Overpowered Wizard

Chapter 281: B3: C71: The Shadow of Darkness

The apocalyptic storms of oil and coals worsened. Zarian, his Floridians, and his wife endured as they rode on a platform made from Para and Naomi’s phantom psychic powers. They tried to keep going until they nearly ran into an entropic titan.

Zarian figured it was time for a rest stop. They dove for a giant mountain standing above the dark ocean. Hannah dug her way through the heavy layer of sludge and reached the rocky center in the middle. Half an hour later, they had a hotel with full amenities and a crystal generator powering everything.

Hannah was a miracle worker, and Zarian could still hardly believe he forced her to endure a corpse-like state for optimization. They’d all gone through harsh training, suffered great pains, and even endured the forces of Hidden Hell together, but it definitely hit differently to deny a friend some quick relief for insurance purposes.

Despite having some energy thanks to Gilbert’s abilities, Zarian still felt wrung out and depleted in the magical sense. So he separated from everyone during the debrief, went straight to the basement pool area, took a quick shower to get the muck off, and then crashed into the hot community pool.

Letting his eyes wander, Zarian examined the green-tinted water filled with rare magic minerals that had regenerative effects. Even the steam rising from the hot pool had a green tint and tasted of helpful magic with each breath Zarian drew in.

Hannah wasn’t a healer, but her mythical abilities could promote a higher rate of recovery with the right materials and enchantments. Zarian saw that through the runes engraved into the bottom of the pool and the runic water vents.

He saw more ingenious designs in the relaxing soft lighting beaming down from the ceiling and in the runic music playing from the magic speakers.

Everything in the hotel had Hannah’s meticulous and subtle touch of making things better to where even Zarian wouldn’t notice a benefit from Hannah’s until he stopped to pay attention.

Hannah could flaunt a million and one things about her crafts, but she didn’t. She was focused on bettering her craft.

“She should celebrate her efforts more.” Zarian relaxed even further to float in the water. “I’m sorry I did what I did, Hannah.”

“She will remember what you’ve done and only think it was the right decision,” said a feminine voice that was like chocolate and poison. “She will think of you as powerful for deciding what you did, which is only proper. After all, she worships you.”

Zarian sighed, his mood dropping a little. “Would you like to join me, wife?”

A porcelain foot tapped the water’s surface by Zarian’s head hesitantly. Then the foot dropped onto the submerged step below the surface, followed by another. Luciana’s doll took a graceful seat near Zarian’s head, the ball joints creaking ever so slightly.

Everything became still and silent except for the pleasant music and babbling flow of moving water. Zarian turned his focus inward to see what was wrong with him. He sensed there was an issue with his aura channels.

Moving aura or using magic was easier inside of the hotel because of Hannah’s runic crystal generator. The aura density felt just about right, similar to being back in the World of Castles and Caverns. The proper aura density levels made it easier for Zarian to investigate his aura issues and come to an accurate conclusion that made sense.

His Lion Prince skill was getting in the way. Instead of ripping apart his body as part of a drawback, it slowed his aura recovery immensely.

Based on the rate of recovery, he needed another day before they could continue their quest to end the invasion. By then, the drawback from Lion Prince would fade, too.

Having a power that can alter reality to your favor can really suck when it comes to unexpected consequences, Zarian thought. I’ve got to be careful with that. Screwing up my aura recovery is a nightmare for me.

Zarian’s lion tail swayed in the water underneath him with a swish of anxiety.

Luciana’s doll reached down with her articulate porcelain fingers and rubbed them across Zarian’s forehead. Attracting his attention, Zarian looked up as the doll kept tracing her fingers back and forth over his forehead. Then she clenched her fist and pulled.

The wizard trembled.

Reality made a strange, keening sound.

His aura channels felt tilted in his body as the lights flickered ghoulishly.

Something shadowy appeared in Luciana’s grasp before breaking apart into fading motes.

Before Zarian could say anything, the rate of recovery jumped up significantly. It still wasn’t as high as it should be, but it was much better than before.

Instead of needing another day to recover, he would only need six hours. The curse from Lion Prince would fade away completely by then, too.

Zarian’s amazement disappeared when Luciana’s doll lost her right arm. The corrupted limb disintegrated into fine shadowy particles that faded away quickly.

