On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Ninety-Six – Freeze and Fury

Side One Hundred And Ninety-Six – Freeze and Fury

First - Mori Eri, Their estate, Tokyo

Landing in front of the hateful brown-haired man, her legs bending a little to mitigate the stress of her impossible twenty-metre bound, her newly materialised black cat tail lashing angrily, Eri swept her great axe at him with a bitter snarl.

“It is true.” The man leapt backwards, narrowly avoiding Eri’s brutal swing. His eyes were radiating contempt, disgust and hatred, and in this backdrop of smoke, flame and ashes, he seemed a demon, not a man, to Eri’s eyes. This is our home now! To think you’d dare come and assault it! Well, I’m not weak, cowardly little Eri anymore. I’m going to make you pay!

“They say that devils always show signs on their flesh. You inhuman monster!” He swung his sword as Eri attacked again, and axe clashed against sword, and the man staggered, feet sliding backwards on the ash-covered mud that had been churned by the boots of the attackers. Blinking, he seemed surprised as Eri overpowered him, but Eri was frowning too, her cat ears twitching uncomfortably. My hands are numb. But…

Faint flickers of lightning shimmered on the head and shaft of her axe, burning her palms. That didn’t matter though, and Eri pressed on, her movements inhumanly graceful, the strength of Lovers’ Link coursing through her, a warm weight on her body, heart and spirit. “Devil? I’m not the one here to kill the innocent.” She spat again, this time in his face, and he wasn’t able to avoid it and her swinging axe, so as he parried, wincing again, her spittle splashed his cheek, deepening his fury.

“Besides…” she continued, dancing around him, continuing to strike. “…I’m not inhuman. Yes, I’m half Yōkai now, but… humanity is a state of mind. Shaeula, Hyacinth, Asha, they’re as human as any of us. More human than you…”

Lightning flashed, and Eri tilted her neck, bending it more than was seemingly possible, the forked bolt slashing through where her head was, reminding her not to be careless. Behind her, an arrow flashed, and another fanatic fell, Aiko setting aside her own horrors at taking lives and defending their family cowering within the estate’s underground panic room. Good girl. You’ve always been kind, this must be hurting you, but… like me, you chose this path. And this is why. Without strength, all we can do is suffer under the boots of the strong. Daiyu is right. Those with the biggest fists are the only ones who can decide their own fates…

“…but what matters is…” Eri was undeterred. The man leapt backwards, his own speed far exceeding even the students of the training school, which indicated that if he wasn’t a Chosen, he was at least different somehow, but with his lightning, Eri was sure he was such a foe, another Chosen sent to hunt them.

“…Akio thinks I’m adorable! Besides, Shiro told me no man doesn’t like cat girls!” He was fast, but Eri was faster, the fact it was borrowed strength not deterring her. After all, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer… all we have is the other’s too. Her face then flushed a deep crimson, quite out-of-place in this life or death struggle, as she remembered the other use of her power that Akio adored. At least he’ll never get bored of me. Because I can be anyone he wants me to be.

“What nonsense…” The man parried desperately, but Eri’s overwhelming strength nearly jolted the golden sword from his hands. “You Whore of…” His words were cut off as he coughed blood, his voice silenced as Eri’s leg had bent at an unnatural angle and elongated, her foot staving in his throat.

“You better watch your tongue.” Eri growled, and her teeth lengthened into fangs as her anger got the better of her, ears standing upright and fur on her tail bristling. “Belittle me, curse me, shame me… but never spit on my love for Akio. I’m no whore.” As her head cooled, she regretted revealing one of her trump cards, her insanely flexible body that she was getting ever more skilled at manipulating. Ginneka and her brother were alive again, so able to instruct her, and during gaps in her training, she had sought them out. Of course, I only take advice from Kinneka, I’m not letting him see me change and transform. Though Ginneka causes her own problems.

Eri understood well that she had tried to kill Shaeula, Hyacinth and Akio, and that she had… certain tendencies that Eri hated in women. But despite that, Ginneka had saved her from a terrible fate, even if for selfish reasons, and Eri had promised to call her sister if she survived. And I’m no liar. But just because she’s my sister doesn’t mean I have to respect or tolerate all she does. But… she’s been good recently… Eri’s support had softened a lot of the resentment against Ginneka from others, and while she still definitely didn’t approve of the way she chased Akio… it wasn’t like she didn’t understand.

After all, Akio’s the best man alive, compared to him, all other men are at best harmless, but most are just cockroaches or dust… uh…

“Bitch! Looking… down on… me…” the man grunted, surprising Eri with a sudden, unexpected strength. “Getting lost… in your… thoughts in battle…”

Shit. Eri had been cut by his golden sword, one arm laid bare to the bone, blood seeping out. Lightning wreathed the wound, and Eri shuddered as it wormed its way inside her. There was something off about it, not like the lightning Shaeula used. Her senses were abnormally keen, and she now had a Favour, so… It’s not elemental lightning, is it? Adherence…

She wasn’t Akio, though she was like him in many ways. Mother-in-law Emily teased her about it constantly, but it was only natural. To Eri, he was the person who cared for her most when she was younger, whose back she always watched, who she wanted to be like, to be with. It was only natural she mimicked his thought patterns, and bad habits of getting lost in her own head during stressful situations. Of course, she didn’t have Split Thoughts, so it did make her clumsy. But… Thoughts that take an ordinary person seconds are just a moment to me…

Unhesitatingly, she manipulated her arm, shrinking it down to the size of a child’s, and with a cry, she slashed it off with her own axe. Lightning exploded from the severed limb, and with a grunt of pain Eri grew a new arm, though unlike the fluidity of the silver and gold Bakeneko siblings, it took a lot out of Eri. Panting, she glared at her attacker for a moment, before stepping up her assault.

“You…” the man began, only for Eri to leap around, bouncing off wrecked security towers, fallen gates and nearby trees, like a masterful parkour expert. The man spun, trying to keep up, and Eri evaluated his Statistics as to perhaps be on a par with her own, without Lovers’ Link. Of course, the lightning is dangerous, and he may have other tricks. But…

Glancing backwards at where Aiko and Suzu-san were still battling valiantly, Eri felt reassured. Most of the dangerous threats were down, so if she could just handle her opponent… leaping down with catlike grace, she dodged more lightning, though she purposefully allowed a little to graze her, the Cloak Of Nyx drawing it in, Stars starting to glimmer in the gorgeous robe of darkness she wore.

It’s beautiful. Perhaps the only dress I shall love more is my wedding dress. Next year, perhaps…

“We should finish this. Our friends and family must be worried.” Eri declared, the axe in her hands screaming to duel, to defeat the fool who challenged her. Leaping forwards, her axe swung down, only for the man to cry out in desperation despite his smashed throat.

“Descend, Archangel… let not…” Blood bloomed, his sword struck from his hands, and then his right arm was severed cleanly at the elbow. He screamed again, but this time there was adherence in it. Despite that, Eri was undeterred, aiming to finish things quickly, going for his other arm.

[Lightning Shall Purge The Unclean] The strange words, pregnant with adherence, shattered the calm as they came out perfectly from the man, despite his injuries. A violent cloud of energy erupted, but Eri was leaping backwards, claws on her feet sinking into a nearby tree, keeping her fixed there, though her shoes were ruined in the process. A brilliant nova had charred everything within five or six metres of the man, and sparks were still glittering in the air like fireflies.

