Chapter 204
Chapter 204
I breathed roughly through my mask as I stayed low, hiding under the tall pink flowers. They were closer to bushes covered in flowers than anything. I silently approached the green-robed man. He still had my knife in his shoulder blade from where I’d thrown it, and I would rather not lose it to the fire.
I checked the situation as I moved for him, carefully keeping myself out of sight and hidden. Persha had already charged into the space, cleanly executing seven of the chromed ones as the other Squires supported her charge with strong suppressing fire. It was only a matter of time till all was cleaned up.
As for the Adepts? They looked like they were stuck deep in confusion. Half of them looked towards the other entrance. My distraction over there was doing wonders keeping them looking away from the main force. The turrets I’d packed weren’t anything crazy, but the gunshots definitely sold the idea that someone was fighting over there.
The other half tried to cast their magic to support the chromed fighters holding back the rest of the squad, but the fumes from burning Enron Flowers were already working their magic. Although not as strong as injecting directly into the vein, the fumes from burning Enron Flowers were still enough to grant someone the effects of Euphoria. They were not only having a hard time focusing on the attack, but the overwhelming pleasure and, well, euphoria of the drug were quickly overwhelming their mental facilities.
I’ve been told that casting magic is a precise and methodical practice for Adepts. With them out of it, their magic wasn’t even a threat. The most they could do was use their wands for the stored quick-cast spells, though the ones that attempted that seemed to do more harm than good as their attacks grew more and more lackadaisical, hitting their own people.
‘Course, it helped that the Squires were deep in cover and Knight Persha had enough combat sense to keep the other guys between her and the Adepts. The Knight may be bullish, but she definitely had a knack for fighting.
As the fire spread, they were even more incapacitated. The closest ones simply collapsed in a joyful daze, unfeeling as the fire started to devour their flesh. Drugs were damn scary. A few of the ones that seemed to resist somewhat still tried to put out the fire, but all the water they threw at it just caused the fire to react explosively.
A simple trick with a bunch of chemicals. Took a while to get it all set up and for the canteen to generate the right stuff, but add some of the chemicals I copied from Cold Moon Solutions to a Molotov? My masterpiece- a flame that only grew rougher with each attempt to put it out.
I kept low and slunk up to the fallen Adept, ripping my jade dagger from his back. I breathed deeply through my mask, thankful that I brought it as I slotted it back into my sheath. The entire plan hinged on incapacitating the Adepts using the Enron field. Knight Persha had an eye for strategy, though we were technically destroying evidence. Somehow, I don’t think anyone in the Crusade would actually care about that particular detail.
I crouched down and ran my hands over the leader’s pockets and body, checking for anything worth looting. I pulled out several things, not caring what they were before I pocketed them. Of course, I didn’t forget to pocket his amulet of protection either. I could check it all out later.
I did pause momentarily as I pulled out a ritualistic-looking dagger. It had a long, zigzagging blade marked with dried blood that seemed ingrained into the metal. A check of Aetherial Perception revealed slight thrums of a resonant energy. A remnant maybe?
As I toyed with the blade, I finally took a look at the leader's face. He was a mundane sort, with nothing standing out in the slightest. Looked just like any other random stranger in the city. His eyes were wide open though, staring at me in terror. And yet, there was a certain… pleading quality to them? His face twitched around as he tried to change his expression and speak.
”Are you… are you pleading for mercy?” I asked the fallen man lightly.
His eyes bobbed up and down. I could practically hear his voice screaming ‘Yes!’. He frantically tried to get his message across as I crouched down.
”Oh?” A flash of a smile crossed my lips as I put on the most innocent look I could. Not sure how much of that translated through the mask though. I raised the blood-stained dagger and glanced down at it.
I rammed my foot down onto his hand, grinding it into the ground as I stood back up. Don't know if he could feel it through the paralysis, but it made me feel better. With my other foot, I tilted his head slightly to the side- to where the hundreds of human sacrifices lay against the wall like discarded garbage.
”I wonder?” A gurgle of pain came from his throat as he tried to fight off the paralysis. “Did they ask for mercy? Or were they too high to realize what was going on? Hmm…” The dead's expressions suggested at least some of them realized the horror of the situation.
I looked up to the approaching fire. It was only a matter of time till it spread to this section of the Enron field. I looked down at his eyes. Already, I could see they were starting to dilate without anything to protect him from the fumes. “Well, I guess it doesn’t matter. You’ll know soon enough, won’t you?”
I stepped away from the man, returning to my stealth state as I got high ground and took it all in once more. I’d felt it a few times before, but this place really felt familiar for some reason? It was a bit odd.
A few things had changed in the squad’s fight. The group had taken care of the chromed guards entirely, looking as though they only took a few minor injuries. The Knight truly was a beast of slaughter, or at least that’s how she looked covered in blood as she was.