Luciana didn’t respond to the loss, nor did her doll, except for having a creepy smile that grew ever wider on her porcelain face. She even giggled.

“What the hell was that?” Zarian asked.

“I removed as much as I could of the unfavorable odds bothering you, husband,” Luciana explained. “There is no need for you to suffer such a tragedy when I’m around.”

“Was that a divine power or an ability from the doll?” Zarian asked.

He couldn’t identify the doll-like avatar. Each attempt ended with <Unable to Identify> . Both his Wonder stat and Bianca’s Wonder stat couldn’t make heads or tails of thing either.

“Maybe a bit of both,” Luciana answered and left it at that.

Zarian huffed. “You’re so annoying.” He huffed again. “But … thank you.”

There was a lot they could talk about. Zarian had plenty of questions he should ask. Yet, they didn’t bother talking much.

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

For some strange reason, floating at the edge of the pool with Luciana soaking her feet next to him was a relaxing vibe. The gurgling runic water vents and soft mood music in the backdrop added to the vibe.

Zarian felt no need to disturb it, and Luciana seemed satisfied with just sitting and watching him. Time became a little fluid until the others entered the community pool area.

“Finally! Freedom!” Gilbert roared, stomping off toward the showering stalls.

“My brain is broken. Para and Hannah asked too many questions. I can no longer think. I can only move and breathe and be icky,” Bianca moaned, striding quickly after Gilbert.

“There was a lot to cross reference with our first experiences against the invaders,” Para said, following them, still possessing Naomi’s body.

Zarian tensed up a little with Para/Naomi’s passing before his attention turned sharply to Hannah, who entered the pool area last. She said nothing and went straight for a stall.

Everyone showered to rid themselves of the muck before switching into trunks or bathing suits like the ones Zarian or Luciana wore. Then they joined Zarian inside of the regenerative pool.

The relaxing atmosphere died off after the initial pleasure of dipping into the magic pool faded. Everyone’s attention drew toward the most likely source of discomfort.

Luciana smiled at all of them. “Hello, fellow adventurers. I’m an adventurer, just like you.”

“Uh, huh? Keep telling yourself that,” Gilbert said.

“Where did your arm go?” Bianca asked.

“I sacrificed the limb to rid a majority of the curse afflicting my husband. He will recover sooner so we can return to the adventure sooner,” Luciana said.

“How soon?” Para asked.

“Five hours now,” Zarian said.

Gilbert and Bianca sighed. The both of them clearly wanted more time to relax in Hannah’s hotel. They still had about three or four days before reaching the source of the invasion between two universes.

During that time, they would have to endure the raining muck and avoid more entropic titans. Zarian didn’t blame them for wanting to stay longer in Hannah’s hotel before going back into the shit.

Para shifted closer to take a seat near Zarian, opposite of Luciana. The wizard saw a glimpse of Naomi’s body drenched in the green-tinted water while still wearing nothing but runic cloth bands.

He closed his eyes and breathed slow and deep breaths. When he opened his eyes again, his heart thumped hard in his chest. The creepy, cheerful expression on the doll’s face became neutral and deadpan.

His wife was clearly unamused by Naomi’s presence.

“So! We have a few hours to spare before going out to be covered in all of that bad stuff again,” Bianca said, with extra cheeriness. “Maybe we can play a game or–”

“Why did your corruption affect Keiko when she’s most likely an Outsider like us?” Hannah asked directly.

Before Bianca could attempt to lighten the mood again, Luciana’s head jerked toward Hannah. The deadpan expression shifted into a small smirk on the doll’s face.

“Keiko was an Invader. Invaders are not Outsiders. And the rules only apply as a limitation under the Star System. Without those, I can corrupt what I want to corrupt,” Luciana explained.

Bianca’s attempt for frivolity died in her throat. Everyone froze, even Zarian, from the implications of Luciana’s words.

Gilbert said it best. “God Almighty, you’re still holding back?!”

“I’ve always been holding back, more so than what the Star System or Ariana knows,” Luciana said. “I don’t even know how much power I can truly wield, in fact. I know within me I’m destined to be the strongest of the Shadowfell Family, blessed with every prodigious ability that flowed down my ultra bloodline. But I haven’t cared to explore that until…”

“I inspired you with the Darkrun Apocalypse,” Zarian finished.