“No, calling you a man is wrong. Idiot.” Eri had no sympathy for him, but she did wish she had eyes like Akio or Shaeula now. She had heard the stories of Mary Stuart and the battle of London, and her desperate last efforts. This was… similar, she assumed, if likely on a far more modest scale. Her fur weas standing up on end, warning that this situation was dangerous, but Eri still had confidence.

[By Barachiel, Be Purified! The Throne’s Wrath Fall Upon This Godless Land]

The man had lost all reason in his eyes, they were now black pits, and his body had twisted, wings of black feathers ripping from his back, each several metres across. His skin was squirming too, and cracks were forming, sparks scattering out from within him. The severed arm was leaking blood still, but it was boiling. Raising that stump, lightning flashed, a greater volume than before, and Eri was unable to avoid it all even as the tree she was standing on was blown into flinders. Some shrapnel was stopped by her Cloak, as was a lot of the lightning, but she still suffered a number of bad burns.

Two of the last attackers who had been hiding rushed out at her, fervour in their eyes as they alternated their gaze between the warping false Angel and her. One squeezed the trigger of his gun and bullets spewed out, but Eri didn’t care. Like a panther she surged over the wreckage surrounding them and with two slashes her opponents were dead. It certainly does get easier. I know why Akio worries now. But…I’m not so generous as to spare those coming to kill me and those I love.

More lightning flashed, and the ground exploded around her. Eri felt more injuries accumulate, her recently healing ribs shattering again, but that was nothing to her, as it was almost a benefit, in some ways. Landing heavily, she rolled, making sure to keep hold of her axe. Glancing down into Tokyo, she narrowed her eyes, her great visual acuity picking up people filming the fight with their phones, and even camera crews. They won’t see much at a distance. With the homes of the rich and powerful on these hills, they can’t come closer either. But…

Dodging in a roll as more lightning exploded where she was standing, Eri kept her attention on her enemy, which was seeming less human each second. The wings were sparking with lightning, and as it walked, slower than before, but with dreadful purpose, thunder sounded, the air buffeting her. His skin was becoming transparent now too, and she could see even his bones were starting to char.

“Eri, we’ll help!” She heard Aiko’s cry, and several Golden Sisters rushed over.

[False Idols Of Gold Melt Before Barachiel] The grim, strange words sounded, and thunder boomed and a brilliant pillar connected the sky and the hillside. Eri used the axe to shield her face from the glow, and when she could see again, all that remained of the Golden Sisters were strands of fading ether. Worse, the abomination was turning towards Aiko and Suzu-san now.

“Not this time!” Eri roared. Brilliant Stars left her Cloak, and the partially descended Archangel staggered, translucent flesh cratering. One leg was disabled, slowing it further, but it continued to stare out at Aiko with its fathomless eyes of darkness, raising its unwounded arm.

“I, Mori Eri, challenge you! One on one, Barachiel!” She guessed at the name, though she supposed it could be invoking Barachiel like Haanōbō did Suzaku. “Until one of us cannot fight any longer!”

The axe in her hand trembled with joy, and she felt a thread of adherence, far greater than earlier, tie around her spirit, her heart. With a wild grin, she raised her axe high, and called out to Aiko and Suzu-san. “Leave this to me! It’s dangerous! You’re not going to survive a direct hit, I can heal myself.” As if to echo her words, a sword of crackling lightning was swung down at her, and her tail was sliced off even as she tried to dodge. Grimacing, aether flowed, reknitting flesh. I’m going to have to eat a lot after this… oh well, a lot of girls would envy the ultimate diet plan.

There wasn’t exactly a correlation between losing body parts, shapeshifting and her actual weight, but perhaps due to the spiritual nature of it, she did notice she seemed a little gaunter after doing it too often.

“But…” Aiko cried, only for the ever-grinning Suzu-san to grab her arm.

“It’ll be fine. If Eri-chan says she can do it, she can do it. Besides, she’s right. You’re an archer, not a warrior, Aiko-chan, and me, I’m just a harmless little superstar idol! No, we should clean up the last of the mess… then worry about the PR nightmare that’s coming! Oh well, I’ll throw it all in Arisu-chan’s and Akio-kun’s laps.”

Aiko looked troubled, but at Eri’s next words, she paused, and Suzu-chan tilted her head in puzzlement, before grinning. “Oh, bold! I like it! You know, I think I can help you with that! Aiko-chan, if I leave the last few attackers to you then?”

Grateful for something to do, Aiko nodded, and Eri exchanged a look with Suzu-san, even as she dodged more lightning and the glittering storm sword that the Angel was wielding, the blade three metres long. Suzu-san winked innocently, and Eri snorted. You’re not as airheaded as you seem, I suppose.

“All right then, time to duel!” Eri cried, charging. The Angel swung the blade, but Eri slid under it, scuffing along the ground. She then leapt up, and her Beheading Axe Of Trials swept outwards in a brutal arc. The Angel moved as though it had no bones, but crunching sounds could be heard. It parried, and lightning flashed point-blank. Eri rolled in the air, her legs twisting and bending out of shape, and for a moment she remembered a retro fighting game Akio had as a child, and the strange stretchy man in it.

“On your knees!” Eri cried as her feel slammed into the face of her foe, though it seemed almost unbothered. Landing, her legs returned to normal, and she enhanced the muscles within. For a moment she felt rather grotesque, as her legs swelled up to the size of a bodybuilder, but then she was catapulted forwards by a mighty leap. Axe flashed, and flesh was severed.

[Mortal Flesh Is Weak, Spiritual Flesh Remains Incorruptible]

Even as both legs, the wounded one and the uninjured, were cut free by Eri’s axe, the Angel was still held aloft by the wings. Instead, it thrust down the sword of lightning, piercing through Eri like a lance. She heard Aiko’s despairing cry, but her blood was up, her fury soaring, and she didn’t respond with words.

A little more. You’re just a shitty puppet who can’t do much. Eri knew Shiro and Tan, and knew how these things worked. The true Barachiel wouldn’t be such a weakling, and likely wouldn’t even be able to manifest without wrecking the Boundary. Even in Divine Possession, Tan was still only able to dribble out her strength, constrained by both the Boundary and the weakness of Shiro’s body. And this scum isn’t Shiro, and the Angel isn’t Tan. No…

Her Cloak Of Night was blooming brilliantly, Stars forming one after the other as the blade pierced her, but Eri was smirking, her onyx eyes looking at the dark pits of her attacker with disdain. “You’re just a last gasp of a dying monster. Angel?” Eri spat at the sword, and it flashed to steam as it contacted the glowing blade. “I call you a fool.”

It seemed confused, and pulled the blade free, ready to impale her again, only to pause for a brief moment. Eri noticed, realising it had detected her ruse, and in that instant the Stars bloomed, leaving her Cloak in a rain of brilliant shooting stars, tracing shining arcs through the air. Her clothing was charred and burned, but as her flesh reknitted, the hole she had forced in her torso filling as the internal organs she had pushed aside returned to their places, she swung her axe.

