Chapter 21
TL : Cnine
TN : RECRUITING PROOFREADER AND EDITOR FOR NFB, THE CURRENT ONE IS MIA[DUE TO RL]. The requirement are able to proofread[made the sentence flowing more smoothly] and editing[since all chapter is short chapter.
Lena POV
The adventurer Lena le Page was a newbie adventurer.
A young girl who just turned 17 years old.
The armor she wear is a cheap one, and yet it's look seedy without even showing any sign of grooming for her appearance.
But, when you see her nicely, she have a dreamy-like light blue pupils which and her golden colored hair which seems like beautiful if she unravel it, she'll look georgeous and perfectly match her by wearing some dress which'll made her completely unlike an adventurer.
This kind of girl was coming to Malt city for a simple reason, it's because none other than a piece of information she gain in the capital called recommendation, "this city have two lower labyrinth which geared toward novice adventurer".
There's a great number of adventurer in the capital, since there's so many people in there, it's quite a severe place for a novice adventurer to act in there without any connection, lena was looking for a more comfortable place.
During that time, she heard that there's quite a demand for novice adventurer in the city and village of frontier area from the staff of Adventurer Guild《Guild》, it was referred as "We can make a referral for Several city if you want to make an income while increasing your skill".
Lena was jumping at that referral without hestitation, and thus she came to Malt city.
Originally, no matter how much they say "the job here is just too little", the adventurer who registered in the capital hating the idea of changing their base toward the frontier.
Because judging from the line of thinking of this kind of people in which many of them thinking that they'll soon heading toward the top adventurer by receiving a huge request, is a hard land as it's separated from the capital.
Some even say that they're "Running away from the capital" to heading toward the frontier, basically that's how the general adventurer of the capital.
But, Lena couldn't quite get with this kind of feeling.
Rather, for this kind of Lena, she really want as soon as possible to leaving from the capital, it wasn't exaggerated to say that the introduction of the staff of Adventurer Guild《Guild》 of the capital is a godsend.
Thus, Lena is set out for the frontier city Malt just few days ago.
Though in some sense Lena was coming to Malt city carrying her dream and hope in her chest, that hope smashed so easily.
Because, the labyrinth surrounding Malt, for Lena who's a novice amongst novice no matter how you see it, is too much severe place for solo exploration, though she need to go with a party, no one willing to take Lena.
The reason was, her gender, appearance, and then what written in her career.
First, it's quite a deduction in the point as an adventurer for a woman, from the fact that her appearance is quite thin even her armor look too dainty, one might think that she won't be able to fight too well, when she speak that it wan't even one month yet since she became an adventurer in the last moment, and taking this as a hobby, by that point it's a good bye.
It's a cruel story.
The truth is, Lena ability is comparable to the novice adventurer in the Malt city, or rather she's cut above the rest, that sincere character can be understood by how well maintened her armor.
Despite not even one month have passed since she becoming an adventurer, the thing of her having that kind of mentality and power is quite unusual case, rather you can say that she's quite a bargain object.
But, it's just a bad luck for lena, when she's looking for someone to form a party with her, there wasn't anyone who could give a just evaluation in Lena ability.
Originally, there's several people in every Adventurer Guild《Guild》, they're usually observing the newcomer while scattering their pipe in the bar that annexed* to the Adventurer Guild《Guild》. [TL* : Maybe an idion but I'm that sure for this one]
And then, for the Adventurer Guild《Guild》 of Malt city, Lent Fayna is the one in charge for it, though when he's not here, the higher ranking adventurer will be the one that doing it, both of them is unfortunately absent when Lena's looking for a party member.
Because of that, Lena ended up unable to meet someone with adequate ability to form a party with her, it was then she cannot help but to dive in the labyrinth to gain her daily income alone.
Though even the staff of the Adventurer Guild《Guild》 feeling troubled with her decision, because the staff understand about Lena ability as she's looking at the data send by the Adventurer Guild《Guild》 of the capital, since she judging that the probability of her dying even if she's exploring the labyrinth to some extent is low, she stopped giving a warning the moment Lana take her comission.
Sooner or later, Lent or someone might come to looking for someone to form a party with Lena, she even judged that there wasn't any problem to left her for a solo till that time.
Practically, though that judgement wasn't wrong in normal case, if she know that Lena's still ignorant with the way of world apart of her imagination, she'll make a different judgement.
That's right, Lena was quite ignorant to the way of the world.
Though she's quite skilled for a novice in regard to sword skill, that's in the end a martial arts-like skill for a mock battle, her experience is quite shallow in regard to real combat.
Because of that, she's keep on diving in the ≪Labyrinth of Water and Moon≫ which recommended by the Adventurer Guild《Guild》 as a solo adventurer, which then led to her dilemma.
First, since she could beat several monster that appeared, despite it's already good if she just liquidate the magic stone and the raw material by returning at this point, Lena's feeling that her condition is at the peak has decided to dwelling a little deeper.
With this she's fallen into the deadliest beginner mistake, she have her party member when she was in the capital and the most experienced amongst them gave a warning.
But, having lost this kind of person, Lena judgement became quite terrible.
As a result, she just one step away from being killed by a Bone Man《Skeleton》.
No, she definitely will be killed if things goes as it is.
But, Lena is quite lucky.
It's because she was able to meet a powerful person who then save her life.
When the Bone Man《Skeleton》 raised it's arm to kill Lena,
Someone has come along and yelling loudly.
Though Lena thinking "who's this person", when she became clear of that, she left speechless.
That is because "this person" was Corpse eating demon《Ghoul》 which is several times more terrible than Bone man《Skeleton》 .
And yet, the complex tatto's ecthing on the portion of it's face radiating place blue light.
Though it doesn't mean that Lena has meet a lot of type of monster, nevertheless this monster is a special existance ―― She guessed right away that it might be the so called "special individual".
For the special individual of monster is an extremely rare monster which called as 《|Given Name《Named》Monster》 or 《|Scarce《Rare》Monster》, in case of labyrinth, it's a monster which normally won't appear in this floor, and it say that they're monster of different feature than the normal one.
And then, those monster, in most case, is so powerful to the point that you can say that they have different status than the normal monster, quite strong to the point that you must prepare yourself to die if you meet one.
The Corpse eating demon《Ghoul》which appearing in front of Lena which definitely one of this special individual is very obvious from it's appearance, moreover even the atmosphere exuding from it is somehow powerful.
"This look, bad."
It was natural for Lena to think so.
Moreover, this Corpse eating demon《Ghoul》 brandishing the sword in it's hand to the Bone man《Skeleton》 who was trying to kill Lena, which resulted in the latter to cut right in half.
That movement was extremely beautiful, in that moment she think that slash was truly beautiful to the point that she's forgetting about the monster.
But, when she regaining her composure, this reality stiffening Lena body even more.
Why you say, because something like this is absolutely undefeated for Lena.
"Is my adventurer life will end in this place"
At that time, Lena was making preparing herself to die.
But, strangely, Lena who met this monster in this place is rather lucky.
This monster who appeared in front of Lena is somehow started to talk and it then conversed with her.
And then, it made a request to Lena.
The monster requested her to buy him a clothes.
Lena's accepting his wish and ran toward the city.
As a knight, She felt that she must payback the debt of life.
Because, though the current Lena is an adventurer, she's originally a daughter of knight house.
What do you think?
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