Luciana let out a dark laugh. “Yes, until you inspired me to explore my powers … within reason. I don’t mind playing by the rules of the Star System as long as I can … change a few things when it feels more fitting.”

“Your corruption extends beyond just living beings,” Hannah said, matter-of-fact. “It can affect Systems as well. That’s why the Greater Aberration Corrupted had a +1 class. That’s part of your corruption taking over.”

Zarian stopped himself from shuddering when he thought back to that fight with Luciana’s latest creation. That thing was immense, powerful, and a force to reckon with.

Zarian had dipped into a new side of himself – a more angry side – that gave him world-shaking power under the influence of Lion Prince. The reality-altering skill liked it when he was angry even at the cost of damaging everything around him as well as himself.

“Just like how Zarian has his darkness and his cute reality-altering power, I have certain abilities of my own that are beyond normal for the minor gods of the Star System,” Luciana explained. “Though your concerns about me are too small.”

“Stop, stop, stop,” Bianca said. “If we keep going like this, we won’t relax. We only have five hours, and I want to chill out in the nice hot pool you created, Hannah.”

“I agree with Bianca,” Gilbert said. “We can sweat the big stuff after we go back out there into that forsaken world.”

Para kept her words to herself. She was curious by default, but she cared about her friends. However, there was one person who was the most curious of all and couldn’t relax like the others, and this time it wasn’t Zarian.

“What do you mean our concerns about you are too small?” Hannah asked, bulldozing forward, staying relentless. She was still wearing her Solid State Spectacles, too.

Luciana chuckled darkly. Her next words were the most haunting words Zarian had heard in a while.

“What makes you think that Zarian, Ariana, and myself are the only children of Ultra Gods having our fun in these lesser realms? What makes you think that this is only reserved for the Ultra Families of Darkrun and Shadowfell? What makes you think that there aren’t more multiversal threats? Though, I doubt anyone is as powerful as my dear husband, but there could be one in the Enslavement System, if we are truly unlucky. How tragic would that be?”

Gilbert left the pool to go to his room and pray.

Bianca left with tears trailing down her cheeks.

Hannah left to go work on some of her projects.

Para/Naomi remained in the water to Zarian’s left. Luciana continued sitting on the edge with her feet in the water to Zarian’s right.

The wizard, the son of Ultra Gods, didn’t know what to say.

A part of him might’ve known there could be more children of Ultra Gods out there other than him, his little sister, and his wife. But having Luciana explain it so plainly like that made it a more obvious concern.

“Is there a way to tell who are Ultra Gods and who aren’t?” Para asked gently.

“Having them say their full name or their family name. Or say yours and see how they react,” Luciana explained. “Our names carry the magic of the Ultra Gods and are distinct enough for us to feel. Use this against an abnormally powerful enemy and you’ll find out.”

“Was Keiko one?” Zarian asked.

Luciana giggled like a loon. “No, no, no. Keiko was one of the weaker invaders. Hence why she went first.”

“Shit, for real? She didn’t feel weak,” Zarian grumbled.

“We should try to close the invasion gate as soon as possible, husband. The enslavers of the Enslavement System are powerful. Much more than the usual adventurers of our dear Star System. Even if they cannot take you, if they can succeed in their ultimate plan here, our universe is doomed.”

Zarian sighed. “Damn … Bianca was right. Should’ve just chilled out and waited to hear this gloomy stuff after we left the nice hotel.”

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you, Luciana?” Para accused.

“Of course I am. Wherever there is conflict and tragedy, there is me, a shadow of darkness.” Luciana kept laughing.

In the near future, Zarian planned to head into a Lovewar Temple and finally have a heart-to-heart with the sisterly Good Goddess. He hadn’t talked to Lovewar ever since the days before the Darkrun Apocalypse.

He really should reconnect with her and thank her. He imagined it took a certain someone to stick it out as Luciana’s friend and keep the Evil Ultra Goddess from going off the deep end.

I should cherish the smaller gods on my side. It must suck ass to put up with the craziness of us Ultra Gods, Zarian thought.

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