The black wings exploded, feathers falling and turning into blazing strands of lightning. Eri ignored the burning pain she felt as her axe sheared through the remaining arm of her enemy. The lightning sword shivered and winked out of existence, and the false Angel collapsed to the ground. Even then it wasn’t beaten, and it opened its mouth to cry out, lightning crackling around it, only for Eri’s axe to strike home. Blood bloomed, then she wrenched the blade free, pressing it against the neck of her opponent, biting through transparent flesh, resting against charred bone.

[…Thunder… Judges… Time Will Come…] With that the man, now blinded, eyes burned away by lightning, coughed, hot blood streaming from his mouth and numerous wounds.

“I won this duel…” Eri declared, as Aiko and Suzu-san rushed over, the battle seemingly done. The beautiful gardens were ruined, and the gatehouse and walls had collapsed, but fortunately their home and those within seemed safe. We can rebuild. Trees can be replanted. Though Asha will be upset…

As the adherence around her dissipated, Eri felt a surge of intangible strength, and the axe in her hands quivered, almost as if it was happy. Patting the blade, she grinned, before letting her ether flow into the fallen man, staunching his fatal wounds. Though with his bones and internal organs in that state… he’s crippled. No more than he deserves though…

“Suzu’s here!” the girl declared, striking a pose, her blonde hair drills bouncing, Seeing Eri’s flat look, she giggled, before producing a number of long wooden needles. “Don’t be like that Eri-chan, just trying to lighten the mood. Oh… and don’t feel sorry for these people, all right? Those who live by the sword die by it, yes? And those that kill others for stupid reasons can’t complain when they are killed in turn.”

Realising that she was trying to comfort her in her own way, Eri snorted. “Don’t worry. I won’t. And if we do have nightmares, Aiko… well, Akio will just have to comfort us.”

Aiko flushed at Eri’s words, but she nodded, watching curiously as Suzu-san inserted the needles into the near-corpse of the Judge. Ether surged, and then she clapped her hands. “And done. Though it isn’t easy. It only worked on him because his mind’s a wreck. You sure you want him alive?”

Eri nodded, entirely without sympathy. “Yes. I don’t know if he has a lightning-based Favour or not, but if so, we should take it. But I’m more interested in Akio and Tan studying the way he called upon this so-called Archangel. Maybe they won’t learn much, but…” She winced, all her injuries starting to prey on her body. Seeing that Aiko offered her a shoulder, which Eri gratefully leaned on.

“Gotcha.” Suzu-san nodded, finishing up. “The boss, when she’s in what Arisu-chan calls red mode, can be really scary. If there’s anything to find, she’ll see it. Anyway… done.” All the needles were placed. “I can see why you wanted him puppeteered. Even without arms and legs, if he tosses around some lightning he could be dangerous. But…”

Her expression was suddenly serious, and Eri tensed up, only to wonder why she bothered at Suzu-san’s next words. “…when we’re done, I’m scrapping him, okay? He’s definitely not the sort of backup dancer I want in Suzumebachi!”

As Aiko sniggered, Eri shook her head. Glancing down the hill, she watched as Aiko pulled the fallen man up onto her shoulders like a sack of potatoes. “I can see that. But that’s a worry for later. Once we’ve made sure that there aren’t any more surprises here, we’ll go get our parents. After all, I don’t want to have to deal with the police and the press, do you?”

As the other two shook their heads, Eri grimaced, leaning on the shaft of her axe. “I think… this is going to be trouble. While we did nothing wrong… the ordinary people of Japan will be horrified. But… it doesn’t matter. Even if the whole world’s against us…”

“…if we have the biggest fists, all they can do is whine.” Aiko meaningfully looked at her burden, quoting Daiyu. “…and we’ve proved our fists are pretty damn big, right?”

Eri chuckled at that. “Bigger than these losers at least. But… I’m worried. It won’t be just us they targeted, will it?” Taking out her phone Eri was dismayed to see the lightning had fried it. “There’s a TV in the house. Let’s go check the news, and use someone else’s phone…”


Second - Izumi Kana, Kana’s faith school, Tokyo

“Settle down, settle down!” Kana’s teacher was trying to restore order, but it was a futile effort. Everyone was on their mobile phones, watching live footage or checking what people were saying online. Kana herself had her phone out, and her stomach was lurching, bile rising. Ugh… that’s our home. And the shrine!

Kana did feel a little guilty that her first thought of home was the Tokyo estate she shared with Akio and the others, especially since she only spent half the week there, but Kana quickly quashed that. There’s no time. Besides, I’m a pragmatic girl, when Akio finally asked me out and I accepted, from that moment I was serious. Besides, there’s no running from this relationship now, else Shaeula and Eri will kill me! No, what matters is…

“That’s… Hanafubuki Academy, right? Where Hinata-chan, Motoko-chan and Natsumi-chan, plus a lot of the others go, yeah?” Asami-chan was clearly worried for them. “That’s… bad. Don’t they know that they are all super rich girls? Nobody’s going to let them get away with this…”

“It’s not just here in Japan!” one girl cried out loudly, brandishing her phone, and the teacher clearly gave up, fumbling for her own mobile device. “There’s stuff happening worldwide…”

“I think they know.” Kana puffed out her cheeks, exasperated, and also fearful. “I want to go help right away, but…” She paused, torn, and Kikuchi Maiko-chan spoke up. She was no longer the mopey eyesore in class, and while Kana still couldn’t claim they were the best of friends, having worked together a while now, they were certainly no longer at odds.

“You worry they’ll attack here too, right?” Maiko-chan was scared, clearly, but she had toughened up over time. “If they are going after Hanafubuki, as well as your shrine… then it stands to reason they might target here too, as there’s a lot of us. I’m just glad Hisuikomushi shrine doesn’t seem to be a target yet. Dad sent me a message. He’s going to the Boundary to fight, but… if Hisuikomushi comes under attack, then we’re already in real trouble, considering where it is.”

“True. I… well, mother and father should be fine. Grandfather too.” Kana muttered, mostly to reassure herself. “Looking at the footage, it seems like Ixitt and Grulgor are there. I do want to go help though… but I’m not a great fighter…”

“Maybe we should go?” Asami-chan asked. “After all, we’re trained.”

The other girls in class were listening intently. It was no secret Kana was Akio’s girlfriend now, nor that a number of their classmates were being trained, though the details were secret still, only generalities given out. Of course, even the allure of that was fighting against the girls’ needs to check the ongoing situation via social media.

“No way.” Kana shook her head. “You’re trainees, sure, but… it’s not like you are members of Adamant, with all their special gear. No, you’ll be best keeping the situation here calm.”

“It’s not like you can even join Adamant, Asami-chan!” Mio-chan joked. “You and Ren-kun are going out now, so you fail at the first hurdle! Maybe I should volunteer, so Kana-chan isn’t alone…”

“I don’t think so.” Kana snorted, seeing Mio-chan was trying to keep her calm. Even chatting, Kana was willing her bloodline abilities to awaken. She had a decent control of her Eyes Of The Shrine Maiden nowadays, but her ability to sense thoughts was still erratic. But it’s the Eyes I need. Lights flickered in her vision as aether arose within her, and she extended her senses in a crude manner, similar to how Akio did it.

