Chapter 27: Warrior (3)
Chapter 27: Warrior (3)
Chapter 27: Warrior (3)
"Hey, paint at that spot!"
"No, that spot!"
A group of giggling children surrounded the wooden sculpture erected between the settlement's entrance as two men on wooden ladders redid the paint. Nik wandered to the area after noticing the commotion once he walked downhill into the heart of the settlement.
"Nik?" Katara was shopping by the stall. Seeing him, she walked up with small bags hooked around her fingers and a basket full of dried meat and spices in her arms.
"Hey, here, let me take some of this," Nik picked the basket from Katara's arms and then looked at the two men refurbishing the statue of a woman with long brown hair. They painted her face white with red marks extended past eyeshadows, just like the Kyoshi Warriors' attire. A golden headdress adorned her forehead, and she similarly held two unfurled war fans to the current generation of warriors.
"She's Avatar Kyoshi that the villagers talk about. It's funny thinking of Aang as a muscular woman," Katara smiled as Nik chuckled.
"That's a lot of stuff you've bought," Nik looked at her hands, more interested in her purchases as she couldn't help but take a deep breath.
"I'm tired of gruel and fish stew in the village... and I haven't tried cooking other things. So this will be a new experience for me."
"Oh! Hey girls, fancy seeing the two of you with fruits, meat, and veggies."
Sokka came snickering as Nik looked back. He could understand if it was a child or a teenager constantly making girl jokes, but Sokka truly liked to milk that particular cow. Aang made stupid decisions despite being deceptively wise, and Sokka was more than intelligent and cunning despite being childish.
'Maybe he should try milking the bull sometimes... nope, Esta was right, even if I hate her guts. Never make puns...' Nik closed his eyes, having a moment of silence for himself, and then looked at Sokka, "So? Did you find anything interesting near the ports?"
"Why?" Sokka remarked sarcastically, "So you can rush your ass out of the mess Aang might get into after your advice?"
"Sokka!" Katara frowned as Nik smirked. "I was just interested. Even if I wanted to leave, I don't have any money, remember? And besides Aang, I don't expect anyone else to take me to the mainland."
Sokka shrugged, "I was just kidding, don't take it seriously. We were all tense before breakfast. But no, I found nothing interesting near the Ports."
"So, we're here for some time until Aang makes up his mind," Nik muttered, looking towards the hill. Beyond the Chieftain's cottage is the Kyoshi Warrior's training dojo. He was interested in learning how to defend himself after encountering Suki's group since Kyoshi Warriors held a charming advantage over Sokka's guidance—technique.
"So? Where's Aang?"
"-- lp me!"
An echo attracted the trio as they looked up. Aang flew past them on his glider while a group of girls rushed past the trio, chasing after him.
"Huh... maybe this will set him straight. If he's running from girls then god forbid he encounters any tough monster further down the road," Nik mumbled as Sokka agreed with a chuckle.
"Anyways, I'll go to the cottage where the Kyoshi Warriors train. Suki said that she might just teach me some skills," Nik looked at the basket, "To the chief's house?"
"Sure," Katara nodded.
"Wait! You'll pick a bunch of women in make-up over me?" Sokka quickly followed.
"I'm not picking anyone." Nik inclined his head, "We're here only temporarily, right? I can try and learn a few things and then return to your wise guidance," he replied with ease.
"No way, nuh-uh!" Sokka snorted, "I'll test them myself. Maybe they're trying to make a fool of you. Katara knows it the best—women can be mean and dangerous. Heck! Even Aang knows it now, or he wouldn't be running!"
"Gliding," Katara corrected, "And Sokka's right. Maybe the Kyoshi Warriors have something else in mind, you know. I will come with you two. If they're teaching something, I want to learn, too."
Nik shrugged. Both of them were right, and Suki did seem oddly giddy while inviting him. He would characterize this as his charm, but there was also a chance he may have irked Suki by devouring her fans. So it was fine if the siblings wanted to tag along. One was an experienced fighter with a few smart-ass comments about women, and the other one happened to be a woman—balancing each other out—as all things should be.
