only surrender considering being a leader for now. Public speaking wasn't his specialty and neither did Jacqueline.
Still, since he was more adept at thinking logically amongst the other things that might get in the mix such as emotional attachment or unethical solutions, Cesar knew he was definitely suitable for the job. He didn't know how Jacqueline thought or acted but he knew he could do better than her regarding these qualities that she or she might not possess.
Besides, by the looks of it, Reyna was unwilling to put someone from the class who had been here long enough and just get ordered around by them because they were the squad leader.
By passing the responsibilities to another person she recognized while still withholding her position in the squad, Reyna was surely satisfied with the outcome.
'How thoughtful of her,'
Cesar shook his head with a sigh, "First, we should analyze the strength of each person. What positions are they suitable for when it comes to combat? For example, me. I'm very adept at front battle but I can also be at the back. However, I'm very versatile and can be put in any situation or position as long as the situation demands it,"
Reyna answered next, "Honestly, after receiving a facet, I'm more inclined to battle at the front but I mostly prefer at the backlines. My skills are designed to defend and strike you see. I really can't put it into words since it's a Technique that my family taught me. So yeah, a secret,"
This time, others couldn't hide their surprise. Even though Reyna was full of mysteries, revealing this card is very contradictory to her words earlier where they shouldn't get comfortable with each other. A student's task is just a task after all.
The one who remained indifferent was Jacqueline who merely stared at her.
'A technique… I only have one in my arsenal and it is the same technique that Arnold had taught to the students of this class. Even though she didn't specifically tell how it works, she gave clues on it which will help in the future,'
Before even the Nightmare Potions were made and widely spread throughout the land, Techniques were the most prominent solution to use for fending off Nightmares. If mundane weapons didn't work for Nightmares, humanity didn't have any choice but to keep adapting.
Techniques are fighting styles developed and advanced to the greatest limit a human could even do but were capable of wielding. Most of these techniques gain inspiration from the times when the world was peaceful and no Nightmares had manifested in the world.
In the current history books, most are enthused by samurais, monks, martial artists, warriors, knights, and so many people to get inspired.
These ideas, adding the innovative minds of the people from the dark times came up with a magnificent method to at least fend off the Nightmares. These manuals had thorough steps to follow to accomplish such change and eventually gain a strength to use for Nightmares.
Sadly, these Techniques as said earlier, are only used to "fend off" Nightmares. Yes, even with these imaginative actions, humanity barely fought these harrowing creatures and survived, nearly impossible to kill. There are still more casualties to the side of the humans.
-Unable to resist the dreadful threat of the Nightmares, humans had no choice but to adapt once more. At a breakpoint where humans are unable to eradicate the creatures, the humanity of the dark times had to execute a bold idea. Whenever they kill Nightmares, an experiment will be held to test, if possible, the powers of these creatures against them. Thus, the Era of Change started.
Cesar couldn't help but think inwardly about the history he read one time in his first year that made a difference when he was undergoing an examination at the end of his second year. It was the final straw that promoted him to class 1-A.
After all, there was a tiny margin between when the class shifts happened between him and Quentin.
Speaking of Quentin who remained quiet all the time…
"My role on this team is probably support." Quentin spoke with confidence, his chin up before a smug smile appeared around his lips, "I garnered two facets from one selection alone. I know it's impressive but nothing unordinary. There are cases of two facets received from a potion but I guess I'm just one of the most lucky and impressive to come by,"
Cesar widened his eyes for a short moment before clicking his tongue and turning his head away which elevated Quentin's mood after he saw how he reacted. It made him more confident and starting to feel more proactive in the squad.
Unfortunately, Cesar was testing him.
'Inflating his ego is good sometimes but it will get over his head if I continue to show him some… impression? Better keep it minimal, just like this one to make him more like belonged to this squad which will be better,'
It was really surprising for others as all except Jacqueline glanced at Quentin with captivated faces.
Quentin was completely lucky. They were envious about it, that's all.
One of the twins, Joshua, came next.
"I'm more suitable on fighting in the frontlines as well but it's better near the water. I mean, there's no need to hide my facet from you all. It's the second facet that is the greatest in water but mainly weakened on land. The same as my brother as well. Sigh, fortunately, and unfortunately, only my brother received physical changes. I didn't,"
This time there were no surprises but only suspicions, knowing revealing your cards early on might just disrupt your safety which the other four are unwilling to disclose yet. Though the twins aren't bothered by it probably because they can protect themselves from harm, understanding they have each other's back.
The only one left who hadn't said anything about themselves was Jacqueline who immediately received the gazes of five people from their circle.
She stared back at them before revealing, "I have two techniques and two facets. I like and am more suitable to battle at the frontlines. Exploring and traversing through hard terrains, mysterious planes, and hidden places are my hobbies so I guess I could be more like an adventurer,"
She paused, "I guess I'm the best person in this academy currently and I'll probably try to maintain it the way it is. If you get in my way… then you get in my way,"
After knowing her strength which is the most important and her hobbies and inner thinking which is the least significant, the squad continued to converse for more just to appear as if they were finally arranging their squad together.
However, that was just a front to avoid being given minus points once the evaluation of the squad finished.
At the end of the day, their grades are more important as long as they're inside the academy premises.
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