“Hey, it’s not like I’d be able to say no to Akio-san even if I wasn’t in Adamant.” Mio-chan giggled charmingly, tugging on one pigtail idly, and though it was forced, her humour was having an effect, calming the class. “I mean, if you set aside the polygamy, he’s the perfect man, and… well, I’ve seen you still be happy Kana-chan!”

“What’s that got to do with anything?” Kana couldn’t help but bite, and Mio-chan shrugged.

“Well, it’s all about ‘what if’, you get it? If I turned him down, I’d always wonder just what my life would have been like, how high I could have gone. When I see you as one of the most famous people in the world, living a life I can only dream of, Kana-chan… let’s just say only girls who really think highly of themselves, or those already in love like Asami-chan here…”

Asami-chan protested at that, but Mio-chan merely waved a hand, finishing her thoughts.

“…would turn that down. But what I will say is, for a secret organisation, they’re really very… boastful.”

No kidding. I know why they didn’t ask me and Eri about it, not that it matters, but… yeah, I’ve been thinking the same.

“It’s obvious when you think about who is involved.” It was Takagi Hisano-chan who spoke up with a snort. Other than Kana herself, Hisano-chan was the one who had changed most out of all of them. She no longer wore glasses most of the time, her eyes having been fixed by her stats, and her style was good. Kana still couldn’t call her a beauty, but she was far from the dowdy, introspective loner who had stuck up for Maiko-chan and got pulled into this life that one time. No, now I feel it's fair to say she’s damn cute. Plenty of guys would give her a second glance now.

“Oh?” Kana’s headache started, as she pushed her Eyes well beyond what she could control yet, but that was followed by heartache, as several bright abnormalities flared into her sight. It could be a coincidence, but… I don’t risk my life, or theirs on that. Keeping calm, Kana asked for an explanation, even as she mentally prepared herself for battle.

“Shaeula, Hinata-san, Shiro… they all want to be praised. They want Akio to tell them ‘well done’ and be proud of them. Sure, a secret organisation sounds nice, and I bet Akio would be happy, but… that’s too long-term, so instead, their idea of secret just means exclusive, so that he can see how hard they’ve worked for him. Honestly… the three of them and Eri-san are definitely the most needy. Even you are fairly relaxed, Kana-chan…” At her rueful smile, Kana had to laugh. Yes, I never used to be. But… I like myself now. Hell, if what I’ve been through didn’t change me, I’d be a lost cause.

“…and contrary to the rules, it’s not about girls for Akio. As you say, Mio-chan… it’s not like he’d struggle. Honestly… I’d have joined Adamant already if I could find a way to tell Yasu-kun without him going mad.” Hisano-chan let out a long-suffering sigh. “He’s so overprotective. If he’s not careful, Karen-chan will dump him, and she’s too good for him so he won’t do better…” Everyone had taken after Akio and was calling her Karen-chan now, which was fair. She was older, yes, but she had a very friendly, relaxed air about her, and Kana liked her.

“…that’s not important.” Hisano-chan finished. “Anyway… you probably know this, Kana-chan, Maiko-chan, being shrine maidens… but… it’s all about adherence. The end goal of Adamant… it’s simple. And… I want to be a part of it. It’s not like I’m in any hurry to date anyway.”

Kana nodded slowly. Yeah. Everyone has their plans. Even I do. But… everything ties together nicely. But now this… it’s why… Kana clenched her fists. “There’s two kinds of trainee. Those that were pushed on Akio by various shrines and nobility… and those of us who are serious. If you’re serious, Hisano-chan, go for it. I’ll tell Shiro to beat down your cousin if he protests. He won’t dare mess with her. I came to that realisation myself after Kyoto, when I begged to be trained hard. So… yeah, I get it. But for now… everyone, stay calm. Okay? I’ll be back in a minute, and… it'll all be over.”

“There’s… really trouble?” their teacher asked timidly, and Kana nodded.

“Hopefully not as big of a problem as at Hanafubuki or my shrine. After all, we’re just a little school out in the suburbs… but yes.”

“I’ll call the police…” Her teacher fumbled for her phone screen, and Kana nodded again.

“Yes, do that. But… I’ll have to handle it until then.” Standing, admiring the looks her classmates gave her for her bravery, she grimaced. I’m still a bit shallow I see. But… honestly, I too want to be admired and loved and pampered. The difference is… I’m also willing to give back now. In exchange, I’ll protect, love and help. Here… It’s on me to protect everyone. Ksitigarbha, give me strength! Oh, and you too, Shirohebi!

Feeling a little guilty she was praying to the owner of her Favour instead of her Kami, Kana strode over to the window, her school uniform feeling rather too scant to serve as armour. Fortunately her classroom was close enough to the entrance, and despite not being on the ground floor, a small drop wouldn’t phase her. Opening the window, she leapt out, and she landed, skirt fluttering.

Oh, good. They’re women. I’d feel pissed off if a guy saw my panties. Realising she was being stupid, she gazed at the intruders. Her school had no fancy security or gatehouse like Hanafubuki, only a heavy metal gate, which they had climbed easily enough. There were only two, which tallied with her vision, and Kana felt both insulted and relieved.

That relief was short lived though, as she realised one of them was carrying a suspicious looking ornate box, and it radiated strong aether. “All right then. I suppose you won’t just turn around and leave?”

Seeing Kana, the first woman shouted something in English. Kana’s language proficiency had skyrocketed hanging around with Akio and the gang, as almost everyone spoke fluent English. But there were still the odd words here and there she didn’t know. What’s a Reliquary? That box, maybe?

They had called her a filthy harlot, which incensed Kana. I’m still a virgin, and I’ve only ever dated one guy! Bitches! Then they had cried to open the Reliquary and retrieve the cargo. Kana was a little confused. These two didn’t appear to be Chosen, but they certainly weren’t normal, even if their appearance could pass for any ordinary Japanese woman. Except for the eyes. There’s hatred there.

As the lid was torn from the casket, streams of violet could be seen by Kana’s eyes, and even as she drew on the power of earth element to subdue the intruders, her eyes widened, as she saw what was within, larger than the box could seemingly contain. Oh fuck… is that… a bomb?


Third - Kanzaki Keiko, Akihabara, Tokyo

“That’s… Suzu-chan, isn’t it?” Ema’s words were barely audible, and her voice was trembling. The usual daily training that the idols of AKB0048 underwent had halted, and now everyone was crowding around the TV backstage, watching the news with ever more horrified expressions. Normally, their managers and personal trainers would have been browbeating them back to work, but now… even they were lost, accepting any practice today would be futile.

“Yeah, it must be, Ema.” Asuka agreed, her face damp from sweat not generated by their intense routines now, but fear. Keiko felt the same, and her tracksuit was soaked with perspiration, a rarity nowadays, after her Chirurgery.

Rumi-Rumi, who was taking part in their training today, since the trio were currently hot prospects in AKB0048 after the successful charity concert, alongside a number of more established senpai’s, nodded. “I think so. It’s a long distance shot, but… she’s very recognisable. And rather eccentric.”

Despite the dreadful situation, Keiko managed a smile. Rumi-Rumi could always be trusted to try and calm the tension. “Yes, it’s Suzu-chan.” Keiko then pointed out Eri-chan and Aiko-chan too. “They… they’re fighting their hardest.” She winced, seeing that even in the long-range, blurry footage being aired on the news, as the reporters were unable to get too close, due to both privacy and safety reasons, people were dying.