Alongside Sokka and Katara, Nik walked uphill to the larger cottage. It was built better than the other residences in the village. A sturdier roof and a thicker platform barely rose from one side due to the slope that gave stability to the cottage. The sound of rhythmic movements of clothes and the sharp edges of the war fans unfurled and used echoed through the closed doors.
"Go on, you said you wanted to test them," Nik looked at Sokka, happy to let the mighty Chieftain test the waters.
"Damn right, I do," Sokka narrowed his eyes. Standing in front of the door, he bent his waist back with his leg raised, ready to kick down the door. For a moment, he stood there silently and then lowered his leg.
*Knock* *Knock*
Sokka knocked politely. Feeling the stares on his back, he turned to give them a look, "What? The village is already having trouble doing trading. The last thing they want is a reconstruction on their list of worries."
He...wasn't wrong?
The sound of the women training stopped as the door slid open, revealing a woman dressed in the proper 'Kyoshi' attire.
"What?" The woman answering the door inquired sharply.
"Who's Suki?" Sokka frowned.
"Can't you tell?" The woman raised her eyebrow.
"No, because all of you look the same," Sokka frowned as Nik looked over Sokka's shoulder, "Hey, Suki. I didn't think you'd already changed your get-up again. I've come to take you on your deal. Hope you don't mind Sokka's fervor to better his skills by challenging you guys."
Standing right in front of Sokka, Suki smiled, "The snow Avatar Aang showered us with ruined the paint, so I had to redo all of it either way. Anyways, welcome. I will introduce you to everyone—Hey, wipe that scowl off your face already. We don't bite!" She frowned at Sokka.
"But you sure do cut," Sokka remarked as he looked at the shelves by the edge of the wall holding sheathed swords.
"Everyone," not replying to Sokka, Suki turned around, attracting everybody's attention. There were more than 12 warriors this time, and the cottage's interior was simply a large hall in the front, used for training, with a significant portion behind the wooden wall accessible by a door in the corner.
Aside from Suki and eleven other women, the rest of the group consisted of young girls who looked at the trio curiously.
"Sokka is part of a 'close friend's' group, and he wishes for an exchange of skills. Who wants to—"
"No," Sokka instantly pointed at Suki, "I'll beat the leader. One-on-one. Last time you ambushed us with a greater number. I want to see if you're good without any help."
"Fine," Suki smirked and waved her hand back, signaling the group to move back in a semi-circle behind Suki while Katara cleared her throat, calling out, "You can do it, Chief!"
"Yes, just punch and run," Nik couldn't help but grin.
As he said this, Nik began to observe Sokka and Suki. Nik had to enter the Dojo and move around to glance at both warriors from their profile views as Katara followed after him. A chill crept into the dojo from the open door, infecting the warm interior and forcing everyone to straighten their spines attentively.
"Are you ready?" Suki inquired, not taking any particular stance while Sokka held his fists close to his chest and neck.
"I can go easy on you if you want. Don't want the sin of bullying a woman on my conscience."
"And the said woman doesn't want your bullshit," Suki rolled her eyes.
Not speaking anymore, a little annoyed, Sokka punched out when everything 'collapsed.' Catching his wrist accurately, Suki instantly leaned forward, pressing her elbow onto Sokka's chest and kicking at his ankle, making his feet leave the firm comfort of the wooden floor. Sokka was left to fall on his back as Suki loosened her hold against his wrist.
A swift reply in this manner made Sokka stare at the ceiling in a daze. Katara had her lips parted in surprise. The Kyoshi Warriors didn't have it this easy during their ambush near the settlement, so such a swift response left Nik and Katara in a daze, too!
"Had enough?" Suki inquired, leaning forward with her arms akimbo.
Brought out of his daze, Sokka sat up, shaking his head to readjust himself as he frowned while recollecting what went down.
'Alright... elbow to the chest and a kick to the ankles,' he grunted while standing up.
"Wait a minute," Sokka coolly replied as if Suki didn't knock him down moments ago. Taking off his coat, Sokka handed it to Katara with the limp of his left foot now slightly visible despite him trying to suppress it.
While Nik's belted tunic underneath his overcoat had its edges reach his calves and was more form-fitting due to the fashion in demand with women, Sokka wore a full-sleeved tunic with its front placed one over another (like a kimono front) held in place by a wrap of thin white cloth belt.