Their enemies had changed at some point, converting to plant-based monstrosities once more. Not that it seemed to be much of an issue for the Knight. Nothing there was on the level of the Corrupted Dryads, instead seemingly closer to the Growths from New Tress City. Only- this batch didn’t have the numbers advantage.
I looked out across the field, spotting all sorts of hidden plants. They seemed kind of weak though. Most struggled as the fires ate at their bodies, squirming around and causing the entire field to look as though it was alive.
It seemed there were all sorts in the Enron field covering up the ritual circle. My hand shot up to the Circle amulet still dangling from my neck. Probably would’ve been attacked by said creatures while trying to sneak through if not for the amulet. Pocketing this thing was such a good idea.
With my high-ground advantage, I pulled out my rifle once more and swept over the last three Adepts standing. The first fell with an easy burst of my rifle, the bullets ripping through the dazed figure’s body without an issue.
The second lasted a little longer. My first shots alerted him to the fact a shooter was present in the chamber. He quickly cast some kind of spell using a wand, causing my bullets to impossibly veer off target. Reflection? Or something similar?
It didn’t really matter. After spending time with Lia and having her protective magics cast on me, I was somewhat aware of their weakness. They weren’t so good at multiple hits. Lia’s had, what, ten charges? Roundabout? I could easily drain something on that level, assuming there weren’t any major differences between this Adept’s spell and Lia’s Magi spell.
I spaced out my shots as he struggled for another of his wands, steadily draining the charge of whatever magic he used. Each bullet veered off, piercing into the fields beyond. Still, I stayed steadfast with my aim. He finally got a hold of his other wand. It glowed a sickly green as the nearby plants started to react-
A bullet punched through his protective barrier, slamming into his chest. Several more immediately followed, felling the man. I wasted no time sweeping my rifle to fire at the-
I threw myself to the ground as a thorny vine whipped through the air with a sharp crack. Insight's slicing cold warned me just in the nick of time. The vine seemed to have a mind of its own, whipping back as if to strike me down.
I rolled to the side, drawing and throwing my emergency boot shiv with pinpoint accuracy as I moved. The shiv flew through the air, meeting the whip as it sliced cleanly in half before disappearing into the field beyond. Rip emergency shiv. Before the destroyed vine could even hit the ground, it faded into the Aether.
A spell. One of the Adepts was still up, and probably conscious. At least, conscious enough to realize what was going on in their surroundings. Damn, I was really hoping the leader would be the only strong Adept…
Instead of repeating my angle like a gonk, I ensured my stealth Perks were active and moved down the rock outcropping I’d been using as cover. I carefully repositioned myself, using the shadows to hide my movements.
Once I was in a good off angle to get the Adept, I prepared to pop up and shoot once more-
Wait! What if they have something like Reflection active? Just a shot won’t get through… Hmm… The last one’s magic was more like a point defense system than a full-on shield, right? I could use that.
I quickly withdrew my last chemically infused Molotovs. I didn’t immediately throw it though. First I picked up a sizable rock and tossed it to the other side of the rock outcropping, causing noise and movement on the complete opposite side.
Then, with the distraction hopefully keeping the Adept’s attention, I peeked up and lined up the Molotov. The Adept wasn’t even looking at me as he cast a spell toward the other side of the rock. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched a small forest of sharpened roots shoot up from the ground. If I was over there, there’s a high chance I would’ve been impaled by the spikes.
I threw the Molotov perfectly, as per usual thanks to Throwing Weapon Master. The flaming explosive arched through the air, shattering just before reaching the Adept as his defensive magic activated. As the bottle shattered, it spewed its payload all over the surrounding area, including the Adept.
A scream ripped through the air as the flames spread across the person’s body. I tuned him out after the first several screams. Dying to fire was supposedly one of the most painful deaths, and this guy didn’t seem to have the protection of being too high to feel it like the others. I almost felt bad.
With the Adepts taken care of, I checked the situation once more. The others were still fighting plant monstrosities. Only, now, the bigger and more dangerous ones had made their way out of the field. In particular, a giant mawed beast like the one Hope and I blew up fought the Knight in an intense melee as several thorn throwers supported it.
It looked to be a long fight since the mawed beast could regenerate nearly all the attacks the Knight hit it with, but the group was slowly taking ground. Its regeneration seemed to have an upper limit, unlike a certain sword-wielding maniac’s stamina.
Once more I was thankful for the amulet I klept. I can’t even imagine how horribly everything would’ve gone if the plants attacked me while I was trying to run interference with the Adepts-
Cold talons pierced through my skull and shoulder, tearing apart my body easily. I barely managed to activate Burst Step in time to dodge Insight’s predicted strike. As soon as I vacated the area, a massive shape flew through, tearing apart the air as it flapped up into the shadows.
I lost sight of it momentarily, only catching a familiar view of six glowing red eyes as a deep, guttural laugh filled the chamber.
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