“Suzu-chan… she just… killed someone.” another of her fellow idols cried, face pale. “That’s… that’s…”

Self-defence.” Keiko sighed. “It’s clear. That’s their home. Nobody comes visiting with machine guns and cannons, unless you have some very strange guests.”

“Those are RPG’s, Keiko.” Asuka laughed. “Not cannons.” A nervous giggle went around the room, and Ema chimed in.

“Does it really matter? They both go boom!” Ema spread her arms wide innocently, and this time the laughter was a little more relaxed. Keiko looked at the fellow members of her trio fondly, glad they understood her intentions.

“Yes, boom indeed. Do you really think…” Keiko addressed her fellow idols. “…that they should just sit there and die? Let their families die? I… think Suzu-chan is doing what a true idol should.”

“How so?” Rumi-Rumi asked, and Juu-chan, who had also been spending time with them after the concert, was the one to speak. Of course she is, she’s experienced the good they can do…

“In ancient times, an idol was an object of worship. Nowadays, it’s changed a lot. We’re respected and liked, yes… but… we’re here to brighten the day of our fans, to help them when times are tough. Bring a little sparkle… well, times now are tough.”

“Yes, very tough.” Keiko agreed. “It’s like what we talked about backstage at the concert. To be an idol… no, a new kind of idol. I know our managers and the brass want you all to get Chirurgery. And it’s true, you’ll be way better idols. More beautiful, better dancers and singers… but… they want it for free, or just for money. That’s… that’s unfair.”

Ema nodded, bouncing up and down with excitement, despite the grim circumstances. “Yeah. Just like when Akio-kun saved us from Sora-kun! That was… bad.” She shuddered, remembering, and Keiko was once more grateful she went on the talk show after giving that interview where she had said the man she most admired was Akio-kun. It was half a joke at the time, but now it’s totally true. And… I want to give back, and I know Asuka and Ema feel the same.

“But what Keiko is trying to say is…” Asuka spoke up. “Now, we still need to bring hope. And to do that, we need strength! If you want the Chirurgery, that’s fine. But like we’ve said, commit to it. We can still sing, dance and perform. But also… inspire and protect!”

Watching as Eri-chan fought against some terrible opponent, lightning flashing, Keiko resolved herself. I already have no issues with Adamant. Nor with being a disciple of the Incorruptible Jade. Times are changing. If anyone isn’t my fan anymore because they believe I’m somehow tainted, or less worthy, because I like Akio-kun, or am in Adamant… it’s sad, but that’s their loss. I fight for them, after all!

“Serious talk time. Now seems good.” Keiko eyed the staff around the room as well, knowing they would relay her words to management. “AKB… we’ve been offered the chance. We talked about this, and you all said you’d think about it.” She pointed at the screen. “Suzu-chan may be odd, but her heart is truly that of an idol. I don’t want to lose to her, to anyone. So… make up your minds. At the weekend… the Pilgrimage starts. Apparently, all of us who participate are likely to gain a Class, and maybe even ‘max it out’. I don’t exactly get it, but…”

“I’m going! Asuka too! And the girls from Red and White are already shrine maiden idols, so they’re in.” Ema warned.

“Yeah. We’ll be left behind. AKB can’t be losers, we’ve been the most recognisable idol group in Japan for years! Rumi-Rumi, Juu-chan, seniors… time to decide.” Asuka insisted. “Even if we don’t look for trouble, trouble will find us. Like Sora-kun. And worse…”

Keiko finished up their arguments. “They’re attacking schools, so they say. Don’t some of us have sisters and brothers who could be affected? If you knew you had the opportunity to stop that, but didn’t… wouldn’t you regret it, hate yourself? You’d lose the music in your hearts. Then as idols… you’d be dead anyway.”

At their words there was silence, until Rumi-Rumi broke in gently. “I understand why you care so much, Keiko-chan. You’re shining now. I love it. Ever since you won your centre role, you’ve been radiant. But… idols can’t date.”

Keiko snorted. “I’m not worthy. Honestly. But… maybe one day… for now…” She took a deep breath. “…If ever any of you are in danger, or our family, or our fans… I want to be able to say, like Suzu-chan, I did my part. Even if it’s hard, even if I get hurt, even if the world hates me… I’ll know I did what I should have.” Her two friends nodded emphatically, supporting her. “So… it’s time to choose. Sure, you might get to trickle in later, join Adamant or study under Matriarch Daiyu, but… miss this opportunity, and you’ll regret it!”

“Yep!” Ema giggled, still bouncing on her heels, looking dreadfully cute, even in her sweaty sportswear. “Daiyu-chan… oh, she hates that. I think in Chinese it’d be Yu-Yu or Dai-Dai for a nickname, right? Or maybe Daiyu’er? Anyway…”

“She’ll kill you if you call her any of those.” Asuka laughed.

“...maybe. Yeah, best not.” Ema winked, and her antics had further soothed everyone’s tension and fear. “But I asked her, and she says that it’s a Kami-Blessed Class, and it gives Charm and Majesty, which is awesome for idols. Who doesn’t want to be cuter? I know Keiko desperately does.”

As she flushed at that, Keiko nodded. “Every woman does. For us idols it’s even better. There’s Fortune and League too, as well as general boosts that’ll make us better singers and dancers. Better at everything, really. We’ve had the basic lectures, but we’re still beginners so… if you start now, you won’t be too far behind us. I’m also hoping that Hinata-chan will let me redesign some of the uniforms, and…” She glanced at Ema and Asuka, who seemed a little shy. “…we’ve written a song specially for this. And… it has parts for everyone. But… only those who join us get to be in it.”

“I see.” Rumi-Rumi was impressed. “And I am guessing you three are the centres?”

“Of course. Unless you get good enough to snatch it from us, Rumi-Rumi. But… we… uh… haven’t told management yet, so… if you could put in a good word for our song we’d appreciate it!”

“You have been busy these last few days. All right. I’ll do that.” Rumi-Rumi promised, and the three of them were relieved. She then clapped her hands, drawing everyone’s attention. “Okay, we’ll take a vote. And I’ll contact everyone who is off today. Are we in or out?”

As everyone’s hands went up, some more hesitant than others, Rumi-Rumi nodded. “Great. AKB lives and dies as one! That’s how it should be. Even if our juniors are leading us into trouble.” She laughed warmly, and Keiko flushed. “Now... I think we all know what we should do. Suzu-chan may be from a rival group, but she’s a friend who performed with us, and… she’s fighting harder than ever. Not just for her dreams or her fans, but… for her life! So…”

Keiko grinned, as did her friends. They gathered in a circle, placing their hands together, before starting the traditional chant. “Fight on! Fight on! Fight!” As they threw up their hands, Keiko found herself watching the TV again, and oddly enough, she wished she was there. I’m not good enough. I have the uniform, but not the strength... But...