"I'm not gonna fall for the same tricks," Sokka's shoulders tensed up, his muscles tightly flexing as he grew ready to respond to any situation. His legs parted, and he crouched, shifting his center of gravity to make it harder for others to push him down.
Pickering her lips, Suki simply beckoned Sokka to attack. Sokka began with a swift left kick, revealing his skills through his actions. Instead of invading Suki's space as he did previously only to lose, Sokka had one intention: to throw her off. He aimed his kick slightly away from her hand and towards her gloved fingers.
Proving Sokka's expectations, Suki moved back by a step as he followed with a proper right kick from the side. His waist tilted accordingly, and his left thigh shifted sideways to provide a greater 'snapping' force to his right kick. But Suki bent her body while splitting her legs in a show of flexibility before she held a clenched fist to Sokka's waist—just shy south.
Afraid, Sokka quickly moved back and glared at the woman.
"Shouldn't you be thanking me? I could have done some serious damage," Suki replied without losing her smile and gestured a flicking motion with her right hand. With an opening that wide opening, she could have knocked Sokka's capable swimmers.
Veins popped over Sokka's temple, and the flesh around the corner of his lips and nostrils tightened, "Listen," he glowered in frustration due to the constant provocation, "You're mean!" he shouted before stomping and walking out, his shoulders scrunched up.
"Sokka, your coat—" Katara called out.
"I don't want it!"
He shouted.
"You got to teach me that," Katara looked at Suki seriously, speaking once she knew Sokka was out of earshot. Suki smiled in response, "Not so easily."
Walking forward, Suki closed the doors to the dojo and looked at the duo.
"There are a few reasons why I invited Nik. I would have invited you, Sokka, and the Avatar, too. The Chief had a request for the village, and so do I. But I will keep that for later. As you saw, the Kyoshi Warriors can offer you techniques of self-defense."
"What can we do for you? We have to know it before accepting any favors," Katara inquired.
Suki looked at the others. Seeing distress streaking across the expressions of those she'd known for years, Suki sighed softly, "It won't be burdensome, I promise. Offering Avatar Kyoshi's teaching as a trade is unethical. But... after the war, we all have pretty much broken the code already."
"Wouldn't it be easier to explain clearly?" Nik inquired.
"Girls, let's end today's session here. Jie, you should lead the team to patrol the docks, and others will go through the forest," Suki pursed her lips and made everyone leave the dojo.
"Stupid girls, in their stupid green armor, and their stupid make-up and Kyoshi Blah-blah!" Sokka grunted, kicking against the snow as he strutted with a furious expression. 'She just had to be that flexible and when everything was starting to fall in line with the plan.'
Sokka suddenly stopped as he saw the Village Chief walking uphill in his direction.
"Ah, the Chief of Water Tribe's Village, you look worse than before. Is it the cold? Hmm, wearing thicker clothes like your coat is certainly advisable."
The man smiled as Sokka's lips twitched.
"I'm no chief, whatever, I'm going back to sleep. It's late," Sokka huffed when the man stopped him, "Fine, young man, do you want to see something amazing?"
"What things?" Sokka inquired dubiously. He has had enough of older individuals trying to lure him into their private spaces for illicit deeds, so being alone with older people, especially women, keeps him on his toes.
"Avatar Kyoshi's weapons," the village chief replied.
"Oh, alright," Sokka nodded with interest. As they walked up, the group of Kyoshi warriors walked out in numbers. Seeing them, Sokka dodged their gazes and avoided their slightly mocking smiles. Greeting the group, the village chief led Sokka to the small, well-built hut on top of the hill.
"Avatar Kyoshi was Young Avatar Aang's predecessor almost 400 years ago," the village chief spoke up, kindling the lamp post outside the hut and two other lamps inside. Dimly lit, Sokka observed the spacious interior—Avatar Kyoshi's personal effects.
"Those are her shoes?!" Sokka gasped as he looked at the size of the large boots. Easily twice his size, he mused.
"Hehe, Avatar Kyoshi had the largest size of feet ever recorded for an Avatar," the Chief replied, a little smug about this accomplishment.
Inside the hut wasn't just a pair of shoes on display. Large war fans, at least, larger than what the Kyoshi Warriors use. Sword and a shield. A large headdress and a few locked shelves.
