Chapter 28: Variety Of Nightmares
Nightmare Creatures had their own varieties.
What is known to humanity and has been researched throughout time was dedicated to the future people who will eventually end the harrowing Nightmares. And through it, four varieties of Nightmares were born.
"Are we considering it as an Active Nightmare?"
Active Nightmares are a variety of Nightmares that are running rampant through the world. These creatures are the most violent, dangerous, and wanted as most of them are just recurring monsters that haven't been killed yet. It was something the Nightmare Corps and Army's job was to eradicate them.
These kinds of Nightmares, however, can be countered. It's more like, there's a history of how this monster works, acts, and thinks which is why people found a way to study its mannerism and kill it.
"This is not an Active Nightmare, I assure you,"
Witz softly spoke, giving away glances from all around him. Without even letting them give out opinions on their own, he continued.
"I've already read the past decade of cases that these pierced realities aren't a recurring Nightmare's abilities that pass through our watch. This is something new. And somehow, it has a relation to the Void. According to Quentin, it wouldn't be possible if he hadn't seen it,"
Upon hearing his name being mentioned and complimented, another smirk appeared on Quentin's face which was immediately replaced with a stern expression, upon realizing this wasn't such a time to take in all the compliments and be happy about it.
"Then, new and hasn't been recorded through our data books… Fresh Nightmare?"
Fresh Nightmares is more like a new Nightmare that hasn't been recorded through the data books. These Nightmares are untouched, unwritten, and unrecorded. This is the first point of the variety before becoming an Active Nightmare after landing a casualty on humanity.
However, it is as dangerous as others since humanity must've already suffered a casualty unless it was prevented, which isn't happening in most cases.
From the side, Chin raised his hand and shook his head, "Don't get confused about the Nightmare we're facing thinking it's a new one. Fresh Nightmares are different from existing Nightmare that was just getting into light in the world. I think this is impossible to be put into this variety,"
"How so? I think almost everyone is inclined to think that it is to be the case,"
Vin asked, trying to receive all opinions from anyone who's willing to speak.
"I might've thought about it too if the disappearance case isn't involved with it," Chin paused, "It already happened four months ago, and we're only seeing it now thanks to Quentin. In that case, wouldn't that mean the previous soldiers just overlooked it or just isn't enough to sense the power relating to it? Putting it in this category didn't look right.
In fact, we might get complacent if we think it's just a Fresh Nightmare, trying to inflict some chaos,"
Vin stared at Chin for a moment before nodding once, "Okay, we'll keep this option open. For now, we move next to our next variety, Bounded Nightmare,"
Bounded Nightmares are the kind of creatures who appear to be territorial. These monsters stayed in one place, and a place alone. Because of this, all its power is directed into a single point where it is inhabited.
It might be isolated outside but the creature will find a way to turn the battle inside its territory. After all, it was its own domain. The one who was adept at its power was the monster itself after all.
Everyone was silent.
Nobody raised their hands to question nor gave their rebuttal, presumably because most of them could agree that the thing they were facing was a Bounded Nightmare with its power mostly revolving around the City of Wheels.
Vin wanted to make sure their takeaways were true hence he added, "To confirm this, I'll have to ask Quentin to come with me tomorrow and check the nearby cities if the penetrated realities also appeared in their areas,"
Vin paused for a moment before raising his voice, lastly adding, "Is anyone considering that we're dealing a Fallen Nightmare?"
The last variety of Nightmares is called Fallen Nightmares. These particular Nightmares have one thing in common and that is dealing with dead Nightmares. The thing people fighting in this variety of Nightmare is the residual power left from a monster that died due to unknown reasons.
One would be lucky enough to encounter a Fallen Nightmare as that will immediately sell thousands of Vennon cash. Additionally, the lucky ones can use their findings as a recipe for their potions.
The only problem one could find in this variety is the unknown power it holds. It must be checked with some famous alchemist or hidden ones that are well knowledgeable on this aspect.
"No?" Vin asked once more before shrugging, "Well, if there aren't any more questions, let's end this for today. Our progress isn't bad today. Tomorrow, we'll work again to the best. Good job everyone,"
Once the decision had been made to end the meeting, everyone went on their own way to rest.
For now, everything felt stale, boring, and uneventful. Everyone wished to continue it that way until the end of their case.
'There should be no surprises for the upcoming days, right?' Cesar mused inwardly as he walked away from the hall to rest in his room.
The next three days, everyone got assigned to different posts at any place where the penetrated reality appeared according to Quentin. And during those days, it was solely he who could see such a thing.
There are no changes regarding these pierced realisms or someone reported that they've affected the real world more. It remained unresponsive and mysterious as ever.
Most of Cesar's squad was also tasked to post at one of the realities to guard against its changes since the ones Quentin was seeing were becoming large and many. The one who hasn't taken a post is Cesar as he is the one who sees through the condition of the group just because he was their leader.
Even so, he didn't dislike following Quentin and Vin around. He gets to learn a lot from them while also having to remember the ways through the city which he might need in case the whole situation blows up.
At that moment, Cesar saw Vin and the rest behind him enter a hotel which was their next destination. He followed their footsteps but immediately halted right in front of the door when he caught something at the corner of his eye.
He glanced sideways… and found nothing as he stared at the corner of the streets, trying to peer through… something.
'A shadow?'
Cesar contemplated for a bit upon contemplating that he saw a moving shadow watching them that didn't look like anyone from their division nor any people he had met or seen when he was here.
He probably would've not noticed it if his senses hadn't been heightened.
Frowning from this discovery, Cesar ignored it for a few seconds before swiftly running through the tough crowd and eventually reached for Vin.
Vin shifted his gaze and slightly tilted his head once he realized someone was calling for him that sounded urgent.
And it was.
Cesar nodded, "A suspicious shadow just moved at this street from the corner. I thought I should inform this to you,"
Vin heard him for the first time and cast a glance at his squad which immediately disappeared from their places in the blink of an eye that surprised Cesar and the rest watching.
'Wha— How fast!'
He couldn't help but gulp a mouthful of saliva down his throat, realizing he was a second too late to notice their presence leaving the hotel.
"Let's continue clearing this hotel. My men will handle the thing you've seen." Vin paused, "They'll be back, don't worry,"
Fully trusting Vin's judgment probably because his men's capabilities are top-notch, they moved deeper into the hotel.
Even though the strength of Vin was reduced because his men went to search for the mysterious figure Cesar had mentioned, there was still him, the commander of the base.
And at the end of their search towards the entirety of the hotel were very smooth, unbothered by any problems that might've just been lurking around the area.
There, they found five more penetrated realities inside.
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