Seeing that Asuka and Ema felt the same, Keiko felt resolve burn in her heart. After the Pilgrimage, we might not be useless. Matriarch Daiyu is right. No matter how hard the training, no matter how gruelling the physical and mental struggles… we’re idols. No, more than that, we’re AKB idols. We won’t hesitate to put our minds and bodies through hell to be the best! Now… we just have a little more incentive…


Fourth - Hori Natsumi, Hanafubuki Private Academy, Tokyo

“They are adept at hiding their presence, Motoko.” Natsumi mouthed silently, trusting Motoko to read her lips as they headed towards the entrance. “Some might have slipped past us.”

“Indeed.” Motoko agreed, also without a sound. They had both slowed their breathing, despite the situation, and while before it was still audible, if quiet, after their training and the Levels they had gained, now only truly superior hearing would pick out their sounds, and if necessary they could hold their breaths for a time that would impress the Ama, the female Japanese pearl divers. “But we can only trust the bodyguards to protect their charges well. And those who are trained can fight. Now…” Motoko held up a hand, making a sign with her fingers, and Natsumi nodded.

Yes, switching to hand signs is better. Tsumura Arts, like most martial pursuits, had its own signs for swift and silent communication. It could only handle basic concepts around battle, but that would be enough, as Motoko signed again. Be alert and silent. Finding the enemy a priority.

Natsumi agreed, signing back. Agreed. Find and neutralise.

Sadly, the situation was not in their favour. While Hanafubuki boasted state-of-the-art security systems, such as blast-proof security doors, monitoring systems and guards from Fujiwara Security Services, the fact remained that these systems wouldn’t protect against Chosen, nor a concerted terrorist attack. After all, Japan is supposed to be peaceful. And few would be foolish enough to set all of the nobility and much of the larger businesses of Japan against themselves, unless either they didn’t care, or had confidence to resist…

Motoko signalled that they should advance, and Natsumi nodded, following on quiet feet. Walking silently was the foundation of a proper warrior’s tread, as it indicated one was light and mobile, able to react swiftly, and with the close-quarter styles of Tsumura Arts, that was vital. They headed towards the other middle school classes, only for Motoko to pause.

Enemies. Two… Motoko made a sign behind her back, and Natsumi agreed.

I wish we’d been able to master Daiyu’s Qi Perception. It would be excellent in sensing our enemies. My instinct, perhaps due to my long years as Motoko’s bodyguard, and one of the Three-Hundred, is to get the other classes to shelter in the main refuge, but… Without knowing enemy numbers, locations and capabilities, that was fraught with the potential of making a bad situation worse.

Still, one thing Natsumi was sure of was their enemies were small in number, and they had already killed some. Clenching her fist quietly, Natsumi took a long, yet silent breath. I am Motoko’s shield. Nothing has changed in that regard. Though now she is also mine.

“How puzzling.” Motoko said out loud. “I don’t see anyone around. Do you think…”

From above, a woman clad in tight black leather, hiding everything but her eyes, dropped down. It was a very ninja-like skill, clinging to ceilings, but with proper equipment it was quite possible, to say nothing of those with enhanced strengths. The elongated, curved knife she held was shimmering with some liquid, likely poison, and it aimed for the back of Motoko’s neck.

“Too bad.” Natsumi reacted, but not to attack the one aiming for Motoko. No, she spun, just as some sort of large package was hurled around the corner towards them. Jade energies gusted, and the device was blown backwards, moments before it exploded with a loud boom, matched only by the clang of metal on metal, as Motoko’s Utsuroihebi Twin was spun with speed and grace, intercepting the blade aimed at her nape.

“Damn it all…” Natsumi had thought she had blocked the explosion, but it was a wicked device, filled with ball-bearings and broken metal. A flechette bomb. Against most international treaties… Worse, the shrapnel seemed somehow resistant to her wind, piercing through the jade gusts. Has it been treated with aether somehow?

Undeterred, Natsumi continued to pour out her energies. Motoko was keeping her elemental energies in reserve, whereas Natsumi felt it best to end matters quickly, as the longer they delayed, the more likely further daughters of nobility would perish. The strain was intense, but as she was barraged by wicked debris, she protected her vital organs, narrowed her stance and only threw back the bits and pieces that threatened her life, splitting wind element into multiple streams, she suddenly felt the world slowing down around her.

Blood bloomed, as several pieces of metal sliced through her uniform. At that moment, she could see Motoko releasing her katana with one hand, readying a counterattack. Several ball bearings were flying towards Motoko’s defenceless rear, and while she had undoubtedly sensed them, she was tied up, so Natsumi strained herself further, splitting her winds thinner, yet trying to still deflect the resistant projectiles. Blood scattered, this time from her nose, and her head was aching fiercely, a great pain like a migraine.

I won’t be deterred! I’m skilled with wind element. Even if I’ve not been able to overcome the first bottleneck, I can still do this! Shaeula could! Natsumi was determined. She sometimes felt inferior to the others, that she blended into the background, was seen as a part of Motoko. In the past that would have thrilled her, to be considered as a whole with her best friend, mentor and master, but… Times have changed.

Now Natsumi desperately wished to be seen as unique, the equal to any. No, surpassing the others, even Motoko. She knew it was selfish, and also that every woman, Motoko included, felt the same way. Some, like Eri, Shiro and Shaeula, Hinata too, were just more open about it. I envy them. I do. But… I have my own charms, my own strengths. I’m not just Motoko’s shadow!

In that slowed moment, Natsumi felt something. It was like the brief thoughts, feelings and emotions that sometimes strayed through Lovers’ Link. Natsumi always liked that, knowing that Akio loved her for herself, not just her family status, even if the Hori’s were nothing compared to the Tsumura house. But this time… That’s… Shaeula? No, not her, but… It was as if remnants of Shaeula’s memories were caught within the bonds, and they seeped into her. Something tore inside, as if a wall Natsumi had been pushing at had collapsed, and in a moment of clarity, her hazel eyes widened. So it’s like that…

Understanding more about wind, how it wasn’t just about air, the movement and constituents of it, but had somehow more spiritual properties too, and didn’t have to merely be bound by conventional physics, her control multiplied, and the remaining fragments of the bomb scattered, swept up by her gale. Droplets of blood were blown away too, and Natsumi formed the wind into bullets, returning fire. She winced as the corner wall exploded, pierced through by multiple blasts, and more red scattered, and a body hit the ground hard.

Even as she was exhausting her reserves of wind, the moment of slowed clarity dissipating, yet the thoughts and memories lingering, she turned to see Motoko had flourished a hidden weapon, a rather plain yet serviceable dagger, from her sleeve. Unlike Kozue or Michiru, hidden weapons were not a focus of their Arts, but having a short blade for close work in melee, when spear and sword were stymied and bow useless, was only natural, even if Tsumura Arts also focussed on martial arts. In a slashing motion Motoko struck, and it was her attacker whose throat was slit, and her eyes went wide behind her veil, before she spat out some Arabic-sounding words and collapsed, Motoko making sure she was not faking by sweeping Utsuroihebi Twin, cutting the head free entirely.

Brutally efficient. I wish I could be as calm as Motoko is. Motoko wiped blood from her sword, then her dagger, resheathing the later in her uniform sleeve, before turning to Natsumi. On seeing her rueful expression, she flushed, coughing nervously.

“I would not have you see me as brutal, yet… an enemy left for dead who is not is a treacherous trap indeed. Oh… you are hurt. I had worried when there was the explosion, but I sensed you working wind…”

They had abandoned hand signs, as that blast had robbed them of any chance for remaining hidden, at least until they moved locations.