"What was your name again?" The Chief inquired as he took a piece of clothing, cleaning the items around.
"Hm? Sokka," he replied non-committally.
"Sokka, it may not be my concern, but you introduced yourself as a Village's Chieftain. What changed?"
Sokka sighed sadly, "I was the strongest warrior in my village. Well. I am the only warrior, but still, I kept the village safe. I kept Katara safe... but here, all I got was defeat. How can I be the chief of the next generation of warriors if I'm not an unbeatable warrior myself?"
He inquired rhetorically. His tone already suggested that Sokka wasn't expecting an answer. But the old man calmly replied, "A true warrior isn't a person who wins every battle that life throws at him, but he is the person who has the grit to stand after experiencing failure. No matter how many times he falls or how hard he falls—a warrior always stands up."
Sokka grew quiet. If only life was so—
"But it is hard, Sokka. That image of a warrior is only right to those who have also experienced surrendering to defeats."
"I did not surrender to anything!" Sokka scowled instantly as the Chief turned slightly and chuckled, "Then you will stand up surely, this time, wiser. Being a warrior, after all, is a path that never ends for an individual."
"It was Suki who beat you out of shape, right?"
The chief inquired as Sokka nodded with a groan.
"Find empathy in your heart, Young Chief. After all, how would you act if you're bound to an island, shackled by principles while wishing to change the situation of those around you?"
"Frustrated," Sokka answered with ease.
"And thus Suki vents," The old man explained, "After the war, when the Phoenix Procession led past our island, they failed to find anything of value. To them, even the relics of Old Avatar mean nothing because of one supreme ruler now existing. A few Kyoshi Warriors from other villages attacked the innocent informants. Attacking the innocent out of frustration for losing their loved ones to the war... broke Kyoshi's code. We managed to reason with the messengers. They weren't ill-tempered, and traveling around seeing others' misery had softened them a great deal, so the island wasn't troubled later. And from then on..."
"... I have wanted to leave the island and help those who cannot fend off for themselves. Kyoshi Island is protected. Many Kyoshi warriors will serve the general populace to redeem for actions taken on impulses. But I cannot help but keep myself from wondering, did Avatar Kyoshi want this from us? I don't dream of rebelling. And I don't dream of overthrowing anyone. But I dream of helping where others can only accept cruel treatment."
"Avatar Kyoshi separated Kyoshi Island. Maybe it was because of consequences I have yet to imagine, but seeing your group, I, too, want to leave. I want to leave with you guys and help the Avatar in whatever he deems right to do."
Suki sat on her knees and had her palms resting on her thighs. She explained everything, and Katara couldn't help but acknowledge some of the things Suki said. However, Katara wanted more. She did not desire the Fire Nation on top of everything for personal reasons.
"And you will teach us regardless of what Aang decides?" Katara inquired.
"I will not be teaching the core techniques of the band. Every Kyoshi Warrior swears their honor to not teach such things to outsiders or men. But Kyoshi created our Order to teach the needy and the defenseless. You fulfill the latter conditions. So I might be persuaded to seriously tutor you two if you both promise to follow the code of Kyoshi Warriors."
Suki's words made Nik speak up.
"Alright. When can I begin?"
"Hey, you didn't even hear their code of conduct," Katara rolled her eyes as Nik smiled, "How bad can it be?"
"Very well," Suki smiled, "I will take out the facepaint. And what about you, Katara?"
"... Fine, I guess."
Suki walked into the adjacent room while Nik looked at Katara curiously.
"Did Suki just say facepaint?"
With a smirk, Katara spoke mockingly, "Relax, how bad can it get, right?"
Alternate Title: The Kyoshi Sculpture; Aang Has a Long Way to Reach Kyoshi Glory; Sokka Milking a Genre of Comedy Hard; Cursed Puns; The Kyoshi Duel; Girls Do Be Mean; The Kyoshi Shrine; Run, Aang! RUUUNNNNN!; The Flexible Suki; A Warrior's Path is Not About Defeat—But Making A Comeback!; The Broken Code; Suki's Resolve; Exchange; Nik Raising Flags; Suki Indeeds Said Face Paint
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