“It’s nothing. Well, no, not nothing…” Natsumi shrugged, wincing a little as her injuries stung. “But I didn’t get hit anywhere major. I’ll scar, but…”

“While scars are honourable, our bodies looking beautiful pleases us more.” Motoko’s smile was kind. “Though I fear Mizuki-san should be prioritised for healing. Can you manage?”

Natsumi nodded. “Though my uniform has seen better days. I’m a little upset.” Indeed, it was ripped and torn, exposing her undershirt in places, which while it covered her upper body better than most clothing ordinary girls their age wore, Natsumi still felt a twinge of shame, likely due to her upbringing, she supposed. “Luckily there isn’t anyone to see. I have my gym uniform in our classroom… but for now…” She pointed at the devastation. “…there was another attacker.”

They rounded the destroyed corner, only to see a masked figure lying against one wall, having left a bloody trail where he had crawled away. It seemed he had been pincushioned by a lot of the flechettes Natsumi had thrown back at him from his bomb, and then he had been repeatedly pierced by wind bullets and fragments of wall. The dark eyes of the man watched them approach, and then he sighed.

“It seems you are dying.” Motoko observed quietly and calmly. “And your fellow has already passed. Would you care to enlighten us on your motives here?”

“Do you think I would?” The man gasped in decent Japanese, before uttering what sounded like swearwords in Arabic, then returning to Japanese. “Everything… is a test. Even how we die. To the light… of Iblis… I shall return, and blaze away… to nothing. Though…” Whatever he was going to say was lost, as his life ebbed away.

“That bomb was nasty.” Natsumi observed into the sudden silence. “It wasn’t purely Material. Maybe something akin to Mortal Engineering? If they have more, then the shelter won’t be safe…”

“I know.” Motoko agreed, clicking her tongue. “But all we can do is deal with our enemies. Two more have fallen. Can you still go on?”

“Of course, you don’t even need to ask!” Natsumi insisted. They began to head towards the entrance where the attackers had come from, and Motoko asked her about her breakthrough.

“It seems your abilities have strengthened. I am proud of you!”

Natsumi giggled quietly. They had abandoned stealth and were rushing now. “Yes, I just knew that Shaeula could do it, and somehow…” She explained, and Motoko nodded in understanding.

“I see. It bears investigating, but… hmm, that is for another, happier time. Do you feel that?”

Natsumi nodded too. “Yes, the air has become rather chilly… it’s not natural, even for this time of year. The heating system could be broken, but…”

“It is abnormal. I do not need Qi Perception or Shaeula’s Eyes to know that.” Motoko frowned. “And… it seems we are the only ones making haste.”

Yes. It seems so. A dark-skinned man, rather tall and sallow, yet also handsome, had entered the school. He too was wearing dark black leather, but no veil, and his face was exposed, slightly pink from the chill. If the situation wasn’t what it was, one might mistake him for a teacher perhaps, though Hanafubuki had no male teachers so young, in case of impropriety. But in these circumstances, and with the biting chill in the air, and the blood on his leather…

“Ah. A welcoming committee.” The man spoke in English, though his words were rather stilted, as though it was a struggle for him. “When I heard this was a school… I had thought I would see some fine young women. Not you… girls. Middle schoolers, yes?”

Natsumi and Motoko froze at the unexpected and rather insulting conversation. The man asked them if they understood his words due to the pause, and Motoko shook her head, clearing her surprise.

“I am no young girl. I am a woman. But… to the West, we do appear younger. We had some issues in Britain too, I suppose.” Motoko bit down on a sigh, replying politely in English despite the situation. “This is a private Academy. I believe you are trespassing.”

“And you are no ordinary girls.” The man didn’t answer her probing. “Swords. And they have been used. It makes me feel a little better about what I…”

Motoko reacted, and light element blazed. There was a sizzling hiss, and the man seemed stunned for a moment, before he raised one hand to his now burned face, fragments of something clear and smoking falling from his flesh, livid pink burns across his cheeks and forehead, and surrounding his eye sockets. “That…”

No time to let him speak. Natsumi didn’t have a great deal of light element left, but she discharged it, aiming for joints and vital spots. Motoko did the same, and steam rose.

“Bitches! I am the great Husam, Son of…”

“Tenacious, aren’t you?” Natsumi grumbled. Ice? I see. But… Natsumi made a hand sign, and Motoko responded with her own subtle one, before they both drew their blades and rushed in, their positioning honed by long years of familiarity and now harsh practice both alone and under Master Ulfuric.

Chosen. Give Everything. Full Offense.

New hand signs had been added by the two of them to cover Chosen, Fae, Yōkai and other new eventualities. One thing was clear to both of them, however, that despite the Levels they’d gained and the Skills they’d learned, they were both obviously inferior to any but the most apathetic or specialised Chosen.

Only death awaits us if we drag this out. It’s a shame he survived the light element lasers. That’s our trump card. However… Tsumura Arts were originally designed for this sort of fight, and with Utsuroihebi Twin in their hands…

“This truly is a nest of Devils. I can see why the First… stop that! I, Husam, am honouring you with speech!”

Motoko and Natsumi’s slashes were blocked. The impact jolted them both, and Natsumi grimaced. It was like striking a solid wall, even with the enhanced and unnatural sharpness of the Twins. Ice shattered and flaked away from the point of impact, and Natsumi noticed something else. I’m slower. Numb… huh? Ice?

Her torn uniform and undershirt were cold, as was her skin, a faint yet rapidly growing ice encroaching on her, sapping her warmth. Motoko was suffering too, her uniform stiff and hampering her elegant movements.

This is bad. Even if by some miracle we’ve killed all the intruders but him… nobody left can handle this! He can just freeze the locked classrooms and shelter, and everyone will die of hypothermia! Worse, Natsumi was keenly aware she was in a dishevelled state, and was simultaneously angry, embarrassed, and mad at herself for worrying about that now.

“Devils? We are simply women trying out best to defend our comrades and classmates!” Motoko shot back, sliding away using the quick footwork of Tsumura Arts, the hebiodori, or snake dance.

“Yes.” Natsumi used the distraction to free her own blade, dropping low and sweeping out with all her strength in one kick at his knee. Her toes broke under the impact, and ice scattered, but the man, Husam, as he called himself, barely moved, though he did wince.

“You are just like they are. Those without a name, only a number.” He scoffed, and suddenly the blood on his leather had solidified into bullets. Motoko and Natsumi dodged but they were slowing fast, ears, nose, lips, hands and feet already numbing. Wind roared from Motoko now, trying to replicate Natsumi’s earlier feat, but some bullets got through, and one of Motoko’s arms was hanging limp, while Natsumi was bleeding from several deep gouges in her torso, though her ribs had stopped the projectiles, at the cost of cracking.

“But that should have killed you. Wind? Does your own Jinni raise this light and wind? Feeble, if so.” he scoffed.

There’s no time. But… Her numb hands still held her sword, no longer the single treasured relic of Tsumura house, but half of a whole, and made by Akio for them both. He didn’t see her as half of Motoko, or her shadow, but… instead, he took what Motoko wished she could share and made it so. Each blade was a twin, yes, but also unique. The differences were hard to spot, but… it shows the care and attention to detail and… his foresight!

“We’ve got more!” Natsumi rushed forwards, and while Husam had higher Might and Fortitude than her, their Alacrity and Precision were comparable, which showed how hard they had trained and grinded, as Akio and Shiro had put it. Her own water elemental bullets bloomed, and barraged Husam, who was momentarily wary, as the light beams had burned his skin, even if only superficially. But when he saw it was water, he laughed, clearly amused.

“Your feeble efforts only strengthen my Ice, woman…” Some of it was frozen and returned, and Natsumi staggered, falling to one knee, one hand leaving the hilt of her katana, forming an odd shape.

Fire. Trust. Strike.

Motoko roared, her flame element blazing. Now Husam shielded his face again, and steam rose, but after a moment where he was wreathed in a yellow halo of fire, he relaxed, his armour melting but still largely intact. Raising one fist, he swung it at Motoko, but with a great effort, she blocked it with her disabled arm, and there was a sickening crack as despite her Fortitude, it was broken and twisted by the impact. She ground her teeth, dark brown eyes fierce, but still she glanced at Natsumi, trusting her plan.

The only way to beat a vastly more powerful opponent is either through surprise, or in an instant of genius using the tools on hand. If it drags out much longer, we’re dead…

“Break!” Natsumi shouted, her water element boiling. She had infused it with most of her remaining aether, and now it was part of the weakened, refreezing armour, she drew it back towards her, and the armour shattered, revealing several gaps, as her water had converged to the areas most weakened by Motoko’s flames. We’re not the same, but we do complement each other perfectly. In battle, in life or in love… we’re our own selves, but still… better together. Her embarrassment from her state changed to one at her memories, of London and later.

“Futile! Accept your demise and know it is an honour to fall by…”

Empty…” Motoko called out, thrusting one-handed. Husam sneered, knowing a katana wasn’t a thrusting weapon, but he then was caught off-guard as Motoko’s blade shone, and a brilliant beam of warm yellow-gold light left the blade. His Ice armour simply melted, the light carrying the power of fire, and at that moment, Natsumi also called out.

“…Radiance!” Her sword was swung, and the frozen numbness of her body was banished by the backlash of the golden glow. It was rather painful, just as if one warmed freezing hands near a fire, but also comforting. Her own beam also hit home, joining Motoko’s, and the target was Husam’s heart.

Utsuroi-kagayaki!” They cried together, forcing out all of their aether, and the aether that had pooled in the Twin blades ever since Akio had crafted them. There was a roar from Husam, as he drew all his icy frost back within himself, trying to fend off the light as he had before, but…

“It’s not light, but radiance!” Natsumi grinned. “Light that also carries flame…”

“It is not as beautiful or deadly as Akio’s radiance that carries Foehn, but nonetheless…” Motoko joined in, as steam rose from Husam, his strength fading as his heart and the surrounding tissues were burned to ashes, the beams colliding and cascading through his body and Chakra network.

“…with your armour weakened, and our beams converging, you’re done!” Natsumi breathed a sigh of relief, enjoying the sudden warmth in the air.

“It was a difficult decision, naming this ability to fit Tsumura Arts. Shaeula suggested ‘Akio’s Hot Passionate Love’ as the name, but that…” Motoko blushed adorably. “I cannot in good conscience shout that in battle.”

“I might have done.” Natsumi shook her head. “I feel so underdressed right now. I need the reassurance.”

Husam watched with a look of disbelief at the banter, before he collapsed to his knees, and then fell face down to the floor. Blood poured from his scorched flesh and mouth, still bubbling from the radiance. “I… the Jinn… my Ice… beaten by two… little… girls…”

He then coughed one final time, and was still.

“Little girls? I’m almost offended.” Natsumi crossed her arms under her chest, sticky blood soaking them through her torn undershirt. “Don’t you watch the news? I’m engaged to be married!”

“I do not think he cares.” Motoko winced, bracing her shattered arm and forcing the bones together. She groaned in pain, face white, but after a moment she shook her head. “I would ask for some cloth, but…”

“It’s fine.” Natsumi didn’t hesitate, and her shredded uniform was soon bandages, binding Motoko’s arm, Natsumi’s foot and their many other wounds. “Now I am unfit to be seen. If anyone does, I’ll die of shame. Though… it beats dying to him. Thanks for understanding.”

“Of course.” Motoko chuckled rustily. “I had the same thought, though I was simply going to melt his armour of ice first. After all, if we did not end him quickly, with one decisive strike, we were doomed. We are still too weak!”

“Regretting letting that Favour slip through your grasp? Especially now Eri and Hinata have their own?” Natsumi questioned her as they dragged themselves out of the school building to survey the situation. Seeing dead Fujiwara Security personnel, they bowed their heads in prayer for a moment.

“I suppose. Though… honestly, it was not a perfect fit for us. We use our bows, yes, but… a Favour for us should either be favouring many weapons, or strengthening us in other ways. But… it certainly would have made this battle rather more favourable.”

“No kidding.” Natsumi nodded. “Looks like there’s no more attackers waiting outside. I just hope and pray there’s no more Chosen in the assault. We’re done if there are, I don’t even want to face one of those ordinary assassins right now.”

“Yet we must.” Motoko warned, and Natsumi shrugged, though wished she didn’t, as her wounds ached abominably. I feel awful. I just want to curl up and sleep, or better yet, have Akio hug me and Heal all these injuries. If I was still myself from a few months ago… even one of these might have been fatal for me…

“All right, but we’re out of most of our abilities, and in rough shape. I can’t stop you, but as your erstwhile bodyguard and friend… I’m not going to let you sacrifice yourself for anyone there. Not even Honoka-sama. But… we need to save who we can. At least Kozue is still there, and a few others who have had Chirurgery. If we link up with them again…”

Motoko nodded. “I understand. I too have no wish to die. It is… not pleasant, fighting other humans. It is nothing like our battles in the Boundary. But…” She cast one last glance at the still body of Husam. “…it is a shame. An Ice Favour would have been useful.”

“Still thinking of Favours I see? Well, I want one too! Our training can only take us so far. But to get one… we have to survive. So… let’s go.” With that, the two of them limped back into the main building, Natsumi pondering their situation wistfully.

It’s a phenomenal achievement, us killing a Chosen despite not being one ourselves. But… the end result has left us near useless. I now understand why Akio is so much happier now that he’s strong enough to crush most opponents. He still won before, but… I certainly approve of having the leisure to win safely. As a bodyguard, I’d be a failure…

Indeed, while an ordinary person might think that a bodyguard had succeeded in her duties if she defeated the threat, no matter her wounds, while that was partially true, an elite bodyguard, like those who protected the nobility, or Fujiwara Security, they knew that to be injured was to risk being unable to protect from follow-up attacks. It hurts the heart of our charges too. Though fortunately, Motoko is understanding and made of sterner stuff, with a stout heart and great courage. Besides… her injuries wounded my heart…

Thinking such thoughts, the faint stirrings of their slowly regenerating aether beginning the process of Ether Healing, the two of them exchanged a glance, now once more communicating with hand signals, as getting ambushed again in their current state would be a disaster…

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